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1 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of Allium Sativum Extract, Andrographis Paniculata Extract, Boswellia Serrata Extract, Caralluma Fimbriata Extract and Coleus Forskohlii Extract
Allium Sativum Extract( Garlic Extract )is used for many conditions related to the heart and blood system. These conditions includehigh blood pressure, low blood pressure, high cholesterol, inheritedhigh cholesterol, coronaryheart disease, heart attack, reduced blood flow due to narrowed arteries, and "hardening of the arteries" (atherosclerosis).
Some people use garlic to prevent colon cancer, rectal cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, multiple myeloma, and lung cancer. It is also used to treatprostate cancerandbladder cancer. Alpinia Galangal Extract It is used to promote digestion and stimulate appetite and production of digestive fluids. The herb is therefore used to treat anorexia, indigestion (dyspepsia), colicand stomach ache. It is also used traditionally for hiccups, nausea, vomiting, chronic gastritis, and ulcers in the digestive tract.
The herb hasanalgesic(relieving pain) andantipyretic(reducing fever) properties and it may also help reduce bacterial and fungal infections. Galangal can also be applied as a treatment for infections of the upper respiratory tract such aschronic bronchitisandcough. An extract of the root is used as a mouthwash and a gargle for mouth ulcers, gum inflammation and other inflammation in the mouth and throat and as atreatment for bad breath(halitosis).
Kalmegh extractOr Andrographis Paniculata is a very important medicinal plant of traditional medicine system. It is used in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathy to treat broad variety of diseases. It is found growing wild throughout the plains and hills of tropical India, from Uttar Pradesh to Kerala, and also in Bangladesh, Pakistan and all South East Asian countries. All part of plant is extremely bitter due to which plant is known as king of bitter. This plant is called Hempedu Bumi (meaning bile of earth) in Malaysia. In Ayurveda it is used in various ailments related vitiated Pitta/ Kapha in Liver, Skin, and Intestine. As per Ayurvedic principle excess Pittacause disturbance in liver enzymes, which leads to inflammation in cells & thus viral load increases in whole body. This raises body temperature & fever symptoms sets in, in such situation Kalmegh / Andrographis powder is useful.
It supports anti viral &anti bacterial action which helps in reducing fever and muscular & body pain.
Kalmegh is especially useful in treating liver related diseases. It exhibits hepato-protective and hepato-stimulative property. In traditional medicine system aqueous extract of Kalmegh is given for jaundice. Kalmegh/ Andrographisis bitter in taste which helps to digest the food & prevents formation of flatulency & toxic waste in the body. It activates detoxifying function of Liver & helps in cleansing Liver cells. Kalmegh has also shown blood cleansing & skin purifying properties. Kalmegh/ Andrographis powder when used with anti-oxidants like Amla helps to eliminate free harmful radicles and regenerate Liver cells.
Scientific Study of Kalmegh/ Andrographis has shown presence of Diterpenes (major component is Andrographolide) & flavonoids, which supports Anti-inflammation, analgesic & high blood glucose (postprandial) reducing properties. The study also proved anti-bacterial & anti-viral action of aqueous extract of kalmegh/ Andrographis.
Boswellia SerrataExtract is resin also called as Indian Frankincense (Latin Olibanum indicum) derived or obtained from Botanical Plant Boswellia serrata. This plant is native to much of India and the Punjab region that extends into Pakistan. The Boswellia tree trunk produces resin (oleoresin) which is called Shallaki it is purified and then used as Boswellia extract in medicinal applications like anti-inflammation & anti-arthritic, Joint Pain and as Skin Tonic. From ages Boswellia Extract Capsules has been used in Ayurvedic Science for Joint Pain Reliever, blood circulation, skin cleanser, as diaphoretic in fever, demulcent and cough expectorant.
Numerous studies have been conducted recently to study usefulness of Boswellia Serrata Extract / Shallaki extract on human body. Research has shown presence of useful chemical components like monoterpenes, diterpenes, triterpenes, tetracyclic triterpenic acids and pentacyclic triterpenic acids boswellic acid, acetyl-11-keto--boswellic acid (AKBA). Boswellic acid is an important active constituent in Shallaki, which helps in suppressing joint inflammation and pain by targeting key enzymes that facilitate the release of pro-inflammatory chemicals in the joints. Hence it is used in various stages of arthritis as an anti-inflammation & pain killing agent, especially during menopausal joint pains. Boswellia extract also helps in reducing lymph gland swelling and in fever.
Regular intake of Boswellia extract helps to remove sticky phlegm and reduce inflammation of bronchial lining. The Triterpenes present in Boswellia extract helps as cough expectorant and in increasing urinary output. Boswellia extract Capsules also help in blocking the chemical reactions that set the stage for inflammation in cases of chronic intestinal disorders like Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis. Shallaki extract also helps to reduce or destroy infectious cells, purify the blood and cleanse the skin
Caralluma Extract: Caralluma is a succulent plant (cactus) from India. In India, it grows wild and is often used as a border in gardens and as a roadside shrub. It is also found in the wild in Africa, Saudi Arabia, Canary Islands, Afghanistan, and Southern Europe.
Traditionally, Indian tribes chewed chunks of Caralluma to keep from beinghungryduring a long hunt. It is also consumed in India as a vegetable with spices or made into chutney or pickles.
Nowadays the extract derived from the plant is used to decrease appetite forweight loss. It is also used to quench thirst and to increase endurance. Although not fully characterized, carallumafimbriata Extract is believed to work via active biomolecules called pregnane glycosides that may down-regulate both ghrelin synthesis in the stomach and neuropeptide-Y in the hypothalamus, thereby resulting in appetite suppression.
Coleus Forskohliiis a fleshy, perennial herb, which has an aroma similar to camphor; its spiked flowers are typical of the mint family. Coleus is a hardy plant, growing on the dry slopes of the lower Himalayas and the plains in Uttar Pradesh, Northern India. However, coleus has long been cultivated in India, Thailand and also in other parts of South East Asia.
Coleus has a 3000-year history in Ayurvedic medicine (known as Gandira) and is mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts as a tonic for a healthy heart and lungs. Nowadays, coleus is not just a herb for cardiovascular ailments but is increasingly used to assistweight lossby breaking down adipose tissue and preventing production of further fatty tissue. In addition, coleus supports stimulation of metabolism by increasing thyroid hormones and the secretion of insulin. Coleus promotes blood circulation with dilatation in heart muscles which supports blood pressure lowering response in short term.
Scientific studies of Coleus have shown presence of its principal active compound, a diterpenoid called forskohlin. Research study also confirms that this is the only plant-derived compound known to directly stimulate the enzymes, promoting cellular cyclic mono-phosphates which boost our metabolism, thus helping in weight management. Coleus also supports low allergic reactions by virtue of presence of Forskohlin which works as a stabilizer for cells that release histamine, helping in breathlessness.
Turmeric extractHaldi also known as Turmeric Or Curcuma is an important kitchen ingredient of every household worldwide.It is employed largely as a colouring agent & as condiment entering largely in to the composition of Indian pickles and curry powders. As per ancient Ayurvedic Literatures & texts, Turmeric is Pungent, Bitter in tastes with hot & dry in potency, pacifies kapha/Pitta doshas, helps to diminish various blood disorders & heals skin wounds. In Herbal Medicines it is usually included in all formulations pertaining to Beauty & cosmetics as Turmeric is considered to be best Skin tonic. Regular use of Haldi cleans the Blood, keeps various Skin ailments away and helps to destroy bacterias which cause obstruction in healing Skin ulcers.
Various uses of Haldi are mentioned in Ayurvedic, Unnani & Home remedies books. The anti-bacterial activity & immunity boosting property of Curcuma Shields Human body from various Septic micro-organism and fights various dreadful diseases. In small children haldi -1tsp is given regularly in warm milk to develop immunity and prevent recurrent cough & cold, chronic rhinitis, esonophilia, bronchitis etc. In adults, 1-11/2 tsp daily intake with warm milk or honey-warm water, prevents from recurrent Urinary Infections, skin infections & balances irregular high blood glucose levels.
Externally Turmeric powder is rubbed over affected Skin ailments with gingelly oil or sprayed over non healing ulcers. It is also used frequently for gargling with warm water & pinch of salt for Sore throat, voice hoarseness and other throat infections.
Mucuna pruriensis a tropicallegumenative to Africa and tropical Asia and widelynaturalized and cultivated.Its Englishcommon namesincludevelvet bean, cowage, cowitch.The plant is notorious for the extreme itchiness it produces on contact, particularly with the young foliage and the seed pods.Mucuna pruriensis well known by two Sanskrit names, Kapikacchu, which means one starts itching like a monkeyand Atmagupta, which means secret self, and hints at the therapeutic value of the seed concealed within the allergenic seedpod.
In Ayurveda, Mucunais used from ancient times for variousneurological& generaldebility problems. It is used in dysfunction of all 3 doshas, vizVata, Pitta, kaphaespecially in aggravatedVata & Pitta.It is Sweet & Bitter primarily, warm inpotency. Mucuna is used especially asaphrodisiac agentto increase spermatogenesis andstrengthening muscles/ligaments. As per Ayurveda, Mucunapacifies aggravatedVatainMajja Dhatu (Nervous System), provides strength to basic structure of Nerves and helps to control body movements.
Research suggests Mucuna protects the brain by keeping cognitive and neural functions in check, even encouraging neural activity.TheAntioxidantspresent donate an electron to the free radical to neutralize its effects, particularly on thebrain. Mucuna has an added benefit in that it fights systemic redness in the brain, which is often a factor inbrain degradation.
Mucunacontains a compound calledL-DOPAwhich is a direct precursor to the neurotransmitter. it help toincrease libido, leanmuscle mass, reducing signs of aging such as wrinkles and body fat, increasing bone density and evenboostingoverall energy levels.
L-DOPAfromMucunahas been shown to be safer and more effective for controlling variousNervine problems, this is because of the vast arrays of other chemical constituents that accompanyL-DOPAin the unprocessed plant. Mucunaalso looks to be very promising as a adjuvent solution for recovering drug addicts, alcohol withdrawal syndrome and people suffering from depression related illness, since these people have deficiencies of the neurotransmitters serotonin (which the velvet beans contain and help balance in the human body).
Product Usage :
Tonic, Anti-Parkinsonian, mood enhancement, Promotes Sound Sleep, Supports Neurotransmitter Production, Supports mental alertness, improve sexual energy, libido levels
Fenugreek extractaccording to studiesfenugreek helps to reduce cholesterol level naturally, especially that of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL). They are known to be a rich source of steroidal saponins that prevent the absorption of cholesterol and triglycerides. The presence of galactomannan, plays a key role to maintain healthy heart&decelerating the absorption rate of sugar into our bloodstream, thus preventing diabetes mellitus. It also contains a high amount of potassium that counters the action of sodium to help control heart rate and blood pressure.
Fenugreek contains 16-20 % of protein, other amino acids which help to nourish body elements and prevent malnourishment. As per Ayurveda fenugreek is Tiktarasam, Ushna veerayam, which helps to reduce Vata & kapha & stimulates appetite. Seeds are mucilaginous, demulcent & due to its astringent action stops loose motions. Seed extract, when taken internally, helps as an emmenagogue to women who suffer from oligomenorrhea, by virtue of its Uterus compression property. A Gruel like a recipe prepared of seeds helps as galactogogue by stimulating milk ducts in post natal care.
Externally the seeds extract paste applied over hair scalp prevents hair loss & helps to stimulate hair growth. Also, poultice of flour seeds applied to affected area reduces inflammation and pain.
Triphala Extractis an Ayurvedic traditional generic medicine that is popular as rasayana or the rejuvenator.Triphala is the combination of three wonderful herbs Emblica Officinalis, Terminalia chebula and Terminalia belerica in equal quantity. Triphala Extract is used to balance the doshas (the elements of body and mind), especially it pacifies vitiated Kapha/pitta and enhance the process of digestion and elimination. The General tonic is also known to aid in the removal of toxins from the digestive system.Due to laxative and carminative action, Triphala churna helps in constipation, flatulence, gas, and abdominal distension.
Triphala helps to approach weight loss in a different way; rather than focusing on eating less and exercising more, this Extract works to cleanse the digestive system and promote healthy nutritional uptake. The more capable your body is at absorbing nutrients from the food you eat, the less your body will indicate hunger and compel you to eat.
Triphala is rich in vitamin C, which is a boon to the immune system and a potent antioxidant. It is also rich in bioflavonoids, phyto chemicals which are reported to speed healing in certain cases.Due to these compounds, Triphala Extract is effective in delaying aging, maintaining skin health, and preventing premature greying &hair fall and reducing oxidative stress in the body.It is also useful for maintaining good eyesight, reducing its cell damage.
Ginger extract/ Zingiber Or Suntha is a important herb/spice in Indian families largely cultivated in warm, moist regions chiefly in Madras, Cochin & Travancore, the scraped & dried rhizomes as well as green ones are used. As per Ayurveda Ginger is pungent in taste, hot in potency and pacifies Vitiated Vata/kapha. It is easily digested, absorbed from the intestines and has anti-flatulency, intestinal spasm reducing properties. It cleans the toxicity from the tongue, by removing undigested (Aam) food materials and ignites the appetite. The Aromatic oil present in the Ginger rhizome helps to prevent bad breadth, improve salivary secretion (sialagogue) and stimulates gastro-intestinal tract.
Ginger is also useful in common cold & cough, where there is immunity suppression & fever sets in. It helps to remove extra phlegm from bronchus and respiratory tract & reduce symptoms of acute bronchitis/ Sinusities and headache/ bodyache. On long term basis it is also helpful as hot water infusion drink like herbal tea in evening to relieve symptoms of Rheumatic conditions like joint heaviness, pain and warmness etc. This herbal tea when consumed regularly also acts as anti-oxidant, removing blockages from blood vessels and re-energise lungs to get more Oxygen level. Ginger extract combines with black pepper extract (kali miri) & pippali extract (piper longum) (collectively known as Trikatu extract ), which act as carminative & increase Bio-availability of the drug given along Trikatu.
Externally ginger extract is applied over affected joint area Or forehead with warm water/ Nilgiri oil (Eucalyptus oil) as local stimulant & rubefacient to have pain killer action.
Indian Lilac, which is commonly known asNeem, has been an integral part of Ayurveda for the benefits associated with it. It is an herb that is commonly available throughout the year and has benefits that only a few natural products can provide. Neem is considered as a wonder herb and is important for its variety of medicinal uses. The study has shown that Neem Extract supports the immune system to help the body to fight external organisms & promotes healing. Neem helps in overall cooling & cleansing the blood and skin. Overall Neem supports the health of the reproductive system, digestive system, the urinary system, the respiratory system and the circulatory system.
In Ayurveda, neem is supposed to have a cold, light, and dry properties, which helps to pacify pitta/kapha related symptoms. Neem is often taken internally to foster a state of equilibrium in the functions of liver, pancreas, and digestive tract. The Bitters present in Neem Extract supports proper & healthy digestion, Immunity modulation, equilibrium of sugar levels in blood and helps lipid metabolism. On a broader scale, Neem Extract supports natural cleansing of the channels in the body, immunity boosting as well as the rejuvenation of healthy tissues, good for skin & blood.
ExternalFor Skin If you are suffering from dark spots, blemishes and pigmented skin, application ofNeem Extract powder 900mg mixed with tsp honey may help to get a clear, even skin tone.
Papaya Extractcontainsimportant nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, C and E, calories, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron for vitality, increasing Immunity & platelets. Papaya Extract has an important enzyme called papain that aids in digestion by breaking down the proteins naturally.
Papaya plantis known as Arandkhurbuja in Ayurveda & mentions that it reduces Vitiated Vata helps to increase blood flow to heart muscles & promotes repair of damages done to heart blood vessels. It supports digestion of extra blood glucose and prevention of damage to nerves. As per Ayurveda, when externally applied helps to relieve pain caused by neuritis.
Sankhapuspi extractConvolvulus pluricaulis/ Sankhapuspi is a perennial herb that seems like morning glory. As per ancient wisdom -It is believed to be the only herb that is capable of enhancing all the aspects related to brain power, such as learning, memory and the ability to recall. However, its popularity stems from its ability to treat insomnia effectively. Clinical studies have exhibited demonstrable beneficial effects in the patients of anxiety neurosis. The herb induces a feeling of calm and peace, good sleep and a relief in anxiety, stresses, and mental fatigue, producing a significant reduction in the level of anxiety, neuroticism arising due to various levels of stresses. Sankhapuspi appears to produce its action by modulation of neuro-chemistry of the brain. Further, Sankhapuspi is non-toxic and its use does not produce any side effects.
As per Ayurveda Sankhapuspi helps to maintain equilibrium of Tridoshas(Vata, Pitta, kapha), is Astringent and hot in potency. Sankhapuspi is described as Medhya which means Brain Tonic, helps with other medicines in many Mental Problems. It helps in regular metabolism of food, increase appetite and remove toxins from the body. It is believed that Sankhapuspi has evil spirit/ negative vibes removing properties which prevents formation of negative thoughts in human body and free brain from stress & strain. Sankhapuspi 2 tsp is given with Black sesame tsp extract to pacify the problem of bedwetting in children. In Sunstroke whenever there is consciousness problem, Sankhapuspi extract is given internally with milk & honey to cool the body and recover fast. Take 3 to 6 grams of Convolvulus pluricaulis extract with milk early in the morning to enhance the memory power & remove Fatigue, if you are studying for long hours. Long term use of Sankhapuspi helps to retard progression of various Nervous System ailments like Parkinson, Anxiety Neurosis, Alzheimers disease etc. Sankhapuspi also helps in Spermatogenesis & as genital tonic.
Various Scientific Studies of Sankhapuspi have shown various chemical compositions, such as glucose, sucrose, glycosides, alkaloids and various acids etc. Thus Sankhapuspi is the most wonderful gift of nature to the mankind and is considered to be the only herb which has the ability to enhance all the aspects connected to brain power, for example memory, learning, and the ability to recall!
JamunExtract, also popularly known as jambul is a nutritious seasonal fruit found in abundance in Asia. This fruit is eaten as a healthy snack in many parts of the world. Jamun Extract is a delicious tropical plum-like fruit rich in vitamins and minerals. Fruit, seeds, bark, and leaves of Jambul have medicinal properties. Jamun is loaded with antioxidants and flavonoids essential for a healthy body and mind.As compared with other fruits, Jambul provides lesser calories making it the perfect choice for a healthy diet.
Jamun is Astringent in action and has alleviated Kapha/pitta reducing property. Jamun Seed Extract is used as a cure for digestive disorders, an excellent home remedy for bloating & worms in the intestine. It is also administered with mango seed Extract in case of diarrhea & dysentery. Extract of seeds in jamun juice is excellent for individuals with a suppressed immune system and as anti-oxidant.
The Glucoside Jambolinepresent in Jamun is said to have the power of checking the pathological conversion of starch into sugar in cases of increased production of glucose, thus regulating sugar metabolism. It also diminishes the quantity of sugar in urine & allays the unquenchable thirst for diabetes.
Hibiscus extractalso known as shoe flower is grown all over Indian continent in backyard and is considered Sacred used in daily Puja/Prayers. It is used from ancient times & in Ayurveda it is used as Natural Hair Tonic. As per Ayurvedic texts Hibiscus extract when taken internally helps to pacify Kapha/ vata and has absorbent action.
Externally Hibiscus extract is used as scalp paste with rose water, kept for 1-2 hours &washed with plain water. This helps to cool hair follicles, decrease extra heat & prevent hair loss. Hibiscus extract also helps to colour the hair and growth of the hair follicles. Regular use of Hibiscus extract on hairs helps to conditioning & moisturizing it. Numerous Ayurvedic oils preparation for Healthy hairs contains Hibiscus as main ingredient. In cosmetic industry also Hibiscus is used in variety of different ways like as Hibiscus shampoos, hair oil and hair conditioners.
Internally Hibiscus extract is used as astringent to control & prevent excessive menstrual bleeding. It is also given for skin problems like impure blood, itching, and burning sensation due to excessive heat in surrounding.
Karela Extract(Momordica Charantia) has many names. In Pakistan, India among other Asian countries, it is known by this name, Karela. In English speaking countries, its known as bitter gourd, bitter squash or bitter melon. This cucumber-like fruit with ugly bumps all over it is popular due to its various health benefits.
Karela seeds contain plant-based insulin known as polypeptide-P, which acts like insulin made in the pancreas, which helps to lower sugar levels &long term toxic effect of high sugar levels. Karela also has character and momordicin, as 2 essential substances which are useful as anti-oxidants in normalizing blood pressure as well as warding off diabetes complications. Karela strengthens the immune system, wards off scavenging Free radicals& prevents cell damage by virtue of its anti-oxidant properties.
As mentioned in Ayurvedictexts Karela is cold in potency, easily digestible & bitter in taste. It has Pitta, Kapha pacifying action & do not aggravate Vata. It also has Blood purifying properties & helps in de-worming. Karela facilitates oxygenated & proper blood flow to the skin, which helps to cleanse & heal the skin disorders.It supports healthy digestion, acts as appetiser & has mild purgative action.
Karela removes extra phlegm from the system & purifies respiratory tract, helps to pacify fever.Karela has sufficient quantity of Beta-carotene& other nutrients which helps to recover from anemic & general debility condition. A study shows that it also helps to prevent macular degeneration of eye and Boost energy.
Piper Longum(Latin, linn) is an indigenous plant to North- eastern & southern india and Ceylon, cultivated in Eastern Bengal. Pippali is the term applied to the fruit of Indian Long Pepper Extract. Pippali is a powerful Rejuvenating herb that strengthens and nourishes the body. It is useful in various ailments especially of respiratory tract, digestive system, genital system, Skin, Liver & spleen.
As per Ayurvedic textual reference Pippali is better for Vitiated Vatta, Kapha of the body & is hot, pungent in quality. From ancient time Pippali Extract when taken with honey is found useful for removing extra phlegm, relieve cough & cold, sore throat & hiccups. Ayurveda also mentions utility of Pippali powder with Jaggery (twice in quantity) useful in loss of appetite, indigestion, chronic fever, anaemic conditions. Various basic formulations are made using Pippali as important ingredient in Ayurveda, which are used in stomach problems like flatulency, colic, indigestion, fullness etc.
Scientific study shows presence of Piperlongumine & other useful alkaloids in Pippali which has various beneficial actions like stopping excessive cell growth, as an antioxidant, relieving from chronic Cough & Cold. Piper longum Powder has also shown promising action in Joint inflammations as pain reducer and anti-inflammation action.