Model |
HSA2016A |
HSA2016B |
Frequency Range |
9KHz~1.6GHz AC Coupled |
9KHz~1.6GHz AC Coupled 5M~1.6GHz TG |
Frequency Resolution |
1Hz |
Reference Frequency |
10MHz |
Frequency Readout Accuracy |
±(frequency indication*frequency reference uncertainty+1%*span+20%RBW+marker resolution+1Hz) |
Internal 10MHz Reference Accuracy |
Aging rate |
±1ppm/year(0℃~50℃,Reference is 25℃) |
Temperature stability |
±1ppm/year |
Marker Resolution |
(Frequency span)/(number of sweep points-1) |
-3dB Bandwidth |
10Hz to 1MHz,1-3-10 sequence
Accuracy |
±5% RBW=10Hz~1MHz nominal |
Resolution Filter Shape Factor |
<5:1 nominal |
Video Bandwidth (VBW) |
-3dB bandwidth |
1Hz to 1MHz,1-3-10 sequence |
Accuracy |
±10% VBM=1Hz~1MHz nominal |
Displayed Average Noise Level (normalized to1Hz) |
9K~1MHz |
Preamp off |
-108dBm,typical -127dBm |
1MHz ~10MHz |
-128dBm,typical -146dBm |
10MHz ~500MHz |
-142dBm,typical -146dBm |
500MHz ~2.5GHz |
-141dBm,typical -145dBm |
2.5GHz ~3GHz |
-140dBm,typical -144dBm |
9K~1MHz |
Preamp on |
-131dBm,typical -150dBm |
1MHz ~10MHz |
-148dBm,typical -163dBm |
10MHz ~500MHz |
-161dBm,typical -164dBm |
500MHz ~2.5GHz |
-159dBm,typical -162dBm |
2.5GHz ~3GHz |
-158dBm,typical -161dBm |
SSB Phase Noise |
Carrier Offset(20℃~30℃,500MHz Central Frequency) |
10K |
< -92 dBc/Hz, typical -95 dBc/Hz |
30K |
< -93 dBc/Hz, typical -96 dBc/Hz |
100K |
< -95 dBc/Hz, typical -97 dBc/Hz |
1MHz |
< -117 dBc/Hz, typical -119 dBc/Hz |
Range |
Span >100Hz |
2ms to 1000s |
Span=0Hz |
600ns to 200s |
Sweep Mode |
Continuous, single |
Trigger Source |
Free run; video; external |
Trigger slope |
Selectable positive or negative edge |
Trigger delay |
Span =0Hz |
±12ms to ±12s nominal |
Frequency Counter |
Counter Resolution |
1Hz |
Accuracy |
± (marker frequency × frequency reference uncertainty + counter resolution) |
Log Scale and Units |
1 to 10 dB/divisions in 1, 2, 5, 10 dB steps, 10 divisions displayed |
Linear Scale and Units |
0 to 100%,10 divisions displayed |
Scale Unit |
dBm,dBmV,dBuV,Watts,Volts |
Sweep (Trace) Points |
461 |
Number of Markers |
4 |
Detectors |
Normal, positive peak, dample, negative peak, RMS |
Number of Traces |
4 |
Trace Functions |
Clear/write, maximum hold, minimum hold, average, check,close |
Level Measurement Error |
±1.5dB(excluding input VSWR mismatch)
20~30℃,peak detector, preamplifier off, input signal -50dBm to 0dBm
Setting Range |
-100dBm to +30dBm, steps of 1dB |
Setting Resolution |
Log scale: 0.01dB |
Linear scale: Almost log(2.236μV to 7.07V) |
Maximum Safety Input Level |
Average continuous power: +33dBm |
DC input voltage: 50Vdc |
Measurement Range |
9KHz~2MHz |
Displayed average noise level (DANL) to +10dB |
2MHz~3GHz |
Displayed average noise level (DANL) to +20dB |
Input attenuator range |
0 to 51dB,1dB steps |
Second Harmonic Distortion(SHI) |
<65dBc,50MHz to 3GHz(Mixer level -30dBm,attenuator =0dB,preamp off,20℃~30℃) |
Second Harmonic Distortion(SHI) |
<65dBc,50MHz to 3GHz(Mixer level -30dBm,attenuator =0dB,preamp off,20℃~30℃) |
Third-OrderIntermodulation(TOI) |
50~300MHz |
+8dBm,Third-order intermodulation products:2 x -20dBm; frequency separation 100KHz:attenuation = 0dB; preamp off,20℃~30℃ |
300MHz~1.6GHz |
+10dBm |
Input Related Spurious |
<-75dBc,(input mixer = -30dBm) |
Inherent Residual Response |
<-90dBm,typical -98dBm (Input terminated and 0 dB RF attenuation, preamplifier off) |
RF Input VSWR (at Tuned Frequency) |
10MHz to 1.6GHz |
<1.5:1, nominal Attenuator setting 10~20dB |
Reference Iinput Frequency |
10MHz |
Reference Input Amplitude |
0~10dBm |
Trigger Voltage |
5V TTL level |
Connector and Output Impendence |
N female;(50Ω) |