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We offer the best product range of Obinol Capsules, Arthex Capsules, Glycirex Capsules, ASO Powder and I.Q.Rise Capsules.

Obinol Capsules

Obesity & weight gain When crosses limits of healthy measurements in your patients & you are anxious to bid a final farewell to Obesity & weight gain.


OBINOL capsules offer a safe & effective control over complications of Obesity & Weight


OBINOL capsules are an effective, rationalized & comprehensive herbal supplement to positively alter lipids, cholesterol & weight reduction. OBINOL capsules facilitate the removal of excess & unwanted fat, reduces weight, thus helps to maintain an optimum body mass index (BMI).


OBINOL capsules effectively useful in Obesity, Hypothyroidism, Regulation of fat metabolism, post-pregnancy weight gain & low metabolic rate


Key Search words

Ayurveda, Ayurvedic medicines , Herbal medicines,   Overweight, Weight gain, Weight reduction, Metabolic disorder, Fat deposition, Hypothyroidism, BMI (Body Mass Index)


Product Category

Ayurvedic remedy for weight reduction in overweights, athletes, Gymmers, Post pregnancy weight reduction



60 capsules packed in white H.D.P.E. containers






Each capsule contains :

Glycyrhiza glabra     25 mg

Garcinia cambogia   100 mg

Aloe vera   100 mg

Tina valley cina   50 mg

Trigonella foenum graecum  50 mg

Vitex negundo   50 mg

Piper longum root    25 mg

Picrorhiza kurroa    25 mg

Trikuta    25 mg

Trifala      50 mg



Approved colours used in the capsule shell.


USAGE: (Indications)

Obesity, Hypothyroidism, Disturbed fat metabolism, Post pregnancy weight gainLow metabolic rate



1 capsule b.i.d (Two times a day)half an hour after breakfast/lunch & dinner not to be taken empty stomach or as directed by a physician.  

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Waha Karishma Granules

Waha Karishma is a non habit forming ayurvedic digestive toner and effective laxative. It offers relief from chronic constipation, abdominal indigestion and along with other symptoms like nausea and acidity.

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Arthex Capsules

Quality of life in joint pain & stiffness ARTHEX capsules, a high efficacy herbal formulation to provide profound relief in arthritis.Doctor! ARTHEX capsules resolve the severity of swollen joints, Significant improvement in pain, stiffness and organ function. It is appreciable to note that  ARTHEX capsules are well tolerated in elderly patients with osteoarthritis.


May I assure you on behalf of ARTHEX capsules that it offers enhanced quality of life through enhanced relief while checking the progression & complications of joint disorders?


Aloe Indica Royle, Hypoxis Orchiodes, Vanda Rox Burgh, Zingiber Officinale, Piper Niugra Piper Longum, Cocculus cordifolius, Calotropis Gigantea, Acorus Calamus together extends profound relief in joint-related disorders like Arthritis (Osteo-arthritis of the knee).


ARTHEX capsules resolve the severity of swollen joints and significant improvement in pain, stiffness and organ function. drop in the amount of both rheumatoid factor and interleukins, the biological markers that show RA disease activity. Remarkable relief facilitates enhanced quality of life. Zingiber Officinalis (Ginger) inhibits the production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which are involved in pain and inflammation. Supports to checks the progression & complications of joint disorders like Arthritis unlike allopathic alternatives, ARTHEX capsule is safe even on long term 


Key Search words

Ayurveda, Ayurvedic medicines, Herbal medicines,   Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Joint pain, Joint stiffness,   Joint inflammation, RA factor, Joint disorder


Product Category

Ayurvedic remedy for Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Joint stiffness & inflammation



60 capsules packed in white H.D.P.E. containers






Each capsule contains :

  • Aloe Indica Royle   (Dhrat Kumari)    100 mg
  • Vanda rox burghii    (Rasna)     100 mg
  • (Zingiber officinalis,   Piper nigrum &    (Trikuta A.F.I.)    100 mg
  • Piper longum)            
  • Cocculus cordifolius    (Giloy sat)     50 mg
  • Calotropis gigantea    (Aank ki jad)   50 mg
  • Acorus calamus   (Vach)  50 mg
  • Hypoxis orchiodes     (Safed Musli)   50 mg



Approved colours used in the capsule shell.


USAGE : (Indications)

ARTHEX capsule is indicated as a therapy for the treatment of  Joint pain, Joint stiffness & Arthritis.



ADULTS : 1 capsule b.i.d (two times in a day)    can be administered with water or as directed by a physician. Not to be taken empty stomach. The desired effect of the formulation may vary from person to person & sign of improvements may be seen only after a week as per the directed dosage & administration.

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Glycirex Capsules

GLYCIREX Capsules is formulated with globally acclaimed anti-diabetic team to include Gymnema Sylvestre (Gurmar), Trigonella foenum greacum (Methi) , Tinospora cordifolia , Eugenia jambolana (Jamun) etc.


Reduces the diabetic damage and its secondary complications with a preferred safety profile even on long term usage.


GLYCIREX Capsules improves utilization of glucose body's and maintain normal blood glucose levels


An ayurvedic approach that facilitates the body's natural healing and self-repair ability focused not only on control of diabetes but simultaneously prevention while creating the highest state of health & well-being. DIABELIN improves the body's ability to utilize glucose, and maintain normal blood glucose levels. resolves hyperglycaemia effectively. DIABELIN stimulates the pancreatic beta cells of islets of Langerhans & facilitates insulin secretion. ensures optimum quantitative & qualitative aspect of insulin secretion. No risk of sudden episodes of hypoglycaemia. checks the complications of hyperglycaemia. facilitates to resolves stress-induced hyperglycaemia.


Key Search words

Ayurveda, Ayurvedic medicines, Herbal medicines,   diabetes, anti-diabetic, Blood glucose, Hyperglycaemia, Hypoglycaemia, Insulin


Product Category

Ayurvedic remedy for Diabetes



60 capsules packed in white H.D.P.E. containers






Each capsule contains :

  • Curcuma aromatica   (Amba Haldi)   50mg
  • Melia azadiracta wild   (Neem Ext.)    50mg
  • Gymnema sylvestre  (Gurmar)    50mg
  • Cuscuta reflexa   (Gulbel Satva)    50mg
  • Cyperus rotundus   (Nagar Motha)   50mg
  • Eugenia jambolana   (Jamun)    50mg
  • Fregonella  (Methi)   50mg
  • Hypoxis orchioides    (Safed Musli)   50mg
  • Aconitum heterophyllum   (Atish)  50mg
  • (Zingiber officinalis, Piper nigrum &   (Trikuta A.F.I.)   50 mg
  • Piper longum)



Approved colours used in the capsule shell.


USAGE: (Indications)


  • Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus(IDDM) &
  • Non Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM).



  • Therapy with GLYCIREX capsules should be strictly followed.
  • Blood glucose levels should be monitored at frequent intervals so that dosage can bealtered accordingly.



ADULTS : 1 capsule t.i.d (three times in a day)  half an hour prior to breakfast/lunch & dinner or as directed by a physician.

In case of difficulty in swallowing the capsule as a whole, the capsule contents can be administered with water.  

The desired effect of the formulation may vary from person to person & sign of improvements may be seen only after a week as per the directed dosage & administration.

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ASO Powder

Quick relief in acidity.

Indigestion, nausea, vomiting, gastritis, sour belching.

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I.Q.Rise Capsules

Rational combination of memory booster herbs.Improves mental aptitude, memory and concentration in a natural way. Positively modifies mental alertness. Facilitates improved cognition (learning) and retention.


Reduces stress, performance anxiety, calms the nerves, Resolves depression and helps to achieve mental tranquility


Rational combination of memory booster herbs like Acorus calamus, Glycyrrhiza Glabra, Zingiber Officinale, Curcuma Longa, Piper Longum  which guards against stress, depression and improves learning ability in a natural way. improves mental aptitude & attitude. positively modifies memory to increase mental alertness. improves memory and enhances concentration. facilitates cognition (learning) and retention. Reduces stress and anxiety, improves performance. it calms the nerves and helps to achieve mental tranquility. accelerates brain function and improves learning ability restores co-ordination between mind and body while relieving tension & anxiety, Boosts your energy levels.


Acorus calamus, Glycyrrhiza Glabra, Zingiber Officinale, Curcuma Longa, Piper Longum  are well established ayurvedic drugs which stimulates cerebral cells & strengthens the nervine transmission & response. During inhouse studies, I.Q.RISE capsules have been found to be extremely  beneficial in mentally challenged (special children) where I.Q.RISE capsules improvises symptoms like hyperactivity, excessive salivation, squinting, facial palsy etc.


I.Q.RISE capsules calms down the brain due to its sedative property, Improves memory , retention & recall


Key Search words

Ayurveda, Ayurvedic medicines , Herbal medicines, Mental health,   Memory booster, Intelligence improvement, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Mood disorder, Mentally challenged children, Down's Syndrome, Spastic children, Special children, Covid-19 anxiety & stress  


Product Category

Ayurvedic remedy for Improving Mental performance, Memory & Mental Functions, Anxiety/Depression & Stress & Mental diseases



60 capsules packed in white H.D.P.E. containers






Each capsule contains :

Acorus calamus                       (Vacha)                        60 mg

Saussurea lappa                      (Kustha)                       60 mg

Glycyrrhiza glabra                  (Yashtimadhu)             60 mg

Zingiber officinalis                  (Nagar)                        60 mg

Curcuma longa                       (Nisha)                         60 mg

Piper longum                          (Pipalli)                        60 mg

Ptychotis ajowan                     (Ajwain)                       60 mg

Carum roxburghianum           (Ajmoda)                     40 mg

Potassium bibova                    (Saindhava)                 40 mg



Approved colours used in the capsule shell.


USAGE: (Indications)

I.Q.RISE capsules is indicated as a therapy for the treatment of  depressed mental performance, low I.Q



ADULTS : 1 capsule b.i.d  (twice in a day) can be administered with water or as directed by a physician. Not to be taken empty stomach

CHILDREN (Below 7 years): Divide the contents of one capsule in equal halves & administer 1 capsule b.i.d (twice in a day) with water or as directed by a physician. Not to be taken empty stomach                  

CHILDREN (Above 7 years): 1 capsule b.i.d (twice in a day) can be administered with water or as directed by a physician. Not to be taken empty stomach.

In case of difficulty in swallowing the capsule as a whole, the capsule contents can be administered with Honey or with sugar syrup. The desired effect of the formulation may vary from person to person & sign of improvements may be seen only after 2-3 weeks as per the directed dosage & administration.

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Munoaid Kit

The combo-supplementation of MUNOAID-1, MUNOAID-2 capsules comprehensively offers Antiviral, Adaptogenic & Immunostimulant action while MUNOAID-3 reinforces respiratory -pulmonary functions & immunity.


Offers an Adaptogenic action that regularizes the body functions and strengthens the immune system. Over a period of time, it builds up energy levels and helps to maintain the body at a higher level, acting to reduce stress and fatigue.


Offers an Immunostimulant action that stimulates an immune response & enhances the ability of the immune system to fight infections and diseases.

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Dentafine Dental Care

Complete dental solution from pain to germs killing for a healthy and a dentist free life .

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Asthocalm Capsules

  • Product Category Ayurvedic remedy for Asthma, Lung immunity & Respiratory health & diseases
  • Presentation 60 capsules packed in white H.D.P.E. containers
  • Route of Administration Oral
  • Inactive Ingredients Approved Colours Used in the Capsule Shell.
  • Usage (indications) Ashtocalm capsules is indicated as a therapy for the treatment of Asthma.

Details :

  • Respiration is most important human right , allow me to discuss a safe & natural way to celebrate the right to respire.
  • Asthocalm capsules A NATURAL & SAFE APPROACH IN ASTHMA.
  • Asthocalm capsules potentially alleviate symptoms of asthma by correcting the internal imbalance due to external allergens,
  • The multidimensional activity of Asthocalm capsules offers a resolution of bronchospasm, anti-inflammatory action, prevents a build-up of mucous & secretions in the lung tissue.
  • Asthocalm capsules facilitates to prevent recurrent attacks of asthma.
  • Resolves the asthma by resolving the internal imbalance owing to external allergens, thus potentially helps to alleviate symptoms of asthma. Counters inflammatory reaction that leads to a buildup of mucus and liquids in lung tissue
  • Asthocalm capsules assures an optimizes respiratory health & change quality of lives of your asthmatic patients.
  • Asthocalm capsules not only facilitates the direct care of the respiratory system but also the care of the digestive system which is the physical root of the disorder.


Key Search words

Ayurveda, Ayurvedic medicines , Herbal medicines, Asthma, Allergic Respiratory disease, Lung immunity, Covi-19 Lung immunity, Respiratory health, Respiratory immunity, Breathlessness



Each capsule contains :

Cordia myxa  (Sapista)  100 mg

Albezzia lebbeck  (Shirisha)  100 mg

Zingiber officinalis

Piper nigrum    (Trikuta A.F.I.)   50 mg       

Piper longum

Trifala   (A.F.I.)    50 mg

Dashmula   (A.F.I.)   200 mg




  • 1 capsule t.i.d (Three times a day) half an hour prior to breakfast / lunch & dinner or as directed by a physician
  • In case of difficulty in swallowing the capsule as whole the capsule contents can be administered with water. 


CHILDREN (Below 7 years)

Divide the contents of one capsule in equal halves & administer 1 b.i.d (Two times a day)   with water or as directed by a physician. Not to be taken empty stomach                  

CHILDREN (Above 7 years)

  • 1 capsule b.i.d   (Two times a day) can be administered  with water or as directed by a physician. Not to be taken empty stomach.
  • The desired effect of the formulation may vary from person to person & sign of improvements may be seen only after a week as per the directed dosage & administration.
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Munoaid-1 Capsules

Each capsule contains :

  • Terminalia chebula (Haritki ) 100mg
  • Embelica officinalis (Amalaki ) 100mg
  • Acorus calamus (Vacha ) 50mg
  • Curcuma longa (Rajani ) 50mg
  • Embelia ribes (Vidanga ) 50mg
  • Zingiber officinalis (Nagar) 50mg
  • Piper longum (Pipalli ) 50mg
  • Potassium bibova (Saindhava ) 25mg
  • Jaggery (Guda ) 25mg
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Munoaid-2 Capsules

Each capsule contains :

  • Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha ) 50mg
  • Tinospra cordifolia (Giloy ) 50mg
  • Embelica officinalis (Amalaki ) 50mg
  • Asparagus racemosus (Shatawari ) 50mg
  • Boehhavia diffusa (Punarnava ) 50mg
  • Pluchea lanceolata (Rasana ) 50mg
  • Leptadenia reticulata (Jivanti ) 50mg
  • Centella asiatica (Madukaparni ) 50mg
  • Dregia volubilis (Dashmula ) 50mg
  • Parnichastu sthava (A.F.I) 50mg
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Munoaid-3 Capsules

Each capsule contains :

  • Cordia myxa (Sapista) 100 mg
  • Albezzia lebbeck (Shirisha) 100 mg
  • Trikuta (A.F.I.) 50 mg
  • Trifala (A.F.I.) 50 mg
  • Dashmool (A.F.I.) 200 mg
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Health Supplements

Sambhav Pharma offers simplified solutions to complex diseases with the help of Ayurvedic formulations. At Sambhav Pharma we are creating a world of therapeutic possibilities. The modern therapeutic world has devised & innovated a wide range of therapeutic options & the medical fraternities are operating on a system of 'Risk versus Benefit ratio'. Sambhav Pharma offers Ayurveda therapeutic solutions on a 'Benefit versus Benefit ratio' & is proficient to offer emblematic relief but at the same time resolve the root cause of a particular disease. We have a broad range of ayurvedic medicines.

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Health Supplements

Sambhav Pharma offers simplified solutions to complex diseases with the help of Ayurvedic formulations. At Sambhav Pharma we are creating a world of therapeutic possibilities. The modern therapeutic world has devised & innovated a wide range of therapeutic options & the medical fraternities are operating on a system of 'Risk versus Benefit ratio'. Sambhav Pharma offers Ayurveda therapeutic solutions on a 'Benefit versus Benefit ratio' & is proficient to offer emblematic relief but at the same time resolve the root cause of a particular disease.
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