Our Product / Services
Computer Repairing Services
1 Services availableLaptops
1 Products availableModular Office Workstation
1 Products availableSwitches And Switch Boxes
1 Products availableRouter
1 Products availableProjector
1 Products availableCustomized Software Solution
1 Products availableWeb Server
1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of storage devices, apple products and display devices
It is a known fact that using Genuine Software saves you a lot of expensive system downtime. And, it keeps you out of trouble too. And in our quest to provide this advantage to you, we have in our range of Rental products the entire list of Software from Microsoft now available on Rent. When you order your system with your choice of Windows operating system it comes preloaded and thoroughly tested and fine tuned.
At Rank, we understand the importance a reliable Server plays in the work environment. You can rent all the major server brands from us. And with the configuration you require. When you Rent a Server in Mumbai, or any of the 10 cities we provide our products and services in across India , you get flexibility and reliability. And at a price which will bring a smile on your lips.