Our Products
Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Clearblue Ovulation Test, COVID-19 IgM IgG (2), ID NOW COVID 19, WONDFO COVID 19 ONE STEP TEST and COVID - 19 (SARS-COV-2)TEST KIT.
1. to meet the diverse requirements of our valued clients, we are engrossed in providing top-notch gradeclearblue ovulation test.
2. we are a remarkable name in this field, betrothed in offering pristine gradeclearblue ovulation test.
theclearbluedigitalovulation testdetects the rise of theovulationhormone lh (luteinizing hormone) 24-36 hours prior toovulationand identifies the 2 best days to conceive in a given cycle. It's more accurate than calendar and temperature methods3and gives you unmistakably clear results on a digital display.
1. We are engaged in offering Best GradeCOVID-19 IgM IgG (2).
We havemarked a distinct position in this domain by providing an excellent gradeCOVID-19 IgM IgG (2).
SGTi-flex COVID-19 IgM/IgG is a gold nanoparticle-based immunochromatographic test kit for qualitative determination of COVID-19s IgM and IgG antibodies in human whole blood (finger prick or venous), serum or plasma.
1. Backed with immense domain expertise, we have been able to offer the finest grade ID NOW COVID 19
2. To meet the diverse requirements of our valued clients, we are engrossed in providing top-notch gradeID NOW COVID 19
For use with the ID NOW Instrument For use with nasal, throat or nasopharyngeal specimens For in vitro Use Only. ID NOW Instrument is a rapid molecular in vitro diagnostic test utilizing an isothermal nucleic acid amplification technology intended for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from the SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA
1. Our quality committed firm has attained the topmost position in this field by putting forth top grade WONDFO COVID 19 ONE STEP TEST
2. Since our commencement in this domain, we have been engaged in providing the finest grade WONDFO COVID 19 ONE STEP TEST
The test is ideally suited for hospitals, clinics and test laboratories. The test can also be effectively deployed in businesses, schools, airports, seaports and train stations, etc., giving it the potential to become a compelling force in the fight against this global threat.
backed with immense domainexpertise, we have been able to offer the finest gradecovid - 19 (sars - cov - 2)test kid.
2.to meet the diverserequirements of our valued clients, we are engrossed in providing top - notchgradecovid - 19 (sars - cov - 2)test kid.
these simple test kits are based either on detection of proteins from the covid - 19 virus in respiratory samples (e. G. Sputum, throat swab) or detection, in blood or serum, of human antibodies generated in response to infection.
.We are engaged in offering Best Grade ACCO RAPID TEST FAST AND ACCURATE.
2.We havemarked a distinct position in this domain by providing an excellent gradeACCO RAPID TEST FAST AND ACCURATE.
COVID - 19(Corona Virus Disease) is an infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. COVID - 19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test (Whole Blood/ Serum/Plasma) is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative of IgG and IgM antibodies to COVID - 19 in human whole blood, serum or plasma.
Easier:No special equipment needed, Intuitive visual interpretation.
Rapid:Quick sampling by fingertip blood, Result in 10 - 15min.
With an aim to provide immense satisfaction to clients, we are engaged in offering the best gradeICHROMOX COVID - 19 AB.
2.As a quality conscious enterprise in this field, we are engrossed in providing the finest gradeICHROMOX COVID - 19 AB.
The advantage of antibody rapid tests is that the result can be made available within 30 minutes. The test comes positive after 7 to 10 days of infection. While positive test indicates exposure to COVID - 19, negative does not rule out the infection.
1. We are noted amongst remarkable enterprises in this domain, engaged in offering the best grade TELLME FAST CORONAVIRUS TEST KIT
2. Since 2012, we have been engaged in providing high grade TELLME FAST CORONAVIRUS TEST KIT
These test kits are based either on detection of proteins from the COVID-19 virus in respiratory samples (e.g. sputum, throat swab) or detection, in blood or serum, of human antibodies generated in response to infection.
2.Owing to our wide distribution network, we have been able to offer superior grade HELICOBACTER TEST INFAI (C-URE) 75 MG 1 SISE.
The powder is the active substance13C-urea (45mgfor children or75 mgfor adults). What isHelicobacter Test INFAIused for?Helicobacter Test INFAIis used to diagnoseHelicobacter pyloriinfection in the stomach and duodenum (the part of the gut just below the stomach). H.
During abreath test, you swallow a pill, liquid or pudding that contains tagged carbon molecules. If you have an H.pyloriinfection, carbon is released when the solution is broken down in your stomach.
1. We are engaged in offering Best Grade HELICOBACTER TEST INFAI (C-URE) 75 MG 1 SISE.
2. We havemarked a distinct position in this domain by providing an excellent gradeHELICOBACTER TEST INFAI (C-URE) 75 MG 1 SISE.
Helicobacter Test INFAImay be used for in vivo diagnosis of gastroduodenalHelicobacter pyloriinfection in: - adults, - adolescents, who are likely to have peptic ulcer disease.Helicobacter Test INFAIis a breathtest. Adolescents from the age 12 and older and adults take the content of1jar with75 mg.
We are engaged in offering Best Grade COVID 19 FAST TEST.
We have marked a distinct position in this domain by providing an excellent grade COVID 19 FAST TEST.
COVID 19 FAST TEST is based on double sandwich lateral flow immunoassay to detect total antibody of SARS-COV-2. It can be used as an aiding tool for RT-PCR testing. Clinical diagnosis shall be done according to the doctor.
1. we have been noted amidst the trustworthy entities, engrossed in putting forward top-notch grade antigen covid testing kit.
2. counted amidst noteworthy organization, we are engaged in offering the finest grade antigen covid testing kit.
representative image new delhi:indiancouncil of medical research (icmr) has recommended theuseof standard qcovid-19 ag detection assay (antigendetectiontest) as a point of care diagnostic assay fortestingunder certain settings in combination with rt-pcrtest.
.1. we are a remarkable name in this field, betrothed in offering pristine grade sensit covid-19 one step rapid test.
2. we are acclaimed as one of the most versatile enterprises in this domain, engrossed in offering excellent gradesensit covid-19 one step rapid test.
.1. with an aim to become a leading entity in this field, we are engaged in offering top-notch grade angcard covid-19 antigen test.
2. backed with immense knowledge in this field, we are engaged in offering superior grade (angcard covid-19 antigen test) in moisture proof packaging options.
uses:malaria test rapid cards are made for the use of screening of the malarial parasite present in the human blood.the test uses the simple immunochromatography technique for detecting the type of parasites present in the human blood.malaria tests can be done with whole blood , serum , plasma at any lab or at home.
1. we have been noted amidst the trustworthy entities, engrossed in putting forward top-notch grade2019-ncov igc-igm test kit.
2. counted amidst noteworthy organization, we are engaged in offering the finest grade 2019-ncov igc-igm test kit.
uses:the tbg sars-cov-2 igg / igm rapid test kit is a lateral flow immunoassay intended for qualitative detection and differentiation of igg and igm antibodies to sars-cov-2 in human serum and plasma [acid citrate dextrose (acd)]). the tbg sars-cov-2 igg / igm rapid test kit is intended for use as an aid in identifying individuals with an adaptive immune response to sars-cov-2, indicating recent or prior infection.
1. we have been noted amidst the trustworthy entities, engrossed in putting forward top-notch gradeblood gluco meter 25 test kit .
2. counted amidst noteworthy organization, we are engaged in offering the finest grade blood gluco meter 25 test kit .
uses:the care touchblood glucosesystem is the no. 1bestsellingblood glucose meteron amazon. the kit is agreatvalue -- for $30 you get everything you need totestyourblood sugar. the kit includes the care touchmeter, a lancing device, lancets, teststrips and a carrying case.
1. With an aim to become a leading entity in this field, we are engaged in offering top-notch grade SENSIT RAPID COVID-19 TEST.
2. Backed with immense knowledge in this field, we are engaged in offering superior grade (SENSIT RAPID COVID-19 TEST) in moisture proof packaging options.
USES:Rapid antigen tests can contribute to overall COVID-19 testing capacity, offering advantages in terms of shorter turnaround times and reduced costs, especially in situations in which RT-PCR testing capacity is limited. Test sensitivity for rapid antigen tests is generally lower than for RT-PCR. Rapid antigen tests perform best in cases with high viral load, in pre-symptomatic and early symptomatic cases up to five days from symptom onset. ECDC agrees with the minimum performance requirements set by WHO at 80% sensitivity and 97% specificity. ECDC recommends that EU Member States p
1. We are a remarkable name in this field, betrothed in offering pristine grade TROP T SENSITIVE .
2. We are acclaimed as one of the most versatile enterprises in this domain, engrossed in offering excellent gradeTROP T SENSITIVE .
USES:Many patients seek medical attention only several hours after the onset of chest pain. Easy to use and visual, the Roche cardiacTroponin T sensitivetest helps you to detect myocardial infarction in these patients at the point of care to quickly decide on the necessary next steps to save patient lives1.
1. We have been noted amidst the trustworthy entities, engrossed in putting forward top-notch grade IMMUNOQUICK COVID 19 RAPID TEST KIT.
2. Counted amidst noteworthy organization, we are engaged in offering the finest grade IMMUNOQUICK COVID 19 RAPID TEST KIT.
USES:There are many studies underway to better understand the antibody response following infection to SARS-CoV-2. Several studies to date show that most people who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 develop antibodies specific to this virus. However, the levels of these antibodies can vary.
1. our quality committed firm has attained the topmost position in this field by putting forth top gradeprega nex pregnancy test kit.
2. since our commencement in this domain, we have been engaged in providing the finest gradeprega nex pregnancy test kit.
uses:most testscanbe used on the firstdayof a missed period but it's advisable to wait1week after a missed period for accuracy. this is because 10 to 20 percent ofpregnantwomen won'tdetecttheirpregnancyon the firstdayof their missed period.
1. we are noted amongst remarkable enterprises in this domain, engaged in offering the best gradeaccucare covid-19 antigen card test.
2. since 2012, we have been engaged in providing high gradeaccucare covid-19 antigen card test.
uses:the accucare covid-19 igg/igm cassette rapid test is a lateral flow immunoassay for qualitative detection of antibodies to 2019 novel coronavirus (sars-cov-2) in serumplasma or whole blood specimens. it is intended to be used as an aid in the diagnosis of sars-cov-2 viral infections. any reactive specimen with the accucare covid-19 igg/igm cassette rapid test must be confirmed with alternative testing method(s).
1. we have been noted amidst the trustworthy entities, engrossed in putting forward top-notch gradeaccu-check integra kit .
2. counted amidst noteworthy organization, we are engaged in offering the finest gradeaccu-check integra kit .
uses:accu-chek integratest strips are one of the leading process of blood sugar testing. . now you can easilycheckand keep a record of blood sugar level seating in your home without going to the doctor and as per your convenience.integradrum comprises of 17 test strips which are inserted into the meter.
1. recognized as a profound enterprise, we are engaged in providing the finest gradeabchek rapid diagnostic test
2. we are noted as a leading entity in this firm, instrumental in putting forth top grade abchek rapid diagnostic test.
.t in thediagnosisof malaria by providing evidence of the presence of malaria parasites in human blood. Rdts are an alternative todiagnosisbased on clinical grounds or microscopy, particularly where good quality microscopy services cannot be readily provided