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Herbal Products

Our Complete range of products are Gymnema Sylvestre Extract, Garcinia Cambogia Extract, Banaba Leaves Extract and TERMINALIA ARJUNA EXTRACT.

Gymnema Sylvestre Extract

Gudmar or Gymnema powder when taken with warm water early morning reduces formation of phlegm & cough in Diabetic patients. Regular intake of Gymnema powder for a sustained period prevents ill effects of Diabetes Mellitus on human body and helps to reduce Average Blood glucose Or Glycosylated haemoglobin level (HBA1C levels). Gudmar also promotes healing diabetic wounds and repair of damaged tissues with other healing herbs. The skin tone & colour gets affected due to high sugar level, in such cases Gymnema supports to prevent skin ailments. As per Modern science & ongoing research Gudmar contains Gymnemic acids which are best Sugar-metabolizer. Gymnemic acids supports stimulation action on insulin secreting cells in pancreas, which in turn helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
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Garcinia Cambogia Extract

  • Botanical Name Garcinia Cambogia Extract
  • Common Name Garcinia Extract
  • Assay Hydroxy Citric Acids 50 % & 60 % (USP)
  • Applications Anti-Obesity Agent
  • Product Usage Weight Management, Astringent, Coolant
Description :

The genus Garcinia Extract (Botanical name Garcenia cambogia) is a medicinal tree mainly distributed in tropical region, belonging to the family Guttiferae and is found in India, Malaysia, and Africa. Garcenia cambogia is commonly found in evergreen or semi-evergreen forests of southwest India. Dried fruit rinds of Garcenia have been used extensively for centuries throughout Southeast Asia for culinary purposes as a condiment and flavoring agent in place of tamarind or lemon. Garcinia Extract useful in weight loss & prevention of accumulation of fat
Additional culinary uses include the flavoring of curries, meat, and seafood. The Garcinia Extract derived from fruit rind of Garcinia Cambogia has been used as a flavoring agent for beverages and gourmet spices, as well as a carminative, thereby helping to prevent the formation of gas in the GI tract after a meal.
Scientific study about Garcinia Extract has shown presence of HCA (Hydroxy Citric acid) in Garcenia Fruit Extract which is a derivative of citric acid and can be found in plant species native to South east Asia & India. Some studies have suggested that HCA causes weight loss by competitively inhibiting the enzyme adenosine triphosphatase & increasing the release or availability of serotonin in the brain, thereby leading to appetite suppression.
Other postulated weight loss mechanisms include inhibition of pancreatic and intestinal enzyme thereby leading to a reduction in carbohydrate metabolism. Study also found that Flavonoids from the Gracinia Extract reduced lipid levels in normal and hyper-cholesterolemic rats. Trails conducted showed that Garcenia extract caused an increase in the red blood cell (RBC) count in rat tissue. Garcenia Extract reduces Oxidative stress on cells and helps to reduce absorption of glucose in Intestine. Garcinia extract also acts as herbal Haemostatic, anti-oxidant supplement

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Banaba Leaves Extract

  • Botanical Name Lagerstroemia Speciosa Extract
  • Common Name Banaba Leaves Extract
  • Assay Tannins 10% - 15 % (Titration)
  • Applications Anti-Diabetic Agents
  • Product Usage Antidiabetic
Description :

Lagerstroemia speciosa, the tropical flowering tree is one of the most outstanding summer bloomers. Lagerstroemia speciosa or banaba tree is a larger form of the more commonly grown L. indica (Crape myrtle.) It is called Queen Crape Myrtle because it's the Queen of the Crape Myrtles, dominating with grand size and larger, crinkled flowers. The name Crape myrtle is given to these tree/shrubs because of the flowers which look as if made from delicate crape paper. Banaba tree is grown inSouth East Asia, Indiaand thePhilippines & is also widely cultivated as anornamental plantin tropical andsubtropical areas.
Lagerstroemia or Banaba tree is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and source of materials. The wood is of good quality, considered to be one of the best timber trees in Myanmar and Assam, and is often traded. One of the most strikingly showy of flowering trees, and a good shade tree, it is commonly cultivated in gardens or along the sides of roads for its brightly coloured purple or pink flowers.
Lagerstroemia tree bark is useful to control loose motions and abdominal pain in various medical conditions. Banaba Leaves and dried fruits are traditionally made into herbal tea (known as Banaba Tea in Philippines) & consumed to support lowering of high blood pressure & blood sugar and kidney functions. Banaba leaves extracts available as health supplements, purportedly effective for blood sugar control and weight loss.
Modern medical research shows that banaba leaf extracts promotes hypoglycemic (glucose- lowering) effects due to presence of tannins & triterpene acid called Corosolic which supports glucose metabolism. Scientific studies also showed promising effects of banaba leaf extracts on controlling blood cholesterol levels when consumed in recommended dosage on regular basis.

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  • Botanical Name Terminalia Arjuna Extract
  • Common Name Arjun Chaal Extract
  • Assay Tannins 20 % - 40 % (Titration)
  • Product Usage Cardiovascular Support
Description :

Arjun Chaal Extract or Terminalia arjuna (Latin name) is considered to be Cardiac wellbeing botanical plant used in Ayurveda (East Indian traditional medicine) since 2500 B.C. It has remarkable cardio-protective, heart muscle strengthening properties. In Ayurveda it is said to have better effect on Vitiated Kapha & pitta humors of body. Arjun also has absorbent / astringent action, which helps to control Raktapitta or bleeding problem (also by virtue of its vaso constriction action). Arjun helps to reduce frequency of loose motions in dysentery or diarrhea. In Ayurveda a formula known as Arjun kshirpaak is prepared from Arjun bark Extract, cow milk and water; it is used in various heart ailments. Arjun Chaal Extract is useful with Adulsa (vasaka) Extract & honey, sugar candy, cows ghee in pulmonary (Lungs) ailments.
As per scientific study Arjun bark Extract is rich in saponnins, natural anti-oxidants (flavonoids) Gallic acid, ellagic acid, proanthocyanidins, phytosterols, and minerals including calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper.Regular use of Arjun improves the pumping activity of heart, improves cardiac muscle strength, which makes it very useful for heart weakness and congestive heart failure. Arjun helps to decrease LDL cholesterol levels. Arjun is believed to have ability to suppress the bloods absorption of lipids which indicates that it has cholesterol-regulating properties. Arjun also has a tonic and diuretic effect, if supplemented is useful in cirrhosis of the liver.It induces a drug-dependent decrease in blood pressure and heart rate.Arjun helps to maintain a healthy heart and reduces the effects of stress and nervousness. Arjun enhances prostaglandins and lowers risk of coronary heart trouble.
Arjun may help to relieve symptomatic complaints of essential hypertension such as giddiness, insomnia, lassitude, headache and the inability to concentrate.

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