Our Products
We offer the best product range of Endsora Oil, Leucwin Capsules, Tus-Herab Cough Syrup, Sugagen Capsule and Immunoboost Syrup.
Endsora oil is Helpful in Psoriasis related syndrome
Useful in leucorrhoea & related symptoms, Inflammatory leucorrhoea, Rundown condition of backache due to over flowing of white discharge, etc.
An effective medicine to provide relief from dry and productive cough
A modern ayurvedic way to control diabetes
IMMUNOBOOSTsyrup is a natural warming & soothing immune tonic that supports your bodys own ability to fend off infections.
Useful for Non-alcoholic fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, useful in hepatitis, hepatic dysfunction, alcoholic liver diseases, jaundice, hepatomegaly.
Useful for the upkeep of general health and well being of ladies.
Nari Amrut is a unique tonic for the upkeep of general health and well being of ladies.
Neetrakt Capsule is helpful in blood purification with goodness of herbs
Herbal formula for respiratory care
COPD, poor pulmonary ventilation, chronic bronchitis, asthma, allergy, cough, etc.
The perfect natural treatment for male erectile dyfunction
Helpful to cure thrombocytopenia/ low platelet count & all type of fever
Calmness, peace, & channelises mental energy
Useful for depression, insomnia, headache, anti-anxiety. Improves cognitive & neurological function, promotes sound sleep, biopolar moods, concentration enhancer.
Eliminate Fat from the body, makes you slim & fit naturally with Garcinia Cambogia
Burns fat naturally, improves BMR, tummy tuck & weight loss.
Calcium supplement for all ages
Cal-D3+ capsule is useful for vitamin deficiency, osteoporosis, hypocalcaemia and other conditions, rickets and osteomalacia.
Energy, vigour, vitality, stamina & performance
An effective tonic for renal disease & treatment of kidney stones.
Useful for joint pain, arthritis, neuro muscular pain, etc.
Daily health supplement for health, fitness, energy, performance.
Endsora Capsule is Helpful in Psoriasis related syndrome
Helpful to treat constipation, gas, acidity and improves digestion system
Rejuvenate for vata and kapha that promotes vitality and strength
Neetrakt Syrup is helpful in blood purification with goodness of herbs
Neetrakt syrup is useful to purify blood and make the skin
glowing, helpful in digestion, skin disease and clear the stomach.
Natural digestive & carminative for children
Neurozen Syrup is useful for Calmness, peace & channelises mental energy