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  1. Surveillance Systems 3 Products available
  2. Security, Metal & Leak Detectors

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  3. Computer Monitor

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  9. Leak Detectors

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  10. Others Products 4 Products available

Our Products

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Multi Mode Passive Detection System, Geiger Mueller Detectors, High Purity Germanium Detectors, Lanthanum Bromide Scintillation Detectors and Food Products.

Environmental Monitors

This is a our unique area radiation monitoring system which can be used to monitor radiation level of public places and radiation fields. The system consists ofa monitor and several detectors Monitor collects and analyses radiation rate data from different detectors. The status and alarm information will be transmitted to the computer. Monitor, detectors and computer connected via RS485 data transmission network. Each monitor can be connected to as many as 128 detectors and maximum transmission distance is 1000 meters.

We Offered in a wide range of measurement ranges, our area radiation monitors provide real-time remote radiological measurement. Featuring waterproof probes and a with available cables anywhere from 25 to 350 feet in length, they can safely measure in areas where high radiation could otherwise compromise meter electronics.


  • Optional monitor and detector based on radiation level an customer demand.
  • Optional 6LiI(Eu) neutron detector.
  • screen LCD, user friendly.
  • Independently adjustable alarm threshold for each detector.
  • Visual and audible alarm.
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Multi Mode Passive Detection System

Multi-Mode Passive Detection System Generation 3 (MMPDS Gen3) enables the identification of security threats at both port and border/land port operations, while facilitating the legitimate flow of commerce. The MMPDS Gen3 incorporates Machine Learning Algorithms (MLAs) that will steadily improve the capability of the system against current items of interest and rapidly adapt to future threats as they emerge. MMPDS is the only existing technology capable of passively detecting shielded nuclear material, contraband or anomalies in commerce.

The U.S. Department of Energys Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) invented the original MMPDS technology in 2005 with the goal of automatically identifying shielded and unshielded nuclear and radioactive materials in commercial cargo containers. In 2006, LANL granted an exclusive worldwide license to Decision Sciences to commercialize this technology. Decision Sciences has continued to develop and improve upon LANLs original work over the last 10 years, improving the ability to automatically identify shielded and unshielded nuclear and radioactive materials, incorporating the ability to assist operators in finding explosives, drugs and other contraband, and implementing MLAs that can adapt to identify other cargoes of interest in an ever-changing evolution of commerce.

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Handheld Explosives Trace Detector

Handheld Chemical Warfare Agents and Toxic Industrial Chemicals Trace Detector is an on line, accuracy and extremely sensitive detection device for trace chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals based on Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) technology. As a result of the excellent performance, it has been widely used in customs, airports, borders, subways, large scale activities, etc.

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Mobile Inspection Platform

A Mobile Inspection Platform that can host various sensor technologies for inspecting vehicles and cargo for threats such a radiation sources, chemical/biological sources, human smuggling, and weapons smuggling. Unlike stationary inspection systems, the Mobile Inspection Platform can be easily deployed to allow inspection of vehicles and/or cargo anywhere within the concept-of-operations area, allowing rapid re-deployment when mission requirement change or when a moving the threat source is impossible or potentially dangerous.

  • Straddle carrier structure for vehicle drive-through or the self-powered Mobile Inspection Platform can drive over a stationary vehicle.
  • The Mobile Inspection Platform open-architecture facilitates rapid adoption of nearly any sensing technology, including X-Ray, Hyper spectral, Chemical/Biological, and Radiation.
  • The Mobile Inspection Platform includes a license plate reader, a remote scanner to uniquely identify markings on the targeted vehicle, remote video for recording the entire inspection sequence, accept/reject notification, and external signage to prompt the operator of the vehicle targeted for inspection.
  • Electric drive propulsion and steering for maximum energy efficiency and minimal noise footprint.
  • In-cab controls and displays.
  • Wireless link to remote command station enables centralized/simultaneous monitoring of multiple systems.
  • Dual generators for independent operation of drive train and operational equipment.
  • On-board data storage for archival purposes.
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Fire Detection Camera

  • IP66 Outdoor Network Camera.
  • Pan Tile Motorized Platform.
  • Heavy Duty Design.
  • Embedded Video Content Analysis.
  • Unlimited Points Of Interest.
  • Flexible Scanning & Timing Path.
  • Pan & Tilt Manual Override.
  • Open Alert API/SDK.
  • Integral Control Center Connectivity.
  • Dry Contact and Logical Alert Triggers.
  • Burnt-inVideo & Sound Fire Alert.
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Liquid Monitoring System

The Liquid Monitor is used for continuous monitoring of liquid effluents volumetric activity. This monitor is designed to complete all monitoring systems in nuclear facilities (reprocessing plants, nuclear power plants, accelerators, research laboratories), where continuous monitoring of liquid effluents volumetric activity is required.It is generally used for low volumetric activity monitoring under normal operating conditions.

The monitor displays the measured volumetric activity and triggers alarms whenever preset threshold levels are exceeded.

Liquid monitoring system consists of a gamma scintillation detector with preamplifier, local display and control unit, liquid sampler, liquid pumping system, and local cables to interconnect the system electronics. The detector will continuously measure the gamma energies from the liquid sample stream and provide nuclear pulses to the preamp. The preamplifier unit can be set to operate in differentiate mode measuring up to three regions of interest.

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Handheld Hydrogen Leak Detector

H2scan recognizes the importance of detecting and locating hydrogen leaks as quickly as possible. H2scan's HY-ALERTA 500 Handheld Hydrogen Leak Detector is the industry's most versatile, portable hydrogen leak detector able to respond to the widest range of hydrogen gas concentrations without the need of any peripheral equipment. The hydrogen sensor probe has a unique visual LED array that will effectively help navigate to the source of a hydrogen leak where hydrogen gas is produced, used, transported, or stored.

With two sensing elements on the same semiconductor die, the HY-ALERTA 500 can detect hydrogen leaks as low as 15 ppm and will not saturate or be destroyed when detecting high concentrations of hydrogen up to 100%. The flexible cable allows the sensor probe access to virtually all potential leak sources. Some applications where this product and its benefits have been demonstrated are in Dry Cask Welding in Nuclear Facilities and in the measurement of hydrogen in a Hydrogen-cooled generator.

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Explosion Proof Area Hydrogen Monitor

Explosion Proof Area Hydrogen Monitor provides hydrogen-specific leak detection and measurement for hydrogen concentrations as low as 4000 ppm and can be scaled to any concentration up to 5% hydrogen by volume, a range representing 10% to 125% of hydrogen's lower flammability limit.

The monitor is designed for either ceiling or wall mount and has an RS422 capability that extends the interface from the Hydrogen Sensor Module to the Control Module to several hundred feet. H2scan's hydrogen-specific sensor technology has no cross sensitivity to other combustible gases, thus eliminating false positive alarms and ensuring safety system reliability.

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Geiger Mueller Detectors

The essential components of the geiger-mueller detector are its two collecting electrodes: the anode and cathode (the anode is positively charged with respect to the cathode). In most cases, the outer chamber wall serves as the cathode. The potential difference between the anode and cathode is usually in the 800 to 1200 volt range.

A cylinder (often 446 stainless steel) serves as the cathode while a wire (usually tungsten) running along the central axis serves as the anode. The primary application of the side window GM is the measurement of gamma exposure rates. Nevertheless, its wall can be thin enough to permit higher energy betas (>300 keV) to be counted.

The density thickness of a typical thin walled cylindrical GM is 30 mg/cm2. The density thickness (aka aerial density) is a convenient way to describe the thickness of very thin materials it is the product of the materials density (mg/cc) and its thickness (cm). To measure it, weigh one square centimeter of the material.

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High Purity Germanium Detectors

High-Purity germanium (HPGe) detectors are the recognized gold standard for detection and identification of characteristic gamma rays from nuclear or radiological sources. High- Purity Germanium detectors are mostly used for gamma spectroscopy in nuclear physics, as well as x-ray spectroscopy. SSBI can offer the optimum detector for a wide range of applications. We use both p-type and n-type germanium and we use diffused, implanted, and barrier contacts to achieve this product variety. SSBI Provides a comprehensive suit of HPGe radiation detector solution covering an extensive range of energies and a variety of application

Selecting your Detector:All Our HPGe detectors can be temperature cycled and stored indefinitely at room temperature. Several parameters are useful in the selection of a detector for a particular application.

Energy Range:In general, Coaxial P-type detectors are suitable for energies of 40 keV to 10 MeV. N-type coaxials extend the range down to 4 keV. For lower-energy gammas, planar detectors are recommended for the 3 keV-1 MeV range, since they have better energy resolution and less sensitivity to high energy background than N-type coaxial detectors.

Efficiency:The relative efficiency compares the number of photons detected to the number detected by a 7.62 mm x 7.62 mm (3 x 3) NaI(Tl) scintillation detector. Efficiency is related to crystal size. Thus, coaxial detectors are frequently sized by percent relative efficiency. It is important to select the appropriate size. An overly large detector wastes money and may create high count rate problems. A small detector will be less expensive, but can cost more in time required for an analysis.

Energy Resolution:The usual standard for energy resolution is the full width at half maximum (FWHM) for the full energy peak of the 60Co 1.33 MeV line. Usually, a second value, at one-tenth the maximum (FWTM), is also determined. The ratio of these, FWTM/FWHM, is called peak shape, and is used in computer analysis of complex spectra. For lower-energy regions, the FWHM of the 5.9 keV line of 55Fe or the 122 keV line of 57Co is reported as a metric of detector quality.

Other Factors:The peak-to-Compton ratio is sometimes more important than resolution or efficiency. For planar detectors, the active area, depletion depth, and window thickness need to be considered. We offer three types of preamplifier: resistive feedback, optical reset, and transistor reset. You can also choose among a large range of nitrogen cooled cryostats including dipstick, unitary and portable styles; along with the full electric E-Cooler or the Green Cooler liquid nitrogen generator

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Lanthanum Bromide Scintillation Detectors

Lanthanum Bromide [LaBr3 (Ce)] detectors provide a higher performance alternative to basic NaI (Tl) scintillation detectors.

When we combined with digital electronics, performance improvements include:

  • High Light output, and fast decay time output pulse.
  • Better energy resolution and stability than NaI (Tl).
  • Higher maximum throughput at high input count rates.
  • Deferent Size options range available.
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Suspect Detection System

    • Hostile Intent Detection System.

    • The system can be used for mass screening and pinpoint investigation at Airports, Interrogation facilities and crime scene.

    • System is developed for only law-enforcement agencies.

    • Automated decision making tool:Enables screening and investigation to isolate terrorists, criminals and hostile employees at check points, border crossing, interrogation facilities, crime scene, combat zone and field operation.

    • Self learning system:Analyses of historical data and studies behavioral patterns.

    • One stop intelligence collection:Document authentication, Biometric ID (fingerprint, voice, video), Data collection for future tracking

  • Easy to operate:COGITO is a fully automated system that does not require expert human operation.
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Continuous Air Monitor

Continuous particulate air monitors have been used for years in nuclear facilities to assess airborne particulate radioactivity (APR). In more recent times they may also be used to monitor people in their homes for the presence of manmade radioactivity. These monitors can be used to trigger alarms, indicating to personnel that they should evacuate an area.

Our low profile fixed filter monitor designed to continuously collect and measure the quantity of radioactive beta particulates or gamma iodines in the sample stream. The system will monitor radioactive airborne levels in either working spaces, or via a process tubing connection to a remote stack, duct or other air space.


  • System Skid Assembly, fully wired & plumbed.
  • Measurement of alpha and/or beta particulate.
  • Beta Scintillation Detector or Gamma Scintillation Detector.
  • Isotopic Check Source (optional).
  • Detachable head assembly for remote monitoring.
  • Fixed filter or moving filter configurations available.
  • Full alpha spectral analysis with unique radon-thoron peak fitting algorithm.
  • Preamplifiers/HV Supply.
  • Display and Control Units.
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X-ray Detectors

X ray detector offer outstanding performance for a wide range of synchrotron applications. With ample performance for all standard applications, the detector series makes Hybrid Photon Counting technology accessible to virtually any synchrotron beam line and budget. The detector series excels with frame rates up to 500 Hz and sub-millisecond readout times, enabling novel experimental strategies. Region of interest readout allows you to take advantage of highest frame rates with even the largest detector models.

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Automatic Number Plate Recognition System


  • High accuracy rate in different lightning conditions.
  • Easy installation and maintenance.
  • On site or remote vehicle surveillance.
  • Ease of integration with third party applications.
  • Built in database management module for vehicle information and reporting.
  • Suitable for both fix as well as mobile system.
  • Applicable for various countries.
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Vehicle Monitoring System

Portal radiation monitors are considered to be the first measure to prevent the illicit trafficking of radioactive and nuclear materials. These monitors are designed for the monitoring of the pedestrians, trucks, cars, trains, etc.

The monitors are equipped with gamma and neutron detectors, video monitoring system, pager and computer communication system responsible for radiation monitoring. These features make it possible to detect even the smallest ionizing radiation sources as well as keep records of all events related to the sources trafficked across any controlled area.

The monitor can have variable number of detectors to meet customer requirements for sensitivity, height and width of the monitoring area. Such design enables the operator to set up a monitor configuration customized to the specifics of the installation site, enabling the range of possible applications from small pedestrian monitors to huge, highly-sensitive railway monitors.


  • Automated: monitors operate seamlessly without the need for "supervising" HP personnel
  • Fast: A single pass-through is adequate to completely check a large vehicle.
  • Centralized remote diagnostics and monitoring of the radiation portal monitor;
  • Increased efficiency of Customs and Border Protection Services working in a radiation monitoring of the area;
  • Sensitive: Materials located well within the interior of a large vehicle are detectable.
  • Gathering and analysis of the information about the functionality and performance of the radiation control equipment;
  • Convenient: measurements are logged for later retrieval, maintenance and calibration is quick and easy, configurations can be automatically loaded for easy replication.
  • Self-diagnostic: monitors continually check themselves for detector damage, power issues, background fluctuations, etc.
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Surface Contamination Meter

This is a portable and rugged surface contamination detection instrument, whose detector is a thin plastic scintillator coated with ZnS. Based on the high sensitivity, lightweight, Ease of use, it has been widely used in law enforcement, emergency response, nuclear plants, customs, border patrol, Hospital etc

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Multi Functional Radiation Meter

This radiation meter is a multi functional radiation meter; it is equipped with five intelligent probes for detecting , , , n pollution of environment or staffs. Integrating these excellent probes, can be applied in almost the whole radiation protection and measurement.

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