Our Products
We offer the best product range of Rising Table, Force Table and CAPILLARY TUBE RISING TABLE.
To verify the law of composition and resolution of forces consisting of a aluminium table 40 cm in dia. Its raised rim has a engine divided scale, graduated in 360 degree mounted on heavy vertical support rod & tripod base provided with leveling screws. Body under study in a ring center of the table fastened by cords passing over four pulleys attached with the table. Complete with four pulleys, four weights hangers twelve weights hangers twelve weights (2x10 gm, 2x20 gm, 4x50 gm, 4x100gm)
The apparatus comprise metal frame, on which four capillary tubes of 10cm. long and of different internal diameters are clamped with the help of small metal brackets. The 9 mm. rod is also attached to metal plate, so that complete clamp can be held in any stand for determining the surface tension of liquid by capillary rise method. Its having a cast aluminium 4" dia table with adjustable stand. Maximum height capacity 12".