Our Products
2 Products availableSculptures
2 Products availableRudraksha Beads
2 Products availableAquarium Accessories
2 Products availableOur offered Product range includes 108+1 Diamond Cut Sphatik Mala, 108+1 White Tulsi Mala and 1-21 Mukhi Rare Indonesia Indrakshi Mala.
The genuine rock crystal or the sphatik mala comes in a 7.5 mm size with knots in between and diamond cut shape with upto 80% clarity.
It is very effective in chanting mantras for the lakshmi anusthan and sadhnas.
A genuine sphatik mala is very cold in appearance and removes stress and anxiety upon wearing.
It arracts wealth and abundance .
Guided by planet venus and special blessings of Shiva, Saraswati and Lakshmi are within this mala and promotes intellect and knowledge also.
A person remains calm after wearing this mala.
Our 108+1 White Tulsi Mala is 100% Genuine with knots and help in spiritual growth and lord vishnu meditation.
Standard size used for jaap or chanting is 8 mm size.smaller sizes for wearing are also available on demand.
A tulsi mala worn round the neck increases the aura of the person.
A person never faces accidental deaths and leads a healthy , disease free vaishanava life.
Devotees of Krishna or vishnu do regular chant of mantras on tulsi mala.
It is vey sacred and worth kept with faith and devotion.
The Indonesian or the javanese Indrakshi rudraksha mala is a rare rudraksha mala also known as the aksharmalika or the garland of letters.
It has a synergetic combination of all the mukhis from 1 to 21 mukhi along with Ganesh and Gauri shankar rudrakshas.Sometimes a trijuti and Sawar may be used in addition to on customer demand.
Cures wearer at Physical, Emotional and Spiritual level.
A very healing mala indeed , balances all the auric chakra points.
A rare possession indeed !
Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya