Our Safety Matches are useful for Household Residential as well as Commercial purpose in Hotels, Restaurants, Clubs-Resorts because these are easy to use with Single Strike Ignition, Provide brighter glow & Uniform flame and burn longer time. We Offer : Card Board Matches:- Made from high quality raw material like paper board, soft wood and other chemicals, available in wide range & sizes according to its end-use like Small & medium size for Kitchen, Camp Fire & Smokers needs, Long and extra longer mega size for domestic & commercial purposes which are water proof and have Resistance to dampness. Wax MatchesMade from paraffin wax paper easy to light and ensure longer burning which are Environmental-friendly use without fear of burning finger tips and Available in different lengths and sizes. Veneer MatchesVeneer safety matches are available in superior quality packs, Moisture proof having better flammability and Safe to use for high moisture content applications. Barbeque MatchesBarbeque matches are also called Candle & Fire Place matches .Available in extra large mega sizes & quality maintained for easy & smooth burning, packed in suitable designed boxes. Book Matches Made from lighter thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemicals, ignites with friction duly packed in 8-10-15 such splints. Book matches are widely used for commercial purposes. Fastiv Matches Fastive Matches are made to suit usage requirements during festivals which are available in varied color ranges, sizes-length, Burns with such Color flames, safe & damp resistant. We also offer Other OEM Safety Matches & Its Raw Materials to meet clients specific usage requirements like size & type of the Match box, Splints, Nos. Of splints .
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