The storage you need today and what you'll require months or years from now can be two entirely different things. That's why we offer a variety of storage solutions. No matter what your application requires, we have a solution that fits your budget, capacity, and performance needs. That way, you get the right storage for right now and a host of alternatives for the future. Storage for any budget, capacity, or performance need. Direct Attached Storage Provides flexibility and scalability in one dedicated, single-tenant array. It's a simple, powerful solution, ideal for applications requiring an efficient, fully redundant, entry-level array to maintain availability. Storage Area Network Highly available and reliable, leveraging fully redundant architecture for business-critical applications. High storage capacity makes SAN a scalable solution that can grow as needed. Network Attached Storage Enterprise-class storage that's designed to support demanding workloads, like virtualization, file sharing, and rich media. Scales up to an amazing 20PB of capacity.