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Laboratory Apparatus

We are leaders in the market for providing best range of California Bearing Ratio Apparatus, Air Permeability Apparatus, Aggregate Impact Testing Apparatus, Slump Testing Apparatus and Compaction Test Apparatus

California Bearing Ratio Apparatus

We are reckoned as the most established manufacturer, exporter and supplier of California Bearing Ratio Apparatus in Kolhapur, India. They are very useful in finding the expansion characteristics and relative bearing ratio under known surcharge weights of the base, sub-base and the sub-grade soils that are used for the design of roads, pavements and runways. This test is used widely to ensure the quality of the soils which has led to high demand for the product. They are reliable and provide the best result every time. The apparatus can be availed from us at leading market prices.

Specifications :

  • RSI-056
  • Lab. C.B.R. App. IS:2720 (P-XVI), IS:9669. BS:1377, 1924, ASTMD1883, AASHTOT193
  • The CBR Test is used for determining the relative bearing ratio and expansion characteristics under known surcharge weights of base, sub-base and sub grade soils for the design of Roads, pavements, & Runways.
  • Tests can be conducted on all types of soils including sand , gravel & washed stone (passing through 20 mm IS Sieve).
  • The CBR test is used extensively in selection of materials and control of subgrades.
  • The procedure consists of loading soil with a circular piston, 50 mm dia face and maintaining a penetration rate of 1.25 mm/min strain.
  • The load is noted and the results of test on natural or recompacted soils, in soaked and un soaked conditions , can be compared with standard test results. CBR App. Consists of the following:-
  • C.B.R. Apparatus, motorized-cum-hand 50 KN cap. with 1.25 mm/min rate of strain. Operation on 230 V, single phase, A.C. 50 Hz.
  • Accessories:
  • C.B.R. Mould, 150 mm dia x 175 mm high with extension collar and perforated base plate.
  • Penetration Piston, face dia 50 mm with adjustable bracket.
  • Displacer block (Spacer Disc) 148mm dia x 47.7mm high with detachable handle.
  • Perforated Swell plate, 148mm dia with adjustable stem and lock nut-Gunmetal/Brass.
  • Annular metal weight, 2.5kg. 147 mm dia with 53 dia central hole
  • Slotted metal weight, 2.5 kg. 147 mm dia with 53 mm dia slot.
  • Metal tripod stand for dial gauge.
  • Cutting collar.
  • Rammer, 2. 6kg weight with a drop of 310 mm. j. Rammer, 4.89kg weight with a drop of450 mm k. High sensitivity Proving Ring, 20 KN cap. fitted with 0.002 mm dial gauge with calibration certificate in nice teak wooden case. 1. Dial gauge 0.01 mm x 25 mm travel.


Accessories :

  • Annular metal wt. 5kg., 147mm dia. with 53
  • Dia central hole, n. Slotted metal wt. 5kg., 147 mm dia. with 53 mm
  • Dia slot.
  • C.B.R. Mould as per B.S. with Accessories.
  • RSI-057
  • Load Frame, hand operated with two speeds, 50 KN capacity.
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Air Permeability Apparatus

Our company is engaged in manufacturing and supplying a wide range of air permeability apparatus, which is used for determining the fineness of cement in terms of specific surface expressed as total surface area in square centimeters per gram of cement. It includes spares such consistency plunger, initial needle and final needle.Specifications: finenessrsi-174blain air permeability apparatus is : 4031, is :5516, astmc204, bs:4359part2the apparatus comprises one each of permeability cell, 'u' tube tube manometer with stop cock on a sunmica wooden stand, perforated metal disc, plunger. Rubber stopper, rubber tube with rubber bulb.dibutylphthalate liquid. (500 gram bottle).punch.spares:sunmica wooden stand with 'u' tube manometer with stop cock.permeability cell complete with perforated metal disc, non-perforated disc and plunger. Rsi-175accessories:air permeability apparatus (lea & nurse type) is 5536, is:4825the equipment comprises one each of air permeability cell complete with perforated plate and compacting plunger, stand fitted with manometer and capillary tube. Complete in a nice wooden carrying case. Accessories :filter paper disc cutter. Consistency and setting timersi-176vicat needle apparatus, is : 5513, is:2542(part-2), 2645, 1727, bs: 12, 146, 915, 1370, 4027, 4246, 4248, astm c-91, c-141, c-187, c-308, c-359, c-472 & aashto t-129, e-131. consists of a metallic frame bearing a movable rod with cap at one end and a vicat mould 70 mm in dia at the base, 50 mm at the top and 40 mm high and with a glass base plate. consistency plunger, initial and final needles in a nice jewellery case.vicat needle apparatus with dash pot. Similar to rsi-176, but fitted with dashpot to facilitate the gentle lowering of the needle.
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Aggregate Impact Testing Apparatus

We are a respected manufacturer, supplier and exporter of Aggregate Impact Testing Apparatus in Kolhapur, India. This is an important instrument in construction projects and fulfils many purposes of the industry. The apparatus offered by us is highly demanded due to its precise and effective working. We manufacture the testing apparatus in adherence to quality standards and norms of the industry. The apparatus is widely used in the ceramic industry and calibration laboratories or test houses.

Specifications :

  • Mechanical Properties of Aggregates
  • RSI-185
    • Aggregate Impact Tester - IS 2386 (Part IV), BS812
    • Determining the aggregate impact value of coarse aggregate. Consists of a base weighing between 22-30 kg with a lower surface of not less than 30 cms and support columns to form a rigid frame work around quick release trigger mechanism to ensure an effective free fall of the hammer during test. The free fall can be adjusted through 380+-5.0 mm. The hammer is provided with a locking arrangement.
    • A metal tup (hammer) weighing 13.5 to 14.0 kg, the lower end of in cylindrical shape, 100 mm in diameter and 5 cm long with a 2 mm chamfer I at the lower edge, and^ case hardened.
    • Complete with a cylindrical cup, 102 mm dia x 50 mm depth, one measure 75mm dia x 50 mm deep and tamping rod of circular cross-section 10 mm in diameter and 230 mm long, rounded at one end.
  • RSI-186
    • Aggregate Impact Tester with automatic blow counter, as per IS - 2386 (P-IV)
    • Spares
    • Automatic blow counter
    • Tamping rod.
  • RSI-187
    • Aggregate Crushing Value test apparatus : IS : 2386 (Part IV)
    • Consists of a 15 cms diameter open-ended steel cylinder, with plunger and base plate. Complete with a tamping rod of circular cross-section 16 mm in diameter and 45 to 60 cms long, rounded at one end.
    • RSI-18810% Fine Value apparatus as per IS: 2386 (p-iv) with tamping rod and measure.
  • RSI-189
    • Aggregate Crushing Value test apparatus IS:2386(P-iv)BS812
    • Similar to RSI-187, but 75 mm dia cylinder. Accessories :
    • Cylindrical metal measure 11.5 cms diameter and 18 cms height fitted with handles.
    • Aggregate Abrasion Value
  • RSI-190
    • Deval Abrasion Testing machine: IS: 2386 (P-IV) For the determination of resistance of aggregate to wear by abrasion. Two hollow cylinders, closed at one end and provided with tightly fitting covers at the other end.
    • The inside diameter of the cylinder 20 cms and 34 cms depth. The cylinder are mounted on a shaft at an angle of 30 degrees with the axis of rotation.
    • The shaft rotates at 30-33 r.p.m. through a reduction gear, coupled to a motor. Suitable for operation on 440 volts, three phase, 50 cycles, A.C. Supply.
    • Supplied complete fitting with a counter and push button starter.
    • Accessories
    • Abrasive Charge - Consists of 12 Nos. cast iron spheres or steel spheres (steel balls) hardened, approximately 48 mm in diameter, each weighing between 390-445 gram.
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Slump Testing Apparatus

We are a manufacturer, supplier and exporter of Slump Testing Apparatus in Kolhapur, India. The apparatus consists of a slump cone which is fitted with handles and foot pieces in position. The base plate provided is octagonal in shape. They are manufactured using highest quality raw materials and latest technology. Our team of professionals ensure that they are checked on various quality parameters before dispatching the clients.


Slump Test apparatus :

  • IS: 7320.BS 1881-102, BS 5075, ASTM C143, AASHTO Tl 19 Consists of slump cone fitted with handles and foot pieces in position.
  • Base plate in octagonal shape, Two clamps slide over the foot grips of a standard slump cone and hold It securely while filling and rodding.
  • A combination swivel carrying handle. Complete with graduated tamping rod 0-60 cms long and 16 cms long and 16 mm dia with 0-30 cms


  • Slump cone 10 cms top dia, 20 cms bottom dia and 30 cm height
  • Tamping rod, graduated 0-60 cms long x 16 mm dia with scale Graduation.
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Compaction Test Apparatus

With our rich experience, we are offering a wide range of Compaction Test Apparatus, which is e available as mechanically cum electrically operated automatic types. These are suitable to use for normal compaction, heavy compaction and also helps in eliminating tedious hand compaction process. Specifications: RSI-026Compaction test apparatus, IS: 2720 (P vii & viii), IS: 10074; BS: 1377, ASTM D 698, D558, D559, D560, D 1557, AASHTO T99, T 134.Proctor Mould 100 mm ID x 127.3 mm ht x 1000 c c volume with collar & base plate. Made of M. steel. Complete with Rammer 2.6 or 2.5 kg.Proctor Mould made of Gunmetal with rammerProctor Mould 150 mm dia ID x 127.3 mm ht x 2250 c c volume with collar & base plate. Made of M. steel. Complete with Rammer 4.89 kg or 4.5 kg. Heavy compaction (Modified)Proctor Mould but 150 mm dia but made of Gunmetal with rammer. SpareProctor Mould 100 mm I .dia x 127.3 mm ht x 1000 cc with collar and base plate. Mild steel.Proctor Mould made of Gunmetal.Rammer 2.6 kg or 2.5 kg for light compaction.Rammer 4.89 kg or 4.5 kg for heavy compaction, modified.
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CBR Apparatus

We are offering field cbr apparatus. It is useful in determining the load carrying capacity in the field when in place density and water contents are such that the degree of saturation is 80% or greater, when material is cohesion less and course grained. Such that it is not affected by changes in water contents and when the material has been in place for considerable time. The loading is effected by means of a mechanical load frames which can be fixed to the unde rside of a truck.
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Bitumen Testing Instruments

We are an established manufacturer, exporter and supplier of Bitumen Testing Instruments in Kolhapur, India. The offered range of Bitumen testing equipment is manufactured keeping in mind the international quality norms and standards and the client requirement. They are equipped with vertical pillar which are mounted on a base provided with few levelling screws. These instruments are used to determine the softening point of bitumen. We provide them as per the specifications of the client as well.


Specifications :

  • RSI-212
  • Flow Cup Viscometer as per IS : 3944 Made of gunmetal and the orifice is made from stainless steel. A protective skirt is provided at the bottom of the cup to minimize the risk of damage to the orifice.
  • Flow cup No.2
  • Flow cup No.3
  • Flow cup No.4
  • Flow cup No.5 and 6


Accessories :

  • Stand with leveling screws.
  • RSI-213
    • Bitumen Sampler A strong metal vessel of about half litre capacity, the handle of which shall be attached by a means not adversely affected by hot bitumen. IS: 1201.
  • RSI-214
    • Sampling Tube made of metal. Tube suitable for sampling 200 Ltrs. Drum. The rings are soldered to opposite sides o the tube at the upper end for convenience in holding it.
  • RSI-215
    • Bitumen Penetrometer Hand IS: 1203 BS 2000-49, ASTM D5, AASHTO T49. Consist of Vertical Pillar mounted on a base provided with leveling screws. T
    • he head, together with dial plunder rod and cone (or needle) slides on a pillar and can be clamped at any desired height.
    • A rack and pinion & pointer assembly provides fine adjustment of needle or cone tip to sample.
    • It incorporates a slipping clutch mechanism which makes reading of penetration, and subsequent resetting a simple and accurate operation.
    • The dial is graduated in 400 1/10"' mm sub-divisions, and the red needle pointer against black figures makes for easy reading.
    • Supplied complete with one 50 gram weight, one 100 gram weight and one Needle.
  • RSI-216
    • Automatic Bitumen Penetrometer Electrically operated with Digital Timer, Penetration Needle, 2 Cups, Weights 50 gram and 100 gram.


Accessories :

  • Penetrometer cone : Made of gunmetal and is fitted with a hardened and ground detachable steel tip and a stem. Total moving weight is 150 + 0.01 gram.
  • Bitumen Penetration Kit : Consists of Penetration Needle, transfer dish and set of sample containers.
  • RSI-217
    • Softening Point apparatus (Ring & Ball), IS : 1205, BS2000-58, ASTMD36, AASHTOT53.
    • Used for the determination of the softening point of bitumen. Consists of: Two steel balls; each 9.5 mm in dia. Brass rings Two; tapered of brass. Ball Guide Two Ring Holder One Bath Beaker of heat resistant glass, I.D. 8.5 cms and depth 12 cms approx.
  • RSI-218
    • Ring & Ball Apparatus, electrically heating Similar to RSI-217, but supplied with a heating plate with an energy regulator which permits fine regulation of temperature.
    • In addition, there is an electrically operated Stirrer mounted on a stand with chuck and glass rod or aluminum rod and for stirring the water in the water bath. Operation on 230 V, single phase, 50 cycles, A.C. supply
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Vicat Needle Apparatus

We are regarded as the largest manufacturer, exporter and supplier of Vicat Needle Apparatus in Kolhapur, India. The apparatus is designed by professionals and ensures they are in accordance to the industry standards and norms. They are widely demanded due to its strong structure and fine finish. Modern machines and latest technology is used in designed the apparatus. We provide the apparatus in various dimensions as per the requirement of the client. We supply them promptly at reasonable prices.


Specifications :

  • The apparatus consists of a metallic frame bearing a freely movable and with a cap at top, one vicat mould and glass base
  • plate and one set of needles one each initial needle, final needle andconsistency plunger.
  • Vicat Needle App. with Dashpot
  • IS 4031, 2645, 2542 ( PART-1), 1727, 5513 & 712 BS 12, 146, 915,
  • 1370, 4027, 4246, 4248 AASHTO T 129, E 131.
  • Specification - Same as Vicat Needle Apparatus but in addition is
  • fitted with a dashpot which facilities gentle lowering of the needles.
  • Accessories - Mild steel base plate 5 inches x 5 inches.
  • Fulcrum mould, brass, 70mm i.d. base dia. x 60mm i.d. top dia., 40mm height.

Note :

  • Normally set of needles and mould which meet isrequirements as per I.S. 5513 are supplied.
  • While ordering please specify the specification code of the instrument required.
  • Vicat needle apparatus for determining consistency of hydrauliccement. Gypsum plaster, lime etc. As per ASTM C 187-58 C 472-62 C 110-58, IS 2542 (Part-1) can also be supplied.
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Bitumen Testing Instrument

We are offering bitumen testing instruments, which are equipped with vertical pillar mounted on a base provided with leveling screws.These instruments are used for the determination of the softening point of bitumen. specifications: rsi-212flow cup viscometer as per is : 3944 made of gunmetal and the orifice is made from stainless steel. A protective skirt is provided at the bottom of the cup to minimize the risk of damage to the orifice.flow cup no.2flow cup no.3flow cup no.4flow cup no.5 and 6accessories:stand with leveling screws. Rsi-213o bitumen sampler a strong metal vessel of about half litre capacity, the handle of which shall be attached by a means not adversely affected by hot bitumen. Is: 1201. Rsi-214 o sampling tube made of metal. Tube suitable for sampling 200 ltrs. Drum. The rings are soldered to opposite sides o the tube at the upper end for convenience in holding it. Rsi-215o bitumen penetrometer hand is: 1203 bs 2000-49, astm d5, aashto t49. Consist of vertical pillar mounted on a base provided with leveling screws. The head, together with dial plunder rod and cone (or needle) slides on a pillar and can be clamped at any desired height. A rack and pinion & pointer assembly provides fine adjustment of needle or cone tip to sample.O it incorporates a slipping clutch mechanism which makes reading of penetration, and subsequent resetting a simple and accurate operation. The dial is graduated in 400 110"' mm sub-divisions, and the red needle pointer against black figures makes for easy reading.O supplied complete with one 50 gram weight, one 100 gram weight and one needle. Rsi-216automatic bitumen penetrometer electrically operated with digital timer, penetration needle, 2 cups, weights 50 gram and 100 gram.accessories:penetrometer cone : made of gunmetal and is fitted with a hardened and ground detachable steel tip and a stem. Total moving weight is 150 + 0.01 gram.bitumen penetration kit : consists of pen
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Compaction Testing Apparatus

We are a manufacturer, supplier and exporter of Compaction Testing Apparatus in Kolhapur, India. Our experienced team of professionals ensure that the wide range of compaction testing apparatus offered by us are designed and manufactured as per the international quality standards and norms. They are widely demanded as it helps to eliminate tiring hand compaction processes in factories. We provide the orders in safe packages with no scope for complaints.

Specifications : RSI-026

  • Compaction test apparatus, IS: 2720 (P vii & viii), IS: 10074; BS: 1377, ASTM D 698, D558, D559, D560, D 1557, AASHTO T99, T 134.
  • Proctor Mould 100 mm ID x 127.3 mm ht x 1000 c c volume with collar & base plate. Made of M. steel. Complete with Rammer 2.6 or 2.5 kg.
  • Proctor Mould made of Gunmetal with rammer
  • Proctor Mould 150 mm dia ID x 127.3 mm ht x 2250 c c volume with collar & base plate. Made of M. steel. Complete with Rammer 4.89 kg or 4.5 kg. Heavy compaction (Modified)
  • Proctor Mould but 150 mm dia but made of Gunmetal with rammer.
  • Spare
  • Proctor Mould 100 mm I .dia x 127.3 mm ht x 1000 cc with collar and base plate. Mild steel.
  • Proctor Mould made of Gunmetal.
  • Rammer 2.6 kg or 2.5 kg for light compaction.
  • Rammer 4.89 kg or 4.5 kg for heavy compaction, modified.
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Slump Cone Apparatus

We are offering slump cone apparatus.Our range of concrete consistency testers is mainly used to determine and measure how hard and consistent a given sample of concrete is before curing. These are suitable for operation on 230 volts, 50 cycles, a.c. Supply. Specifications: consistency of workabilityrsi-132vee-bee consistometer : is : 1199, bs: 1881 (p-104), astm c1170, aashto t 126 consists of a vibrating table, specimen pot, slump cone, graduated rod and plate. Suitable for operation on 230 volts, 50 cycles, a.c. Supply. Rsi-133slump test apparatus: is: 1881-102, bs 5075, astm c143, aashto tl 19 consists of slump cone fitted with handles and foot pieces in position. Base plate in octagonal shape, two clamps slide over the foot grips of a standard slump cone and hold it securely while filling and rodding. A combination swivel carrying handle. Complete with graduated tamping rod 0-60 cms long and 16 cms long and 16 mm dia with 0-30 cmsaccessories:slump cone 10 cms top dia, 20 cms bottom dia and 30 cm heighttamping rod, graduated 0-60 cms long x 16 mm dia with scale graduation.
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