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We offer the best product range of Iron Removal Filter, FERIMINEX Iron Removal Filter, VSM SERIES Pressure Filter ( Vertical / Horizontal ) and Pressure Filter.

Iron Removal Filter

Iron is a very harmful contaminated in natural supplies and remains in the water in the form of ferrous bicarbonate in dissolve state and organic form. Iron is widely distributed over the surface of the earth in the form of oxides and also occurs in many rock formation, gravels, sands and clays. If rain water (highly charged with Co and O) is sinking into the earth, it comes in contact with these oxides and decomposes and absorbs them in form of soluble iron and manganese bi-carbonates. As long as the water is charged with carbon dioxide, it will remain bright and clear, but as soon as the carbon dioxide escapes, as happens when the water is drawn to the surface, the dissolved iron and manganese are converted to an insoluble form, which appears in the form of a heavy brown cloud, imparting an objectionable taste and odor to water. Ferimenix Iron Removal Filter
  • As per PHED and WHOs rule, the iron contents limit of potable water is 0.2 to 0.3 PPM as Fe and for process industries it is even lower.
  • Extra iron causes health hazard and also stains cloth and house hold articles. Iron tends to foul Ion Exchange Resin used in water softening
  • Plants and De-mineralized plant causing irreparable damage and reducing its life and performance.
  • The removal of iron and manganese is effected by passing the water first through FERRIMENIX, a hard, black granular sand like substance in the presence of which the desire chemical change at once takes place and afterward through a sand bed of the usual rapid pressure type. FERRIMENIX installation is phenomenally high figure of 7 PPMof iron that is reduced to a trace amount. Our Iron Removal Filter plant provides two stages oxidation of iron (1) at oxidation chamber through Air Compressor and (2) at the main Iron Removal Filter with the help of Catalytic Filter Media thereby greatly enhancing its performance. All filter have frontal pipeline with nest of valves to operate the plant.
Iron Removal Filter Equipment And AccessoriesOur Iron Removal Filter comes in compact package with accessories like:Oxidation chamber and Filter Shell made of best quality steel plate (IS 226 / 2062) revised with manhole, hand hole etc. The whole tests hydrostatically to 5 kg/cm and maximum working pressure for 3.5 kg/cm internally under bed plate with strainers system, M S Frontal pipeline, C I Valves (Butterfly / Diaphragm / Sluice), C I Alum / Soda Pot or dosing pump, Air Compressor, C I Venturi, Filter Media, Catalytic Media, Chlorine Dosing Unit (Dosing pump or Bleaching Doser), Air vent system, Backwash facilities, ChlorineTestkit, IronTestkit, etc. BackwashDuring service run, the accumulated dirt from turbidity and Ferric Hydroxide form Ferrous bicarbonate which gets arrest on the filter bed and causes pressure drop through the filter. Back washing is necessary to remove the accumulated dirt and precipitated Ferric Hydroxide. Test for IronFor examining the effluent from an Iron Removal Filter Plant the following is recommended as a spot and quick test: to a tumble of water from the plant, add a few drop of Potassium Permanganate solution. If the water stays pink for a few minute or more, it is free from iron, if the color rapidly change to brown, an undesirable quantities of iron is present. If however, the test is made to know the iron (PPM) contents in water, it is advisable to use Iron test kit or test in laboratory. Standard specification and capacity manufacture by us : 4000 GPH, 5000 GPH, 8000 GPH, 10000 GPH. We can also manufacture filter shell of other size & capacity through specifican. Iron Removal Filter with other specifications like size and capacity can be provided by us.
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FERIMINEX Iron Removal Filter

R M CO, a Kolkata West Bengal in India Based Company is Manufacturers of Iron Removal Filtration Plant. Iron Removal Filtration Plant is used mainly to removal of iron and manganese by passing the water first through FERIMENEX / CATALYTIC OXIDISING MEDIA / POLYESTER RESIN like substance in the presence of which the desired chemical change at once takes place and afterward through a sand bed of the usual rapid pressure type. The unit is an M S (IS: 2062) vertical or horizontal, single deck or double deck pressure vessel, provided with face piping, valves, filter and catalytic media, under bed plate system fitted with PVC strainer, pressure gauges, manhole, hand hole, air vent systems, coagulant feeder, chlorine dosing unit, Air Compressor of suitable capacity for oxidizing and back wash. The unit will be consider to remove phenomenally high figure of 2 ppm of iron is reduced to a mare trace and cater turbid upto 40 PPM maxium during monsoon while designing.

2,500 gph. / hr FERROTREAT VIR 1002512 FC 4,50,000/
5,000 gph. / hr FERROTREAT VIR 100518 FC 7,50,000/
6,000 gph. / hr FERROTREAT VIR 100618 FC 7,50,000/
8,000 gph. / hr FERROTREAT VIR 100823 FC 10,00,000/
10,000 gph. / hr FERROTREAT VIR 101025 FC 12,00,000/
12,000 gph./ hr FERROTREAT VIR 101228 FC 14,50,000/
15,000 gph. / hr FERROTREAT VIR 101530 FC 16,50,000/
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VSM SERIES Pressure Filter ( Vertical / Horizontal )

R M CO, a Kolkata West Bengph in India Based Company is Manufacturers of Pressure filter Plant. Pressure filter Plant is used mainly to remove turbidities and suspended impurities from raw water and make it for potable as well as industrial use. When raw water passes through multilayer bed of graded filter media, the suspended impurities are deposited on filter bed and crystal clear filter water is produced. Back washing is necessary to wash out the suspended impurities precipitated on the filter bed for smooth running and get quality filter water. The unit is an M S IS:2062 vertical or horizontal single deck pressure vessel, provided with face piping, valves, filter media, under bed plate system fitted with PVC strainer, pressure gauges, manhole, hand hole, air vent systems, coagulant feeder, chlorine dosing unit, Air Blower of suitable capacity for proper back wash. The unit will be consider to cater turbid upto 40 PPM maximum during monsoon while designing.

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