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1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are GA 400 Gluco Amylase, GA 400 ADV Gluco Amylase and 260 Yield Gluco Amylase.
GA 400: It speeds up fermentation, formulated exclusive for corn fermentation added with Trehalase and pullulanase enzyms. It Increase ethanol levels, Lower residual starch levels, and Improve DDGS quality.
Dose: 0.6kg/ton of starch (±0.05)
Application: Saccharification Corn exclusive
Gluco Amylase -GA 400 ADV: Used for advance saccharification process exclusive for rice fermentation added with low temperature acid fungal alpha amylase with Trehalase enzyme . It result fast fermention , lower residual starch , minimum thin slop generation, lower SS , DS and TS.
Dose: 0.6kg/ton of starch (±0.05)
Application: Saccharification Rice exclusive
Gluco Amylase - GA 400: It speeds up fermentation, formulated exclusive for corn fermentation added with Trehalase and pullulanase enzyms. It Increase ethanol levels, Lower residual starch levels, and Improve DDGS quality.
Dose: 0.6kg/ton of starch (±0.05)
Application: Saccharification Corn exclusive