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Our product range contains a wide range of Sword - 32, Gambeson, Samurai Swords, Scottish Swords and Russian Swords


We are reckoned as the prominent Cotton Gambeson Manufacturer and Exporters from India. The Gambeson offered by us are extensively demanded in the market as it is ideal to be worn under chainmail, a full suit of armor, or individual pieces of armor as it provides high padding and airflow to ensure comfort. Additionally, customers are eased with the availability of the Wholesale Medieval Gambeson at the most prolific deals.
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Samurai Swords

Our samurai armor swords are authentic replicas of the weapons used by medieval knights and warriors throughout the Dark Ages as medieval warfare weapons. For display or for battle, each reproduction is created to the specifications of the original. The dimensions and weight are accurate on every piece so you get a medieval weapon that is actually balanced and fun to hold instead of just pretty to look at.
The Samurai sword has long been considered the symbol of old Japan and have defined the warrior for thousands of years. It stands for the power, ethics, duty, and self defense of a class of people that have shaped the face of civilization on this planet. The Samurai sword is indeed a beautiful work of art as well as a formidable weapon and the skill, exercise, mental development and sheer pleasure of owning this sword is unique.
The actual process of creating genuine Samurai swords is very important, along with the quality of the steel, which determines the caliber of the blade. Each sword is individually hand forged, heat treated, polished and mounted, therefore no two swords are the same. Each one has individual characteristics that differentiate it from others swords, even it the style is same
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Scottish Swords

Our scottish armor swords are authentic replicas of the weapons used by medieval knights and warriors throughout the Dark Ages as medieval warfare weapons. For display or for battle, each reproduction is created to the specifications of the original. The dimensions and weight are accurate on every piece so you get a medieval weapon that is actually balanced and fun to hold instead of just pretty to look at.
A sword is a bladed weapon, consisting in its most fundamental design of a blade and a handle. The blade is usually of some metal ground to at least one sharp edge and often has a pointed tip for thrusting. The handle, called the hilt , can be made of many materials, but the material most common is wood covered by leather , fish skin or metal wiring. The traditional weapon of the highland clansman, the Scottish swords have sown fear into the hearts of Englishmen for centuries. Having double edged blade, the hand forged swords are beautifully polished with triple fullers. The blade cuts very strongly due to its width and "V" shaped cross section.
The early Irish bronze-age sword was not very big and in general size and shape, it looked remarkably like a common sort of pre-Victorian Scottish dirk, except for being double-edged. Construction was with a "notched butt" blade, without a tang, riveted to the handle. By the late Bronze Age, the sword blade assumed a characteristic "leaf" shape which carried over into the Iron Age and which also made it an efficient cutting weapon. This type of sword has been found in both Ireland and Scotland. Dating from the Middle Ages, in its later and quintessential form, the long double-edged blade (often made outside Scotland) was affixed to a two-hand hilt (usually locally made) with downsloping quillons and a heavy pommel.
Claymore is the one-hand basket-hilted broadsword- a form of the Scottish sword. The word claymore has been used to describe two distinct types of swords used by Scottish warriors and soldiers. The first was a large, two-handed sword used in the medieval period. The second was a large basket-hilted sword and was issued to Scottish troops in the 18th century. It was feared because of its strength and size and was the primary weapon used during the constant warfare that became the way of life for the Scottish clans. Today, it stands as a great symbol of Scottish heritage.
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Russian Swords

Our russian armor swords are authentic replicas of the weapons used by medieval knights and warriors throughout the Dark Ages as medieval warfare weapons. For display or for battle, each reproduction is created to the specifications of the original. The dimensions and weight are accurate on every piece so you get a medieval weapon that is actually balanced and fun to hold instead of just pretty to look at.
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William Wallace Sword

We are regarded as one of the well-recognized Scottish William Wallace Sword Exporters. They were part of the Scottish weapons, which were used in many wars. We offer different types of Medieval William Wallace Sword like Valiant Armoury William Wallace Sword, Stainless Steel William Wallace Sword, etc., which are properly polished and have fine blades.

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Antique Swords

Antique swords are authentic replicas of the weapons used by medieval knights and warriors throughout the Dark Ages as medieval warfare weapons. For display or for battle, each reproduction is created to the specifications of the original. The dimensions and weight are accurate on every piece so you get a medieval weapon that is actually balanced and fun to hold instead of just pretty to look at.
A sword is a bladed weapon, consisting in its most fundamental design of a blade and a handle. The ancient swords are historical artifacts reproduced to their originality and shape. The blades of the ancient swords are usually of some hard metal ground to at least one sharp edge and often has a pointed tip for thrusting. The handle, called the hilt , can be made of many materials, but the material most common is wood covered by leather , fish skin or metal wiring.
The ancient swords are made by using the traditional skills handed down from centuries of experience and reliability. Highly experienced and dedicated craftsmen with decades of valuable experience make all the products to their credit. Throughout history, these swords have not only been used as weapons but also as decorative items for homes & offices, for ceremonial purposes, as status symbols and for the collector.
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Barbarian Sword

We present unique and tough European Barbarian Sword that was one of the prominent weapons of the barbarian era. We are proud to be counted among the prime Heavy Duty Barbarian Sword Manufacturers in India. Our Medieval Barbarian Sword is an archetypal piece designed with features like highly detailed elaborate metal handle, 36 inches long metal blade made of highly durable Zinc alloy, which provides the user the feel of the ancient era. The total length of our classic Barbarian Sword is 45 15 inches.

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Cavalry Sabre Swords

We are well recognized Heavy Cavalry Sabre Swords Manufacturers in India. We bring forth a replica of Cavalry Sabre Swords which are fabricated using the best quality steel. The Cavalry Sabre Swords available with us are finely polished and have rust resistant blades. The unique designs and firm grip of our swords makes them a preferred pick among the customers.

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British Cavalry Swords

We proudly present you with an exclusive range of British Cavalry Swords which have gathered laurels across the nation. The British Cavalry Sabre Swords which we manufacture are fabricated using the highest grade steel which ensure resistant to any corrosion attack. Superlative polishing and absolute identical looks makes our replica swords a favorite among the valued customers. We are well positioned among the topmost Medieval British Cavalry Sword Suppliers in India.

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Norman Swords

We are recognized among the chief Long Norman Sword Manufacturers in India. The Norman Swords manufactured by us are exact reproduction of the Norman swords that were used in the battle field. Our Norman Medieval Swords are made from high quality raw material that assures their durability. They have sharp and lustrous blades and a firm grip. The Norman Knight Swords available with us are double bladed and razor-sharp unlike the broadswords used in the Middle Ages which looked little more than metal clubs.

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Spanish Swords

Our spanish swords are authentic replicas of the weapons used by medieval knights and warriors throughout the Dark Ages as medieval warfare weapons. For display or for battle, each reproduction is created to the specifications of the original. The dimensions and weight are accurate on every piece so you get a medieval weapon that is actually balanced and fun to hold instead of just pretty to look at.
Spanish Swords were designed with handles having stylish hand guard of a leaf in various colored and polished metal designs. The scabbard was hard with polished metal colored steel trim with attachments for hooks to be hung on a wall. The quillions of the Spanish-type sword protruded far from the shell guard or cup guard and were very efficient at parrying. In the smallsword and dress sword, the quillions were short and lobed at the tips, and barely protruded from the shell guard.
The Spanish conqueror design of the swords are generally embellished with leather, dragons and lionshead and form the focal point of the sword construction. They had polished solid brass hilt, pommel, and hand guard and the carbonated Spanish steel blade polished to a mirror finish. The Spanish sword-men of the early 1500s are among the best known proponents of the weapons. They wrecked havoc up and down the battlefields of Europe.
A wide range of Spanish swords like: the Tizona and Colada of the Cid and those of purest Spanish style, the Jineta of King Boabdil or famous tizona Spanish of century XVII, occupy places of honor in various museums across the world.
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Greek Swords

We are known to be one of the well-reckoned Exporters of Antique Greek Swords in India. The Greek Swords were part of the Greek armor weapons. The Ancient Greek Sword that we manufacture and export are made of superior quality raw materials that assure their shine and antique appearance. Our Greek sword has fine blades and is available with scabbard. We are a leading name among the Medieval Greek Swords Manufacturers & Exporters.

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German Swords

Our german armor swords are authentic replicas of the weapons used by medieval knights and warriors throughout the Dark Ages as medieval warfare weapons. For display or for battle, each reproduction is created to the specifications of the original. The dimensions and weight are accurate on every piece so you get a medieval weapon that is actually balanced and fun to hold instead of just pretty to look at.
The German swords were part of the pattern dress sword for Germany's Naval Officers during WW I and WW II. They were ornately decorated and the double folding guard locked into the scabbard. The classic German style weapon was invented to enable the brawniest troops to break pikes. The exquisite sword soon was used by guards in processions and was adopted for personal combat. The German swords are an excellent example of the type of one hand or late period cruciform sword made for not only the wealthy warrior in Germany but for the market across northern Europe.
The overall shape and aesthetic design of the sword are intrinsic parts of the functional aspects. The master craftsmen shaped the blade and hilt components with subtlety and a deep understanding of volumes and mass distribution. This type of sword was perfect for sword-and-buckler fighting and excels in performance when put to use with the advanced fencing styles of the period.
The subtle shape of the pommel of the sword is often forged and hand-finished with the cross to perfectly fit each sword. The grip usually has a wooden core fitted to the stout tang, covered with leather over cord. The edges are carefully shaped to a beautiful combination of toughness and cutting performance. The blades are hand ground, individually heat treated for maximum flexibility and edge retention.
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Brass Claymore Sword

We offer you a replica of Medieval Brass Claymore Sword which evokes the fearless Scottish highlanders. The Brass Hilted Claymore Sword was a highly treasured weapon in the medieval era. We are proud to be one of the prime Twisted Claymore Sword Exporters and Suppliers in India. The claymore sword that we manufacture is invested with the following features :

  • Solid Round Pommels
  • 39-inch Tempered Blades
  • Quillons Ending in Quatrefoils
  • Heavy round pommel provides both the appropriate balance for cleaving and a striking point
    • These swords made of either brass or steel are widely used to enhance the dcor of your house by being mounted above the fire-place.

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French Swords

Our french armor swords are authentic replicas of the weapons used by medieval knights and warriors throughout the Dark Ages as medieval warfare weapons. For display or for battle, each reproduction is created to the specifications of the original. The dimensions and weight are accurate on every piece so you get a medieval weapon that is actually balanced and fun to hold instead of just pretty to look at.
Beautiful and ornate, the classic French swords during the Napolean era had straight single edged double blood fullered 37" blade with engravings on the back edge. The four branch brass guard was massive with brass pommel, leather covered grip bound with twisted brass wire. The scabbard was made in all steel with two hanging rings.
Fourteen years after the collapse of the disastrous M1882 universal sword's system, the French government made the design of the M1896 cavalry sword. This straight bladed sword was designed for both heavy and light cavalry. It differed only on the length of the blade: 950mm for the heavy cavalry troopers and 900mm for the light cavalry. The full basket five bars brass hilt had two sidebars symmetrically arranged each side of the knuckle bow. As usual with French regulation swords, an officer's pattern with an embellished hilt was issued simultaneously with the trooper pattern.
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Scottish Basket Hilt Swords

We are well-reckoned as one of the established Hand Made Scottish Basket Hilt Swords Suppliers. We offer economy models of Scottish Basket Hilt Swords that are 41 long, steel polished and have a solid brass basket. The steel polished blade of our Antique Basket Hilt Sword has no etching and is 34 long.

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Ancient Roman Swords

Ancinet roman swords are authentic replicas of the weapons used by medieval knights and warriors throughout the Dark Ages as medieval warfare weapons. For display or for battle, each reproduction is created to the specifications of the original. The dimensions and weight are accurate on every piece so you get a medieval weapon that is actually balanced and fun to hold instead of just pretty to look at.
Ancient swords come up with some of the most practical and beautiful styles. All these styles are surviving in museums and private collections that represent effective designs. These ancient swords are finely crafted and elaborately reproduced out of high quality materials and are strong enough to be used, but are normally for display only.
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Falcata Sword

We present you with an exquisite range of Spanish Falcata Sword. Falcata Sword was one of the most wanted Spanish arms used in Roman Time by the Celt-Iberians. We manufacture curved, single edged blade, which broadens towards the point. Our Roman Falcata Swords blade is made of high grade steel, wood and has a brass grip. The Ancient Falcata Sword manufactured by us is available with designer covers. We are recognized as one of the topmost Spanish Falcata Sword Exporters in India.

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