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1 Products availableWe offer a complete product range of Theme Parks Conveyor Chain, Conveyor Tooth Chain, Inverted Tooth Conveyor Chains, Standard Conveyor Chain and Draw Bench Conveyor Chain
Renold has extensive experience in the manufacture and supply of chain solutions for theme parks. From Roller Coasters to Water Rides, Amusement Parks around the world trust Renold to deliver chains designed to minimise downtime and maximise safety.
As applications are often specific, Renoldoffers a full bespoke design to customers'requirements.As standard, Renold provides:
Basic coaster chain
Cranked link design with breaking load upto 667kN, maximum speed of 1.8m/s anda fatigue of 1, 000, 000 cycles at 70kN.Maximum overload is 120kN with a wearlife of 15, 000 hours at 1% elongation.
Enhanced coaster chain
Cranked link design with breaking load upto 667kN, maximum speed of 2.7m/s anda fatigue of 1, 000, 000 cycles at 90kN.Maximum overload is 150kN with a wearlife of 15, 000 hours at 1% elongation.
Super coaster chain
Straight side plate chain with a breakingload of 700kN and a maximum speed of3.0m/s. Fatigue life up to 1, 000, 000 cyclesat 120kN with a maximum overload of160kN and 15, 000 hour wear life at1% elongation.
Mega coaster chain
Straight side plate chain with a breakingload of between 900 and 1200kN and amaximum speed of 3.5m/s. Fatigue life of1, 000, 000 cycles at 180 270kN with amaximum overload of 230 to 320kN.Wear life of 15, 000 hours at 1%elongation.
Water ride chain
Conveyor chain with breaking loads of between 67kN and 900kN.
To discuss your specific requirements, contact us on 0161 386 4600 or submit an enquiry via our website.
Our range comprises the entire spectrum of inverted tooth chains, individually tailored for the specific application at hand. This includes matching sprockets to ensure optimum functioning.
An inverted tooth conveyor chain is usually laser-welded or riveted. It is additionally available with ground top-surface or ground on both sides.
Advantages at a glance
Each day is different from the next. That's why we offer custom-made inverted tooth conveyor chains to suit a wide variety of requirements and applications.
Depending on their type and shape, the workpieces sit either directly on the chains or are conveyed on pallets or carrier devices that have been specially integrated into the chain.More than 500 different driver link plates are available to help accomplish this task.
Types of custom designs
Conveyor chain, like transmission rollerchain, can be manufactured to a number of different international standards. The main standards available are:
British Standard (BS)
This standard covers chain manufactured to suit the British market and markets where a strong British presence has dominated engineering design and purchasing. The standard is based on the original Renold Conveyor Chain design.
ISO Standard Chain
Chain manufactured to ISO Standard is not interchangeable with BS or DIN Standard Chain. This standard has a wide acceptance in the European market, except in Germany. Chain manufactured to this standard is becoming more popular and are used extensively in the Scandinavian region.
Renold has extensive experience in the manufacture of conveyor chain. The Renold specification of conveyor chain has taken many years in design and development to achieve the optimum product.
In order to ensure this is translated into product performance, we strictly control:
Renold Ultimate Reliability
Standard and Deep Link conveyor chain is available to BS4116 Part 4 as well as ISO 1977, with both Hollow and Solid Bearing Pins.
Extra Strength Standard Conveyor Chain
To complement our standard range of British Standard Conveyor Chain, this extra strength chain is more suitable for conveyor applications selected on ultimate tensile strength (breaking load). Each chain is the same dimensionally as its normal counterpart, for example an extra strength 24000 lbs chain has basically the same dimensions as a normal 12000 lbs series chain. This chain is used extensively in the conveying of animal feed and bulk food stuffs such as grain, maize, wheat and raw food mixtures.
Most of these applications use scraper type conveyor systems that normally have long centre distances between sprockets. Such systems are sometimes slow moving with little or no shock loading. Contact our technical sales staff for selection and applicational details.
These chains are made of high grade alloy steel, whichhas beenaccurately machined and heat treated, to ensure they can withstand the tough demands of draw benches in steel mills.
Pins are pressed into the side bars to prevent pin rotation.Draw benchchains arethe mostbasic constructionof all steel chains.Theyoffer high strengthwell-suited for high tension sliding applications (i.e.steel mill conveyor applications).