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AZOSS-CAPS are capsules contains a free-living nitrogen fixing bacterium known as Azospirillium. Encapsulation is based on a novel patented technology developed by ICAR-Indian institute of spices research. It symbiotically associates with the rhizophere of non-leguminous crop and fixes considerable amount of more...
Natradhan™ Natradhan is a powder and liquid based formulation of Azospirillum lipoferum which is associated with roots of monocots, including important crops, such as wheat, corn and rice. Azospirillum fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to plants in assoc more...
Encounter is a non-selective, contact destroyer that has no residue in soil after application. It contains plant derived specialized acids and metabolites to provide maximum efficacy and fast performing results. It disturbs the cuticles, cell membrane, and photosynthesis which stop the uptake of nutrients fro more...
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*TRINETRA Zn*  A specialized bio-fertilizer containing *zinc-solubilizing microbes* in a dormant state, designed to activate and multiply rapidly in the soil, enhancing zinc availability for plants.   *Mode of Action*  The microbes in *TRINETRA Zn*:  - Utilize inorganic molecules as electron don more...
rhodopseudomonas palustris is a rod-shaped gram-negative purple non-sulfur bacterium, notable for its ability to switch between four different modes of metabolism. r. palustris is found extensively in nature and has been isolated from swine waste lagoons, earthworm droppings, marine coastal sediments and pond more...
Azo Guard improve the general health of soil, decrease the chemical fertilizer dosages, increase nutrient availability, better growth and higher yield of corps. Azotobacter , a free living nitrogen fixer is a multipurpose and can be used for large number of crops. In addition to releasing nutrients, as more...
Amrit PSB is a bio fertilizer based on soil borne bacteria phosphobacterium .It convert insoluble phosphoric compound present in soil into soluble form so that it may readily available to plant . Improve soil health Synthesize biologically active substances like vitamins, nicotinic acid, indole acetic acid, g more...