Remedial biosciences head office is located in Diamond city of India- SURAT. It has presence in Pan INDIA distribution hospital supplies through its strong distribution network. Remedial Biosciences is a sale and distribution company established in 2018 is surat ,guajart , the unit works in association with our manufacturing units Shiv Sales Corporation and Sheel Chemical Industries based in Gwalior ,Madhya Pradesh , India. Our sister unit Shiv Sales Corportation is one of the biggest manufacturing units in Central India for manufacturing disposable face mask, cap, gloves, and disposable bed sheet. While our another unit Sheel Chemicals industries is enaged in manufacturing of hand sanitizers ,hospital disinfectants as well as various other items for hospital use. Remedial Biosciences has distribution network pan India with efficient and quick logistic partners that ensure safe and timely delivery of our products to our esteemed clients Remedial Biosciences has distribution network pan India with efficient and quick logistic partners that ensure safe and timely delivery of our products to our esteemed clients . We are also third party manufacturers ,of hospital consumables, for various leading brands in India as well as abroad. Remedial Biosciences is one of the big players in exports and is engaged in supplying quality healthcare consumables all over the world .The company also supplies to various government hospitals and organizations in India and abroad . Our company is well equipped with all the licenses, certifications and reports supporting the fact that we are committed to provide our clients with highest quality of products
Year of Establishment
Primary Business