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Organic Fertilizer

Our offered Product range includes Nutrimin Zinc, Nutrimin Potash, Nutrimin Plant Growth Promoter, Nutrimin Magnesium and Nutrimin Mineral Mix.

Nutrimin Zinc

  • Zing (on DB) 14 %
  • Protein Hydrolysate 30 %
  • Organic Carbon > 50 %
  • Other Nutrients (Mg, Ca, S, Fe, B, Cu & Mn) 1 - 2 %
We offer nutrimin zinc. Nitrogen, phosphorus & potassium play a very important role in crop nutrition. In addition to these major nutrients. Nutrimin zinc is also essential for the plant growth and development. Zinc is required for normal photosynthesis and is directlyindirectly required by several enzyme systems and for protein synthesis. Zinc is needed for cell hormones. Nutrimin zinc is combination of gluconates and amino acids fortified with zinc in readily available form. Gluconates and amino acids helps the plant in better growth and also act as carrier for zinc for plant up take. Nutrimin zinc is available in both liquid and granule form. Nutrimin zinc is granular form is formed by using natural clay as base material. The slow releasing nature of the base material makes the nutrient available to the plant for a longer duration. Recommendation:vegetables, paddy, wheat, maize, fruits, cotton & all other cropsadvantages:addresses the zinc deficiency in the cropsneccessary for energy production, protein synthesis & growth regulation within plantssupports root growth & increases leaf sizeneccessary for the formation of chlorophyll and carbohydratesincreases nitrogen up take, zinc content and protein contents in grainincreases the flower formation, fruit set, seed set & rate of maturity which results in higher yieldscompletely biodegradable and improves soil healthcompatible to be used along with other fertilizerpesticidesmethod of application & dosage:liquid: foliar application: 2 - 3 mlliter of waterdrip irrigation: 1 - 1.5 literacregranule: 5 kgpackaging:liquid formulation is available in 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml packinggranular formulation is available in 5 kg packing
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Nutrimin Potash

  • Potash (on DB) 14 %
  • Protein Hydrolysate 30 %
  • Organic Carbon > 50 %
  • Other Nutrients (Mg, Ca, S, Fe, B, Cu, Mn & Zn) 1 - 2 %
We are offering plant growth promoter. Potassium is a major constituent within all living cells. It is an essential nutrient & is required in large amount by plants. Potassium acts to regulate water balance, nutrient & sugar movement in plant tissue, drives starch & protein synthesis, disease resistance and nitrogen fixation. To overcome all the major problems faced by using inorganic potash. Anil nutrients limited have manufactured nutrimin potash by complexing potassium with gluconate & amino acids. The active nature of amino acids and gluconate forms chelates with the mineral and results in better absorption of nutrients by the plant. Gluconate act as carrier material which results in increased up take of potassium by the plant. Nutrimin potash is available in both liquid and granule form. Nutrimin potash is granular form is formed by using natural clay as base material. The slow releasing nature of the base material makes the nutrient available to the plant for a longer duration. Recommendation:vegetables, paddy, wheat, maize, fruits, cotton, cereals, horticultural crop and all other crops advantages:helps in photosynthesis & formation of energy high compounds, boosts vegetative growthincreases the flower formation, fruit set, seed set & rate of maturity which results in higher yieldsactivates plant enzymes which helps in the synthesis of carbohydrates, amino acids and proteinsimproves the color of the fruits, thus increasing their market value & consumer acceptanceprolongs the shelf life of the producecompletely biodegradable and improves soil healthcompatible to be used along with the other fertilizerspesticides method of application & dosage:liquid: foliar application: 2 - 3 mlliter of waterdrip irrigation: 1 - 1.5 literacregranule: 20 - 25 kgacre packaging:liquid formulation is available in 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml packinggranular formulation is available in 10 kg & 25 kg packing
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Nutrimin Plant Growth Promoter

  • Packaging Type 5 kg packing
  • Protein Hydrolysate 30 %
  • Nitrogen (on DB) 12 - 14 %
  • Organic Carbon > 50 %
  • Other Nutrients (K, mg, Fe, B, Cu, Mn& Zn) 1 - 2 %

We are offering nutrimin. Nutrimin is amino acid based plant growth promoter. It contains amino acids in the form of protein hydrolysate derived from vegetable protein resources. Nutrimin is the first of its kind products manufactured by hydrolysis of vegetable protein sources by sophisticated state of art technology. The active nature of amino acids helps in chelating & better absorption of nutrients by plant for increasing the productivity of the plant under all geographical conditions. Nutrimin is available in both liquid and granule form. Nutrimin is granular form is formed by using natural clay as base material. The slow releasing nature of the base material makes the nutrient available to the plant for a longer duration. Recommendation: vegetable, fruits, cotton, cereals, horticulture crops & all other crops advantages: increases the yield and quality of the crop enhances the flowering and reduces the flower drop increases the chlorophyll content in the leaves leading to higher photosynthetic rate increases the resistance power of the plant by strengthening the immune system increases soil micro flora and improves the health of the soil compatible to be used along with other fertilizerpesticides method of application: liquid: foliar application: 2 -3 mlliter of water drip irrigation: 1 - 1.5 literacre granule: 5 kg packing: liquid formulation is available in 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml packing granular formulation is available in 5 kg packing

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Nutrimin Magnesium

  • Magnesium (on DB) 6 %
  • Protein Hydrolysate 30 %
  • Organic Carbon > 50 %
  • Other Nutrients (Fe, Ca, S, B, Cu, Mn & Zn) 1 - 2 %
We offer nutrimin magnesium. Magnesium is an indispensable mineral for plant growth for it plays a major role in the production of chlorophyll, on which photosynthesis depends. Many critical physiological and biochemical processes in plants are adversely affected by magnesium deficiency, leading to impairments in growth and yield. Nutrimin magnesium is complex formed by amino acids, gluconates & magnesium deficiency. Gluconates and amico acids helps in better absorption of the mineral by the plant. Nutrimin formed by using natural clay as base material. The slow releasing nature of the base material makes the nutrient available to the plant for a longer duration. Recommendation:vegetables, maize, fruits, cotton, cereals, horticultural crop & all other crops advantages:enhances synthesis of organic compounds which are useful for plant growth & functioninghelps in chlorophyll formation, hence increases the photosynthetic rateincreases the yield & quality of the producehelps in synthesis of amino acids & cell proteinsfacilitates the utilization of other important nutrients by the plantcompletely biodegradable and improves soil healthcompatible to be used along with other fertilizerpesticides method of application & dosage:liquid: foliar application: 2 - 3 mlliter of waterdrip irrigation: 1 - 1.5 literacregranule: 10 kgacre packaging:liquid formulation is available in 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml packinggranular formulation is available in 10 kg packing
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Nutrimin Mineral Mix

  • Protein Hydrolysate 30 %
  • Calcium (on DB) 12 -14 %
  • Magnesium (on DB) 10 -12 %
  • Zinc (on DB) 3.0 %
  • Organic Carbon > 50 %
  • Other Nutrients (Fe, B, S, Cu, Mn& Mo) 3 - 4 %
We offer nutrimin mineral mix. Nutrimin mineral mix us unique combination of all the macro and micro nutrients required for the growth and development of the plant. Application of nutrimin mineral mix results in higher yield and improved quality. Nutrimin mineral mix contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, molybdenum, copper, iron, sulphur, manganese with amino acids & gluconates as base material. Due to the presence of amino acid & gluconates. Nutrimin mineral mix is easily absorbed by the plants and it increases the size of the fruits and reduces flowerfruit drop thus increasing the yield. Nutrimin mineral mix is available in both liquid and granule form. Nutrimin mineral mix in granular form is formed by using natural clay as base material. The slow releasing nature of the base material makes the nutrient available to the plant for a longer duration. Recommendation:vegetables, paddy, wheat, maize, fruits, cotton, cereals, horticulture crop & all other crops advantages:increases the yield and quality of the cropenhances the flowering and reduces the flower cropshelps in the formation of chlorophyll, thus results in higher photosynthesispromotes the development of the healthy primary roots and their subsequent branchesincreases the resistance power of the plant by strengthening the immune systemcompletely biodegradable and improves soil healthcompatible to be used along with other fertilizerspesticides method of application & dosage:liquid: foliar application: 2 - 3 mlliter of waterdrip irrigation: 1 - 1.5 literacregranule: 10 - 25 kgacre packaging:liquid formulation is available in 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml packinggranular formulation is available in 10 kg packing
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Nutrimin Phos

  • Phosphorous (DB) 13 -14 %
  • Nitrogen (DB) 5 - 6 %
  • Protein Hydrolysate 40 %
  • Organic Carbon > 50 %
  • Other Nutrients (K, Mg, Fe, B, Cu, Mn& Zn) 1 -2 %
We offer nutrimin phos. Phosphorus being the structural component of nucleic acid & dna is essential for all plants. Phosphorus plays a vital role in photosynthesis, respiration & root development. Low level of phosphorus within in plant causes stunted growth. In order to address the phosphorus deficiency. Anil nutrients has launched nutrimin phos, as readily available form of phosphorus. Nutrimin phos is a protein hydrolysate based plant nutrient having 14 % phosphorus. Amino acids act as carrier material which results in increased up take of phosphorus by the plant. Nutrimin phos is available in both liquid and granule form. Nutrimin phos is granular form is formed by using natural clay as base material. The slow releasing nature of the base materials makes the nutrient available to the plant for a longer duration. Recommendation:vegetable, fruits, cotton, horticulture crop & all other crops advantages:addresses the phosphorus deficiency in all cropspromotes the development of the healthy primary roots & their subsequent branchesenhances flowering & increases fruit and seed productioneffective for the healthy crop production & higher yieldshelps in photosynthesis & respirationcompatible to be used along with other fertilizerpesticides method of application & dosage:liquid: foliar application: 2 - 3 mlliter of waterdrip irrigation: 1 - 1.5 literacregranule: 4-5 kgacre packaging:liquid formulation is available in 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml packinggranular formulation is available in 10 kg & 25 kg packing
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Nutrimin NPK

  • Nitrogen (on DB) 8 %
  • Phosphorus (on DB) 8 %
  • Potash (on DB) 8 %
  • Protein Hydrolysate 30 %
  • Organic Carbon > 50 %
  • Other Nutrients (Mg, Ca, S, Fe, B, Cu, Mn, & Zn) 1 - 2 %
We offer nutrimin npk. plants require three major nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus & potassium for its growth & development. Nutrimin npk is combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium is chelated with amino acids. Nitrogen is the major component of amino acids, the critical element constituent of proteins and is necessary component of cell structure, plays very important role in cell division & reproduction. Phosphorus is vital for adequate root development and helps the plant resist drought. It enhances flowering and increases fruit and seed production. potassium improves quality of seeds and fruit. It also helps to improve crop resistance to lodging, disease and drought. Nutrimin npk also contains other nutrients in required amount for better yield and quality. Recommendation:it is recommended for vegetables, paddy, wheat, maize, fruits, cotton, horticultural crop & all other crops. Advantages:promotes the development of the healthy primary roots & their subsequent branchesenhances the flowering and reduces the flower drophelps in higher photosynthesis & boosts vegetative growthincreases the yield and quality of the cropincreases the resistance power of the plant by strengthening the immune systemcompletely biodegradable & improves soil healthcompatible to be used along with other fertilizerpesticides method of application & dosage:liquid: foliar application: 2 - 3 mlliter of waterdrip irrigation: 1 - 1.5 literacregranule: 20 - 25 kgacre packaging:liquid formulation is available in 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml packing
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