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We offer a complete product range of P 5 INDOOR LED MODULE, P16 LED Dual Colour Module, P10 GREEN MODULE P10, P6 LED INDOOR FULL COLOR MODULE and Demonstration Dynamo
Outdoor P16 red and green LED module Usage: Outdoor
This model uses the same basic assembly as the motor Cat. No. But is mounted on a base plate 225x100mm which also carries a hand-driven pulley 120mm diameter coupled to the smaller dynamo pulley by s rubber belt. Electric output is via a pair of 4mm sockets, and light emitting diode is provided as simple output indicator. The model may also be used as motor on a 4 to 8v D.C. supply. Overall height 150mm.
A simple demonstration of a dynamo model mounted on a wooden base of size 200 x 170mm length x width. It is hand-driven by a gear. Simplified open frame construction which can be readily understood without detriment to its essential similarity to real machine. A two pole armature wound by enamelled copper wire to rotate in U shape magnet on pivot, while in rotation process through gear wheel by hand-bulb provided glows.