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Amla is an elixir that contains many nutrients. Although it looks small, there is no other chili that comes close to Bird’s eye chili in terms of flavor. Get used to the Amla Bird’s eye chili containing the essential nutrients. Vital Health, Eternal Youth, Healthy Vision, Sugar Control, Digestion, more...
Amenorrhea is the medical term for the loss of periods in women. Who should be having irregular periods-is a sign that something in the body has gone wrong. Causes can be stress, anorexia, physical or emotional shock, and disorders of the ovaries. UT-Veda syrup is formulated for such condition that brings on more...
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This product is produced from raw mango. The juice of raw mango is extracted by soaking it in Sugar for 7 / 8 days. It is used as Sharbat. It is sweet and sour in taste. more...