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Aromatic & Essential Oils

We offer the best product range of Caraway Oil, Neroli Oil, Evening Prime Rose Oil, Geranium Oil and Blue Chamomile Oil.

Caraway Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Product Type NATURAL
  • Place of Origin INDIA
  • Packaging 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
Caraway oil has a sweet spicy odor with a slight peppery smell. Caraway oil is extracted by steam distillation from the dried ripe seeds and yields 2 - 8 %. The chemical components of Caraway oil are Acetaldehyde, Cumuninic aldehyde, Furfurol, Carvone and Limonene. Although it is non-toxic and non-sensitizing, it may cause skin irritation if used in high concentration. The therapeutic properties of Caraway oil include anti-histaminic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, aperitif, astringent, cardiac, carminative, digestive, disinfectant, diuretic, emmenagogue, galactagogue, expectorant, parasiticide, stimulant, stomachic, tonic and vermifuge. Caraway oil calms the nerves and soothes mental fatigue, while settling the stomach, nervous digestion, colic, flatulence and gastric spasms. As an expectorant it helps clear bronchitis, bronchial asthma and coughs. It is also helpful in cases of sore throats and laryngitis and beneficial to the urinary system, helping to flush toxins out. Nursing mothers also use it to increase milk and women in general find that it helps to relieve period pains. It is an effective tissue regenerator and useful for fighting oily skin while dispersing bruises, reducing boils and cleaning infected wounds. Furthermore, it relieves itching skin and helps to clear acne as well as scalp problems.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Neroli Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Product Type NATURAL
  • Place of Origin INDIA
  • Packaging 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
Neroli oil has a sweet, floral and slightly haunting aroma, the color is pale yellow and the viscosity is watery. Care must be taken when buying neroli oil, as many suppliers adulterate the oil to increase their profits, as it is a strong smelling oil and even when diluted still has the most incredible smell. The oil sold by us is unadulterated and 100% pure. Neroli oil is extracted from the small, white, waxy flowers of the bitter-orange tree by steam distillation and yields 0.8 - 1 %. The main chemical components of neroli oil are a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, a-terpinene, nerol, neryl acetate, farnesol, geraniol, linalool, nerolidol, linalyl acetate, methyl anthranilate and indole. Neroli oil is non-toxic, non-sensitizing, non-irritant and non-phototoxic yet must be used sparingly when a sharp clear head is needed, as it can be very relaxing. The therapeutic properties of Neroli oil are antidepressant, antiseptic, anti-infectious, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, bactericidal, carminative, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, cordial, deodorant, digestive, emollient, sedative and tonic. Neroli oil is very relaxing and can relieve chronic anxiety, depression, fear, shock and stress and its calming effect can also be beneficial to the digestive tract. It can be used for intestinal spasms, colitis and diarrhea. It helps insomnia, and as one of the essential oils with the most sedative effects is useful for treating depression, anxiety and shock and is also effective in calming heart palpitations, treating headaches, neuralgia and vertigo. It can help when a patient is convalescing and is a good general tonic. On the skin, neroli oil can help to regenerate skin cells and is a rejuvenating oil useful to prevent ugly scar tissue, promote a smoother skin, fighting stretch marks and broken capillaries.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Evening Prime Rose Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
We Offer Evening prim rose oil can be used for facial massage as well, but since it is rather a sticky oil it should be mixed with another oil, such as Grapeseed oil.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Geranium Oil

  • Type Geranium Oil
  • Application Diffusion, Massage.
  • Purity 100 %
  • Packaging Type Bottle, Plastic Bottles
  • Form Liquid
  • Raw Material Flowers
  • Country of Origin India

We are engaged in providing Geranium Oil to the clients. The Geranium Oil is mostly colorless, but can have a slight light green color to it. Geranium Oil has a watery viscosity. The leaves and stalks are used for extraction, and the oil is obtained through steam distillation. Geranium Oil can be used to help in the treatment of acne, bruises, burns, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, hemorrhoids, lice, as a mosquito repellant, ringworm, ulcers, breast engorgement, edema, poor circulation, sore throat, tonsillitis, PMS, menopausal problems, stress and neuralgia. Chemical CompositionThe Geranium Oil is composed of various chemical constituents and includes a-pinene, myrcene, limonene, menthone, linalool, geranyl acetate, citronellol, geraniol and geranyl butyrate. PrecautionsGeranium oil does not cause any side effects, since it is non-toxic, non-irritant and generally non-sensitizing, yet can cause sensitivity in some people and due to the fact that it balances the hormonal system, it might not be a good idea to use it during pregnancy. Therapeutic propertiesThe therapeutic properties of geranium oil are astringent, haemostatic, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, diuretic, deodorant, haemostatic, styptic, tonic, vermifuge and vulnerary. Packaging

  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Blue Chamomile Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Packaging Type 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
  • Country of Origin India
Both chamomile oils are extracted from the flowers by steam distillation, with the Roman chamomile yielding about 1.7 % from fresh flowers and German chamomile yielding about 0.2 - 0.4 %. The main chemical components of Roman chamomile oils are a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, 1, 8-cineole, y-terpinene, caryophyllene, and propyl angelate and butyl angelate. The main constituents of German chamomile oil are chamazulene, a-bisabolol, bisabolol oxide A, bisabolol oxide B and bisabolone oxide A. The therapeutic properties of Roman chamomile oil are analgesic, anti-spasmodic, antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, anti-depressant, anti-neuralgic, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, carminative, cholagogue, cicatrisant, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hepatic, sedative, nervine, digestive, tonic, sudorific, stomachic, vermifuge and vulnerary. The therapeutic properties of German chamomile oil on the other hand are analgesic, anti-allergenic, anti-spasmodic, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiphlogistic, bactericidal, carminative, cicatrisant, cholagogue, emmenagogue, hepatic, digestive, sedative, stomachic, vermifuge, vasoconstrictor and vulnerary.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Valerian Root Oil

  • Type Valerian Root Oil
  • Shelf Life 1Year
  • Application Cosmetics Purpose, Medical
  • Form Liquid
  • Part Root
  • Packaging Size Glass Bottels, Plastic Bottels
  • Country of Origin India

We are actively engaged in offering Valerian Root Oil to the clients. A variety of botanical plant, Valerian is considered to be an effective herbal remedy to treat a number of ailments since olden times. It is also known by various other names like St. Georges Herb, Cats Valerian, Bloody Butcher, All-heal, Fragrant Valerian, Vandal Root etc. In modern times some parts of the valerian plant are used for medical purposes. To extract oil from valerian plant, steamed distillation of the plant roots is carried out. Valerian Oil has very effective properties as an invigorating and anti-spasm agent. For usage, Valerian Oil is usually mixed with other kinds of scented oils because of its bad smell. It is not recommended to use too much of this oil as it can make the senses numb. France, Belgium and Croatia are the biggest producers of Valerian Oil presently. UseValerian Oil is used to treat people suffering from sleep disorder, headaches (migraine and nervous), irritations, mild spasms, seizures etc. Packaging

  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Cinnamon Bark Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Product Type NATURAL
  • Place of Origin INDIA
  • Packaging 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
Cinnamon mostly grows in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. The cinnamon bark oil is obtained by roughly pounding the bark, macerating it in seawater and then quickly distilling the liquid. It has golden yellow colour and it gives out a rich and spicy fragrance. It is often used in combination with other aromatherapy oils such as nutmeg, orange and clove oil. Being a natural analgesic cinnamon bark oil can bring relief from various pain related problems including arthritis and rheumatism. Aromatherapists also use cinnamon in the cases of constipation, flatulence and scabies. It can also be good for low blood pressure. Just like many other aromatherapy essential oils cinnamon bark oil too can be used to solve stomach related and menstruation problems. As a precautionary note this oil shouldn't be used during pregnancy because it can cause irritation to sensitive skin. This oil is also used for emotional healing and increasing mental strength and vigour. The botanical name for cinnamon bark oil is cinnamomum zeylanicum. Aromatherapists around the world use cinnamon bark oil to treat a wide array of physical complaints and emotional disorders. Ancient cultures all over the world used to use cinnamon bark oil for spiritual as well as mystical purposes.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Cassia Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Product Type NATURAL
  • Place of Origin INDIA
  • Packaging 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
Cassia oil is extracted from the leaves, bark, twigs and stalks by steam distillation. Cassia oil should not be used on the skin as it is a dermal irritant, dermal sensitizer and is a mucus membrane irritant. It must also be avoided in pregnancy. The main chemical components of cassia oil are cinnamic aldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, benzaldehyde, linalool and chavicol. The therapeutic properties of Cassia oil are carminative, anti-diarrhea, anti-microbial and anti-emetic. Cassia as a dried herb can be useful for digestive complaints such as flatulence, colic, dyspepsia, diarrhea and nausea. It can also be used for colds, influenza, fevers, arthritis and rheumatism.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Tagetes Oil

  • Country of Origin India
  • Form Liquid
  • Type Oil
  • Purity 100.00%
  • Pack Type Bottle
  • Raw Material Flower

We offer Tagetes Oil to the client, which is extracted from Tagetes minuta. Tagetes Oil has a wild, sweet, fruity almost citrus-like smell and is yellow to reddish-amber in color. The Tagetes Oil is of medium viscosity that can turn thick and even gel-like if exposed to the air for a long time. Tagetes oil is extracted from the leaves, stalks and flowers, picked when the seeds are just starting to form. The Tagetes Oil is provided in different packaging to meet the requirements of the clients. Chemical Composition

  • The main chemical components are tagetone, limonene, valeric acid and ocimene etc


  • Tagetes oil is very powerful oil and should be used sparingly and should be avoided during pregnancy.
  • Not to be used on a sensitive skin and may cause photosensitivity.
  • Cases of dermatitis have been reported.

Therapeutic Properties and Uses

  • The therapeutic properties of Tagetes oil are anti-infectious, anti-microbial, antibiotic, anti-spasmodic, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, insecticide and sedative.
  • Tagetes oil is valuable in keeping insects at bay, and can help with parasitic and fungal infestation.
  • It is used for chest infections, coughs and catarrh, dilating the bronchi, facilitating the flow of mucus and dislodging congestion and can be used in cases of skin infections. It has a healing effect on wounds, cuts, calluses and bunions.


  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Peppermint Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Packaging Type 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
  • Country of Origin India
This cooling and refreshing essential oil is used in aromatherapy to stimulate the mind, increase mental agility and to increase focus, while cooling the skin, reducing redness and calming irritation and itchiness. It furthermore helps to ease spastic colon, migraine, headaches, sinus and chest congestion and boosts the digestive system. peppermint oil has a fresh, sharp, menthol smell, is clear to pale yellow in color and watery in viscosity. peppermint oil is extracted from the whole plant above ground just before flowering. The oil is extracted by steam distillation from the fresh or partly dried plant and the yield is 0.1 - 1.0 %. the chemical components of peppermint oil are menthol, menthone, 1, 8-cineole, methyl acetate, methofuran, isomenthone, limonene, b-pinene, a-pinene, germacrene-d, trans-sabinene hydrate and pulegone. peppermint oil is non-toxic and non-irritant in low dilutions, but sensitization may be a problem due to the menthol content. it can cause irritation to the skin and mucus membranes and should be kept well away from the eyes. It should be avoided during pregnancy and should not be used on children under seven. the therapeutic properties of peppermint oil are analgesic, anesthetic, antiseptic, antigalactagogue, antiphlogistic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, cephalic, cholagogue, cordial, decongestant, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, hepatic, nervine, stimulant, stomachic, sudorific, vasoconstrictor and vermifuge. peppermint oil is excellent for mental fatigue and depression, refreshing the spirit and stimulating mental agility and improving concentration. It helps for apathy, shock, headache, migraine, nervous stress, vertigo and faintness and in general respiratory disorders, as well as dry coughs, sinus congestion, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and cholera.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Lemon Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Product Type NATURAL
  • Place of Origin INDIA
Lemon oil has a sharp, fresh smell, is pale greenish-yellow in color and is watery in viscosity. The shelf life of lemon oil is only 8-10 months, if it is to be used in aromatherapy, but can still be used in fragrance therapies after this time, such as vapor therapy. Lemon oil is extracted from the fresh fruit peel by cold expression. The main chemical components of lemon oil are a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, a-terpinene, linalool, b-bisabolene, limonene, trans-a-bergamotene, nerol and neral. Non-toxic, but can cause skin irritation and sensitizing in some individuals. Since it is a photo-toxic oil, it should not be used (even in low dilution) before being exposed to the sun. The therapeutic properties of lemon oil are anti-anemic, antimicrobial, anti-rheumatic, anti-sclerotic, antiseptic, bactericidal, carminative, cicatrisant, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, haemostatic, hypotensive, insecticidal, rubefacient, tonic and vermifuge. Lemon oil can be very beneficial to the circulatory system and aids with blood flow, reducing blood pressure and helping with nosebleeds. It can help bring down fever, helps relieve throat infections, bronchitis, asthma and flu. It boosts the immune system and cleanses the body, improves the functions of the digestive system, and it is helpful with constipation, dyspepsia and cellulite. Lemon oil soothes and relieves headaches and migraines and is helpful for rheumatism and arthritis. It is also used for clearing acne, cleaning greasy skin and hair, as well as removing dead skin cells, easing painful cold sores, mouth ulcers, herpes and insect bites.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Ginger Lily Oil

  • Weight & Rate 15 Ml (INR 375) 100 Ml (INR 1140) 500 Ml (INR 2945) 1 Ltr
Ginger lily oil is extracted from the flower petals of Ginger Lily by using steam distillation process. Ginger Lily is mainly grown and found in the tropical and semi-tropical areas of India. It is also found in most of the areas of Europe and North America. It really looks great when planted as well as makes the environment look really attractive. It usually appears in spring and dies in winter. It is a kind of herb, also known as White Butterfly Ginger Lily. It has orange and yellow flowers and long strap-like leaves that look really beautiful. The botanical name of Ginger Lily oil is Hydicu
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Agarwood Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Product Type NATURAL
  • Place of Origin INDIA
  • Packaging 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
Agardwood oil one of the primary essential oils used all over the world -- emits an aroma that actually originates out of an infection. Many people confuse it with wood due the resembling name but Agarwood is a type of secretion that takes place as a defense mechanism when an aquilaria tree is infected by a fungus. It emits a distinctive smell to counter the fungus, and this exotic smell becomes the most overwhelming aspect of the essential oil derived from it. Due to its psychoactive attributions the agarwood oil is used all over the world to foster a sense of deep spirituality and devotion. This fragrance and its derivations are an integral part of religious rituals among Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sufis, the Japanese Shamans, and it's aroma is gradually penetrating the annals of even western religions. It seems even the gods relish the captivating fragrance of the agarwood. But is agarwood essential oil only used for religious meditation and invocations? Not necessarily. It is also used in perfumes, cosmetics, aroma-therapy ointments, bath oils and perfumed candles. It's uses are as widespread as your imagination.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Bay Leaf Oil

Bay Leaf Essential Oil is steam distilled from leaves of evergreen tropical bay tree. It has fresh, herbal fragrance & blends well with floral, herbal, citrus and spicy essential oils. The oils are also known for antiseptic, astringent, toning as well as stimulating properties. Warm spicy fragrance of leaf is also wonderful for relieving stress, anxiety & hysteria.
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Juniper Berry Oil

  • Botanical Name Juniperus Communis
  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Oil
  • Form Liquid
  • Shelf Life 1 year
  • Pack Type Bottle

We present Juniper Berry Oil which is high on purity. The therapeutic properties of Juniper Berry Oil includes being an antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, depurative, vulnerary and tonic. Useful for acne and other skin treatments, our Juniper Berry Oil is widely demanded by the clients. Benefits

  • Juniper Berry Oil has some good antiseptic properties that make it useful in treating acne, as well as other skin inflammations.
  • It is great for treating cellulite, as cellulite is at times accompanied by mild inflammation.
  • The safe yet dependable diuretic effects of Juniper Berry Oil help to clear the skin, not only from unwanted toxins, but also from excess water in the tissue.


  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Worm Wood Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Product Type NATURAL
  • Place of Origin INDIA
  • Packaging 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
The wormwood oil can be extracted from fresh wormwood leaves for topical use in case of skin aberrations. By soaking flowers, leaves, stems of wormwood in olive oil, vinegar, or water you can prepare a concoction that can be rubbed on the skin in case of insect bites, scrapes and sunburn. Wormwood also contains chemicals that increase the blood flow to the areas where it has been applied, accelerating the healing process consequently. The antiseptic qualities of the wormwood oil can help keep skin injuries from becoming infected. It is native to temperate regions of Europe, Asia and northern Africa. Flowering is from early summer to early autumn and pollination happens through wind. Since wormwood is mostly a stomach medicine, in olden times wormwood was used for treating anorexia, to promote menstruation, to bring down fever and for deworming. It was also used as liquor absinthe and in many countries its usage due to this reason is prohibited. Wormwood oil is extracted from the leaves and flowering tops by steam distillation. Wormwood oil should not be used in aromatherapy since it contains an extremely high amount of thujone which is a convulsant and neurotoxin. It also contains thujone, a chemical similar in structure to tetrahydrocannibinol (THC).

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Nagarmotha Oil (Cypriol Oil)

  • Type Nagarmotha Oil
  • Purity 99.9%
  • Application Medicine Use, Personal Care
  • Form Liquid
  • Feature Anti-Aging, Anti-Wrinkle, Blemish Clearing
  • Packaging Type Plastic Bottle, Plastic Can

Catering to the needs of the clients, we offer Nagarmotha Oil that is completely natural and pure. Made from Cyperus scariosus extracts, our Nagarmotha Oil is high on purity and quality. Nagarmotha Oil is used in fragrances and bases of woodsy or Eastern type of forestry note. In aromatherapy it allows decongestive properties and is used to treat diarrhea or problematic digestion. Oil of Nagarmotha is extracted by steam distillation of roots of plant that is utilized in the manufacturing of perfumery compounds, soaps, cosmetics and incense sticks agarbatti. Smell of Nagarmotha Oil is woody, earthy and quite lingering. Use

  • Nagarmotha Oil is used in fragrances and bases of woodsy or Eastern type of forestry note. Moreover, the Nagarmotha Oil is also used for the treatment of diarrhea or problematic digestion.
  • Nagarmotha Oil is being widely used in pan masala and tobacco products.


  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Nagarmotha Oil

Cyperus scariosus, also known in English as cypriol and in Hindi as Nagarmotha, is a plant of the Cyperaceae family, that grows wild in the Madhya Pradesh region of India.
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Clove Leaf Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Packaging Type 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
  • Country of Origin India
Clove oil has a warm, strong, spicy smell and the oil is colorless to pale yellow with a medium to watery viscosity. Clove oil can be extracted from the leaves, stem and buds. We sell clove leaf oil, which is extracted by water distillation, containing the desired lower percentage of eugenol. The main chemical components of clove oil are eugenol, eugenol acetate, iso-eugenol and caryophyllene. Clove oil is a very potent oil and should be used with care. If it is used in a oil, lotion or cream applied to the skin, the concentration should be well below 1%. It may cause irritation to the skin of some individuals and can easily irritate the mucus membranes. It should be avoided during pregnancy. The therapeutic properties of clove oil are analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-neuralgic, carminative, anti-infectious, disinfectant, insecticide, stimulant, stomachic, uterine and tonic. Clove oil can be used for acne, bruises, burns and cuts, keeping infection at bay and as a pain reliever. It helps with toothache, mouth sores, rheumatism and arthritis. It is beneficial to the digestive system, effective against vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, spasms and parasites, as well as bad breath. Clove oil is valuable for relieving respiratory problems, like bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis. The disinfecting property is useful in cases of infectious diseases.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Jatamansi Oil

The plant has a rich history of medicinal use and has been valued for centuries in Ayurvedic (Indian) and Unani (ancient Greco-Arab) systems of medicine. The rhizomes of the plant are used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine as a bitter tonic, stimulant, antispasmodic, and to treat hysteria, convulsions, and epilepsy. The root has been medically used to treat insomnia and blood, circulatory, and mental disorders. Some preparations of the plant have been used as a heptotonic, cardiotonic, analgesic, and diuretic in the Unani system of medicine. The plant is of economic importance and has been used to produce perfumes
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Aloe Vera Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
Aloe vera is said to encourage skin rejuvenation, healing of wounds and treatment of sunburn. It is also used to help in relieving arthritis pain, improving blood circulation, reducing scarring, and has anti-inflammatory properties. It has been known for generations as an excellent plant to have around to help reduce inflammation, pain and itching, to accelerate wound healing, a superb penetrating moisturizing agent, helping to stimulate the body's immune system while being naturally hypoallergenic with about the same pH balance of the skin. Aloe vera massage oil has great healing qualities which makes it a good choice to use on its own, or to include when mixing a massage oil or preparing a carrier oil blend for aromatherapy massage.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Apricot Kernal Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
We Offer Apricot Kernal Oil.It is particularly helpful for dehydrated, delicate, mature and sensitive skin, and it helps to sooth inflammation. This finely textured oil spreads easily and is particularly rich in both oleic acid and linoleic acid. The moisturizing, nourishing and revitalizing properties of apricot kernel oil combine well with your selected essential oils, to give a superb facial massage.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Fennel Seed Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Packaging Type 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
  • Country of Origin India
Sweet fennel oil (the one we sell) is extracted from crushed seeds by steam distillation and yield 2 - 4 %. Bitter fennel oil, not used for aromatherapy, is extracted from the crushed seeds andor the whole herb of the Foeniculum vulgare var. amara plant. The main chemical components of fennel oil are a-pinene, myrcene, fenchone, trans-anethole, methyl chavicol, limonene, 1, 8-cineole and anisic aldehyde. Sweet fennel oil is powerful and shouldn't be used in large doses, as it may have a narcotic effect. It should be avoided altogether in pregnancy and cases of epilepsy. It contains high amounts of trans-anethole and for that reason people with estrogen linked cancers, as well as breast-feeding mothers, pregnant women and women suffering from endometriosis should rather avoid it. Bitter fennel (not sold by us) is not used in aromatherapy and should not applied to the skin at all. The therapeutic properties of fennel oil are aperitif, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, depurative, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, galactagogue, laxative, stimulant, stomachic, splenic, tonic and vermifuge. Fennel oil is a remedy for digestive complaints such as flatulence, constipation, colic, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, dyspepsia and hiccups. It is also used in cases of obesity, as it promotes that 'full feeling' and has a diuretic effect that helps to disperse cellulite. For the mind, it adds courage and strength in the face of adversity. It has a cleansing and toning effect on the skin, helping with bruises, sorting out overly oily skin and to fight wrinkles in more mature complexions (possibly due to the estrogenic properties of the oil).

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Lavender Oil

  • Type Lavender Oil
  • Shelf Life 1Year
  • Color Pale Yellow
  • Application Cosmetics, Pharmas
  • Form Liquid
  • Part Flower
  • Feature Great Smell, Highly Effective, Hygienic, Pure
  • Country of Origin India

We excel in offering Lavender Oil to the clients. The Lavender Oil is extracted from Lavandula angustifolia (also known as Lavandula. Officinalis). Lavender Oil has a light fresh aroma, is clear in color and watery in viscosity. Lavender oil is one of the few essentials oils that can be used neat on the skin, and this is especially useful when treating a minor burn wound. We provide the Lavender Oil in total leak-proof packaging to meet the requirements of the clients. ExtractionLavender oil is extracted from the flowering tops by steam distillation and yields 1.4 % - 1.6 %. Chemical CompositionThe main chemical components of lavender oil are a-pinene, limonene, 1, 8-cineole, cis-ocimene, trans-ocimene, 3-octanone, camphor, linalool, linalyl acetate, caryophyllene, terpinen-4-ol and lavendulyl acetate. PrecautionsAlthough lavender oil is considered one of the safest essential oils, you should discontinue use is you have any allergic reactions. Therapeutic Properties

  • The therapeutic properties of lavender oil are antiseptic, analgesic, anti-convulsant, anti-depressant, anti-rheumatic, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, bactericide, carminative, cholagogue, cicatrisant, cordial, cytophylactic, decongestant, deodorant, diuretic, emmenagogue, hypotensive, nervine, rubefacient, sedative, sudorific and vulnerary.
  • Lavender oil has a soothing and calming effect on the nerves, relieving tension, depression, panic, hysteria and nervous exhaustion in general and is effective for headaches, migraines and insomnia.
  • It is also very beneficial for problems such as bronchitis, asthma, colds, laryngitis, halitosis, throat infections and whooping cough and helps the digestive system deal with colic, nausea, vomiting and flatulence.
  • Lavender oil relieves pain when used for rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago and muscular aches and pains, especially those associated with sport.
  • On the skin, lavender oil tones and revitalizes and it is useful for all types of skin problems such as abscesses, acne, oily skin, boils, burns, sunburn, wounds, psoriasis, lice, insect bites, stings and also acts as an insect repellent.


  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Clary Sage Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Product Type NATURAL
  • Place of Origin INDIA
  • Packaging 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
Clary sage oil is extracted by steam distillation from the flowering tops and the leaves. The main chemical components of clary sage are linalool, linalyl acetate, caryophyllene, a-terpineol, geraniol, neryl acetate, sclareol and germacrene D. Clary sage oil can be very relaxing and should be avoided when consuming alcohol, since it could exaggerate the effects of alcohol, . It is a non-toxic, non-sensitizing oil, but can in large doses generate a headache and must be avoided during pregnancy. The therapeutic properties of clary sage oil are antidepressant, anticonvulsive, antispasmodic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, digestive, emmenagogue, euphoric, hypotensive, nervine, sedative, stomachic, uterine and nerve tonic. Clary sage is calming to the nervous system, particularly in cases of depression, stress, insomnia and deep seated tension. It furthermore is a good tonic for the womb and female functions in general, such as painful periods, scanty menstruation and relaxation during labor, thus encouraging a less painful birth. During menopause, clary sage oil can help reduce hot flushes, night sweats, palpitations, irritability, as well as headaches and dizziness. It is good for muscle pains, digestive disorders, kidney diseases and the cooling of inflammation of the skin.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Carrot Seed Oil

  • Type Carrot Seed Oil
  • Application Medicines
  • Type Oil
  • Packaging Type Glass Bottels, Plastic Bottels
  • Form Liquid
  • Part Seed
  • Country of Origin India
  • Botanical Name Daucus Carota

We present highly pure Carrot Seed Oil to the clients. The Carrot Seed Oil has a soft earthy smell that when applied increases the elasticity of the skin. The carrot seed blends well with perfumed woods, citrus and some spices. The Carrot Seed Oil is extracted by steam distillation from dried carrot seeds although the entire carrot plant can be used to derive the essential oil. Offering the most effective Essential Oils, we are reckoned as prominent Carrot Seed Oil Manufacturer and Exporter. Benefits

  • It helps to fight many skin problems such as ulcers, boils, weeping sores, carbuncles, psoriasis and eczema.
  • Its formative effect on the epidermal cells keeps wrinkles away and it also fights liver spots and that is why the Carrot Seed Oil is considered to be a premier essential oil for taking care of ageing skin.
  • Since it is a powerful detoxifier and liver booster, the Carrot Seed Oil can help relieve stress and exhaustion.
  • The oral intake of Carrot Seed Oil regenerates liver tissues and in aromatherapy literature it is stated that carrot seed operates as a kidney and liver cleanser.


  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Davana Oil

  • Type Davana Essential Oil
  • Purity 99.9%
  • Application Medicine Use, Personal Care
  • Form Liquid
  • Feature Anti-Aging, Blemish Clearing, Pigmentation Correctors, Shiny Hair
  • Packaging Type Plastic Bottle, Plastic Can
  • Botanical Name Artemisia Pallens

We are engaged in providing Davana Oil. The essential oil of Davana is widely used in food Flavoring and Perfumery Industries. The Davana Oil is extensively used in flavorings of food, liquor and pastry industries besides perfumery. India is the only producer and exporter of Davana Oil. Davana Oil is obtained by steam distillation of the overground parts of the flowering herb, Artemisia Pallens wall. Davana Oil is very dark green or brownish green in color. Its odor is sharp, penetrating, bitter green, foliage like and powerfully herbaceous with a sweet balsamic, tenacious backnote. Finds Application In

  • Food industry
  • Cosmetic industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Tobacco industry
  • Perfume industry
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Citronella Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Country of Origin India
  • Packaging 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
It is extracted from a hardy grass, native to Sri Lanka and Java. This aromatic perennial grows about 1meter (3 feet) high and is a popular ingredient in wax candles, as an insect repellant, and is also widely used in perfumes, soaps, skin lotions and deodorants. Citronella oil is extracted by the steam distillation of finely chopped fresh, dried or part-dried grass. Citronella oil may irritate sensitive skin and cause dermatitis in certain individuals. he therapeutic properties of citronella oil are antiseptic, bactericidal, deodorant, diaphoretic, insecticide, parasitic, tonic and stimulant. Citronella oil's most useful quality is that of it being an insect repellent. It is best used in a spray, a diffuser or on a cotton ball amongst linen. It is also useful in ridding cats and dogs of fleas. Furthermore, citronella oil helps to clear the mind and has a general toning and tonic effect on the body. It is helpful with colds, flu and minor infections and also has deodorizing qualities.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Celery Seed Oil

  • Packaging Type Glass Bottels, Plastic Bottels
  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Celery Seed Oil
  • Type Oil
  • Form Liquid
  • Part Seed
  • Botanical Name Apium Graveolens

We are actively engaged in offering Celery Seed Oil made using celery which is known by the botanical name Apium graveolens. Celery Seed Essential Oil is derived from the seed part of the plant through steam distillation method. Celery is a biennial plant with a grooved, fleshy, erect stalk & skinny pennant leaves. The extract derived is Yellowish brown liquid. Celery Seed Essential Oil has antioxidant, antiseptic (urinary), anti-rheumatic, antispasmodic, aperitif, digestive diuretic, depurative & stomachic properties. Uses

  • In sedative, tonic and carminative preparations
  • As fragrance component in soaps, cosmetics, detergents and perfumes


  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Lemongrass Oil

  • Type Lemongrass Oil
  • Packaging Type Glass Bottels, Plastic
  • Form Liquid
  • Part Leaves
  • Feature Aid Wound Care, Freshness, Purity
  • Country of Origin India

We bring forth pure and natural Lemongrass Oil for the clients. Lemongrass oil is extracted from the fresh or partly dried leaves by steam distillation. Lemongrass oil has a lemony, sweet smell and is dark yellow to amber and reddish in color, with a watery viscosity. Lemongrass Oil is useful with respiratory infections such as sore throats, laryngitis and fever and helps prevent spreading of infectious diseases. Lemongrass Oil is helpful with colitis, indigestion and gastro-enteritis. Chemical CompositionThe main chemical components of lemongrass oil are myrcene, citronellal, geranyl acetate, nerol, geraniol, neral and traces of limonene and citral. Precautions

  • Lemongrass Oil can irritate a sensitive skin, so care should be taken
  • It should be avoided in pregnancy, due to it being a possible skin irritant

Therapeutic Properties

  • The therapeutic properties of lemongrass oil are analgesic, anti-depressant, antimicrobial. antipyretic, antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicidal, galactagogue, insecticidal, nervine, nervous system sedative and tonic.
  • Lemongrass oil revitalizes the body and relieves the symptoms of jetlag, clears headaches and helps to combat nervous exhaustion and stress-related conditions.
  • It is a great overall tonic for the body and it boosts the parasympathetic nervous system, which is a boon when recovering from illness, as it also stimulates glandular secretions.


  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Lemon Grass Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Packaging Type 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
  • Country of Origin India
Lemongrass oil has a lemony, sweet smell and is dark yellow to amber and reddish in color, with a watery viscosity. Lemongrass oil is extracted from the fresh or partly dried leaves by steam distillation. The main chemical components of lemongrass oil are myrcene, citronellal, geranyl acetate, nerol, geraniol, neral and traces of limonene and citral. Lemongrass oil can irritate a sensitive skin, so care should be taken. It should be avoided in pregnancy, due to it being a possible skin irritant. The therapeutic properties of lemongrass oil are analgesic, anti-depressant, antimicrobial. antipyretic, antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicidal, galactagogue, insecticidal, nervine, nervous system sedative and tonic. Lemongrass oil revitalizes the body and relieves the symptoms of jetlag, clears headaches and helps to combat nervous exhaustion and stress-related conditions. It is a great overall tonic for the body and it boosts the parasympathetic nervous system, which is a boon when recovering from illness, as it also stimulates glandular secretions. It is useful with respiratory infections such as sore throats, laryngitis and fever and helps prevent spreading of infectious diseases. It is helpful with colitis, indigestion and gastro-enteritis. Lemongrass oil helps tone the muscles and tissue, relieves muscle pains by making the muscle more supple. It helps with correcting poor circulation and as an insect repellant. It helps to keep pets clean of fleas, ticks and lice.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Vetiver Root Oil

  • Country of Origin India
  • Pack Type Bottle
  • Form Liquid
  • Type Oil
  • Purity 99.9%
  • Botanical Name Vetiveria zizanoides

We are actively engaged in providing Vetiver Root Oil to the clients. The dried roots of the Vetiveria Zizanioides plant are subjected to steam distillation process for extraction of Vetiver essential Oil. The oil has earthy sweet woody aroma and has a thick viscosity with balsamic property. The main contents in the oil are khusimol, longipinene, valerenol, epizizanal, avetivone, and b-vetivone. Use

  • Vetiver Oil is known for its skin-friendly properties and is helpful in clearing heat; nourishing and uplifting skin; and providing a calming effect.
  • It is a quick healer and helps in controlling flow of blood from scars and wounds.
  • Vetiver essential Oil is also very useful for women to treat menstrual and post menopause problems as it stimulates endocrine glands and circulatory system.
  • It is very effective to restore the functioning of a weak immune system and normal breathing in cases of tachycardia
  • The Vetiver Essential Oil is known for its sedative properties and is considered extremely effective for getting relief from anxiety, depression, stress, tension, and sleeplessness.
  • The therapeutic properties of vetiver essential oil include sedative, nervine, carminative, stimulant, cicatrisant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, tonic and diaphoretic.


  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Galangal Oil

  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Oil
  • Botanical Name Alpina Officinalis/Galangal
  • Pack Type Bottle
  • Form Liquid
  • Raw Material Flower

We are engaged in providing Galangal Oil to the clients. Galangal is a yellow to olive brown liquid that is steam distilled from the dried comminuted rhizomes of the plant. Galangal is the dried root of the plant which found mainly in eastern Himalayas and south west India. Galangal Oil is used as a spice and has wide usage in various medicinal preparations. Used as spice, Galangal Oil also finds wide application in various medicinal preparations. The Galangal Oil is useful in respiratory troubles and in rheumatism & catarrhal affections, especially in bronchial catarrh. Packaging

  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Jatamansi Oil (Spikenard Oil)

  • Type Jatamansi Essential Oil
  • Purity 99.9%
  • Application Medicine Use, Personal Care
  • Form Liquid
  • Feature Blemish Clearing, Firming, Pigmentation Correctors, Pore Cleaner, Shiny Hair
  • Packaging Type Plastic Bottle
  • Botanical Name Nardostachys Jatamansi

We are actively engaged in offering Jatamansi Oil to the clients. Also known as Spikenard Oil, the Jatamansi Oil has lots of medicinal properties and is especially known to calm a stressed mind. Jatamansi Oil is yellowish golden in color with a musty harsh aroma. The oil has a medium consistency. There are no precautions required for using this oil except for general precautions that you must take before using any essential oil. Jatamansi Oil is extracted from the rhizome roots of plant Nardostachys jatamansi through steam distillation process. The oil is known to have been used by Kings, Priests, and other people enjoying higher social status since ancient civilizations. Used for diverse purposes, our Jatamansi Oil is high on demand. Benefits

  • It has a sedative, stabilizing effect on the nervous system and can give relief from problems like insomnia, migraine, anxiety, tension and tachycardia.
  • The Jatamansi Oils antiseptic properties make it useful for healing skin inflammations, allergies, rashes, small wounds and other skin related irritations.
  • This oil also aids in treating menstrual problems, flatulence, indigestion and nausea.
  • The therapeutic properties of Jatamansi Oil are antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, calmative, carminative, sedative, laxative, and tonic.


  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Sweet Orange Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Product Type NATURAL
  • Place of Origin INDIA
  • Packaging 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
Sweet orange oil has a sweet, fresh and tangy smell, is yellow to orange in color and watery in viscosity. Orange oil is extracted from the orange peel by cold-pressing and yields 0.3 -0.5 %. The therapeutic properties of orange oil are antiseptic, anti-depressant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, carminative, diuretic, cholagogue, sedative and tonic. The main chemical components of orange oil are a-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, limonene, linalool, citronellal, neral and geranial. It is a safe non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing oil, yet care must be taken with it since it can have a phototoxic effect. It should therefore preferably not be applied before going out into sunlight for prolonged periods. It is a sunny and radiant oil, bringing happiness and warmth to the mind and helps people to relax and helps children to sleep at night. Orange oil can be used effectively on the immune system, as well as for colds and flu and to eliminate toxins from the body. It is a good diuretic and is most useful in balancing water retention and obesity. Its lymphatic stimulant action further helps to balance water processes, detoxification, aiding the immune system and general well-being. For the digestive system, orange oil can help with constipation, dyspepsia and as a general tonic. It is also useful in cases of nervous tension and stress.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Lime Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
Lime oil has a sharp, citrus peel smell and is pale yellow to light olive in color. Lime oil can be extracted by expression or by distillation - the peel of the unripe skin by cold expression or the peel and or the whole ripe fruit by steam distillation. Our lime oil is obtained by steam distillation of the fruit rinds and since it is distilled it does not have a phototoxic effect on the skin. The main constituents in the distilled lime oil, like the one we sell is a-pinene, b-pinene, myrcene, limonene, terpinolene, 1, 8-ceneole, linalool, borneol, citral and traces of neral acetate and geranyl acetate. Non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing if the oil is obtained by steam extraction, yet the oil obtained from cold expression can cause photosensitivity in strong sunshine and can irritate the skin. The therapeutic properties of lime oil are antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, aperitif, bactericidal, disinfectant, febrifuge, haemostatic, restorative and tonic. Lime oil is useful to cool fevers associated with colds, sore throats and flu and aids the immune system while easing coughs, bronchitis and sinusitis, as well as helping asthma. Lime oil can stimulate and refresh a tired mind and helps with depression. It can be helpful for arthritis, rheumatism and poor circulation, as well as for obesity and cellulite and has an astringent and toning action to clear oily skin and acne, and also helps with herpes, insect bites and cuts.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Ginger Oil

  • Shelf Life 1years
  • Application Medicine
  • Packaging Type Glass Bottles
  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Ginger Oil
  • Form Liquid
  • Feature Anti-Inflammatory, Good For Health
  • Botanical Name Zingiber officinale

We are engaged in providing Ginger Oil to the clients. Ginger Oil is extracted through the steam distillation process from the roots of the ginger plant botanically known as Zingiber officinale. The plant grows in West Indies, North America, Africa, India, and Malaysia. Ginger Oil has a pungent smell and a hot aroma. Ginger Oil blends well with eucalyptus, lemon, rosemary, rose, sandalwood, chamomile, and vetiver grass oil. We provide the Ginger Oil in leak proof packaging to the clients. Use

  • Ginger essential oil is very effective as a pain reliever and as a guard against bacterial onslaught. Ginger oil is known a healer of common cold, cough, fever, sinusitis, and influenza.
  • Ginger essential oil provides a quick relief to colic patients and to those having stomach and digestion related problems.
  • Ginger oils medicinal properties can restore vigor back in you when you feel low and stressed out. It has a quick and soothing effect on the nervous system and can relieve you of headaches.
  • Chinese practitioners use ginger oil for treating cough, respiratory problems, and for rheumatoid arthritis.

Therapeutic Properties

  • Antibacterial, analgesic, bactericidal, antispasmodic, aphrodisiacal, astringent, expectorant, carminative, and stomachic


  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Angelica Root Oil

  • Synonyms (syn.Angelica archangelica , Angelica Oil)
  • Plant Part Used Root
  • Family Apiaceae (Umbelliferal)
  • Appearance Clear to pale straw yellow in color
  • Perfumery Note Middle Note
  • Pack Type Bottle

We are prominent Angelica Root Oil Manufacturer and Exporter. The Angelica Root Oil is cultivated in India and Europe. Processed through steam distillation process, Angelica Root Oil is highly useful in confectionaries. The Angelica Root Oil is soluble in Alcohols, Essential Oils and insoluble in water. We provide the Angelica Root Oil in different packaging to meet the specific requirements of the clients. Major Components

  • α  pinene (22.74%)
  • Ã pinene (1.36%) phellandrene (6.6%)
  • mycrene (4.48%)
  • limonene (9.9%)
  • Ã phellandrene (15.0%)

Aromatherapy Uses : It is highly used in Cold and Cough diseases. Cautions

  • Avoid in Pregnancy
  • Use after consulting with Aroma therapist


  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Armoise Oil

  • Weight & Rate 15 Ml (INR 600) 100 Ml (INR 2125) 500 Ml
Armoise is an essential oil and is extracted from Artemisia vulgaris of Asteraceae family. Armoise is an aromatic perennial herb with deeply cut, red- purple stems and green leaves. During summers, Armoise blossom with pinnacles of tiny red- brown flowers. Armoise oil is obtained through steam distillation process of Artemisia herb. It has fresh, minty, herbal, cedar leaf, camphor and bitter- sweet odor. The oil has natural formulation of fragrance and is of mainly chypre notes. Major components of Armoise oil are camphor, a- thujone and cineole. Apart from these, Armoise oil is formed.
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Ylang Ylang Oil

  • Packaging Type Bottle
  • Form Liquid
  • Purity 100.00%
  • Type Oil
  • Mode of Extraction Steam Distilled
  • Liquid Flower

We bring forth Ylang Ylang Oil for the clients. Our Ylang-Ylang Oil is extracted from Cananga odorata. Ylang-ylang oil is extracted from the freshly picked flowers by water or steam distillation. The first distillation is called Ylang-ylang extra, which is the top grade. Ylang Ylang Oil is provided by us in sealed packaging to maintain its aroma and properties. PrecautionsIt is classed as non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing oil, yet could cause sensitivity have been reported and excessive use of it can lead to headaches and nausea. Therapeutic PropertiesAnti depressant, antiseborrhoeic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, hypotensive, nervine and sedative Use

  • Ylang-ylang oil has a euphoric and sedative effect on the nervous system and helps with anxiety, tension, shock, fear and panic while the aphrodisiac qualities is useful for impotence and frigidity.
  • It is particularly useful with rapid breathing and rapid heartbeat, it can also help with reducing high blood pressure and useful for intestinal infections.
  • On the skin, ylang-ylang oil has a soothing effect and its balancing action sorts out over-dry as well as overly-oily skin by balancing the secretion of sebum, and has a stimulating effect on the scalp which promotes more luxurious hair growth.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

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Palmarosa Oil

  • Country of Origin India
  • Form Liquid
  • Type Oil
  • Shelf Life 1 year
  • Botanical Name Cymbopogan Martini
  • Pack Type Bottle

We specialize in providing Palmarosa Oil to the clients. Palmarosa is a wild herbaceous plant, growing to a height of nine feet (three meters). With long, slender stems, fragrant grassy leaves, and flowers in terminal clusters, Palmarosa is a member of the Cymbopogon (formerly Andropogon) genus of aromatic tropical grasses. Palmarosa has a soft, lemony-fresh green scent with hints of geranium and rose. Considered a middle-note, Palmarosa essential oil is extracted by steam or water distillation of the fresh or dried grass. Also known as (Indian) rosha, Palmarosa Oil has been distilled since the 18th century. Featured in the Indian Materia Medica, Palmarosa Oil and the dried herb are both used in Ayurvedic medicine. Benefits

  • Palmarosa Oil is recommended by aromatherapists for neuralgia, lumbago, sciatica, and rheumatic pains. The herb is used to (treat) fevers, dyspepsia, and colitis. In terms of traditional oriental medicine, Palmarosa oil is cool and moist in energy.
  • Like both Rose and Geranium, Palmarosa clears heat and strengthens yin-energy (the bodys calming, moistening functions). It is thought to be beneficial to the skin because of its moisture balancing effects.
  • Palmarosa essential oil may be beneficial for candida, the cardiovascular system, circulation, digestion, infection, nervous system, and rashes. It is valuable for all types of skin problems, as it is thought by aromatherapy professionals to stimulate new cell growth, regulate oil production, moisturize and speeds healing. Palmarosas most common application is in the treatment of skin challenges as well as in general skin care. Its ability to tone up the yin gives it a superb hydrating property. Palmarosa Oil is helpful for dry, undernourished skin conditions. Palmarosa is cooling and anti-inflammatory making it applicable for wrinkles, dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis.
  • The oils anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties make it indicated for a wide variety of skin infections, including acne, boils, shingles, and mycosis (fungal infections).
  • Combined with Lavender, Tea Tree, and Geranium essential oils, Palmarosa oil can often assist in clearing genitor-urinary infections, such as cystitis, urethritis, and vaginitis. A cardio-tonic and nervous relaxant, Palmarosa Oil helps to stabilize both Heart and nervous system.
  • Reinforcing the Heart-yin and calming the Mind (Shen), it is indicted for palpations, restlessness, insomnia, and anxiety. The elegant, long stems of this aromatic grass convey the principle of flow or movement. Its zylem tissue transports water and nutrients from the roots to the plants aerial parts; while its phloem tissue transports nutrients manufactures in the leaves to other parts of the plant. All the while the stem tissues are also used for water and food storage (this function is yin in nature). Conveying a sense of movement, containment, and contentment (purna), palmarosa essential oil encourages free-flowing adaptability and a sense of security and trust in the divine flow of life. The gentleness of Palmarosas lemony-rose aroma is soothing and astringent, dispersing, and gathering. Palmarosa Oil (like rose oil) centers, supports, and softens the Heart and Mind (Shen), and similar to lemon essential oil, Palmarosa Oil can assist in clearing away oppression.
  • Palmarosa essential oil is especially good for hot conditions where there is a tendency towards tension and exhaustion. Palmarosa Oil is suited for individuals who suffer from nervousness, and insecurity, but whom, in addition, cannot abide change, and the frequent absence of intimate loved ones. Palmarosa is appropriate as well for those who feel clingy jealous or possessive.


  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Ajwain Seed Oil

  • Purity 99%
  • Raw Material Ajwain Seed
  • Type Oil
  • Form Liquid
  • Country of Origin India
  • Pack Type Bottle
  • Precaution Avoid in Pregnancy

Matching with the expectations of the clients in terms of freshness and purity, we provide Ajwain Seed Oil. The Ajwain Seed Oil is highly used in India for flavoring and for home made medications from ancient times. The Ajwain Seed Oil is a perfumery raw material. The Ajwain Seed Oil is extracted by the steam distillation Toxicological Properties. This has valued considerably in medicine on account of the presence of thymol. The Ajwain Seed Oil is an almost colorless to brownish liquid with characteristic odor and a sharp hot taste. Ajwain Seed Oil is called omam in the southern part of India. Our Ajwain Seed Oil is provided in total leak proof packaging to ensure its safe delivery and transportation. Advantages

  • It is basically used in stomach ache.
  • The Ajwain Seed Oil is highly valued in Spasmodic, Carminative and a good stimulant tonic.
  • The Ajwain Seed Oil has properties such as anti-microbial, antispasmodic, antiseptic, carminative, stimulant, germicide and tonic.


  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Cardamom Oil

  • Type Cardamom Oil
  • Application Cooking, Medicnes
  • Type Oil
  • Form Liquid
  • Country of Origin India
  • Botanical Name Eletteria Catdamom

We are engaged in providing Cardamom Oil to the clients. The Cardamom Essential Oil is extracted by steam distillation from the seeds that are collected just before the fruits ripen. The Cardamom Oil has many health benefits and is used for its digestive properties and refreshing aroma. Benefits

  • Cardamom Oil helps improve the digestive system. It also works as a laxative and provides comfort in colic, wind, dyspepsia and nausea.
  • Cardamom Oil refreshes mind and body when one is feeling weak and mentally fatigued.
  • It provides warmth to the stomach and makes one feel good during heartburn.
  • It alleviates nausea in pregnancy.
  • Due to its expectorant properties cardamom Oil can help in controlling cough. It is also a recommended remedy for impotence and low sexual response.
  • When blended with bath it leaves one refreshed and rejuvenated.


  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Nutmeg Oil

  • Type Nutmeg Oil
  • Shelf Life 1Year
  • Application Relieving Muscular Pains, Used For Skin Care
  • Packaging Type Glass Bottels, Plastic
  • Form Liquid
  • Part Seed
  • Feature Freshness, Purity

We present pure Nutmeg Oil to our esteemed clients. Our Nutmeg Oil is 100% pure and is processed from natural guaranteed pure steam distillation of the seed of myristica fragrance (myristicaceae). The Nutmeg Oil is used as a food flavor, as a carminative and in aromatherapy. The chief flavor of Nutmeg Oil is due to the myristicin and elemicin components. Since myristicin has hallucinogenic properties, Nutmeg Oil is not used in large quantities. The health benefits of Nutmeg Oil include its ability to treat stress, pain, menstrual cramps, heart disorders, indigestion, blood pressure, cough and bad breadth. The health benefits of Nutmeg Oil can be attributed to its medicinal properties such as sedative, stimulant, relaxing, anti inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericide, etc. The Seed Of Nutmeg Contains

  • 5 - 15% of volatile oil of which sabinene is 15 -30%
  • Alpha -pinene 15 - 20%
  • Beta - pinene 10 - 15 %
  • Terpine-4-ol 6 - 10%
  • Myristicin 5 - 8%
  • Elemicin about 2% nutmeg


  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Parsley Seed Oil

  • Country of Origin India
  • Form Liquid
  • Type Oil
  • Shelf Life 1 year
  • Pack Type Bottle
  • Raw Material 99.9%

We specialize in offering Parsley Seed Oil to the clients. The Parsley Seed Oil is steam extracted from a short-lived perennial herb that has bright green foliage and small greenish-yellow flowers that produce small brown seeds. The Parsley Seed Oil is used in soaps, detergents, cosmetics, colognes and perfumes especially men's fragrances. It is used in cosmetics and body care products. Further, Parsley Seed Oil is also extensively used in varied types of food flavorings, especially meats, pickles & sauces as well as alcoholic & soft drinks. Packaging

  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 kg
  • 25 kg
  • 50 kg
  • 100 kg
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Cinnamon Leaf Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Packaging Type 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
  • Country of Origin India
Cinnamon leaf oil, which we sell, has a warm, spicy musky smell and the oil's color varies from yellow for the leaf oil and red-brown for the bark oil, which is not usually used in aromatherapy. The viscosity is medium to watery. A native to Indonesia, but cultivated in Sri Lanka and India, the tree is rust-colored and can grow up to 15 meters (45feet), but is kept down to 6 feet for commercial reasons. The leaves and twigs or inner dried bark are subjected to steam distillation. The leaves yield 1.6 - 1.8 % and the bark 0.5 - 1.00 % oil. The essential oil that we sell is extracted from the leaves, as it yields a more delicate oil. The main chemical components of the essential oil, obtained from the leaves, are eugenol, eugenol acetate, cinnamic aldehyde and benzyl benzoate Cinnamon oil, that is extracted from the leaf, is non-toxic. Caution must be exercised since the cinnamaldehyde and eugenol contained in the oil could cause irritation, especially to the mucus membranes, so this oil should be used with care. Due to the emmenagogue action of the oil, it should be avoided in pregnancy. High dosages can cause convulsions. The leaf oil should be avoided during pregnancy, while the essential oil extracted from cinnamon bark should be avoided in total, as it is considered to be a dermal toxin, irritant and sensitizer. The therapeutic properties of cinnamon oil are analgesic, antiseptic, antibiotic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, cardiac, carminative, emmenagogue, insecticide, stimulant, stomachic, tonic and vermifuge. Cinnamon oil can be used for infection of the respiratory tract, rheumatism, arthritis and general pains. It calms an exhausted feeling of depression, tones the whole body and stimulates the glandular system, thus easing period pains.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Niaouli Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Product Type NATURAL
  • Place of Origin INDIA
  • Packaging 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
Niaouli oil has a slightly sweet, fresh smell and its color varies from colorless to pale yellow and greenish. Niaouli oil is extracted from the young leaves and twigs by steam distillation. The main chemical components of niaouli oil are 1, 8-cineole, y-terpineol, limonene, a-phellandrene, a and b pinene, linalool and piperitone. Niaouli oil is considered a safe oil, since it is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing The therapeutic properties of niaouli oil are analgesic, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, bactericidal, balsamic, cicatrisant, decongestant, expectorant, febrifuge, insecticide, stimulant, vermifuge and vulnerary. Niaouli oil helps to increases concentration and clears the head, while lifting the spirits. Since it has wonderfully antiseptic properties, it is most useful to fight infections such as colds, fevers, flu, chest infections, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, whooping cough, asthma, sinusitis, sore throats, catarrh and laryngitis. It furthermore is useful against enteritis, dysentery, intestinal parasites, cystitis and urinary infection and to relieve the pain of rheumatism and neuralgia. As a disinfectant, niaouli oil is valuable for washing wounds to clear up ulcers, acne, blemishes, boils, burns, cuts, insect bites, as well as acting as a decongestant on oily skin.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Sugandh Mantri Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Product Type NATURAL
  • Place of Origin INDIA
  • Packaging 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
Sugandh Mantri essential oil is known for high purity and owing to its mesmerizing aroma it is used for aromatherapy. It has therapeutic effect and is also used in perfumery compounds, tobacco industries, attar, hina etc.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Patchouli Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Kilogram
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Product Type NATURAL
  • Place of Origin INDIA
  • Packaging 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
Patchouli oil has a rich musky-sweet, strong spicy and herbaceous smell. It is light yellow to dark brown in color and is a thick oil. Patchouli oil is extracted from the young leaves which are dried and fermented prior to steam distillation and yields 2 - 3 %. This oil improves with age to have a fuller, more well rounded odor. The chemical components of patchouli oil are b-patchoulene, a-guaiene, caryophyllene, a-patchoulene, seychellene, a-bulnesene, norpatchoulenol, patchouli alcohol and pogostol. It is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing, but the smell of patchouli oil may be a little persistent for some people and large doses may cause loss of appetite in some individuals. The therapeutic properties of patchouli oil are antidepressant, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicide, insecticide, sedative and tonic. Patchouli oil has a grounding and balancing effect on the emotions and banishes lethargy, while sharpening the wits, fighting depression and anxiety. It is also said to create an amorous atmosphere. It is effective for fungal and bacterial infection and is of great help for insect bites. It could also be used as an insect repellant and is also used as a support for dealing with any substance addiction. With its excellent diuretic properties, it is effective in fighting water retention and to break up cellulite, easing constipation and helping to reduce overweight.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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Ginger Grass Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 01 Litre
  • Brand Name RSI
  • Shelf Life 02 YEAR
  • Product Type NATURAL
  • Place of Origin INDIA
  • Packaging 01 KG., 05 KG., 10 KG, 25 KG., 50 KG., 75 KG.100 KG, 200 KG,
Gingergrass oil has the ability to emotionally uplift mood when feeling low or stressed out. Its application provides relief from anxiety, tension, and headaches. Its energizing property fights fatigue and provides revitalization. Massaging Gingergrass oil improves blood circulation and provides calmness. Gingergrass oil very effectively treats cold, cough, sinusitis, and throat allergies. Other uses of ginger grass oil are for treatment of sore muscles, inflammation, muscle or joint pains etc. Therapeutic properties of Gingergrass oil are analgesic, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, expectorant and tonic. Steam distillation process is used for extraction of Gingergrass oil. The oil is derived from the grass of the plant Cymbopogan Martini. It has yellowish golden color and a warm earthy aroma that is quite exotic and sensuous. Gingergrass oil can cause irritation to sensitive skins and thus should be used in a smaller area with dilution before application. Gingergrass oil blends well with cananga oil, geranium oil, rosewood oil, amyris oil, sandalwood oil, guaiacwood oil, cedarwood oil, and other floral essential oils.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Delivery Time : WITHIN 15 DAYS

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