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1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of Glass Micanite Folium, Fiber Glass Composites, Glass Mica Ceramic Folium, Rigid Mica Laminate and Commutator Segments AV
Mica Flakes is mica scrap ground into sizes up to 16 mesh (1190 microns). This is prepared mainly by pulverising in rotary hammer crushing machines till the required size is achieved and the ground-material passes out from the graded sieves attached therein.
Ruby Mica Glass / Micanite Folium is a lamination of two layers of fine muscovite mica splitting with glass cloth, bonded together using a B-stage epoxy resin. The resin, when subjected to heat and pressure, yields a cured rigid insulation bearing high mechanical and dielectrical strength.
These V-Rings are highly-customizable and therefore can be molded to desired shapes and sizes.
Ruby Mica Glass / Micanite / Glass Sheet is made by depositing highly-flexible, thin films of high-quality muscovite mica splittings on top of each other till the required thickness is attained. To increase thermal-conductivity and improve material-handling the sheets are backed with glass cloth on both sides. High thermal-grade silicone resin is used as a binding agent.
Glass cloth top and bottom backing can be replaced with Dupont Nomex paper making it a Nomex/ Micanite / Nomex sheet. This sheet possess a higher mechanical-strength and resists edge-tearing.
Ruby Mica Glass / Mica / PET Film Tape is a lamination of uncalcined muscovite mica paper with PET film one side and glass cloth on the other, making it a three layer high-performing mica tape. What makes this tape truly special is its unique blend of high tensile-strength imparted by glass cloth, strong electrical-resistance borrowed from the PET film, and superior thermal-endurance brought about by the use of best-quality mica there is. These tapes can withstand the rigorous overhang taping operation through sharp bends and curves without loosing their insulation value. They can be supplied in two different insulation classes. Class H insulation uses only the high thermal-grade silicone resin or modified polyester resin as a binder, whereas Class F insulation uses an epoxy resin as a binder.
Less space constraints give way to a thicker insulation for the coil overhangs. An additional fourth layer of PET film may also be laminated on the glass cloth side. This PGMP Tape has an increased dielectric value, better tensile-strength and provides a seamless mica tape-lapping on the coils.
Ruby Mica Epoxy /Silicone Bonded Fiber Glass Composites are made by combining glass cloth with an epoxy/silicone resin as a binder, cured under specific heat and pressure.
It has excellent rigidity, heat-resistance, moisture-resistance and di-electric properties. It is a completely asbestos-free and highly chemical-resistant insulation having low thermal-conductivity. It does not emit smoke or odor upon heating up. Epoxy-based composites can withstand temperatures up to 250 300 C, whereas silicone-bonded composites can withstand temperatures up to 350 450 C.
Ruby Mica Glass / Mica Folium is a lamination of uncalcined phlogopite mica paper with a glass cloth. High thermal-grade silicone resin is used as a binder. This highly-flexible material can easily withstand temperatures to the tune of 950 C.
Higher temperature-endurance of 1200 C can be achieved by laminating an additional backing of ceramic-felt on the glass cloth side making it a Mica/Glass/Ceramic Folium.
These do not emit any smoke or odor upon heating up. They have excellent electrical-resistance and high thermal-conductivity increasing the overall efficiency of the furnace.
ruby mica rigid mica laminate is made by combining uncalcined muscovite or phlogopite mica-paper with an inorganic silicone-resin binder under specific heat and pressure.
it has excellent rigidity, heat-resistance, moisture-resistance and di-electric properties. It is a completely asbestos-free and highly chemical-resistant insulation having low thermal-conductivity. It does not emit smoke or odor upon heating up. Since the binder plays a critical role in the overall product performance, the best commercially-available resin, with as much as 82% solid silicone content, is imported from germany for excellent results.
muscovite mica paper-based material can withstand temperatures up to 600c whereas, phlogopite mica paper-based material can withstand high temperatures up to 800c. The product is iec 60371-3-3 compliant.
a choice of epoxy resin is also available as a binder. ruby mica epoxy rigid mica laminates have higher rigidity, highly-uniform surface profile and weatherproof properties when fully cured. However, the working temperature is limited to 250c 300c. They are mainly used for commutator-segment insulation.
Ruby Mica Flexible Mica Laminate is made by combining uncalcined muscovite or phlogopite mica paper with an inorganic silicone resin binder under specific heat and pressure.
It has excellent flexibility, heat resistance, moisture resistance and di-electric properties. It is a completely asbestos-free and highly chemical-resistant insulation having low thermal-conductivity. It does not emit smoke or odor upon heating up.
Muscovite mica paper-based material can withstand temperatures up to 600 C whereas, phlogopite mica paper-based material can withstand high temperatures up to 800 C. The product is IEC 60371-3-3 compliant. Flexible mica laminates can also be made using a B-Stage Epoxy resin as a binder. These sheets have excellent adherence to metal surfaces.
Ruby Mica Commutator Segments AV is made by depositing highly-flexible, thin films of high-quality muscovite mica splittings on top of each other till the required thickness is attained. These rigid sheets are fully heat and pressure-cured using alkyd vinyl resin as a binder.
Ruby Mica Rigid Glass Mat consists of highly heat-resistant chopped-glass strands composed into a uniform mat by impregnating it with a special varnish.
A great deal of emphasis is given to the segment-hardness and precise thickness.The sheets are finely ground and passed through stringent thickness-testing both online and offline to ensure their conformation to the norms.
These commutator segments are highly customizable and therefore can be punched or machined to desired shapes and sizes.
These V-Rings are highly-customizable and therefore can be molded to desired shapes and sizes.
This special product showcases the essence of full facility-integration. The development starts with the manufacture of a high-grade, uncalcined mica paper at our works. The mica paper is then used to manufacture both thermally and electrically-sound and robust laminates. These laminates are then trimmed and punched into a former based on the customers design. In the meantime, 80/20 Nickel Chromium alloy resistance heating wire is drawn and flattened at a separate facility within the factory premises. Once all the input materials are ready, skilled workers handcraft some of the finest heating elements on offer at the heating element assembly line.
Ruby Mica has been a long-term heating-elements manufacturer and supplier to some of the most prestigious European catering equipment manufacturers. These heating elements have stood the test of time with their superior quality and high-performance parameters intact.
Ruby Micas commitment is simple; if you can design it, we can manufacture it. See your heating-element blueprints come to life at our comprehensive manufacturing facility in the able hands of field experts who best understand electrical heating and resistance wires.