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1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of Semi Automatic Cap Sealing Machine, Ropp Cap Sealing Machine, Automatic Vial Cap Sealing Machine and Automatic Flip Off Cap Pressing Machine
Industrial model Motorized incorporating rotating, threading, sealing rollers, two rollers type, one for sealing other for threading with 22 dia., 25 Dia. and 28 Dia. cap size socket. Machine for sealing of 22 mm to 38 mm cap size
The machine works on 0.5 H.P. 440 volt motor drive with Acrylic Shield, Belt Guard, 'V' Belt pulley and ON-OFF Switch.
All M.S. parts are Chrome plated and body cladded by S.S. 304 sheet.
Automatic vial cap sealing machine is designed to seal Aluminium caps of various sizes on the vials fed on the continuous line. Change parts are available for different sizes of caps and vial diameters. The machine is fully automatic and its operation is very simple the vials are fed by means S.S. Slat Conveyor to the pickup by the vial and the star wheel carries the vial under the sealing head. The complete head assembly moves down and the skirting rollers achieve perfect closer. The movement of the vial is arranged from left to right on the conveyor. Main drive motor 1.0 H.P. 415 volts and suitable starters. Pilot light is mounted on a panel board. Vial size tolerance required for machine & +/0.5 mm for vial dia and height. The output caps of machine is 60 to 80 vials/min. Variable speed drive arranged. ABB or similar make Variable Speed Drive for Main Machine Drive and Conveyor Drive will be supplied with Machine.
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