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2 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Hexaxim, Easy Six, Pentavac PFS/SD, Biovac a Injection and Boostrix Injection.
hexaximrndtpa-hepb-ipv-hibrndiphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (acellular, component), hepatitis b (rdna), poliomyelitis (inactivated) and haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine (adsorbed)
.pentavac sd/pfsrndiphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whole cell), hepatitis b (rdna) and haemophilus type b conjugate vaccine (adsorbed) i.p.Indicationrnfor the prevention of serious childhood diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis b and haemophilus influenzae type b.Route of administrationrnintramuscular injection.Immunization schedulernfirst dose is given at 6 weeks or 10 weeks or 14 weeks of agesecond dose is given anytime between 12-18 months of agecompositionrneach dose of 0.5 ml containsrndiphtheria toxoid 25 lf ( 30 iu)rntetanus toxoid 2.5 lf ( 40 iu)rnb. Pertussis (whole cell) 16 ou ( 4.0 iu)*rnhbsag (rdna) 10 mcgrnpurified capsular hib polysaccharide (prp)rnconjugated to tetanus toxoid (carrier protein) 10 mcgrn+++ adsorbed on aluminium phosphate, al 1.25 mgrnpreservative: thiomersal 0.005%*the lower fiducial limit (p=0.95) of the estimated potency is not less than 2.0 iu. Adsorbed can be given at the age of 15-18 months.presentation:rnpentavac sd: 1 dose vial of 0.5 mlrnpentavac pfs: 1 x 0.5 ml - 1 dose pre-filled syringe
synflorix injection iconrnglaxo smithkline pharmaceuticals ltdcomposition for synflorix injectionrnpneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (1mcg)primary uses of synflorix injectionrnpneumonia
.menactrarnmeningococcal (groups a, c, y and w-135) polysacchariderndiphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccinernsolution for intramuscular injectionmenactra is indicated for active immunization to prevent invasive meningococcalrndisease caused by neisseria meningitidis serogroups a, c, y and w-135. Menactra isrnapproved for use in individuals 9 months through 55 years of age. Menactra does notrnprevent n meningitidis serogroup b disease. (1) single-dose vial, 0.5 ml
tresivacrnmeasles, mumps and rubella vaccine (live) i.p. (freeze-dried)indicationrnfor active immunization against measles, mumps and rubella in infants & children, adolescents and young adults at risk.Route of administrationrnsubcutaneous injectionimmunization schedulernfirst dose of mmr is given at 9 months of agernsecond dose of mmr is given anytime between 15-18 months rnthird dose of mmr is given anytime between 4-6 years of age.Compositionrnthe reconstituted vaccine contains in each single human dose of 0.5 ml:rnnot less than 1000 ccid50 of measles virusrnnot less than 5000 ccid50 of mumps virusrnnot less than 1000 ccid50 of rubella virusrnpresentation:rnbox of 10 single dose vials.box of 10 ampoules of 0.5 ml diluent provided separately
triple antigenrndiphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine (adsorbed) i.pindicationrnindicated for infants above the age of six weeks and of pre-school children against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough).Route of administrationrnintramuscular injectionimmunization schedulernfirst 3 doses should be given 4 weeks apart at 6, 10 and 14 weeks.a booster dose can be given at the age of 15-18 months and also between the ages of 4 to 6 years.Compositionrneach single 0.5 ml dose containsrndiphtheria toxoid 25 lf ( 30 iu)rntetanus toxoid 5 lf ( 40 iu)rnb. Pertussis 16 ou ( 4 iu)rnadsorbed on aluminium phosphate, al+++ 1.25 mgrnpreservative: 0.005% thiomersalrnpresentation:rnbox of 10 ampoules of 0.5 ml eachrnbox of 10 md vials of 5 ml eachrnhomernabout usrnproductsrnproducts for overseasrnproducts for indiarnproduct listrnproduct pipeline