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Pesticides & Insecticides

We offer a complete product range of Carbofuran, Micronutrients, Butachlor, liquid insecticide and Imidacloprid 17.8%SL


  • Min. Order (MOQ) 50 Kilogram
It is an insecticide with 3% carbofuran and rest adjvants. It is recommended to control shoot fly of bajra, brown plant hopper, gall midge, green leaf hopper, hips, stem hopper, and nematode of paddy, jassid, green weevil, stem weevil of cotton, pod borer and white grub of ground nut and top borer sugarcane and insects of other crops.
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  • Min. Order (MOQ) 50 Kilogram
It is a mixture of micronutrients used to increase the yield and quality of produce in paddy, wheat, sugarcane, vegetable, potato, soybean, banana and tea and other fruits and vegetables. It is compatible with chemical fertiliser and pesticides.Dosage: As mentioned on the packing depending on type of crop.
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  • Min. Order (MOQ) 25 Litre
It is a selective , pre-emergence weedicide which contains 50% butachlor and balance adjuvants.Crops: paddy (transplanted)pests: cyperus difformis, cyperus iria, echinochloa crusgalli, echinochloa colonum, elusine indica, eclipta alba, fimbristylis miliacea, ludwigia purviflora, sphenoclea zeylancia approximate dosage: 2.5-4.00 ltr in 250-500ltr water. Accurate dosage as per type of crop and pest is available on the packing.
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Liquid Insecticide

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 25 Litre

It is a liquid insecticide with Chlorpyriphos 50% and Cypermethrin 5%. It is used for the control of stem borer, leaf folder, top borer and termites of paddy, mango, cotton, sugarcane and vegetables.

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Imidacloprid 17.8%SL

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 25 Litre
It is a systemic insecticide containing imidacloprid active ingredient balance auxiliaries and inert material. It is used as a fouler spray for the control of sucking and some other insects in different crops. Crops: cotton, paddy, sugarcane, mango, sunflower, okra, citrus. Pests: aphid, whitefly, massifs, thrips, BPH, WBPH, GLH, termite, hopper, leaf miner, psylla, jassid. Approximate Dosage: 0.10 ltr in 500 ml water. Accurate dosage as per type of crop and pest is available on the packing.
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Monocrotophos 36% Sl

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 25 Litre
Monoplus-Monocrotophos 36% SL is a systemic and contact soluble liquid formulation based on monocrotophos technical. Crops and Pests: 1. Cotton: American bollworm, aphid, leaf hopper, grey weevil, spotted boll worm, pink boll worm, thrips, white fly. 2. Paddy: Brown plant hopper, green leaf hopper, leaf roller, yellow stem borer 3. Maize: Shoot fly 4. Pea: Leaf Miner Approximate dosage: 500ml in 500 ltr water. Accurate dosage as per type of crop and pests is available on the packing.
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Chlorpyriphos 20% Ec

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 25 Litre
It is a contact and stomach poisonous emulsifiable concentrate formulation based on chlorpyriphos technical. Crops: A-Non-Cropped Area Wheat, Soil Treatment, Cotton, Wheat, Gram, Barley, Tobacco, Termite Control, Paddy, Citrus, Cabbage, Onion. B-Cropped Area: Per, Brinjal, Apple, Beans. Pests: Aphid, Boll Worm, White Fly, Cut Worm, Ground Beetle, Hispa, Leaf Roller, Gall Midge, Stem Borer, Whorl Maggot, Black Citrus, Aphid, Diamond Blackmoth, Root grub, Leaf Hopper, Shoot and fruit borer, Pod Borer, Black Bug. Approximate dosage: 1250ml in 500 ltr water. Accurate dosage as per type of crop and pest is available on the packing.
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  • Min. Order (MOQ) 25 Litre
Chlorpyrifos 50%EC is used to control termites in buildings during construction and in existing buildings and in stem borer and leaf roller in rice and bollworm in cotton crops. Crops: Cotton, rice and pre and post construction buildings. Pests: Boll Worms, Stem borer and leaf roller and termite Approximate Dosage: 750 ml in 500 ltr water. Accurate dosage as per type of crop and pests is available on the packing.
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