Microcrystalline waxes are a type of wax produced by de-oiling petrolatum, as part of the petroleum refining process.It is generally darker, more viscous, denser, tackier and more elastic than paraffin waxes, and has a higher molecular weight and melting point. It is available in two colors: White and Yellow1. Yellow Microwax (ML-445) : Our Microcrystalline wax grade ML-445 (Yellow Color) is ready to be launched in India after 25 years. It was one of the leaders of Microcrystalline Wax industry in 1980's but the manufacturing unit shut down due to some reasons. We honorly with our partners are launching ML-445 again in India as a stiff competitior to other Microcrystalline waxes prevailing.2. White Microwax : White Microwax is available under different brand names leaders being W-445 and Shell. We have both the grades readily available.Uses :Microcrystalline wax is also a key component in the manufacture of petrolatum (COLD CREAMS). Microcrystalline wax is often used in industries such as the tire and rubber, candles, adhesives, corrugated board, cosmetics, castings, and a host of others. Refineries may also utilize blending facilities to combine paraffin and microcrystalline waxes. This type of activity is prevalent especially for industries such as tire and rubber.Microcrystalline waxes have considerable application in the custom making of jewelry and small sculptures.