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It is a pure and nutritious beverage in the natural state. The coconut husk is an excellent package for the water which contains sugars, minerals, amino acids and vitamins. Tender coconut water is a natural source of electrolytes, minerals, vitamins, complex carbohydrates, Amino acids and other nutrients. more...
We have high-tech in-house amenities available to make sure that the range of products we offer are kept safe till final delivery. Our team experts ensure that the warehouse is free from moisture, rainwater, sunlight, etc. We have hired experienced quality auditors who stringently check the raw materials agai more...
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Coconut water harvested from nuts between 10-13 months old is classified as mature coconut water. After the nuts ripen, the amount of coconut water declines. This is because during maturation, coconut water is used to form coconut flesh inside the fruit, a phenomenon across all of the coconut’s var more...
Coconut water is a low-calorie, refreshing liquid found inside the coconut. At Apex, our coconut water is engineered for a consistent blend of flavors in every season. We achieve this consistency using proprietary processing methods that help us produce great-tasting, all-natural coconut water. more...
Lemon, Citrus limon, is a small evergreen tree in the family Rutaceae grown for its edible fruit which, among other things, are used in a variety of foods and drinks. ... The Lemon fruit is an ellipsoid berry surrounded by a green rind, which ripens to yellow, protecting soft yellow segmented pulp more...
Our product is all-natural without any added preservatives and is high in quality. Lemon Juice is available in two forms Lemon Juice Concentrate 4 Fold (Clear) and Lemon Juice Concentrate 4 Fold (Cloudy). Lemon Juice is packed with vitamin C, dietary fibre, beta carotene and other vitamins. Lemon Juice Concen more...
We are offer GINGER LEMON JUICE to our clients. Ginger lemon juice help jumpstart your metabolism and kick your immune system into high gear. As it turns out, ginger juice is an exceptional addition to your diet, whether you’re looking to boost your immunity, increase your appetite, balance glucose le more...
Description: Crisp and refreshing, our apple juice is made from the finest apples, providing a naturally sweet taste and a burst of vitamins. Perfect for any time of day! more...