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Grinding & Milling Tools & Machinery

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Multi Mill Machine, Communiting Mill Sieves and Communiting Mill.

Multi Mill Machine

  • Models RDMMM
  • Output 50 to 200 kgs/hr
  • Rotor Speed 750 / 1500 / 2300 / 3000 RPM
  • Screen Dia ID 260 mm x HT 135 mm
  • Electricals 3 HP. 3 . A.C.
  • SS Perforated Screen sizes (Holes dia in mm) (a) 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 (b) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (c) 7, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25.
  • SS Wire Mesh Sieve 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 30, 40, 50, 60 (b) 80, 100.
Operation : 
It operates on the principle of variable force swing beaters having both knife and impact edges rotating within a selected screen to get the required size reduction. Material fed in the hopper goes down to the processing chamber where it moves to the periphery and passes through the screen radially and tangentially. Finally the processed material gets collected in the container kept below the processing chamber. Output and quality of the final product depends on three main factors : 
(1) Shape of beaters (knife/impact edges) 
(2) Speed
(3) Screen
Description :
Unit consists of S.S. 304 quality hopper and processing chamber (can be provided is S.S. 316 quality at extra cost) with beaters assembly, motor, reversible switch, DOL starter, four speed step pulley, Suitable screen with painted pillar mounted on base plate, with castors. 
Salient Features :
Direction of beaters can be changed by reversible switch from knife to impact forward and vice-versa. All contact parts can be easily and quickly dismantled and cleaned. Machine is designed for continuous operation. Cylindrical screen for higher output. Castors provided for mobility.Flame proof electricals can be provided at extra cost. Beaters and scrapper blades of SS 410 quality are hardened and hard chrome plated.


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Communiting Mill Sieves

We manufacture Communiting Mill Sieves for any make of Machines.


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Communiting Mill


APPLICATION :Riddhi mill has been specifically designed for wet and drygranulation,

pulverization or dispersion of products oringredients found in the pharmaceautical, Chemical and foodindustries.It is also finds application in Cosmetics, confectionery, Fertilizers, Insecticides, detergents andElectroflux Industries etc.

DESCRIPTION :Latest improvements in design makes this unit a truely GMP

model and Versatile in operation & maintenance.

Unit consist of S.S.304 quality hopper, feed throat andprocessing chamber (can be provided in S.S.316 quality atextra cost ) with beaters assembly , heavy duty motor, star deltastarter with overload relay, three speed step pulley, suitable screen , S.S. cladded base having tubular legs with castors, optional jacket for the feed throat and processing chamber forcooling.OPERATION :Product kept in the hopper slide down to the enclosedchamber, where it is milled in between beaters and screento the required mesh/micron size which can be collectedat the bottom of the container.Quality and output depends upon the three main variables1) Beaters shape (knife/impact forward)2)Speed and 3)Screen size.Knife edge for coarse or large particles and impact or flatedge for finer particles.

Highspeed for fine griding, low speed for coarser particles. A wide range of screens is available for various process needs.

Out Put (kg/hr) 50 to 800 50 to 800 50 to 800 50 to 800 UPTO 2000
No. Of Beaters 16 16 16 16 32
Beaters Speed (mm) Fix Speeds
Variable from
1000 to 4500
Fix Speeds 
Variable from 
1000 to 4500
Variable from
1000 to 6000
Feeding twin feed screw Manual Manual Thro Feed Screw Thro Feed Screw Thro Feed Screw
Feed Screw Motor Not Applicable Not Applicable 0.5 HP 0.5 HP 1 HP
Feed Screw RPM Not Applicable Not Applicable 10 to 60 10 to 60 10 to 60
Screen Width (mm) 152 152 152 152 305
Screen Area 66825 66825 66825 66825 133650
Screen Dia (mm)Fu 281 281 281 281 281
Electricals 7.5 HP. 3 PH.AC " 8 HP. 3PH.AC " 16 HP 3PH.AC

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Contact Us

  • Mr. Hiten K. Shah & Mr. Kiran R. Soni (RIDDHI PHARMA MACHINERY LTD)
  • Om Shivam SOC., Tarun Bharat Bldg. No.2, Opp. Cigaratte Factory, Sahar Road, Andheri (E), Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400099, India
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