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PRODUCT INFORMATION - Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonic Acid CAS NUMBER -27176-87-0 M. FORMULA - C18H30O3S M. WEIGHT - 326.49 FORM - Solid M.P. - 78-80 °C APPEARANCE - brown or tan DENSITY - 1.06 USES- Dopant for conducting polymers strong acid catalyst for amino cross-linked coatings LIST OF RAW MATERIAL - FUMI more...
Use : acid yellow 6 c. I. - 13100 acid red 151 & 7 c. I. - 26900, direct red 152 c. I. - 28360, direct brown 202 mordant orange 6 c. I. - 26520 more...
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We are a well-reckoned exporter and supplier of Xylene Sulfonic Acid. Our skilled chemical engineers have formulated the Xylene Sulfonic Acid using the best quality chemical compounds in our well-equipped laboratories. Widely used as a solvent in pharmaceutical, pesticide and food industry, the Xylene Sulfoni more...