About: It helps with joint problems, digestive issues, lowers blood sugar, balances cholesterol and aids in weight loss. Ganthoda powder (Indian long pepper) also adds spice to this laddu and helps improve digestion, treats heartburn, reduces mucus and protects from cold and flumore...
Delicious cookie slabs of chunky dry fruits and jaggery that are wonderfully wholesome and chewy. This traditional recipe gives you, a powerhouse of energy to keep you going between meals.more...
We have well-connected and huge warehouse that helps us in keeping large stock under suitable conditions. Also, we keep it updated to meet set industry standards. Our company packs the entire range of products with superior-grade packaging material that is nontoxic and recyclable. Furthermore, the packaging pmore...
Accepting cPooran poli order for catering and food services , making soft fresh polies at home , so serve your customer a tatste of home wiht our fresh and delicious pooran polies more...