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What is DORB (De oiled rice bran) ? 1) Moderate Protein Based Quality Livestock Feed Ingredient 2) De-oiled rice bran(DORB) is rice bran from which the oil has been removed. It is a protein and nutrient-rich byproduct used in animal feed and various industries like biofuels, cosmetics, and fertilizers. more...
Best quality in protein more...
Nutrilago’s Spirulina-based Cattle Feed offers the best for livestock health, enriched with proteins, vitamins, and essential minerals to support growth and milk yield. This eco-friendly, nutrient-dense feed enhances immunity and weight gain, contributing to healthier, more productive livestock. Choose more...
Description :- Bypass fat supplemented with Essential amino acids, Probiotic, Multi vitamins, Proteinous substance to improve digestion boost energy. more...
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The Kisan Hipro Pellet Cattle Feed that we Manufacture and Supply is known for the enhancement in milk production. Our Kisan Hipro Pellet Cattle Feed is also beneficial for the health of Cattle. Given To Cow : Last Eight Week of Delivery 1.0 kg to 2.0 kg Feed per Day Buffalo : Last Eight Week of Delivery 1.25 more...
Maize for Cattle & Poultry Feed more...
Benefits Strong Bones Increase in Milk Yield Improve immunity Maintain lactation Periods Benefit in heat strokes Dosages : Cattle : 100 ml. daily Poultry : Chicks 20 ml./100 birds Growers : 50ml./100 birds Layers : 100ml./100 birds more...
We are manufacturer of high quality cattle feed in kanpur and have created name in quality product & service delivery we are manufacturing cattle feed in brand name murliwala pashuaahar, one of the leading brands of north india selling over 6 states. We manufacture both pellete & mesh. We have two varieties. more...