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Pure And Natural Herbs

Our Complete range of products are Amla (Emblica Officinalis), Rasaunt (berberis Aristata), Lajwanti (Mimosa Pudica), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and Chaskoo (cassia Absus).

Amla (Emblica Officinalis)

We are offering amla (emblica officinalis). Arabic name : amlajbengali name : amla, dhatri, amloki chinese name : an moleenglish name : indian gooseberryfrench name : phyllanthe emblicgerman name : indische stachelbeeregujarati name : ambala, amala hindi name : amla, aoulakannada name : nellikayi, nallika, nelli, amalaka kashmiri name : aamle latin name : emblica officinalis gaertn. Marathi name : anvala, avalkanthi, avala, arda persian name : amlapunjabi name : aula, amla sanskrit name : amalaki, amraphalam, dhatriphalurdu name : amla description: amla fruit is a natural and efficacious antioxidant which contains the highest amount of vitamin c (3000 mg per fruit) in natural form and cytokine-like substances identified as zeatin, z.riboside and z.nucleotide. It is acrid, cooling, diuretic, laxative, refrigerant, rejuvenative and is used in the preparation of hair dyes. The dried fruit is useful in anxiety, melancholia, haemorrhage, diabetes, diarrhoea and dysentery. It has anabolic, antifungal, antibacterial, antiemetic antioxidative, antipyretic, antiviral, aphrodisiac, astringent, cardiotonic, carminative, digestive, expectorant, haemostatic, nutritive, ophthalmic, stomachic, and resistance building properties and is used in the treatment of leucorrhoea and atheroclerosis. Its astringent properties prevent infection and help in healing of duodenal and gastric ulcers. It is used as a laxative to relieve constipation in piles. ancient text refer to amla as the best medicine for premature aging. Regular usage leads to rejuvenation of the body, increases memory and improves eyesight. Along with iron it is a valuable remedy in anaemia, jaundice and dyspepsia. Beneficial in treatment of respiratory disorders. It is especially valuable in tuberculosis of the lungs, asthma and bronchitis. It is also an effective remedy for heart diseases. It tones up the functions of all organs of the body and builds up health by destroying the heterogeneous or harmful and disease causing elements. It increases immunity in the body. It increases red blood cell count and regulates blood sugar. it is reported to have the property of promoting hair growth, pigmentation and preventing premature graying of hair.
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Rasaunt (berberis Aristata)

We are offering Rasaunt (berberis Aristata)Arabic Name : Ameerbaarees, Barbarees (Root), Zarashk, Zirishk (Berries)Bengali Name : Rasanjan, Darhaldi, Daruhaldi Chinese Name : Huang lianEnglish Name : Indian BarberryFrench Name : Epine-vinette dlndeGerman Name : Indischer BerberitzeGujarati Name : Rasvanti, Daruharidra Hindi Name : Rasaut (Root Bark Extract), Darhald (Root), Zarishk (Berries)Kannada Name : Rasajan, Mard Risin Kashmiri Name : Rassashud (Root Bark Extract), Kaw Dach Mool, (Root), Kaw Dach (Berries) Latin name : Berberis aristata DC. Marathi Name : Rasvat, Daruhalad Persian Name : Filzahrah (Root), Zarishk (Berries)Punjabi Name : Rassaut, Sumlu Sanskrit Name : Daruharidra, Daruhaldi, DarviUrdu Name : Rassaut (Root Bark Extract), Darhald (Root), Zarishk (Berries) Description: It is regarded as a bitter tonic and is apparently used as a alterative, antibacterial, antibilious, antiemetic, antiinflammatory, antiperiodic, antiseptic, astringent, cholagogue, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, hypotensive, immune stimulant, laxative, purgative (large dose), refrigerant, sedative and stomachic. The berries (Zarishk) are a source of vitamin C. In various metabolic processes, vitamin C increases immune system activity, stimulates iron absorption, and prevents scurvy. They are useful in biliousness, constipation (larger doses), dyspepsia, cough, fevers, hypertension, indigestion, liver malfunctions, jaundice, hepatitis, sore throat, spleen disorders and typhoid. The berberine in the berries have remarkable infection-fighting properties. Berberine may also fight infection by stimulating the immune system. Studies show that it activates macrophages, the white blood cells that devour harmful microorganisms. The root bark extract (Rassaut) is alterative, antiperiodic, astringent, deobstruent, diaphoretic, febrifuge, laxative and tonic and is very useful in periodic neuralgia, leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, haemorrhage, haemorrhoids and ulcers. It reduces blood pressure. It is as valuable as quinine in malarial fevers and as a blood purifier.
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Lajwanti (Mimosa Pudica)

We are offering lajwanti (mimosa pudica)bengali name : lajak, lajjavati chinese name : han xiu caoenglish name : sensitive plant, humble plant, touch me not, shyness grassfrench name : sensitive commune, herbe pudique ou vive mimuesegerman name : mimose, schamhafte sinnpflanzegujarati name : risamani, lajavanti, lajamani hindi name : chui mui, choti mui, lajwanti, lajvanti, lajja, lajak, lajjaru, lajarukannada name : muttidasenui, machikegide, lajjavati latin name : mimosa pudica linn. marathi name : lajalu punjabi name : lajan sanskrit name : lajjalu, samanga, namaskariurdu name : chhuimui description:the whole plant is alternative, anthelmintic, antiseptic, astringent, bitter, cooling and resolvent. Useful in cases of piles, fistula, bile, diarrhoea, amoebic dysentery and fevers.
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Ashwagandha (withania Somnifera)

We are offering Ashwagandha (withania Somnifera)Arabic Name : Kaknaje Hindee, Simm al-faraakhBengali Name : Ashwagandha Chinese Name : Cui mian shui qieEnglish Name : Winter Cherry, Indian GinsengGerman Name : SchlafbeereGujarati Name : Asan, Asoda, Asgandha, Asundha, Ghodakun Hindi Name : Asgandh, Nagori Asgandh, AksanKannada Name : Hiremaddinegida, Kiremallinagida, Asvagandhi, Angarberu Kashmiri Name : Asgandh Latin name : Withania somnifera Dunal.Marathi Name : Asagandha, Askagandha, Askandha Persian Name : Bari BehmanPunjabi Name : Asgandh, Ashwagandha, Aksan Sanskrit Name : AshwagandhaUrdu Name : Asgand Nagori Description: The root of Ashwagandha, also known as Winter Cherry has been in use for over 4000 years in India and is highly esteemed as an adaptogen and a rejuvenating herb, which is capable of imparting long life, youthful vigour and good intellectual powers. Used by both men and women, it acts to calm the mind and promote sound, restful sleep. As an adaptogen it promotes the bodys ability to maintain homeostasis and resist stress. It prevents or minimizes imbalance that may lead to disease, whether from poor diet, lack of sleep, mental or physical strain, or chemical toxins in the environment. It is especially beneficial in stress related disorders such as hypertension, diabetes, general debility, etc. As a rejuvenative it helps maintain proper nourishment of the tissues, particularly muscle and bone, while supporting the proper function of the adrenals and reproductive system. Its high iron content makes it useful for anaemia. It also has analgesic, anthelmintic, antiinflammatory, aphrodisiac, astringent, galactagogue, hypnotic, nervine, sedative, spermatogenic, stomachic and tonic properties. The withanolides, similar to the bodys own steroid hormones, inhibit the growth of cancer cells. The herb may be of use in chronic inflammatory diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, and as a cancer-protective. It also helps recovery from chronic illness. Its alkaloids showed relaxant and antispasmodic effects against several spasmogens on intestinal, uterine, bronchial, tracheal and blood vascular muscles. Ashwagandha enjoys the reputation in the West as an aphrodisiac, a use supported by a recent study in which more than 70% of men reported increased libido and sexual function after taking the herb. It is therefore an excellent remedy for infertility and helps in increasing the sense of well-being and improves sexual performance and is also useful in spermatorrhoea. It is recommended for erectile dysfunction and seminal debility. In fact, in Sanskrit the name means like a horse. It is increasingly known as Indian Ginseng as its actions and uses are in many ways similar to those of Chinese Ginseng. It is also useful in dyspepsia, loss of appetite, senile debility, loss of muscular energy and leucorrhoea. Increases breast-milk production. Restores normal vitality after a long-term illness or stress.
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Chaskoo (cassia Absus)

We are offering chaskoo (cassia absus)arabic name : tashmeezaj, shishmbengali name : ban kulthi english name : absus seedsfrench name : absus semencesgerman name : chichimkassie, chichonpflanzegujarati name : chimad, chinola hindi name : chaksu, bankulthikannada name : kreed, nindratach latin name : cassia absus linn. marathi name : chimn, chinol, kankuti persian name : chashkhaampunjabi name : chaksoo sanskrit name : chakshushya, drikaprasada, arnaykulthikaurdu name : chaksu description: seeds are acrid, antibacterial, astringent, bitter, blood purifier, constipative, cooling, deobstruent, diuretic, emmenagogue, haemostatic, laxative, lithotriptic, mucilaginous, stimulant and styptic. Useful in skin affections and ringworms. Also useful in asthma, anaemia and hiccups. The seeds are also employed as a cathartic in habitual constipation.
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Atees (aconitum Heterophyllum )

We are offering Atees (aconitum Heterophyllum ). Arabic Name : Jidwaar, Zidwaar, Zadwaar, AteesBengali Name : Ataicha Chinese Name : Yi zi hao, Wu touEnglish Name : Indian Atees, Crowfoot, Atis RootGerman Name : EisenhutGujarati Name : Atavasa, Ativishni Kali, Ativikhani Kali Hindi Name : Atis, Ateicha, Atvika, BakhmaKannada Name : Ativisha, Ativitayam Kashmiri Name : Patrees Latin name : Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. Marathi Name : Ativisha, Visha Persian Name : Vaje TurkiPunjabi Name : Atis, Atees, Bonga Sanskrit Name : Ativisha, Sitashringi, Bhangura, Pankura, Upavishaaka, Prativisha, VishaUrdu Name : Atees, Atis Description: This species does not contain the toxic alkaloid Aconitine and so it is said to be non-poisonous. Tuberous root is acrid, analgesic, antiinflammatory, antiperiodic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, bitter, carminative, cholagogue, digestive, expectorant, febrifuge, stomachic, thermogenic and tonic. It is valuable for combating debility and after fevers it is an excellent tonic. Useful in malarial fevers. Also useful in diarrhoea, dysentery, haemorrhoids, liver disorders and vomiting. It is also very helpful in cough and dyspepsia. It possesses potent immunostimulant properties. It is also prescribed in deranged metabolic conditions and internal tumours.
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Akarkara (anacyclus Pyrethrum)

We are offering akarkara (anacyclus pyrethrum). arabic name : aaqir qarha, ood al-qarh, kurkurhaan, aaqarqarhaabengali name : akarkara chinese name : pyrthreenglish name : pellitory, longwortgerman name : rmischer bertram, spanischer bertramgujarati name : akalkaro, akorkaro, akkalgaro hindi name : akarkara, karkarakannada name : akkallakara, akallakara, akalakarabha, akkallaka hommugulu latin name : anacyclus pyrethrum dc. marathi name : akalkara persian name : bekhe tarkhoon, kakrahpunjabi name : akarakara sanskrit name : akarkarava, akarkarbha, akaltnak, akallkaurdu name : aqarqarah description: the root is acrid, anesthetic, antiinflammatory, aphrodisiac, astringent, cordial, depurative, hemiplegia, nerve tonic, sedative, sialagogue and stimulant and regarded as a tonic to the nervous system. It is given in paralysis, hemiplegia, epilepsy, chorea and is also given to help ease neuralgia and rheumatism. its effectiveness has been linked to powerful stimulant properties that have been found to be valuable for sexual stimulation. Pellitory supports circulation in the area of the reproductive system and has shown to have phytoestrogenic activity. Useful in premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Also useful in seminal debility. it promotes a free flow of saliva. It is used as a masticatory, and in the form of lozenges for its reflex action on the salivary glands in dryness of the mouth and throat. The decoction may be used as a gargle to soothe sore throat. It is a good general diuretic, which is used to relieve water retention where it is due to kidney-based causes. It has an especially valuable role to play in the treatment of kidney stone or gravel. being a rubefacient and local irritant, when applied to the skin, it induces heat, tingling and redness.
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