we offer WHEAT :- India is the fourth largest country in wheat production. Uttar Pradesh is the largest production of wheat and Punjab comes next. Wheat is a grass, originally from the fertiile crescent region of the near east, but now cultivated worldwide, Globally, wheat is the leading sourceof vegetable protein in human food. Having a higher protien content than either maize ( corn) or rice. Wheat is a key factor enabling the emergence of city-based societies at the start of civilization becose it is one of the first crops that can easily cultivated on a large scale and had the additonal advantage of yielding a harvest that provide long term storage of food. It is a concentrated sources of vitamin, minerals and protein. 100 grams of wheat contain about 12.60 gms protein, 1.50 gms fat, 71 gms carbohydrate , 12.2 gms fibre and 3.2 gms Iron. Wheat is the major ingredient in most breads, rolls, crackers, cookies, biscuits, cakes donghnuts, muffins, pancakes, waffers, noodles pie crusts, ice cream cones macaroni , spaghelti, pudding pizza and many prepared hot and cold breakfast food.