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Industrial Springs

We offer a complete product range of Spiral Springs, Torsion Springs, Wave Springs and tension and torsion springs

Spiral Springs

We are offering spiral springs.Spiral springs are generally made of rectangular section material, flat strip, with equal or increasing space between coils. This spring delivers its force (torque) in a rotary motion. The torque that is achieved per revolution is linear for the first 360 degrees. At greater angular rotations, the coils begin to close on the arbor, and the torque increases rapidly. Spiral springs are normally used in applications where axial space is limited and a large amount of torque is needed through a small amount of rotation. Common applications of these types of springs include alarm clock, mechanical watches, kitchen timers, music boxes, galvanometers, seat belt retractors etc.
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Torsion Springs

We are offering torsion springs.Helical torsion springs differ from both compression and extension springs in both method of load application and mode of operation. Torsion springs usually have legs and the applied load is usually on the leg at a distance from the centre of the spring. These springs exert a force (torque) in a circular arc, and the arms rotate about the central axis. The body coils are stressed in bending and not in torsion. It is the body of the spring that does most of the work in a torsion spring, and in order to transmit the required load or torque to the spring body, it is usually necessary for the spring to have legs, which deflect by a relatively small, but not negligible amount. Torsion springs more commonly are used for automotive applications, electrical components and also by the defense industry.
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Wave Springs

We are offering torsion springs.Wave springs are special springs usually made from flattened wires or strips. The main advantage of these springs is that the overall length and operating height of wave springs are significantly less than that of standard compression springs, thereby reducing the size of an assembly by as much as 50%. This also reduces the part weight and raw material cost of every spring produced. Wave springs are used in a multitude of applications , from car air bags, pressure valves, bearings, clutch drives, gear boxes, household applications like sprinkler valves, to even sports and running shoes. In dynamic applications, wave springs often reduce vibration, reduce wear, and provides a smoother and quieter performance.
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