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Medicinal Plant

We offer a complete product range of Gloriosa Superba, Azadirachta Indica, Eucalyptus Oil and Aloe Vera(Aloe Barbadensis)

Gloriosa Superba

Gloriosa superba is a species of flowering plant in the family colchicaceae. English language common names include flame lily, climbing lily, creeping lily, glory lily, gloriosa lily, tiger claw, and fire lily. The alkaloid-rich plant has long been used as a traditional medicine in many cultures in general, this plant is common in the wild. It is in great demand for medicinal use, so it is cultivated on farms in ndia, but most plant material sold into the pharmaceutical trade comes from wild populations. It is also a strikingtuberous climbing plant with brilliant wavy-edged yellow and red flowers. There is more bushy, yellow-flowered form. The beautiful flowers which appear from November to march. Naturally it occurs in semi-shade areas among bush on hillsides. Medicinal Properties and Uses: In Ayurveda and unani systems of medicine it is a reputed medicine.According to Ayurveda, tuber is pungent, bitter, acrid, heating, anthemirtic, laxative, alexiteric, abortifacient, useful in ulcers, leprosy, piles, iflommations, abdominal pains, itching and thirst.
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Azadirachta Indica

The Azadirachta Indica Leaves also known, as neem leaves are popular for their high medicinal properties and also very healthy. Though bitter, the extract of these leaves is used in soaps, toothpastes, creams and ointments. Besides this these leaves also act as a herbal pesticide and the oil cake is a great organic fertilizer too. Uses & Benefits of Neem: Neem products have medicinal properties that prove to be anthelmintic, antifungal, anti-diabetic, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fertility and sedative. All parts such of the tree, such as seeds, leaves, flowers and bark, are used in preparing various different medical preparations. Its oil is used for preparing cosmetics, like soap, shampoo, balms, creams, etc, which prove handy for skin care, such as in treatment of acne, for keeping the elasticity of skin, and so on. Patients suffering from chicken pox are recommended to sleep on neem leaves. It is known to neutralize more than 500 pests worldwide, including insects, mites, ticks and nematodes, by affecting their behavior and physiology. The gum of neem tree is used as a bulking agent to prepare special purpose food for diabetic patients. Its twigs are commonly used for cleaning teeth. A decoration can be prepared from the roots of neem tree and ingested to relieve fever. The paste of neem leaves is applied on skin to treat acne. Neem leaves extract is helpful in treating malaria and purifying blood. Various parts of the tree are used to protect stored roots and tubers from potato moth. Neem is used in vitiated conditions of pitta, hyperdipsia, leprosy, skin diseases, eczema, leucoderma, pruritus, intermittent fever, wounds, ulcers, burning sensation, tumors, tubercular glands, anorexia, vomiting, dyspepsia, intestinal worms, hepatopathy, cough, bronchitis, inflammation and fatigue. Fresh neem leaves are mixed with grains and cereals before storing them, ensure that the latter do not get spoilt.
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Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus comes from the eucalyptus tree, native to Australia, but is now grown in many places all over the world. It's the oil, derived from the crushed leaves of the tree, that has made its mark as nature's medicine. Its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties have been used over the centuries for cosmetic and dental use, to ward off insects, and to treat a wide range of respiratory problems. Uses: Aborigines Medicine : It used the oil to combat fungal and skin infections, and to reduce fevers. It's not just Australia that has made good use of eucalyptus oil for medicinal purposes. Promote good dental health: Eucalyptus oil is commonly added to toothpastes and mouthwashes, and for good reason. It's not just the clean, refreshing aroma of the oil that makes it suitable for dental products, but it contains antibacterial properties that are believed to fight dental decay. The oil also contains an antiseptic, known as cineole, which tackles bad breath and bleeding gums. Improve respiratory health: Arguably one of the best-known health benefits of eucalyptus oil is in treating a wide range of respiratory conditions, such as coughs and colds, and even relieving the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis and sinusitis. Treat skin infections: Eucalyptus oil has been used for centuries to treat skin infections, and according to a study reported by the University of Maryland Medical Centre, many cultures have long used the oil to heal wounds, reduce inflammation and treat skin infections, such as cold sores. Diabetes: Researchers are still not sure how this works, but if this becomes more apparent, it could pave the way for offering a new way to treat this debilitating condition.

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Aloe Vera(Aloe Barbadensis)

Aloe is about 99% water, the remaining 1% is extremely powerful and it is thought this is because the close to 100 ingredients work extremely well together (synergistically). Aloe vera contains many minerals vital to the growth process and healthy function of all the body's systems. The ingredients in Aloe can be grouped into the following categories: Vitamins, Minerals, Sugars, Enzymes, Lignins, Amino Acids, Anthraquinones, Saponins, Fatty Acids, Salicylic Acid. USES: Aloe is an excellent treatment for skin conditions such as burns and eczema. It is often reported that burns can be healed remarkably quickly and the pain reduced very quickly with topical application of Aloe Vera to the burn area. Aloe can also be taken internally so it is just as useful for internal epithelial tissue as it is for the skin. For example, mouth and stomach ulcers, nasal and sinuses, bowels, lungs and genital tracts. Aloe works on membranes and surfaces. It is often reported Aloe Vera is one of the only known natural vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12. Aloe also seems to be excellent at regulating the immune system (an immunomodulator). This means it can both stimulate the immune response for those with weakened immune systems either from exisiting conditions or post-illness fatigue. It can also calm the immune response, such as for hay fever where less immune reaction is beneficial. The three main categories of research include anti-inflammatory, anti- bacterial, and anti-viral actions of the plant. The juice is said to soothe digestive tract irritations such as colitis, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome. It's ability to encourage the release of pepsin (a gastric juice enzyme necessary for digestion) when the stomach is full is a possible reason for its ulcer-healing effects (Journal of the American Osteopathic Society, 1963, vol.62).
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