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2 Products availableRudraksha Beads
2 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Rare Trijuti Indonesia Rudraksha, Indonesia Gauri Shankar Rudraksha, 3 Mukhi Indonesian Rudraksha, 4 Mukhi Indonesia Rudraksha and 6 Mukhi Indonesia Rudraksha.
The Trijuti Rudraksha or the tribhagi Rudraksha is very rare in occurence .In this bead three rudrakshas naturally fuse together to form trinity of the Brahma, Vishnu and the Mahesha.All individual beads carry distinct natural holes which may be partially or fully formed.It is a very poweful bead indeed carrying whole of the cosmic energy within it of Reinforcement, Preservence and Disssolution.Genuine authentic lab certified Trijuti rudrakshas are expensive as only a few beads are produced in a couple of years.!Beware of suppliers selling cheap fake trijuti rudrakshas gluing three Panch mukhi or six mukhi rudrakshas to look alike a natural trijuti rudraksha.
Ruling Lord:Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara
Ruling Planet:Mercury, Venus, Mars
Mantra:Om Namaha Shivaya
Gauri Shankar Rudraksha holds the great power and strength of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati which prevents the wearer from sudden death and provides mental, physical, and emotional benefits. This Rudraksha is a combination of 2 beads naturally fused expressing bond and union. This Rudraksha is very beneficial to bring opportunities, success, and prosperity to a person’s life.
Rudrascanopy is offering Indonesia Gauri Shankar Rudraksha which can help remove delay of marriage, help meet the right life partner, make married life satisfying and blissful, calms the body, mind, and soul, brings divine experiences, balances energies, and works as a shield from negative energies, fulfill all desires and ultimately brings happiness.
The three face rudraksha of Indonesia represents the fire god agni and help one burn all the bad karmas of the past .As per the shiva puran the wearer three face rudraksha never has any kind of disease in his belly , helps one curb anger, low self esteem , stress , hypertension, and all wealth related isses are resolved.
A vey powerful bead indeed, its ruling planet is lord Sun.Has blessings of the Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha .
Ruling Lord:Agni Dev, The Lord of Fire
Ruling Planet: Sun
Mantra for wearing:Om Kleem Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Four face Rudraksha of Indonesia is effective in enhancing the learning skills, Knowledge , Creativity, wisdome and communication skills of an individual.
It is highly recommended for Students, Teachers, accountants , scientists, where a lot of mental faculty is involved.
Provides good health, and at same time grants Dharma, Artha, Kaam, and Moksha .
Removes ignorance, darkness and makes one more witty and intelligent.
Ruling Lord:Brahma, Dev Guru Brihaspati
Ruling Planet:Jupiter
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Six Face rudraksha of Indonesia is a powerful rudraksha and grants a positive attitute towards life along with confidence, dynamism and determination.
This rudraksha fulfills ones all desires and its ruling lord is lord Kartikeya, the second son of Godess Parwati.
This rudraksha also connects one with the Prakruti devi or mother Earth hence wearer becomes owner of tangible and non tangible assests like land and vehicles.
An auspicious bead indeed that grants good luck and takes care of health too!
Ruling lord:Lord Kartikeya
Ruling Planet:Mars
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Seven Face rudraksha of Indonesia is ruled by Maha lakshmi and hence in great demand.
It creates new opportunities to amass wealth, prosperity, enhases the luck factor, and removes all sorts of hopelessness and delays.
It is govered by the planet venus and proves very effective for those suffering with myseries related to finance, love and misfortune.
Wearer of seven face rudraksha progresses steadily in life ans his name and fame increases day by day.
Ruling Lord:Godess MahaLakshmi
Ruling Planet:Venus
Mantra for wearing: Om hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Nine Face rudraksha of Indonesia is ruled by the divine mother Godess Navdurga.
It instills confidence amongst its wearer and he overcomes all sorts of fears and phobias.
Activates the Muladhar or the Root chakra .
Wearer is filled with high levels of energy and dynamism.
Provides all sorts of Bhoga and at end moksha or liberation.
Fulfills ones all desires with blessings of Godess Navdurga.
Ruling Lord:Godess Navdurga
Ruling Planet:Rahu
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Ten Face rudraksha of Indonesia is ruled by the divine lord the Narayana or Krishna.It is very powefull bead as it pacafies the malefics of all the nine plenets.
The ten face rudraksha acts as a Shield or Kawach on ones body and protects him from all the negativity around.
Installed in ones Home it also acts as a Vastu remedy in nullifying the negative energies of all planets , acting as narayanas shield or Kawach.
Protects one from evil eye, psychic attacks, bad aura , etc.
Fulfills wearers all desires , connects one to the preserver of the earth, Lord Narayana.
Heals all diseases.
Ruling Lord:Lord Krishna or Narayana
Ruling Planet:All
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Eleven face rudraksha of Indonesia is very potent in sense that it grants its wearer high state of awarenesss and consciousness which is desirious in Sadhnas and meditation.
It is ruled by the Ekadash Rudras and gives one success, wisdom, correct judgement and control over senses .
Wearing Eleven face rudraksha one gets the merits of performing a thousand Ashwamedha Yagyas and a hundred Vajpaye Yagyas.
11 Face rudraksha or a combination of 15 face and 17 face rudraksha activates and balances the Vishuddha Chakra or the Throat Chakra.
Ruling Lord: Ekadash or the 11 Rudras
Ruling Planet: Ruled by all planets
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Twelve face rudraksha of Indonesia is a very powerful rudraksha and is ruled by Lord Surya and planet Sun.
The wearer experiences leadership qualities, strength, vitality and radiance.
All the twelve aadityas are said to be in favour of the wearer.
It is related to name , fame, power and poverty dare not come near the wearer.
People suffering with low self esteem , worries, stress should definitely wear this bead.
It activates and balances the Manipur or the Solar plexus chakra.
Removes all sorts of low self esteem, infiriority complexes and on a physical front cures diseases of the bone, eye and alimentary canal.
Ruling Lord:Lord Surya
Ruling Planet: Sun
Wearing Mantra: Om Kraum Shraum Raum Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Thirteen Face rudraksha of Indonesia is a powerful rudraksha and its ruling lord is Kamdeva or the God of love and compassion.
It gives love and at same time hypnotic power of attraction to its wearer.
It is related to emotional stability, joy, pleasure and fulfillment of all materialistic desires.
It activates and balances the Swadhisthana chakra .
Ruling Lord: Lord Kamdeva
Ruling Planet: Moon, Venus.
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Fourteen face rudraksha of Indonesia is a very powerful rudraksha and is also known as the Dev Mani, it contols the working of the third eye or the Agya cahakra.
The fourteen face rudraksha is ruled by the lord hanuman and infuses the wearer with strong will and courage to face all odds and control over senses.
Wearing a fourteeen face rudraksha awakens the third eye or the intutive abilities of the wearer to forcee things with more clarity and removes ambiguity.
Wearer gets blessings of both Mars ( Mangal Dev) and Saturn ( Shani Dev).
Removes all diseases and grants all types of wealth.
Ruling Lord:Lord Hanuman
Ruling Planet: Mars and Saturn
Wearing Mantra: Om Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Fifteen Mukhi rudraksha of Indonesia controls the Heart or the Anahat Chakra.
It is ruled by the lord Pashupatinath Shiva himself and the ruling planet is Mercury.
It is a rudraksha that attracts abundance and promotes fulfillment of desires .
It liberates one self from unwanted desires and one focusses on knowledge , creation and sense of forgiveness and inner peace.A person experiences all bliss at the same time remains unattached to the objective desires.
Its infact a bead of unconditional love and harmonises relationships.
Ruling Lord : Lord Pashupainath Shiva
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Sixteen face Rudraksha of Indonesia is also known as the Jai Rudraksha , It is ruled by Mahamritunjaya Shiva himself and its ruling planet is Moon.
It governs mind thougts, mood swings and emotions and balances them for stability in clarity of thoughts , confusion , mental depression., etc.
Since it is govered by maha mritunjaya shiva, it grants a robust health and fatal diseases dare not come near the Wearer.
On a physical front provides cure from lower back pain, diseases of kidneys, urinogenital tract, aches and muscular pains.
Provides miraculous boost in emotional, physical, spiritual and Financial front.
Ruling Lord: Maha Mritunjaya Shiva
Ruling Planet: Moon
Wearing Mantra:Om Trayambakam Yajamahe sugandhim pushti vardhanam urvarook miv bhandhanan mrituyor mukshiya mamritat, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Seventeen face rudraksha of Indonesia is a very powerful bead and is capable of changing once misfortune into a fortune. It is ruled by the Kaytyayani devi who is the sixth form of the Shakti and is ruled by the planet Saturn.
It destroys the limiting belief of an individual and at the same time grants dharma, artha , kama and Moksha( liberation) at the end.
Highly recommended for Business leaders and politicians desiring growth in their respective fields .
Grants self control and creative intelligence .
Provides fulfillment of all desires with respect to getting a desired life partner, progeny.
Creates a positive aura and magnetism once worn with proper energisation.
Ruling Lord: Katyayani Devi
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Hoom Hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Eighteen face rudraksha of Indonesia is ruled by the Bhumi Devi or the Mother Earth.
It provides its wearer with wealth , stability in Professional and Personal front.
A very good bead for the property , real estate dealers, acquiring mass land deals , etc.
Therapeutically cures diseases of the Knee, Bone and leg pain, boosts stamina and contols obesity.
Works on the Basal chakra or the Mooladhar chakra .
Connects one to Mother earth and nature.
Provides abundance in all aspects of life.
Ruling Lord: Bhumi Devi( Mother Earth)
Ruling Planet:Earth
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Hoom Ekatva Rupae Hoom Hreem Om, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Ninteen Face rudraksha of Indonesia is ruled by the Narayana. It is capable of fulfilling ones all desires and provides a good health.
Lord Narayana is the preserver hence wearer of this rudraksha inculcates the qualities of perceiving things and turning them into his advantage .
It provides abundance in all aspects of life , success in ones ventures and a flawless health .
Ruling Lord: Narayana
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Mantra for wearing: Om Hreem Hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Twenty face rudraksha of Indonesia is ruled by Brahma. Its wearer is blessed with high levels of IQ, Intellect, brain power, and creative ability to visualise literaly any thing and transform it into projects .
A must for top management people and company high ranking officials , it promotes stability and tranformation of vision into reality.
Fulfills ones all desires and promotes creativity be it in Arts, music or science.
Ruling Lord: Brahma
Ruling Planet: Mother Earth
Wearing Mantra:Om Brahmanae Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The 21 Face rudraksha is a top notch rudraksha which is capable of literally making a Pauper into a affluent personalty.Genuine 21 face rudrakshas of Indonesia origin are very rare in occurence as there average annual production rate all around nepal is just a couple of beads, hence the demand for this bead is very high against very low annual supply.This bead is ruled by the Lord Kuber and is also known as the kubera rudraksha.
It grants the possessor with limitless wealth, abundance and poverty or scarcity in any form dare not come near him.
It grants one name, fame and fullfillment of all materialistic desires.
Lord kuber is the kosh adhaksha ( Lord of treasure) and guardian of the North-East or Ishan direction .He has complete harmony with lord shiva and is also known as Yakshraj.
Wearing 21 face rudraksha and worshipping lord kuber one can overcome his all short comings in terms of finance, liabilities, etc, .
Ruling Lord:Lord Kubera
Ruling Planet:Mother Earth
Mantra for wearing:Om Yakshaya kuberaya vaishrawanayae dhan dhanya adhipatayae dhan dhanya samruddhim me dehi dapaya swaha,
Om Namaha Shivaya
The ganesh rudraksha is a special variety of the rudraksha bead in sense that it bears a natural trunk like projection signifying lord ganesha.A ganesh rudraksha may have a four face , five face, six face, seven face and rare eight faces as well.
Sometimes even higher faces like the fourteen faces rudraksha and other rare twin beads like the Gauri Shankar rudraksha also develop trunk naturally while on tree and are called a Fourteen faces ganesha or a Gauri Shankar ganesh Rudraksha.
A Ganesh rudraksha is worn to pacify the ill effects of the planet Ketu.
Once worn after proper energisation, bestoes one with material gains, completion of delayed projects, removal of all obstacles in ones path to success and one gets special grace of the ruling lord which is Ganesha.
Wisdome and knowledge are also attributed to come naturally by wearing this bead.
Ruling Lord: Lord Ganesha
Ruling Planet:Ketu
Mantra for wearing: Om Hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
Nepal Round one mukhi Rudraksha is a rare possession.Its ruling lord is lord Shiva himself and the ruling planet is Sun.A lot has been mentioned in praise of this unique bead in our ancient texts including the Shiva Maha puran, Brahmvavarta puran, the Rudraksha Jabal upnishada and the Devi Bhagwatam.It is capable of virtually blessing the possessor with every thing one is desirous of achieving in life after proper consecration.Enlightens the super consciousness. Worn for will power, wealth, success, name, fame , prosperity and self-confidence.The Ek Mukhi Rudraksha bead is highly useful during meditation. As stated by Vedic scriptures, use of this Rudraksha prevents and cures various heart diseases.
The Nepal two face rudraksha is a rare bead in terms of annaual bead production on rudraksha trees as compared to other Nepal beads.
Its is produced only in a limited quantities across nepal rudraksha trees unlike the Indonesain variety of Two mukhi rudraksha that is produced in abundance.
The two face rudraksha is controlled by the Moon which helps one curb mood swings , gain confidence and helps one connect to the soul, and controls ones basic instincts. It also helps one build good relationships and is source of fertility .Ruled by planet moon and the lord ardhnareshwar( co joined form of the shiva and the shakti) himself , it is the source of evolution of new ideas, expressions , thougts and artistic skills.
Helps one gain good health, harmony , wealth, love , union, progeny and a good destiny.
Ruling Planet: Moon
Ruling Lord:Lord Chandrashekhar in form of Ardhnareshwar
Mantra for wearing:Om Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The three face Nepal rudraksha represents the fire god agni and help one burn all the bad karmas of the past .As per the shiva puran the wearer three face rudraksha never has any kind of disease in his belly , helps one curb anger, low self esteem , stress , hypertension, and all wealth related isses are resolved.
A vey powerful bead indeed, its ruling planet is lord Sun.Has blessings of the Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha .
Ruling Lord:Agni Dev, The Lord of Fire
Ruling Planet: Sun
Mantra for wearing:Om Kleem Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Four face Rudraksha of Nepal is effective in enhancing the learning skills, Knowledge , Creativity, wisdome and communication skills of an individual.
It is highly recommended for Students, Teachers, accountants , scientists, where a lot of mental faculty is involved.
Provides good health, and at same time grants Dharma, Artha, Kaam, and Moksha .
Removes ignorance, darkness and makes one more witty and intelligent.
Ruling Lord:Brahma, Dev Guru Brihaspati
Ruling Planet:Jupiter
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Five Face Rudraksha of Nepal is the upaguru and enhances the awarenesss and higher level of consciousness of the wearer .
It is ruled by the Mighty Kalagni Rudra, and give bhoga and moksha.
A very small size beads rosary of a panchmukhi rudraksha mala (108+1 beads) is capable of fulfilling ones all desires as per the Shiva puran.
Blesses wearer with peace of mind and removes stress.
Very good for controlling hyper tension or High Blood Pressure.
Soaking raw big size 3 panchmukhi rudraksha beads overnight in a glass of water and drinking that water next morning for around 40 days, assumes to control heart problems and hypertension.
Ruling Lord:Lord Kalagni Rudra
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Ruling Mantra:Om Hreem Namaha , Om Namaha Shivaya
The Six Face rudraksha of Nepal is a powerful rudraksha and grants a positive attitute towards life along with confidence, dynamism and determination.
This rudraksha fulfills ones all desires and its ruling lord is lord Kartikeya, the second son of Godess Parwati.
This rudraksha also connects one with the Prakruti devi or mother Earth hence wearer becomes owner of tangible and non tangible assests like land and vehicles.
An auspicious bead indeed that grants good luck and takes care of health too!
Ruling lord:Lord Kartikeya
Ruling Planet:Mars
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Seven Face rudraksha of Nepal is ruled by Maha lakshmi and hence in great demand.
It creates new opportunities to amass wealth, prosperity, enhases the luck factor, and removes all sorts of hopelessness and delays.
It is govered by the planet venus and proves very effective for those suffering with myseries related to finance, love and misfortune.
Wearer of seven face rudraksha progresses steadily in life ans his name and fame increases day by day.
Ruling Lord:Godess MahaLakshmi
Ruling Planet:Venus
Mantra for wearing: Om hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Eight Face Rudraksha of Nepal is ruled by the Vighnaharta Lord Ganesha.
It blesses its wearer with name, fame and monetary abundance.The intellect and knowledge of the wearer also increases manifold.
All obstacles in ones path are destroyed and one moves ahead to the path of success uninterruptedly.
Those desirous of establishing and promoting their new business should definitely wear this rudraksha along with Seven mukhi( Face) rudraksha.
Ruling Lord:Lord Ganesha
Ruling Planet:Ketu
Mantra for wearing : Om Hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Nine Face rudraksha of Nepal is ruled by the divine mother Godess Navdurga.
It instills confidence amongst its wearer and he overcomes all sorts of fears and phobias.
Activates the Muladhar or the Root chakra .
Wearer is filled with high levels of energy and dynamism.
Provides all sorts of Bhoga and at end moksha or liberation.
Fulfills ones all desires with blessings of Godess Navdurga.
Ruling Lord:Godess Navdurga
Ruling Planet:Rahu
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Ten Face rudraksha of Nepal is ruled by the divine lord the Narayana or Krishna.It is very powefull bead as it pacafies the malefics of all the nine plenets.
The ten face rudraksha acts as a Shield or Kawach on ones body and protects him from all the negativity around.
Installed in ones Home it also acts as a Vastu remedy in nullifying the negative energies of all planets , acting as narayanas shield or Kawach.
Protects one from evil eye, psychic attacks, bad aura , etc.
Fulfills wearers all desires , connects one to the preserver of the earth, Lord Narayana.
Heals all diseases.
Ruling Lord:Lord Krishna or Narayana
Ruling Planet:All
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Eleven face rudraksha of Nepal is very potent in sense that it grants its wearer high state of awarenesss and consciousness which is desirious in Sadhnas and meditation.
It is ruled by the Ekadash Rudras and gives one success, wisdom, correct judgement and control over senses .
Wearing Eleven face rudraksha one gets the merits of performing a thousand Ashwamedha Yagyas and a hundred Vajpaye Yagyas.
11 Face rudraksha or a combination of 15 face and 17 face rudraksha activates and balances the Vishuddha Chakra or the Throat Chakra.
Ruling Lord: Ekadash or the 11 Rudras
Ruling Planet: Ruled by all planets
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Twelve face rudraksha of Nepal is a very powerful rudraksha and is ruled by Lord Surya and planet Sun.
The wearer experiences leadership qualities, strength, vitality and radiance.
All the twelve aadityas are said to be in favour of the wearer.
It is related to name , fame, power and poverty dare not come near the wearer.
People suffering with low self esteem , worries, stress should definitely wear this bead.
It activates and balances the Manipur or the Solar plexus chakra.
Removes all sorts of low self esteem, infiriority complexes and on a physical front cures diseases of the bone, eye and alimentary canal.
Ruling Lord:Lord Surya
Ruling Planet: Sun
Wearing Mantra: Om Kraum Shraum Raum Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Thirteen Face rudraksha of Nepal is a powerful rudraksha and its ruling lord is Kamdeva or the God of love and compassion.
It gives love and at same time hypnotic power of attraction to its wearer.
It is related to emotional stability, joy, pleasure and fulfillment of all materialistic desires.
It activates and balances the Swadhisthana chakra .
Ruling Lord: Lord Kamdeva
Ruling Planet: Moon, Venus.
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Fourteen face rudraksha of Nepal is a very powerful rudraksha and is also known as the Dev Mani, it contols the working of the third eye or the Agya cahakra.
The fourteen face rudraksha is ruled by the lord hanuman and infuses the wearer with strong will and courage to face all odds and control over senses.
Wearing a fourteeen face rudraksha awakens the third eye or the intutive abilities of the wearer to forcee things with more clarity and removes ambiguity.
Wearer gets blessings of both Mars ( Mangal Dev) and Saturn ( Shani Dev).
Removes all diseases and grants all types of wealth.
Ruling Lord:Lord Hanuman
Ruling Planet: Mars and Saturn
Wearing Mantra: Om Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Fifteen Mukhi rudraksha of Nepal controls the Heart or the Anahat Chakra.
It is ruled by the lord Pashupatinath Shiva himself and the ruling planet is Mercury.
It is a rudraksha that attracts abundance and promotes fulfillment of desires .
It liberates one self from unwanted desires and one focusses on knowledge , creation and sense of forgiveness and inner peace.A person experiences all bliss at the same time remains unattached to the objective desires.
Its infact a bead of unconditional love and harmonises relationships.
Ruling Lord : Lord Pashupainath Shiva
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Sixteen face Rudraksha of Nepal is also known as the Jai Rudraksha , It is ruled by Mahamritunjaya Shiva himself and its ruling planet is Moon.
It governs mind thougts, mood swings and emotions and balances them for stability in clarity of thoughts , confusion , mental depression., etc.
Since it is govered by maha mritunjaya shiva, it grants a robust health and fatal diseases dare not come near the Wearer.
On a physical front provides cure from lower back pain, diseases of kidneys, urinogenital tract, aches and muscular pains.
Provides miraculous boost in emotional, physical, spiritual and Financial front.
Ruling Lord: Maha Mritunjaya Shiva
Ruling Planet: Moon
Wearing Mantra:Om Trayambakam Yajamahe sugandhim pushti vardhanam urvarook miv bhandhanan mrituyor mukshiya mamritat, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Seventeen face Nepal rudraksha is a very powerful bead and is capable of changing once misfortune into a fortune. It is ruled by the Kaytyayani devi who is the sixth form of the Shakti and is ruled by the planet Saturn.
It destroys the limiting belief of an individual and at the same time grants dharma, artha , kama and Moksha( liberation) at the end.
Highly recommended for Business leaders and politicians desiring growth in their respective fields .
Grants self control and creative intelligence .
Provides fulfillment of all desires with respect to getting a desired life partner, progeny.
Creates a positive aura and magnetism once worn with proper energisation.
Ruling Lord: Katyayani Devi
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Hoom Hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Eighteen face rudraksha of Nepal is ruled by the Bhumi Devi or the Mother Earth.
It provides its wearer with wealth , stability in Professional and Personal front.
A very good bead for the property , real estate dealers, acquiring mass land deals , etc.
Therapeutically cures diseases of the Knee, Bone and leg pain, boosts stamina and contols obesity.
Works on the Basal chakra or the Mooladhar chakra .
Connects one to Mother earth and nature.
Provides abundance in all aspects of life.
Ruling Lord: Bhumi Devi( Mother Earth)
Ruling Planet:Earth
Mantra for wearing:Om Hreem Hoom Ekatva Rupae Hoom Hreem Om, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Ninteen Face rudraksha of Nepal is ruled by the Narayana. It is capable of fulfilling ones all desires and provides a good health.
Lord Narayana is the preserver hence wearer of this rudraksha inculcates the qualities of perceiving things and turning them into his advantage .
It provides abundance in all aspects of life , success in ones ventures and a flawless health .
Ruling Lord: Narayana
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Mantra for wearing: Om Hreem Hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Twenty face rudraksha of Nepal is ruled by Brahma. Its wearer is blessed with high levels of IQ, Intellect, brain power, and creative ability to visualise literaly any thing and transform it into projects .
A must for top management people and company high ranking officials , it promotes stability and tranformation of vision into reality.
Fulfills ones all desires and promotes creativity be it in Arts, music or science.
Ruling Lord: Brahma
Ruling Planet: Mother Earth
Wearing Mantra:Om Brahmanae Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The 21 Face rudraksha is a top notch rudraksha which is capable of literally making a Pauper into a affluent personalty.Genuine 21 face rudrakshas of Nepal origin are very rare in occurence as there average annual production rate all around nepal is just a couple of beads, hence the demand for this bead is very high against very low annual supply.This bead is ruled by the Lord Kuber and is also known as the kubera rudraksha.
It grants the possessor with limitless wealth, abundance and poverty or scarcity in any form dare not come near him.
It grants one name, fame and fullfillment of all materialistic desires.
Lord kuber is the kosh adhaksha ( Lord of treasure) and guardian of the North-East or Ishan direction .He has complete harmony with lord shiva and is also known as Yakshraj.
Wearing 21 face rudraksha and worshipping lord kuber one can overcome his all short comings in terms of finance, liabilities, etc, .
Ruling Lord:Lord Kubera
Ruling Planet:Mother Earth
Mantra for wearing:Om Yakshaya kuberaya vaishrawanayae dhan dhanya adhipatayae dhan dhanya samruddhim me dehi dapaya swaha,
Om Namaha Shivaya
The ganesh rudraksha is a special variety of the rudraksha bead in sense that it bears a natural trunk like projection signifying lord ganesha.A ganesh rudraksha may have a four face , five face, six face, seven face and rare eight faces as well.
Sometimes even higher faces like the fourteen faces rudraksha and other rare twin beads like the Gauri Shankar rudraksha also develop trunk naturally while on tree and are called a Fourteen faces ganesha or a Gauri Shankar ganesh Rudraksha.
A Ganesh rudraksha is worn to pacify the ill effects of the planet Ketu.
Once worn after proper energisation, bestoes one with material gains, completion of delayed projects, removal of all obstacles in ones path to success and one gets special grace of the ruling lord which is Ganesha.
Wisdome and knowledge are also attributed to come naturally by wearing this bead.
Ruling Lord: Lord Ganesha
Ruling Planet:Ketu
Mantra for wearing: Om Hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
Gauri Shankar Rudraksha holds the great power and strength of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati which prevents the wearer from sudden death and provides mental, physical, and emotional benefits. This Rudraksha is a combination of 2 beads naturally fused expressing bond and union. This Rudraksha is very beneficial to bring opportunities, success, and prosperity to a person’s life.
Rudrascanopy is offering Nepal Gauri Shankar Rudraksha which can help remove delay of marriage, help meet the right life partner, make married life satisfying and blissful, calms the body, mind, and soul, brings divine experiences, balances energies, and works as a shield from negative energies, fulfill all desires and ultimately brings happiness.
Ruling planet:Venus
Ruling Lord:Shiva and Parwati
Mantra for wearing:Om Gauri Shankaraya Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Nirakar rudraksha bead of Nepal is very low in occurence. It is a bead in which Shivas Nirakar swaroop is denoted.A nirakar or facelss rudrakhsa does not carry any mukhis or faces on it from Head to tail of the rudraksha , hence known as Nirakar rudraksha.This divine bead is ruled by lord shiva himself and its ruling planet is sun.Wearer gets Bogha and yet remains unattached to it .
Ruling Lord:Lord Shiiva
Ruling Planet:Sun
Mantra:Om Hreem Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Nepal One Mukhi Sawar or the Nag Sawar rudraksha is a rare possession.Its ruling lord is lord Shiva himself and the ruling planet is Venus.It is capable of virtually blessing the possessor with abundance and every thing one is desirous of achieving in life after proper consecration.Enlightens the super consciousness. Worn for will power, wealth, success, name, fame , prosperity and self-confidence.The Ek Mukhi Sawar rudraksha has a override bead which is smaller in size than the host bead and significantly carries a one mukhi over it. The Host bead may be of any number of Mukhis.The override bead natually joins the host bead and may or may not carry a natural hole in it but definitely carries only one mukhi over it.Hence named One Mukhi Sawar.The Ek Mukhi Rudraksha bead is highly useful during meditation. As stated by Vedic scriptures, use of this Rudraksha prevents and cures various heart diseases, and eliminates various disruptions in ones life.
The Eight Face Rudraksha of Indonesia is ruled by the Vighnaharta Lord Ganesha.
It blesses its wearer with name, fame and monetary abundance.The intellect and knowledge of the wearer also increases manifold.
All obstacles in ones path are destroyed and one moves ahead to the path of success uninterruptedly.
Those desirous of establishing and promoting their new business should definitely wear this rudraksha along with Seven mukhi( Face) rudraksha.
Ruling Lord:Lord Ganesha
Ruling Planet:Ketu
Mantra for wearing : Om Hoom Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya
The Javanese one mukhi Rudraksha is a rare possession.Its tiny bead, small in size but very powerfull.Its ruling lord is lord Shiva himself and the ruling planet is Sun.A lot has been mentioned in praise of this unique bead in our ancient texts including the Shiva Maha puran, Brahmvavarta puran, the Rudraksha Jabal upnishada and the Devi Bhagwatam.It is capable of virtually blessing the possessor with every thing one is desirous of achieving in life after proper consecration.Enlightens the super consciousness. Worn for will power, wealth, success, name, fame , prosperity and self-confidence.The Ek Mukhi Rudraksha bead is highly useful during meditation. As stated by Vedic scriptures, use of this Rudraksha prevents and cures various heart diseases.
Average bead size for this variety of one mukhi is 7 mm to 9 mm approx.Bigger size beads of upto 9 mm to 12 mm are also available but are very rare and have a higher cost.Although smaller size beads cant be drilled within the hole , it is worn as a pendant either in silver or gold wire mesh. Cures Migraine problems.
The Two Mukhi or 2 face rudraksha is the ardhnareshwar form of the Shiva and his consort Parwati.This bead has two distinct lines or faces running from the head to tail of the rudraksha in opposite sides .It brings emotional stability and harmony in relationships.Since two mukhi rudraksha is ruled by the Moon hence it helps balance a debilitated Moon in ones chart , grants happiness, controls mood swings , calms ones mind and brings success in ones efforts and promotes a good fortune.The wearer enjoys special grace of the Shiva and her consort parwati.
Ruling Lord:Shiva and Parwati, Ardhanarishwar Shiva
Ruling Planet:Moon
Mantra:Om Namaha, Om Namaha Shivaya