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Welcome to "RKE ROLLING MILL MANUFACTURERS PVT LTD." - India's leading Consultant, Manufacturer and Exporter in the field of HOT STEEL ROLLING MILLS.
RKE ROLLING MILL MANUFACTURERS PVT LTD. undertake manufacturing of Automatic and Semi Automatic Rolling Mills right from layout and design concept to commissioning of continuous and semi continuous, medium section, merchant wire rod and bar mills.
RKE ROLLING MILL MANUFACTURERS PVT LTD. incorporated with the latest design and technique has established a reputation for advance technology which has been maintained during the past 30 years.
RKE ROLLING MILL MANUFACTURERS PVT LTD. takes pride in matching technology with Economy and offer speedy solution to the entire Rolling problem in the client's plant.
RKE ROLLING MILL MANUFACTURERS PVT LTD. is known for providing tailor made machines specially designed to suit the client requirement in India and abroad.
Close personal services - during and after mill installation - is an addedvalue of R. K. E’s mills. R. K. E’s service engineers, with the customer, work as a team to assure the best possible results. This personal touch is one of the corner-stone of R.K.E’s enviable reputation.
The company manufacturers the complete range of Rolling Mill Plants and various Equipments with the latest technology under strict quality control, i.e. 3Hi, 2Hi, Mill stands up to 610mm, Helical gear Boxes having a wide range of ratios in single, double and triple stage design, Pinion stands of 2 Hi and 3 Hi, speed Increasers having steel fabricated stress relieved housings, Gear Couplings, Roller tables, Tilting tables, y - tables, Ejector, Pusher, Shears, Cooling Bed, Coiler, etc. which not only meet the demand of the domestic market but also exported to Middle East, the African countries as well as countries like Nepal and Bangladesh.
We undertake
(i) New Rolling Mill projects on Turn Key Basis.
(ii) Modernisation of Existing Mill.
(iii) Enhancement in Production Capacity.
(iv) Diversification of Productic Range.
Our Core Competences
Bar Mills
Medium and Heavy Section Mills
Wire Rod Mills
Strip Mills
Rolls of all kinds
Auxiliary and Back - Up Equipments related to Rolling Mills
Basic Information