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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Emu Leg Skin, Emu Products, Rabbit Products and Livestock Products

Emu Leg Skin

We are the one stop shop in market for availing Emu Leg Skin. Leather from the emu legs (Emu Leggings) is thick and appears similar to crocodile skin. Emu Leg Skin, which we offer, is used in clothing and accessories, such as watchbands, wallets, belts, and many more. The Emu Leg Skin can be dyed in different colors.

Rabbit Farming

We are engaged in providing complete guidance to farmers who are willing to start Rabbit Farming. Rabbit Farming has become very popular, owing to its higher returns and less risk involved. Our diligent team members are engaged in offering in-depth knowledge regarding Rabbit Farming, which includes breeding, caring, maintaining, treatment, etc. HistoryThe existence of rabbit with human being remained from the time immemorial. Romans were the first to domesticate wild rabbits. Wild rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus of southern Europe and North Africa is thought to have been discovered by Phoenicians when they reached the shores of Spain about 1000 BC. In Roman times the rabbit was still emblematic of Spain. The Romans apparently spread the rabbit throughout the Roman Empire as a game animal. Like the Spaniards of that time, they ate fetuses or newborn rabbits, which they called laurices. Several breeds of rabbit were known in the 16th century and this is the first record we have of controlled breeding. Domestication can therefore be traced to the date middle Ages. This was probably the work mainly of monks, since it provided them with a more delectable dish than the tougher wild rabbit. In the 16th century breeding seems to have spread across France, Italy, Flanders and England. In 1595, Agricola mentions the existence of gray brown (wild), white, black, piebald (black and white) and ash grey rabbits. In 1606, Olivier de Serres classified 3 types of rabbit: the wild rabbit, the semi wild or "warren" rabbit raised inside walls or ditches, and the domesticated or hutch-bred rabbit. The meat of the last is described as insipid, and that of the wild or semi wild type as delicate. IntroductionThe Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) strategy to fight world hunger has rabbit as its key component. . Increased awareness of the high potential of meat rabbit production has made a positive impact on the lives of the majority of subsistence, limited-resource rural and per urban populations in Western countries. In developing countries such as India, where enormous meat shortages exist, the potential for rabbit production is greatest Rabbit meat serves a source of Low saturated fat for the population overfed countries and as a source of cheap animal protein in underfed countries, thus exhibiting the varied potential of rabbit farming. Broiler rabbits must be considered as an important contributor of protein source to assure food security because of the ability of the species to produce high quality and quantity of meat. China is the largest producer of rabbit meat, constituting approximately 40% of global production. Global Rabbit Meat ProductionMost of the remainder of global production occurs in Europe. Other Asian countries viz. Thailand and Vietnam are also in the producers list. China accounts for approximately a quarter of world exports, with The Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, the United States and other European countries being the major importing nations. Current rabbit meat supply is far below estimates of domestic and export demand. The world production of rabbit meat is valued to be about 1 million tons; of this the 54% is produced in the EU. The four biggest worlds producers China, Italy, Spain, and France contribute to almost of the world production. The international trade of rabbit meat involves almost 50 thousands tons, equal to almost the 5% of the world production, to confirm that the principal part of the worlds production is destined to the domestic use80 % of the world imports are made by the European Union. Main importer countries: Italy, Belgium, France, Germany. Main exporter countries: China, Eastern Europe countries. Organized promotion of rabbit production in India took place Broiler Rabbit farming in IndiaDuring the late seventies by the import of rabbits from the UK and the former USSR, by the Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. In India, rabbit rearing has attracted farmers since the last ten to 12 years. The ever growing demand for non vegetarian proteins in developing countries like India helps the rabbit industry to grow further and further. Though it has not made an impact in the meat industry in India, there is tremendous scope for popularizing rabbit meat. In India, the production of rabbit meat had not reached any marked stage. The breeds mainly reared in India are crosses of New Zealand White, Soviet chinchilla and Dutch crosses. Rabbit HousingThe ideal direction for rabbit shed in East West. Temperature inversion factor plays important role in rabbit farming. Hence appropriate provisions for temperature maintenance should be made to avoid stress on animals. In the modern production systems of livestock, rabbit rearing is still kept under traditional pattern i.e. Deep litter. This system is mainly followed in some of the Asian countries viz. Vietnam , Bangkok which are engaged in extensive rabbit farming with a population of at least 25000 heads in one housing. The cage system of rearing replaced floor system in the late 1990s. The cages are erected on wooden poles, steel bars and on stones. Bucks and Does are housed separately in individual compartments.

Key features of rabbit farming
  • Rabbits have small body size leading to efficient space utilization
  • Rabbit Farming requires less space and it can be done as commercial or as backyard farming
  • Limited competition with human food in contrast to Poultry
  • Early sexual maturity: 6 months in Does and 12 months in bucks
  • Prolific breeders: High fecundity rates 6 to 8 pups in short gestation period
  • Year the around breeding in ideal management conditions
  • Rabbits can easily thrive on the greens (Lucerne, Maize, Guinea grass, Napier) grown for other livestock and market surplus vegetables (leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, cucumber) and with efficient Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR)
  • Can be successfully done as agro-allied farming (No requirement of skilled labor)
  • The nursing period for the pups is 20-25 days. But the Doe can be mated to a Buck after 15-20 of delivery. It means a female can deliver babies every 45 days highlighting fast reproduction. Rabbits will produce 6 pounds of meat on the same feed and water as a cow will produce 1 pound of meat on the same feed and water.
  • Within 3 months a baby Rabbit gain market weight of 2 kgs to 2.5 kgs
  • Rabbit meat is defined to be the most nutritious meat known to man. It is white meat and it has been found to provide good health and prevent excess fat, heart diseases, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetics and cancer among those who eat it.
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Emu Oil

The Emu Oil is extracted from fat. Emu Oil gets absorbed in human skin within few seconds and reaches bones. Emu Oil, that we offer, is used in skin ointments and cosmetic products. The offered Emu Oil is very effective pain killer and an effective medicine for arthritis. Owing to its numerous medicinal values, Emu Oil is widely used in international and domestic market for producing creams, lotions, etc.

Emu Feather

Emu Feather, that we offer, is double quilled, velvety and very attractive. Softness, light-weight and non-allergic property of the Emu Feather makes it suitable for various applications. Our offered Emu Feather is in demand in fashion and craft industries. A large number of unique items are made with Emu Feather.

Products Made With Emu Feather
  • Feather duster
  • Feather pad
  • Fans
  • Boas
  • Masks
  • Weather-proof apparels
  • Pillows
  • Blazers
  • Sweaters
  • Jewelry
  • Craft items

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Emu Leather

We are a notable Emu Leather Manufacturer and Supplier. Skin of Emu is very soft & smooth, and thus it is widely demanded in Leather Industry all across the world for manufacturing exclusive fashion items. Six to eight square feet of leather can be yielded from fully grown up Emu. The Emu Leather is used to produce a number of unique products. Avail Emu Leather from us at very reasonable prices.

Rabbit Fur

Rabbit Fur, that we offer, is a perfect substitute for silver fox and minks. The Rabbit Fur is used for producing various exclusive and gorgeous garments that looks very beautiful and expensive. We make available different types of Rabbit Fur that vary in coloring and fur characteristics. We offer Rabbit Fur at the market leading prices.

Emu Farming

Emu Farming has become very prominent nowadays. Emu Farming is done with a view to increase the population of Emus as a large number of products are obtained from this bird. There is no risk involved in Emu Farming, and also returns and profits are very high. We provide expert Emu Farming Services that include caring, maintaining and treatment of Emus. Business such as poultry or dairy often suffer due to various factors such as eruption and spread of infectious and contagious diseases, resulting in sudden fall in production, climatic changes, excessive heat and scarcity of water. EMU is naturally immune to all these adversities; hence EMU farming is preferred all over the world today. EMU farming as a complementary to agriculture and is going to be the most profitable business in the near future. EMU is a sober bird, living on grains, cereals, pulses and grass, its immune system is so strong that it hardly suffers from any disease. It survives in any type of climate. Each and every part of EMUs body is commercially valuable. Hence in India too, EMU- farming is taking its roots. The Government as per 1972 forest animal husbandry act for protection and rearing of forest animals, has permitted EMU farming which offers great opportunity for foreign investments and export. EMU farming is a big venture with a huge growth potential. With a little faith, EMU farmers can sit back and count their money, if they get together to promote EMU meat in households as well as hotel menus. Due to growing awareness of eating healthy, EMU meat has started getting in demand in India too. Also, with the increasing acceptability of alternate medicine, EMU oil (removed from the fat deposited below the surface of the skin) containing the pain-relieving oleic acid, and believed to be good for arthritis, has huge commercial potential. Leather products from EMU skin, made on a pilot basis by the Central Leather Research Institute, were showcased at Delhi's Pragati Maidan some years ago to great acclaim. EMU farming - Business of raising EMU birds for two main purposes :

  • The first purpose is Breeding Birds : To increase the EMU population, because of the high profits that can be made by selling young and adult EMUs birds.
  • The second purpose is to Slaughter Birds : To get the bi-products like EMU meat, EMU oil, EMU bone, EMU feathers, EMU skin, EMU nail
    • The EMU ranch's secondary market will be the slaughter market, whose main products consist of prime cuts of EMU meat, ready for sale to restaurants, residential orders, worldwide markets and in the future, shipment to supermarkets
    • High quality leather from the EMU's skin, and five to six liters of EMU oil, which is currently being used in the cosmetic industry, will also, is distributed
    • Additionally, the medical industry uses the oil for therapeutic rubbing oil, skin and facial moisturizing lotions and medical applications used for treating the skin of burn victims
    • Considering the ever growing population in India we must think about the future requirement of proteins
    • Verily EMU will be our food for future! The obvious reason for this is EMU flesh is pulpy and has 98% fatty portion with least cholesterol and high percentage of iron in it. The oil extracted from EMU fat has medicinal value
    • Emu skin is very soft it can take up any color and hence can be decorated with a variety of colors. Emu skin can fetch handsome money in domestic and international market
So the importance of this business lies in the availability of rich proteins for our people and the sales/ export potential for the oil and the skin obtained from the bird. There are many reasons as to why one should do EMU farming. In the first place this is a very fast growing business globally and now in India with a very high percentage of profit on investment. EMU is capable of surviving any type of climate and adversities. It is a non aggressive bird and is easy to look after it. The birds do not need special structures for their stay neither do they need large chunk of land. A small piece of land is fine. In one acre of land, 100 to 150 birds can be easily accommodated. EMU farming is eco friendly, highly effective, excellent business. This can be complementary to conventional agriculture. As far as Indian environment is concerned, there is highly congenial atmosphere in the country for this business. The main work of a manual labor in EMU farm is to give the birds food and water and to collect their excreta. Hence, the manual labor charges should be very less. Few men can easily look after an EMU farm with 100 birds in it. In the beginning the eggs are used for hatching and reproduction of fleshy young-ones. A sustainable market has been established for EMU flesh, skin, fat, oil, and eggs.

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