Our Products
Our product range contains a wide range of Frozen Egg Albumin Liquid, Fresh Table Eggs, Egg Yolk Powder, Egg Albumin Powder and Whole Egg Powder
Egg white, also referred to as egg albumen are a high quality, nutrient dense food ingredient, as the protein in egg white has a very high biological value. It has also been shown to provide satiety and thus assist in weight loss diets.
The proteins in egg whites are very functional, and assist food product developers with overcoming certain formulating challenges. An increasingly popular challenge in today's food industry is to satisfy the restrictions set by natural foods stores on what a product may or may not contain. Egg whites have always been a good choice, as it is all natural and a nutrition powerhouse.
Egg whites help formulators with producing high volume foams and with leavening. When combined with other ingredients such as water or milk, it can be used to glaze pocket style sandwiches, rolls and breads, preventing the crusts from drying. Egg whites also act as an adhesive in both breading and coating processes, as well as with topical application ofnuts and seeds.
For ease of convenience, egg product manufacturers separate egg whites from egg yolks, and sell them as individual ingredients. Liquid egg whites are available refrigerated, ready-to-use, or frozen. The advantage to frozen egg whites is a lengthier shelf life. Food manufacturers can thaw and use on an as-needed basis.
Ingredients: Spray dried, pasteurized egg yolks. Spray dried in accordance with International standards. Filled in Bag in Box 25 kg package.
No refrigeration is required ifproduct is stored at momtemperature for a period of less than 60 days. To maximize shelf life, we reconunend storing at ambient temperature (Below 25°C), keeping cartons in a clean, dry place away from any source of moisture or high humidity. It is recommended that the egg be pennitted to wann up to room temperature before using. Under the reconunended storage conditions, the shelflife is one year fromthe date ofmanufacture.
Doughnut mixes, doughnuts, sweet dough, pie fillings, egg noodles, ice cream, eggnog, mayonnaise, salad dressings; in fact in most any product requiring egg yolks.
Product Conversion:
Ingredients: Spray dried, pasteurized egg whites. Spray dried in accordance with International standards. Filled in Bag in Box25 kg package.
No refrigeration is required ifproduct is stored at roomtemperature fora period o f less than 60 days. To maximize shelf life, we recommend storing at ambient temperature (Below 25°C), keeping cartons in a clean, dry place away from any source of moisture or high humidity. It is recommended that the egg be permitted to warm up to room temperature before using. Under the recommended storage conditions, the shelf life is one year fro mthe date ofmanufacture.
Egg Albumin Powder may be used anywhere that a high whip and high sugar carrying capacity is desired. It is a superior albumen product made to produce a strong, firm, stable foam for marshmallow toppings, cream fillings, and other candy products.
This product dissolves easily and can be used without imparting any off flavor. Uses include cakes, pies, meringues, surimi, low cholesterol products, and other high-proteindiet foods.
High Whip -This is an excellent product for use anywhere that a fast and high whip is essential. Uses include angel food cakes, cake mixes, chiffon pies, frostings, meringues, and candies.
Product Conversion:
Ingredients: Whole eggs broken Ikon, fresh 51, d eggs ing additiresi igkl den Filtered and Piddrized, Spray dried in accordance with International standards. Filled in Bag in Box 25 kg package
No refrigeration is required if product is stored at room temperature fora period of less than (d) days. To maximize shelf life, wc recommend storing at ambient temperature (Below 25"C), keeping cartons in a clean, dry place away from any source or moisture or high humidity. It is recommended that the egg be pennitted to warm up to room temperature before using. Under the tee needed storage conditions, the shelflife is one year from the date of manufacture.
With dried whole eggs, most of the moisture is removed, providing product developers with A highly concentrated egg product. Dried whole egg is typically spray dried. Sucrose, corn syrup or sodium silico alumni:ye arc sometimes added as anti-caking agents to assure a free-llowing product. Without these ingredients, the dried whole egg product could harden and solidify, making it difficult tee incorporate into lent systems. These ingredients also help preserve the whipping properties of dried whole egg. Dried whole eggs have the advantage of long shelf life and stability and are easily 'nixed with other ingredients.
This quality product can be used in practically all recipes calling for liquid whole eggs. It may be used in pies, layer cakes, pound cakes, cookies, noodles, mayonnaise, and salad dressings.
Product Conversion: Reconstitution for Two Eggs : Mix Three (3) Table Spoons of Egg Powder with Nine (9) Table Spoons of luke warm water stir & beat briskly leaving no lumps.