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1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of Blended Organic Fertilizer, Organic Nicoderma, Micronutrient Mobilizing Liquid Biofertilizers, Neem Seed Fertilizer and Nutrient Mobilizing Liquid Biofertilizers
ORGO is made by scientifically blending naturalorganic substances in such a way as to provide thenutrients and micronutrients necessary for crop growth and soil health/fertility. Nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulphur, Calcium, Magnesium as well as Iron, Zinc, Copper, etc are contained in ORGO. With an organic content of 65% (minimum), ORGO performs the important function of preserving the organic, chemical and physical characteristics of the soil. The fertility of the soil increases and it becomes soft and porous. The humidity is also protected. ORGO can be used by itself or can be blended with conventional fertilizers to augment the results and improve soil fertility.
ORGO has a three tier effect on soil
It increases enzymatic activity in the plant giving rise to increased chlorophyll synthesis. This results in Lush Green Growth in the plant which increase; solar energy utilization and thus boosts the net photosynthesis and crop growth at key stages. A natural growth promoter present in ORGO helps to enhance plant growth in a natural way. This allows plants to make sufficient use of available moisture and plant nutrients to enhance crop growth at key stages. ORGO minimizes the use of synthetic pesticides because of the presence of natural repellents in its formulation and due to the presence of bio-active oil cakes of Neem, Castor and Kara nj. ORGO contains some natural soil nitrification inhibitors like Epinimbin (Neem Cake) and Karanjin (Karanj Cake). These bio-chemicals minimize nitrification, leaching and run off. ORGO remains in the root-zone for a longer time. therefore plants can make more efficient and effective use of available nutrients. Its use leads to consistently improved crop yields from 5-25% or more.
Uging ORGO in the fertilizer mix (suggested dose 50:50) reduces the need for split application of inorganic/chemical fertilizers, thus assuring overall economy in production as well as minimizing environmental pollution through leaching loss and ground water contamination. The use of ORGO helps produce a good harvest, particularly of fruits and vegetables which are nutritionally superior, taste better, have good lustre & better keepingquality.
Application Guidelines
For Gardens
BioMicro, a biological mix, is capable of mobilizin *5 Iron, Zinc and Sulphur and making them available to the plant. This combination of selected and compatible bacteria acts to give essential micronutrients to the plant. lron mobilizing bacteria efficiently make iron availableto the plant. The metabolites secreted by microorganisms into the soil as strong chemical reagents and the activities of microbial enzymes are principal factors in this process.
5ulphur Mobilizing bacteria mobilize Insoluble and chemically fixed sulphates and make them available to the plant, Zinc mobilizing bacteria - play an important role in increasing the availability of Zn in soil, thus enhancing Zn accumulation. It fortifies the soil with bacterial metabolites . BioMicro produces many organic acids like Ferric acid, Nicotinic acid, Tartaric like Ferric acid, Nicotinic acid, Tartaric acid, Mallic acid etc. resulting in an overall increase ii the availability of important micronutrients in the rhizosphere.
ORGO NEEM is a natural organic fertilizer approved for use in organic systems by Drganic Farmers & Growers (UK), OMRI (USA) and EcoCert. It has shown tremendous potential as a fertilizer and is widely used for sustainable agriculture as well as horticulture application. When ploughed into or mixed with the soil, ORGO NEEM acts naturally as a broad spectrum defense mechanism working against a wide variety of phytonematodes and soil borne insect-pests, thereby improving root development and, in turn, plant growth and yield. This dual activity of ORGO NEEM as a’fertilizer and a pest repellent has made it a favoured input and it is widely used in the cultivation of cash crops.
Application Guidelines
FormulationAvailable in pellet form, granulated and as a coarse powder
For gardens
BioAll has the unique ability to enrich the soil with Nitmgen, Phosphorous and Potash. It efficiently fixle atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizes insoluble ans chemically fixed phosphates and has the abilit mobilize and solubilize soil potash and potash compounds thus making all three of these essential nutrients available to the plant in a ready available form. lt also enhances the availability of Mn, Mg, Fe, Mo, Bo, Zn and Cu, amongothers, in the soil.
Bio All provides the major nutrients (NPK) to the soil which results in higher yield. BioAll produces certain growth promoting substances such as Thiamine, lndol and Acetic Acid which help impart resistance to the plant from plant pathogens such as Alternaria and Fusarium. It produces organic acids like Citric, Tartaric, Nlalic which increase the availability of phosphates in the rhizosphere.