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1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Dill Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Corriander Seeds, Fennel Seeds and Fenugreek Seeds.
BOTANICAL NAME: ANETHUM GRAVEOLUNS L.FAMILY NAME: APIACEAEDill Seeds is the dried fruit of an annual herb of the parsley family. It has a distinctive but mild caraway-like flavor. A winter crop, dill requires a well-drained, sandy soil with full exposure to sunlight. The sub tropical and temperate regions of India, particularly the northern parts, produce high quality dill seeds.
The quality is enhanced by the farmer resorting to organic cultivation Dill seeds are used as a spice, and its fresh leaves, dill, and its dried leaves, are used as herbs Dill seeds also make useful addition to cold, flu and cough remedies. Dill oil can be extracted from the leaves, stems and seeds of the plant. It is well known as the prime flavoring ingredient in dill pickles and other pickled vegetables, but it is also popular for flavoring vinegars.
It is an ingredient in many Scandinavian and German fish and seafood dishes and sauces, including gravlax, and is used in soups with a variety of origins, including borscht. Dill is used as a garnish in the Baltic states, in onion dill bread, and in dips and salad dressings, including those used for potato salad.
Botanical Name: Sesamun IndicumFamily name: PedaliaceaeSesame (Sesamum indicum)is a flowering plant in the genus Sesamum. Numerous wild relatives occur in Africa and a smaller number in India. It is widely naturalized in tropical regions around the world and is cultivated for its edible seeds, which grow in pods. The flowers of the sesame seed plant are yellow, though they can vary in colour with some being blue or purple.
Records say that sesame was first domesticated in India, citing morphological and cytogenetic affinities between domesticated sesame and the south Indian native. Sesame is grown primarily for its oil-rich seeds, which come in a variety of colors, from cream-white to charcoal-black. The small sesame seed is used whole in cooking for its rich nutty flavour, and also yields sesame oil.
Sesame seeds are sometimes added to breads, including bagels and the tops of hamburger buns. Sesame seeds may be baked into crackers, often in the form of sticks. Sesame seeds are also sprinkled onto some sushi style foods.
VARIETIES:-Whole White Sesame seedsWhole Black sesame seedsBrown Sesame seeds
BOTANICAL NAME: Coriandrum sativum (LINN.)FAMILY NAME: N.O. Umbelliferae
This fragrant spice also has medicinal properties. Coriander seeds are very much considered to be carminative, diuretic, tonic, stomachic, antibilious, refrigerant. Alcoholic extracts as mother tincture of this herb is exceedingly popular amongst the homeopathic professionals.Coriander forms the base of most Indian curries. Oleoresin s can be extracted from the coriander seeds. The oleoresin is in addition employed for seasoning beverages, pickles, sweets and other numerous delicacies. It is also used in flavouring pastries, cookies, buns, cakes and tobacco product.
BOTANICAL NAME: FOENICULUM VULGAREFAMILY NAME: MILLER APIACEAEFennel seeds are defined as the dried yellowish brown schizocarpic fruits that are obtained from the plant of fennel. They have a sweet and aromatic flavour and emit a pleasant odour.
In culinary terms, fennel seeds are a very crucial ingredient in many seasoning blends of Italy, China, Scandinavia, etc. They are a commonly used ingredient in the Italian sausages and also in rye balls and meat breads. Fennel seeds are a rich source of minerals like potassium, manganese, magnesium, etc. There are two main constituents of fennel seeds, namely, Anethol and Fenchone.
Fennel seeds come with a vast set of health benefits. The presence of Anethol in the fennel seeds helps to fight against cancer and indigestion.
BOTANICAL NAME: TRIGONELLA FONEUM-GRAECUM LFAMILY NAME: FABACEAEFenugreek Seeds is a native to India and southern Europe. For centuries it has grown in the wild India. Fenugreek Seeds is the small stony seeds from the pod of a bean-like plant. The seeds are hard, yellowish brown and angular.
Uncooked fenugreek seeds have an unpleasant, bitter taste, so the seeds are usually roasted and ground before use to mellow the bitterness. Fenugreek Seeds is a favorite in Northern African and Middle Eastern dishes, and is one of the few spices that is usually used in powdered form even in Indian curries. Seed extract is used in imitation vanilla, butterscotch and rum flavorings, and is the main flavoring in imitation maple syrup. It is also used in breads in Egypt , Ethiopia and is also good in marinades.
Fenugreek Seeds is rich in vitamins and minerals, and because it is a seed and a legume, hence it is high in protein.
Family Name: Cruciferae
It is an erect annual, 3 feet or more in height, with smaller flowers than the White Mustard. It has spear-shaped, upper leaves, linear, pointed, entire and smooth, and the shortly beaked pods. The seed coat is thin and brittle and covered with minute pits.
Uses: This well known spice has its use in medicine as a stimulating external application. The rubefacient action causes a mild irritation to the skin, stimulating the circulation in that area and relieving muscular and skeletal pain.
botanical name: trachyspermum amoni (l.) spraguefamily name: sprague apiaceaealso known as ajwan, is an aromatic spice closely resembling thyme in flavour. It is popular in savoury snacks, breads and pastries. It has also excellent preservative medicinal properties.
it eases asthma, common cold, migraine, rheumatism, earache and indigestion. It also acts as a fungicide. Traditionally, india has been one of the most important sources of with rajasthan and gujarat as the main producing regions.
Nigella seeds:
Botanical Name:Nigella sativa
Family Name :Ranunculaceae
Nigella seeds have a mild, nutty onion flavor, and they are used as a condiment in India and the Middle East on flatbreads and vegetable dishes. Their shape has an interesting appeal, more edgy than sesame, but they can be used in many of the same ways. Give them a quick toast in a dry skillet to bring out the most flavor.