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Hybrid Vegetable Seeds
1 Products availableFresh Vegetables
1 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of F1-Maina Capsicum Seeds, F1-Vajra Capsicum Seeds, F1-Shalini Cucumber Seeds, F1-Safal King Carrot Seeds and F1 SSB 251 Chilli Seeds.
Plant : Medium Tall Erect Spreading.
Fruit : First Picking 60-65 Days After Transplanting, Shape Blocky With 3-4 Lobes, Colour Medium Green, Wt. 80-100 gm.
Remarks ; Easy For Picking, Suitable For Open, Net & Polyhouse Conditions, Wider Market Adaptability.
Plant: Tall Erect Strong Vigorous
Fruit: First Picking 55-60 Days After Transplanting, Shape Rectangular Blocky With 3-4 Lobes, Colour Medium Green Turns Red, Wt. 140-150 gm.
Remarks : Shiny Fruits With High Productivity, High Tolerance To Mosaic Viruses, Y Strip & TM 1
Fruit: First Picking 40-45 Days After Sowing, Shape Cylindrical, Colour Light Green With Dark Neck, Length 20-22 cm, Wt. 120-150 gm,
Remarks : Vigorous Branched Vines, Attractive Crispy Fruits, Tolerance To Downey & Powdery Mildews
Plant: Erect, Green, Medium Foliage Plants.
Roots: Maturity 90 Days After Sowing, Shape Long Cylindrical With Blunt Tip, Colour Orange With Self Colour Core.
Remarks: Erect Foliage, Long, Soft Edible Core, High Yielding.
Plant: Tall Erect Spreading.
Fruit: First Picking 60-65 Days After Transplanting, Colour Dark Green, Length 8-9. cm, Diameter 0.8-1 cm, High Pungent.
Remarks : Dual Purpose Hybrid With High Disease Tolerance.
Fruit: First Picking 45-50 Days After Sowing, Shape Elongated Medium Long Cylindrical, Colour Dark Green, Length 20-25 cm Wt. 100-150 gm.
Remarks : Vigorous High Yielding Hybrid
Plant: Hardy Tall Spreading Plants.
Fruit: First Picking 70-75 Days After Transplanting, Shape Oval, Colour Shiny Dark Black,
Harvest Av. Wt. 200-400 gm.
Remarks : Pan India Product, Wider Climate Adaptability With Disease & Sucking Pests
Tolerance, Soft Fruits With Good Keeping Quality. Good For Frying Dishes.
Plant: Medium Height, Blueish Green Foliage Plants.
Curd: Maturity 80-90 Days After Transplanting, Shape Dome, Compact Curds, Wt. 1.2-1.5 kg.
Remarks : Self Blanching, Fine Texture, White Curds
Plant: Medium Tall Spreading.
Fruit: First Picking 60-65 Days After Transplanting, Colour Dark Green, Lengtht 7-9 cm, Diameter 0.8-1cm, Medium Pungent.
Remarks : Shiny Green Fruits Turn Deep Red On Maturity, Dual Purpose Hybrid With Heat Tolerance
Plant: Medium Tall Spreading
Fruit: First Picking 55-60 Days After Transplanting, Shape Small Elongated Blocky With 3-4 Lobes, Colour Dark Green Turns Red, Wt. 60-70gm.
Remarks : Baby Capsicum
Piant: Busny Spreading Plants
Fruit: First Picking 55-60 Days After Transplanting, Shape Blocky With 4 Lobes, Colour Dark Green Turns Red, Wt. 100-120gm, Mild Pungent.
Remarks : Open Pollinated, Excellent For Long Transport, High Yielder.
Plant: Medium Hight Erect Bluesh Green Leaves Plants.
Head: Maturity 60-65 Days After Transplanting, Shape Round, Compact, Wt. 1-1.5 kg FH Capacity 25-30 Days After Maturity.
Remarks : Very Compact With Short Core, Suitable For Close Spacing.
Plant: Tall Erect Spreading Green Foliage Plants.
Fruit: First Picking SO0-SS Days After Transplanting, Shape Blocky With 4 Lobes, Colour Dark Green Turns Red, Wt. 120-130 gm.
Remarks : Attractive Shiny Green Colour With Profuse Bearing Good Disease Tolarance.
Plant: Tall Erect Upright Growing Plants.
Fruit: First Picking 60-65 Days After Transplanting, Colour Greenish Black Turns Red, Length 5-7 cm, Diameter 1-1.2cm, Highly Pungent.
Remarks ; Dual! Purpose Local Type Hybrid With Heat Tolerance & Long Duration Harvest.
Plant: Tall Compact Plants.
Fruit: First Picking 50-55 Days After Transplanting, Colour Green Turns Red, Lengtht 10-11 cm, Diameter 0.9-1.cm, High Pungency.
Remarks : Heat Tolerance, Excellent Bearing With High Level Of Resistance To LCV & CVMV.
Piant: Dwarf Spreading Plants.
Fruit: First Picking 60-65 Days After Transplanting, Colour Green Turns Red, Length 13-14cm, Diameter 1.S-1.6cm, Medium Pungency.
Remarks ;: Smooth Surface, Dual Purpose Hybrid
Plant: Erect Tall Spreading Thorny Plants.
Fruit: First Picking 65 Days After Transplanting, Shape Oval, Colour Purple With Green Shiny Strips, Harvest Av. Wt. 60-70 gm.
Remarks ; Thorny Fruits, Excellent Taste, Good Keeping Quality, High Yield.
Plant: Tall Erect Spreading Plants.
Fruit: First Picking 65-70 Days After Transplanting, Shape Oblong, Colour Green With White Patches At Bottom, Harvest Av. Wt. 200-300 gm.
Remarks : Bharta/Frying Segment, Tolerant To BW.
Fruit: Maturity 40-45 Days After Sowing, Shape Round, Colour Dark Red, Wt. 120-150 gm.
Cultivation : FHC 30 Days Without Cracking, Unique Beetroot Shape, Smooth & Crispy Flesh.
Plant: Tall Plants With Dark Green Foliage.
Fruit: First Picking 60-65 Days After Transplanting, Colour Green Light Wrinkled Fruits, Length 8- 10cm, Diameter 1.3-1.5 cm, Highly Pungent.
Remarks : Light Wrinkled High Yielding Variety, Good For Fresh Market As Well As For Drying.
Fruit: First Picking 45-50 Days After Sowing, Shape Long With Blunt Spines, Colour Dark Green, Length 18-22 cm Wt. 100-120 gm.
Remarks : High Yield, Good For Long Transport, Good Disease Tolerance.
Plant: Erect Blueish Green Foliage Plants
Curd: Maturity 65-70 Days After Transplanting, Shape Compact Dome With Fine Beads, Wt. 1-1.Skg
Remarks : Very Early Hybrid Strong Plants Having Heat Tolerance & Self Blanching Nature.
Fruit: First Picking 45-50 Days After Sowing, Shape Short Cylindrical With Deep Ridges, Colour Green, Length 25-30 cm Wt. 130-150 gm.
Remarks : Short Size, High Yield With Good Disease Tolerance
Plant: Tall Erect Spreading Plants.
Fruit: First Picking S5-60 Days After Transplanting, Shape Jalapeno Thick Long, Colour Dark Green Turns Dark Red, Wt.55-60gm.
Remarks : Thick Medium Long Smooth Skin Jalapeno Type Hybrid With Round Tip, Non Pungent.
Plant: Erect Medium Tall Plants
Fruit: First Picking 55-60 Days After Transplanting, Shape Big Blocky With 4 Lobes , Colour Dark Green Turns Red, Wt. 200-2102em.
Remarks : Blocky Attractive Compact Thick Fruits
Plant: Tall Erect Spreading.
Fruit: FirstPicking 60-65 Days After Transplanting, Colour Dark Green, Length 8.5 - 9.5 cm, Diameter 0.8-1 cm, High Pungent.
Remarks : High Fruit Set Dual Purpose Hybrid With Good Virus Tolerance.
Plant: Tall Erect Plants
Fruit: First Picking 60 Days After Transplanting, Colour Green, Length 15-17cm, Diameter 1.5-1.8 cm, Low Pungent.
Remarks : High Fruit Set, Fresh Market Hybrid Having Goad Disease Resistance.
Piant: Medium fall spreading.
Fruit: First Picking 55-60 Days After Transplanting, Shape Blocky With 4 Lobes, Colour Dark Green Turns Red, Wt. 140-150 gm.
Remarks : Excellent Close Bearing, Compact Thick Fruits.
Plant: Tall Erect Spreading Plants Fruit: First Picking 55-60 Days After Transplanting, Shape Thick Long, Colour Medium Green, Wt. 90-100 gm.
Remarks ; Thick Long Picador
Plant : Medium Tall Plants.
Fruit: First Picking 40-45 Days After Sowing, Dark Green, Length 13-14 cm, No Of Ridges 5
Remarks : Prolific Bearing, Very Short Internodes, ResistantTo YVMV.
Plant: Erect Tall Plants.
Fruit: First Picking 55-60 Days After Transplanting, Shape Lamuyo Big Long, Colour Green Turns Red, Wt. 170-180 gm.
Remarks : Thick Skin Firm Fruits With Good Keeping Quality.
Plant: Tall Erect Spreading Plants.
Fruit: First Picking 65 Days After Transplanting, Colour Green, Length 7-8cm, Diameter 0.8-0.9 cm, Highly Pungent.
Remarks: Excellent Fruit Weight Due To More Seed Content, High Yield Potential With Good Virus Tolerance.
Plant: Blueish Green Thick Leaves Compact Plants.
Head: Maturity 70-75 Days After Transplanting, Shape Round, Very Compact, Wt. 2 kg FH Capacity 30 Days After Maturity.
Remarks : Very Compact With Short Core, Thick Leaves, Good Disease Tolerance.
Piant: Wiedium tall spreading riants.
Fruit: First Picking 60-65 Days After Transplanting, Shape Blocky With 3-4 Lobes, Colour Greenish Yellow Turns Orange, Wt. 130-140 gm.
Remarks : Shiny Unripe & Ripen Colour Fruits With Good Disease Tolerance & High Yield.
Plant: Medium Tall Spreading Plants.
Fruit: First Picking 55-60 Days After Transplanting, Shape Oval, Colour Shiny Black, Harvest Av. Wt. 70-80 gm.
Remarks : Thornless, 2-3 Fruits In Clusters, Tolerance To Sucking Pests, High Yielding Hybrid.
Fruit: Maturity 35 Days After Sowing, Shape Cylindrical With Tapering End, Colour White, Length 20-22 cm.
Remarks : Early, Tender & Less Fiber Roots, Both Root & Leaves Are Edible
Plant: Erect Plants With Twisted Blueish Green Foliage.
Crud: Maturity 75-80 Days After Transplanting, Shape Dome, Compact White Curds, Wt. 1.5-2 kg.
Remarks : Self Blanching, Snow White Firm Curds.
Plant: Medium Tall Spreading Plants
Fruit: First Picking 55-60 Days After Transplanting, Shape Lamuyo Pointed, Colour Green, Wt. 140- 150 gm.
Remark : Marconi Sweet Pepper.
Piant: Erect Type With Blueish Green Small Leaves.
Head: Maturity 55-60 Days After Transplanting, Shape Round, Very Compact, Wt. 0.800 gm-1.5 kg FH Capacity 25-30 Days After Maturity.
Remarks : Very Compact With Short Core, Suitable For Close Spacing.
Plant: Tail Erect Dark Green Foliage Plants
Fruit: First Picking 55-60 Days After Transplanting, Shape Jalapeno Thick Long, Colour Black Dark Green, Wt.40-50 gm.
Remarks : Pungent Hybrid With High Yield
Fruit: First Picking 40 - 45 Days After Sowing, Shape Straight Cylindrical, Colour Green, Length 28-30 cm Wt. 600-800 gm.
Remarks : Early Vigorous Hybrid, Prolific Bearing, Uniform Fruits, White Tender Flesh, Good Keeping Quality.
Plant: Medium Tail Spreading Plants.
Fruit: First Picking 50-55 Days After Transplanting, Shape Big Blocky With 3-4 Lobes, Colour Dark Green Turns Red, Wt. 180-200 gm.
Remarks : Attractive Compact Thick Big Fruits, Good For Long Transport.
Plant: Medium Tall Spreading.
Fruit: FirstPicking 70-75 Days After Transplanting, Colour Dark Green, Length 10-12 cm, Diameter 1-1.2 cm, High Pungent.
Remarks : Medium Smooth Shiny Fruits, Round The Year For Fresh Market.
Fruit: First Picking 45-50 Days After Sowing, Shape Cylindrical, Colour Shiny Smooth Dark Green, Length 15-18 cm, Wt. 100-125 gm.
Remarks : Gynoecious Hybrid With Good Disease Tolerance, High Yield.
Plant: Tall Erect Spreading Plants
Fruit: First Picking 5S-60 Days After Transpianting, Shape Small Horizontal Blocky Having 3-4 Lobes, Colour Medium Green, Wt. 25-35gm.
Remarks : Baby Capsicum, Shiny Parrot Green Colour Fruits With High Productivity.
Plant: Tall Erect Spreading Plants
Fruit: First Picking 55-60 Days After Transplanting, Shape Thick Long Picador, Colour Green, Wt. 70-90 gm.
Remarks : Marconi Sweet Pepper.
Plant: Medium Tall Spreading Dark Green Foliage Plants
Fruit: First Picking 60-65 Days After Transplanting, Shape Big Blocky With 3-4 Lobes, Colour Medium Green, Wt. 200-250 gm.
Remarks : Attractive Shiny Big Size Fruits With Good Disease Tolerance ;:
Plant: Erect Tall Plants.
Fruit: First Picking 55-60 Days After Transplanting, Shape Rectangular Small Blocky With 3-4 Lobes, Colour Green Turns Red, Wt. 30-35 gm.
Remarks : Baby Capsicum, High Pungent, High Yielding.
Plant: Medium Tall Spreading
Fruit: First Picking 55-60 Days After Transplanting, Shape Thick Long Picador, Colour Light Green Turns Red, Wt.40-50 gm.
Remarks : Big Long Picador
Plant: Tall Spreading Dark Green Foliage Plants.
Fruit: First Picking 65-70 Days After Transplanting, Colour Dark Green, Length 15-16 cm, Diameter 1.1-1.2cm, Medium Pungent.
Remarks : Good For Dry Purpose, Very High Yielding Having Good Tolerance To Sucking Pests & Diseases.