Our Products
Our product range contains a wide range of Green Moong Beans, White Kidney Beans, Green Gram and Black Kidney Beans
Mung bean (Vignaradiata) is a plant species of Fabaceae and is also known as green gram. It is sometimes confused with black gram (Vigna mungo) for their similar morphology, though they are two different species. The green gram is an annual vine with yellow flowers and fuzzy brown pods.
White beans are one of the many varieties of common beans domesticated in North and South America. Several types exist, though the most common arecannellini beans, which are also called white kidney beans. Tender, with an earthy, nutty flavor, they make a great addition to soups, stews, chilis, and other dishes.
here are several healt benefits of mung beans, such as; helps in weight control, lower blood pressure. lowers cholesterol and heart disease risk, may help fight cancer, boost immunity and protects against infections, improves skin health, provides detoxification benefits, decreases PMS syndrome.
Mung Beans (Green Gram)
The green bean , alternatively known as mung bean, is a plant species in the legume family.
Black Kidney Beanscontains iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc; they all contribute to building and maintaining a health bone structure. Black beans also contain quercetin and saponins- which help protect the heart.