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Our Products

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Bismuth Fabricated Telluride, Mounting Discs, STM/AFM Grade Mica Substrate, Tip Fabrication Unit and Liquid Chromatographs System.

Data Acquisition Systems

QDA SeriesData Acquisition Systemsare multi-channel (upto 64), high-speed systems, available with a wide variety of signal conditioners to to suit any application. They are currently being used in various fields such as monitoring health of civil structures, acoustic and vibration sensing and many more.

Qrius (Graphical User Interface for QDA Series Systems)
Trace Control Activation or de-activation facility
Trigger Control Multi-channel control
Trigger Modes Auto, normal & single
Trigger Level Adjustable
Trigger Slope Falling & rising
Preset Acquisition Times 20ms , 50ms, 100ms, 200ms, 500ms, 1sec, 2sec, 5sec, 10sec, 20sec, 50sec, 100sec
Data Export ASCII file
Readable Data By Excel, Origin, Matlab etc.


Standard Accessories
Serial Cable Two
User Manual One
Software Installation CD


Minimum Computer Requirement
Computer Pentium IV® & above
Platform Linux, MS Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7®
Main Memory 1GB
Hard Disk Drive 128 MB free space
Compact Disk Drive Standard
Coloured Monitor Min. 1024×768 resolution
USB Port Two


Installation Requirements
Power Input 220Vac/50Hz (±1%)
Temperature 50ºC (Max.)


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Transport Measurement Systems

XPLOREPhysical Quantities Measurement System (PQMS)is an easy-to-use, versatile system for acquiring experimental plots of magnetic ac susceptibility and electrical resistance of your sample as a function of temperature in the range of 80-450K.

Temperature Controlled Environment

  • Cryostat with double-walled insulation for improved temperature control
  • Temperature Range: 80-450K
  • Temperature Stability: 0.1K

Magnetic Susceptibility Measurement

  • Non-magnetic primary & secondary windings
  • Enhanced sensitivity through excellent compensation
  • In-phase & 90 out-of-phase measurement

Electrical Resistivity Measurement

  • Four-Probe Insert designed for easy mounting of sample
  • Automatic cancellation of thermal voltages by current reversal (-mode) for enhanced accuracy
  • Current and voltage ranges designed for resistances ranging over 17 orders of magnitude

Software Package

  • User-selectable temperature, current, and voltage sweep rates
  • Real time measurement, display, and recording of physical parameter values
  • Online plotting of R vs T, I vs V and acvs T data

Cryostat and temperature controller
Sample chamber
Dimension 21mm (dia) x 100mm (length), top loading
Construction Non-magnetic, double walled
Temperature range
Temperature range 80K-450K
Cryogen Liquid N2
Exchange gas Air, port available for evacuation/flushing
Temperature measurement and control
Sensors Pt100 and K-type thermocouple
Temperature resolution 0.01K
Temperature stability Better than ±0.1K in isothermal mode
Temperature ramp-rate 1K/min-10K/min in steps of 0.1K/min
Control algorithm PID
PID parameters User configurable
Heater power 40 Watt
Winding type Non-magnetic
Computer connectivity USB


R-T and I-V measurements with 4-probe insert and   I-V source and measurement unit
Source mode Current or voltage
Current source specification
Current source range(s) 100µA, 1mA, 10mA
Current setpoint resolution Better than 0.05% of full-scale
Voltage compliance 10V
Voltage source specification
Voltage source range(s) 10V
Voltage setpoint resolution Better than 0.005% of full-scale
Current compliance 10mA
Ammeter specification
Current measurement range(s) 100µA, 1mA, 10mA
Current measurement resolution 6½ digit
Voltmeter specification
Voltage measurement range(s) 100mv, 1V, 10V
Voltage measurement resolution 6½ digit
Input impedance >1012Ω
Ohmmeter specification
Resistance measurement range(s) 10Ω, 100Ω, 1kΩ, 10kΩ, 100kΩ, 1MΩ, 10MΩ
Resistance measurement resolution 6½ digit
Computer connectivity USB


χ-T measurement with AC-susceptometer and lock-in amplifier
Sample size 5mm (dia) x 10mm (length)
Field strength 4 Oe RMS field at 80Hz
Primary driver
Frequency range(s) 10Hz-10KHz
Reference output 2V peak-to-peak
Reference generation Direct digital synthesis
Lock-in detection
Integration time 1 sec
Pre-amp gain(s) 1, 10, 100
Post-amp gain(s) 1, 10, 100
Measurement resolution 16-bit
Measured quantities Both amplitude and phase
Computer connectivity USB


Data acquisition and control software: Qrius 1.1
Computer automation of R-T and χ-T measurements using above mentioned modules have been provided by Qrius 1.1 software. It allows easy control of all experimental parameters and real time recording and plot of physical quantities. The software runs on Ubuntu 12.04 and is provided on an easy-to-use, installable Live DVD.


Other user provided accessories required to run the system
The following is a list of accessories that need to be provided by the user for proper operation of XPLORE 1.1 PQMS setup.


  • Rotary vacuum pump with KF-25 bellow
  • Minimum of 3 liters of liquid nitrogen
  • Computer with DVD drive, USB 2.0 port, 2GB RAM, 100GB of hard-disk space and Pentium dual core or above processor


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STM Tip Wire

STM Tip Wire :

  • Tungsten (0.25 mm diameter)
  • Pt-80%/Ir-20% (0.25 mm diameter)
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Chemical Vapour Deposition Systems

QrystalTMis a research grade chemical vapour deposition system, with12 independent temperature zones, each capable of reaching temperaturesupto 1150C. It has an inbuiltprecision mass flow controllerallowing controlled injection ofupto 4 gases. Aback pressure regulatorallows a fixed controlled pressure to be maintained throughout the deposition chamber.

Furnace : QBAKE-1100-3
  • Independent Heating Zones : 12
  • Maximum Temperature : 1150C for transient, 1100C for continuous operation
  • Uniform Temperature Zone Length : 200 mm
  • Temperature Uniformity : Better than5C within a zone
  • Heater Wire Material : Kanthal
  • Process Tube Material : Quartz
  • Process Tube Diameter : ID = 45 mm, OD = 48 mm
  • Embedded Temperature Sensor : K-type Thermocouple
Temperature Controller : TCON-12
  • Sensor Channels : 16
  • Sensor Type : K-type Thermocouple (or PT100)
  • Independent Control Loops : 12
  • Control Algorithm : Floating Point P-I-D
  • Temperature Stability : Better than 0.1C
  • PID Auto-tune : Yes
  • Heater Drive : 220V, 50 Hz
Vacuum System : VAC-10E-2
  • Pump Type : 2-stage, Rotary Pump
  • Pump Throughput : 15 m3/hour
  • Ultimate Vacuum : 10m-3mBar
  • Vacuum Sensor : Pirani Gauge and15 psi tube pressure sensor mounted at the end of the quartz tube
  • Chamber Isolation : Butterfly Valve
Mass Flow Controller : MF02
  • Number of Channels : 4
  • Channel 1, 2 : 0-1000 sccm
  • Auxilliary Valves : 2/channel, one in series for true shutoff, one in parallel for flushing
  • Flow Stability : Better than 0.1% of full scale
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STM Toolkit

Complete Toolkit with:

  • 10 threaded sample discs,
  • 2 sample keys,
  • Conducting Silver-Paste, Tip-Holding Tweezers,
  • Wire-Cutters etc.
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Nano REV Ambient Air STM Analyzer

nanoREVTMis an ambient air STM which opens out the fascinating nano-world right on to your table-top. It comes with a superb combination of ease-of-use and a high-level of sophistication, making it a ready-to-use instrument both for the beginners and the experts in the field of probe microscopy.

Take a look at the critical specifications ofnanoREVTMAmbient Air STM.

  • Scan Area fromatomic resolutionupto3.8m x 3.8m.
  • Min resolution :6pm
  • I-V Spectroscopywith Sample Bias ranging from -10V to +10V.
  • PiezoelectricApproach Mechanism.
  • Small Vibration Isolation Platform footprint :17cm x 17cm.

  • SiM Advanced data acquisition analysis software.
  • 3D-renderingof STM images.
  • Line Profileextraction.
  • Data exported to standard formats likeASCII, jpg, png etc.

  • Elegant installation No additional vibration isolation required at all.
  • Swift and easytip and sample changes.
  • Tunneling Current and Feedback voltage signal output for CRO monitoring.

Why nanoREV?

Expertise and experience

In the field of mechanics, vibration isolation, piezo-sensors, feedback-control, high voltage power supplies and amplifiers, data-acquisition software etc. to accelerate nano-technology and related research and development. Experience of the team involved ensures time-bound, effective and optimal solutions to the challenges posed.

Zero Downtime

Our service and support system is targeted to maintain seamless operation of the STM facility. The updates, enhancements and replacements are made immediately with ensuring its uninterrupted usage.

Customization and regular updates

It much more than just an STM, its a sustained relationship with us in building and enhancing the technology, which is an outcome of the quest for further exploration and improvement. The feedbacks of our users have consistently improved and enhanced the whole system. We are committed to keep the hardware and software updated at the user end.


STM Measurements
Sizes Maximum Area Minimum Area X/Y Resolution
Large 3.7μm x 3.7μm 14.8nm x 14.8nm 0.06nm
Small 375nm x 375nm 1.5nm x 1.5nm 0.006nm
Z-Resolution Analog Mode: 8-10pm, Digital Mode: 15pm (Using 16-bit DAC)
Scan Orientation Horizontal and Vertical
Max Z Range ±350 to ±500nm (Full Stretch and Full-Retract)
Imaging Modes
  • Constant Current (CC) mode
  • Constant Height (CH) mode
  • Dynamical Conductance or Local density of states (LDOS) imaging
  • Local Barrier Height Imaging (LBH Imaging)


Scan Signals 4-channel 16-bit DACs
Measurement Channels 4-channels 16-bit ADC
Sample Bias
  • -10V to +10V in steps of 0.3mV
  • -100V to +100V in steps of 3mV
I-V Spectroscopy

0.3mV bias resolution for 1750 data points,

  • Numerical dI/dV & Normalized dI/dV plots
  • dI/dV with Lock-in-Amplifier
  • Export to ASCII option available
I-Z Spectroscopy
  • Tunneling Current vs tip-sample distance plots
  • Conductance vs Distance plots (Normal & Semilog)
  • Export to ASCII option available
Slope Correction Digitally-controlled X/Y slope correction
Coarse Approach Micro-controller based Walker Control with LCD display
Tunnel Current ±10nA in steps of 5pA (100nA option available)


Software: SiM (STM iMproved)
Image Display Dual Mode (Scan and Retrace) Image Display with live scan CRO.
Display Modes Both 2D and 3D displays, customizable look-up tables for  pseudo image coloring.
Analysis Line Profile Extraction, X/Y Slope Correction, Fourier Transforms and Filters, Selective Zooming, Calibration etc.
Data Export Exports to ASCII, jpg, png, postcript formats.
Processing Spatial and Fourier Low-Pass Filtering, Background Subtraction, Histogram Equalization, Zooming, Contrast, Slope Correction etc.
Lithography Applying controlled voltage pulses to the sample.
OS Installers available for the latest Ubuntu LTS Distributions.


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Chromatography Data Acquisition Systems

  • Weight 3.7 kg
  • Power Input 220Vac/50Hz (±1%)
  • Temperature 50ºC (Max.)
  • Dimensions L=32cm, W=21.5cm, H=9cm

Chromatography Data Acquisition Systems or DAta STAtions seriesDASTA 710/720is a stand-alone, high accuracy, micro-controller-based digital micro- voltmeter, which can be interfaced through the PCs RS232 (serial) port.

It comes with its own chromatograph plotting and analysis softwareWinQCDS.

DASTAis a Chromatography Data Acquisition System, which can be coupled to any GC/HPLC a computer via a serial RS232 link.

Special features ofDASTA Series:

  • Data Acquisition Parameters
  • Single and dual channel configurations.
  • Programmable sampling rate : 50Hz, 10Hz and 2Hz.
  • Programmable input voltage ranges : 10V, 5V, 2.5V & 1.5V.

Precision Performance Hardware

  • High precision 24-bit ADCs.
  • Configurable on-board digital filters for each channel.

Chromatography Data Analysis Software

  • Versatile peak-editing tools.
  • Precise measurement of areas.
  • Automatic detection of both positive & negative peaks.

Advanced Features

  • Auto-ranging facility available on each channel.
  • Relative reading facility for each channel with offset nulling.
  • Save Configurations & Recall Configurations options.

No. of channels Single & dual channel  configurations
A/D Convertor 24-bit
Input ranges 1.25, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0V
Sampling frequency 2, 10, 50Hz
Typical System Noise <5µV @ 2.5V FS / 10Hz


Software (WinQCDS 8.0)
Run Time Limited only by HDD Capacity
Number of Peaks Limited only by HDD Capacity
Number of Standards Six
Baseline Correction Interactive
Reference Peaks Unlimited
Internal Standards One


Standard Accessories
Serial Cable One (2m)
Signal Cable One (1m) standard
User Manual One
Software Provided in CD


Minimum Computer Requirement
Computer Pentium IV® & above
Main Memory 128 MB
Hard Disk Drive 20 MB free space
Compact Disk Drive Standard
Coloured Monitor Min. 1024×768 resolution
Serial Port Two/Three
Parrallel Port One
Printer Inkjet/Laserjet


Installation Requirements
Power Input 220Vac/50Hz (±1%)
Temperature 50ºC (Max.)
Dimensions L=32cm, W=21.5cm, H=9cm
Weight 3.7 kg


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Bismuth Fabricated Telluride

  • Appearance  Silvery grey, layered
  • Chemical Name   Bi2Te3
  •  Purity   99.999% (min)
  •  Size 2-10mm small pieces/lumps
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Mounting Discs

Sample Mounting Discs :

  • Electroplated MS discs (10 mm diameter)
  • Threaded Sample Discs
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STM/AFM Grade Mica Substrate

  • Grade V1 Muscovite Mica
  • Size 30mm x 20mm x 1mm
  •  Appearance Shiny White Transparent
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NanoREV Vacuum STM Pump

nanoREVTMVacuum STMoperates in vacuum ranging from ambient down to 10-3mbars. Vibration free pumping during the scans is done using sorption pump dipped in liquid nitrogen.

Take a look at the critical specifications ofnanoREVTMVacuum STM.

  • Small chamber footprint just25cm!
  • Viewing window for tip-sample junction.
  • Two additional blanked-outKF-25ports.
  • Fitted with vacuum-release (vent) valve.
  • All vibration isolation inside the chamber.
  • SiM Advanced data acquisition analysis software.
  • 3D-renderingof STM images.
  • Line Profileextraction.
  • Data exported to standard formats likeASCII, jpg, png etc.
  • Elegant installation No additional vibration isolation required at all.
  • Swift and easytip and sample changes.
  • Tunneling Current and Feedback voltage signal output for CRO monitoring.

Visit the fascinatingnanoREVTMSTM Image Galleryto have a glimpse of the nanoscale realm revealed by it. Also check out theHowTo Videosto seenanoREVTMSTM in action.

STM Measurements
Sizes Minimum Area Maximum Area X/Y Resolution
eXtra Large 20 x 20nm2 2.0 x 2.0μm2 500pm
Large 10 x 10nm2 200 x 200nm2 50pm
Small 20 x 20Å2 40 x 40nm2 10pm
Z-Resolution Analog Mode: 0.008-0.01nm, Digital Mode: 0.025-0.05nm (Using 12-bit DAC)
Scan Orientation Horizontal and Vertical
Max Z Range ±350 to ±500nm (Full Stretch and Full-Retract)
Imaging Modes Constant Current (CC), Constant Height (CH) modes and Dynamical Conductance Imaging


Vacuum Specifications
Vacuum range Ambient to 10-3mbar
Vacuum Holding Time 2-3 hours with sorption pump
Rotary pump For vacuum range 10-2 to 10-3 mbar
Liquid Nitrogen 8 to 10 liters per experiment
Viewing Window For tip-sample junction
Spare ports Two blanked-out KF-25 ports
Vibration Isolation No further isolation required for the chamber
Chamber Dimensions 25cm (dia) x ~17cm (height)
Fitted with vacuum release (vent) valve.


Scan Signals 4-Channel 12-bit DACs
Measurement Ch. Single Channel 16-bit ADC
Sample Bias -10,000mV to +10,000mV in steps of 5mV
I-V Spectroscopy 750 points, min. bias resolution 5mV
Slope Correction Front Panel X/Y slope correction
Coarse Approach Micro-controller based Walker Control with LCD
Tunnel Current -5nA to +5nA in steps of 0.1nA (Option 1),  -25nA to +25nA in steps of 0.5nA (Option 2)


Software-SiM (STMiMproved)
Image Display Dual Mode (Scan and Retrace) Image Display
Display Options Both 2D and 3D displays, customizable look-up tables for  pseudo image coloring
Analysis Functions Line Profile Extraction, X/Y Slope Correction, Fourier Transforms and Filters, Selective Zooming
Data Export Exports to ASCII, jpg, png, postcript formats
Image Processing In-built image improvement toolbox with specialized spatial and fourier filters like Histogram Equalization, Gaussian LPF, Slope recitification in X and Y etc.
Nano-Lithography Applying controlled voltage pulses to the sample (-10V to +10V )
Operating System UbiKewti Linux LiveDVD (with installation option)


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Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite

  • Size 10mm x 10mm x 1 mm
  •   Appearance
  • Silver grey, layered Grade

We supply and fabricate various samples used frequently while using the STMs. Kindly Contact usfor getting any of the items listed below.

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Tip Fabrication Unit

nanoETCHTMTip Fabrication Unit :The quality of images obtained, using an STM, is critically dependent on thenature of the probing tip. The nanoETCH unit is used for preparation of tungsten tips by electro-chemical etching process.

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Liquid Chromatographs System

GC772x series of Gas/Liquid Chromatographs precisely separates the constituents present in an injected gas/liquid sample. Along withWinQCDS Quazar Chromatography Data Acquisition-Analysis Software, it becomes really a very versatile, user-friendly and a powerful chemical analysis tool.

Take a look at the critical specifications ofGC772xseries of Gas/Liquid Chromatographs.

  • Oven temperature range 2oC above ambient to 450oC.
  • Temperature stability 0.03oC.
  • Minimum detectable limit less than 5 pg of carbon as ethylene using N2carrier.
  • Linear dynamic range 107.

  • WinQCDS 9.0an advanced instrument Control and Data Analysis Software.
  • Versatile peak detection & editing tools.
  • Bunching, Savitsky-Golay & Adaptive Filtering for noise reduction.
  • Precise area calculations algorithms.

  • Choice of split-less and/or split injectors.
  • Rapid auto cooling of oven without door opening.
  • Auto flame out protection.
  • State of the art electro-pneumatic flow control.
  • EPCpressure stability 0.005 psi.
  • EPCflow stability 0.005 ml/min.

Operating Temperature Range 4°C above ambient to 450ºC
Temperature Control PID type
Temperature Programming 7 ramps from keypad & as many as desired from PC
Skin temp. (at temp. 450ºC) Less than 20ºC above ambient
Cooling rate (450ºC to 70ºC) <9 minutes
Volume of the inner oven 15 L (23.5 cm x 24.5 cm x 26.0 cm)
Max. Temp. gradient +/-0.5ºC (over the column)
Temperature Stability 0.03ºC
Temp Set-point Resolution 1ºC
Ramp Resolution 0.1ºC/min


Ramp Rates(Oven)
Temp. range( ºC ) Ramp rates(ºC/Min )
50-70 >70
70-115 >50
115-175 >45
175-300 >40
300-400 >25
400-450 >15


Flame Ionisation Detector (FID)
Max. Operating Temperature 450ºC
Temp Set-point Resolution 1ºC
Minimum Detectable Limit <5 pg of carbon/s as ethylene
using N2 carrier
Sensitivity 0.008 Coulombs/gC
Linear Dynamic range 107
No. of settings for enhanced/attenuated sensitivity 2 (0.1 & 0.01µAFS)
Sampling rate 10/50Hz
Noise @ 10Hz & 10,000pA F.S. <5µV(50fA)
Auto flame out protection Yes


Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)
Interchangeable analyzer & reference columns.
Two & 4-filament designs.
Built-in filament burn-out protection.
Flow regulation by electro-pneumatic controls.
Very low baseline noise.


Inlets available Split / Splitless with purge
Max. Operating temperature 450ºC
Temperature Control PID type
Temp Set-point Resolution 1ºC


Installation Requirements
Dimensions 79cm x 50cm x 51cm (BxDxH)
Power Requirement 220Vac/50Hz (stabilized) 3KVA max.
Operating Temperature 0ºC to 50ºC
Weight 48kg


Electro-Pneumatic Flow
Modes of operation
Packed Pressure Controlled
Packed Flow Controlled
Capillary Pressure Controlled
Capillary Flow Controlled Without Split
Capillary Flow Controlled With Split
Pressure stability < 0.005 psi
Flow stability < 0.005 ml/min.
Max. Pressure Control Point 100 psi
Max. Flow Control Point 100 ml/min.
Flow/Pressure Programming
Number of ramps & holds As per user requirement
Number of lines Controlled 5 (packed) & 7 (capillary)


Computer Controlled Operation
Number of login levels 3
Monitoring Resolution :
Flow 10-6 ml/min.
Pressures 10-6 psi
Temperatures 0.01oC


System Noise, Wander, Drift
Background Current < 8 pA @ 50oC
Wander < 0.5 pA
Iso-thermal drift < 0.1 pA in 1 hour
Drift under temperature programming from 50oC to 200oC @ 10oC/min <2  pA
(The drift due to coloumn bleed is much larger.)

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Conducting Silver Ink

  • Quick Drying (< 1 min)
  • No adhesive properties.
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Our Products

We offer the best product range of Bismuth Fabricated Telluride, Mounting Discs, STM/AFM Grade Mica Substrate, Tip Fabrication Unit and Liquid Chromatographs System.

Data Acquisition Systems

QDA SeriesData Acquisition Systemsare multi-channel (upto 64), high-speed systems, available with a wide variety of signal conditioners to to suit any application. They are currently being used in various fields such as monitoring health of civil structures, acoustic and vibration sensing and many more.

Qrius (Graphical User Interface for QDA Series Systems)
Trace Control Activation or de-activation facility
Trigger Control Multi-channel control
Trigger Modes Auto, normal & single
Trigger Level Adjustable
Trigger Slope Falling & rising
Preset Acquisition Times 20ms , 50ms, 100ms, 200ms, 500ms, 1sec, 2sec, 5sec, 10sec, 20sec, 50sec, 100sec
Data Export ASCII file
Readable Data By Excel, Origin, Matlab etc.


Standard Accessories
Serial Cable Two
User Manual One
Software Installation CD


Minimum Computer Requirement
Computer Pentium IV® & above
Platform Linux, MS Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7®
Main Memory 1GB
Hard Disk Drive 128 MB free space
Compact Disk Drive Standard
Coloured Monitor Min. 1024×768 resolution
USB Port Two


Installation Requirements
Power Input 220Vac/50Hz (±1%)
Temperature 50ºC (Max.)


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Transport Measurement Systems

XPLOREPhysical Quantities Measurement System (PQMS)is an easy-to-use, versatile system for acquiring experimental plots of magnetic ac susceptibility and electrical resistance of your sample as a function of temperature in the range of 80-450K.

Temperature Controlled Environment

  • Cryostat with double-walled insulation for improved temperature control
  • Temperature Range: 80-450K
  • Temperature Stability: 0.1K

Magnetic Susceptibility Measurement

  • Non-magnetic primary & secondary windings
  • Enhanced sensitivity through excellent compensation
  • In-phase & 90 out-of-phase measurement

Electrical Resistivity Measurement

  • Four-Probe Insert designed for easy mounting of sample
  • Automatic cancellation of thermal voltages by current reversal (-mode) for enhanced accuracy
  • Current and voltage ranges designed for resistances ranging over 17 orders of magnitude

Software Package

  • User-selectable temperature, current, and voltage sweep rates
  • Real time measurement, display, and recording of physical parameter values
  • Online plotting of R vs T, I vs V and acvs T data

Cryostat and temperature controller
Sample chamber
Dimension 21mm (dia) x 100mm (length), top loading
Construction Non-magnetic, double walled
Temperature range
Temperature range 80K-450K
Cryogen Liquid N2
Exchange gas Air, port available for evacuation/flushing
Temperature measurement and control
Sensors Pt100 and K-type thermocouple
Temperature resolution 0.01K
Temperature stability Better than ±0.1K in isothermal mode
Temperature ramp-rate 1K/min-10K/min in steps of 0.1K/min
Control algorithm PID
PID parameters User configurable
Heater power 40 Watt
Winding type Non-magnetic
Computer connectivity USB


R-T and I-V measurements with 4-probe insert and   I-V source and measurement unit
Source mode Current or voltage
Current source specification
Current source range(s) 100µA, 1mA, 10mA
Current setpoint resolution Better than 0.05% of full-scale
Voltage compliance 10V
Voltage source specification
Voltage source range(s) 10V
Voltage setpoint resolution Better than 0.005% of full-scale
Current compliance 10mA
Ammeter specification
Current measurement range(s) 100µA, 1mA, 10mA
Current measurement resolution 6½ digit
Voltmeter specification
Voltage measurement range(s) 100mv, 1V, 10V
Voltage measurement resolution 6½ digit
Input impedance >1012Ω
Ohmmeter specification
Resistance measurement range(s) 10Ω, 100Ω, 1kΩ, 10kΩ, 100kΩ, 1MΩ, 10MΩ
Resistance measurement resolution 6½ digit
Computer connectivity USB


χ-T measurement with AC-susceptometer and lock-in amplifier
Sample size 5mm (dia) x 10mm (length)
Field strength 4 Oe RMS field at 80Hz
Primary driver
Frequency range(s) 10Hz-10KHz
Reference output 2V peak-to-peak
Reference generation Direct digital synthesis
Lock-in detection
Integration time 1 sec
Pre-amp gain(s) 1, 10, 100
Post-amp gain(s) 1, 10, 100
Measurement resolution 16-bit
Measured quantities Both amplitude and phase
Computer connectivity USB


Data acquisition and control software: Qrius 1.1
Computer automation of R-T and χ-T measurements using above mentioned modules have been provided by Qrius 1.1 software. It allows easy control of all experimental parameters and real time recording and plot of physical quantities. The software runs on Ubuntu 12.04 and is provided on an easy-to-use, installable Live DVD.


Other user provided accessories required to run the system
The following is a list of accessories that need to be provided by the user for proper operation of XPLORE 1.1 PQMS setup.


  • Rotary vacuum pump with KF-25 bellow
  • Minimum of 3 liters of liquid nitrogen
  • Computer with DVD drive, USB 2.0 port, 2GB RAM, 100GB of hard-disk space and Pentium dual core or above processor


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STM Tip Wire

STM Tip Wire :

  • Tungsten (0.25 mm diameter)
  • Pt-80%/Ir-20% (0.25 mm diameter)
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Chemical Vapour Deposition Systems

QrystalTMis a research grade chemical vapour deposition system, with12 independent temperature zones, each capable of reaching temperaturesupto 1150C. It has an inbuiltprecision mass flow controllerallowing controlled injection ofupto 4 gases. Aback pressure regulatorallows a fixed controlled pressure to be maintained throughout the deposition chamber.

Furnace : QBAKE-1100-3
  • Independent Heating Zones : 12
  • Maximum Temperature : 1150C for transient, 1100C for continuous operation
  • Uniform Temperature Zone Length : 200 mm
  • Temperature Uniformity : Better than5C within a zone
  • Heater Wire Material : Kanthal
  • Process Tube Material : Quartz
  • Process Tube Diameter : ID = 45 mm, OD = 48 mm
  • Embedded Temperature Sensor : K-type Thermocouple
Temperature Controller : TCON-12
  • Sensor Channels : 16
  • Sensor Type : K-type Thermocouple (or PT100)
  • Independent Control Loops : 12
  • Control Algorithm : Floating Point P-I-D
  • Temperature Stability : Better than 0.1C
  • PID Auto-tune : Yes
  • Heater Drive : 220V, 50 Hz
Vacuum System : VAC-10E-2
  • Pump Type : 2-stage, Rotary Pump
  • Pump Throughput : 15 m3/hour
  • Ultimate Vacuum : 10m-3mBar
  • Vacuum Sensor : Pirani Gauge and15 psi tube pressure sensor mounted at the end of the quartz tube
  • Chamber Isolation : Butterfly Valve
Mass Flow Controller : MF02
  • Number of Channels : 4
  • Channel 1, 2 : 0-1000 sccm
  • Auxilliary Valves : 2/channel, one in series for true shutoff, one in parallel for flushing
  • Flow Stability : Better than 0.1% of full scale
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STM Toolkit

Complete Toolkit with:

  • 10 threaded sample discs,
  • 2 sample keys,
  • Conducting Silver-Paste, Tip-Holding Tweezers,
  • Wire-Cutters etc.
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Nano REV Ambient Air STM Analyzer

nanoREVTMis an ambient air STM which opens out the fascinating nano-world right on to your table-top. It comes with a superb combination of ease-of-use and a high-level of sophistication, making it a ready-to-use instrument both for the beginners and the experts in the field of probe microscopy.

Take a look at the critical specifications ofnanoREVTMAmbient Air STM.

  • Scan Area fromatomic resolutionupto3.8m x 3.8m.
  • Min resolution :6pm
  • I-V Spectroscopywith Sample Bias ranging from -10V to +10V.
  • PiezoelectricApproach Mechanism.
  • Small Vibration Isolation Platform footprint :17cm x 17cm.

  • SiM Advanced data acquisition analysis software.
  • 3D-renderingof STM images.
  • Line Profileextraction.
  • Data exported to standard formats likeASCII, jpg, png etc.

  • Elegant installation No additional vibration isolation required at all.
  • Swift and easytip and sample changes.
  • Tunneling Current and Feedback voltage signal output for CRO monitoring.

Why nanoREV?

Expertise and experience

In the field of mechanics, vibration isolation, piezo-sensors, feedback-control, high voltage power supplies and amplifiers, data-acquisition software etc. to accelerate nano-technology and related research and development. Experience of the team involved ensures time-bound, effective and optimal solutions to the challenges posed.

Zero Downtime

Our service and support system is targeted to maintain seamless operation of the STM facility. The updates, enhancements and replacements are made immediately with ensuring its uninterrupted usage.

Customization and regular updates

It much more than just an STM, its a sustained relationship with us in building and enhancing the technology, which is an outcome of the quest for further exploration and improvement. The feedbacks of our users have consistently improved and enhanced the whole system. We are committed to keep the hardware and software updated at the user end.


STM Measurements
Sizes Maximum Area Minimum Area X/Y Resolution
Large 3.7μm x 3.7μm 14.8nm x 14.8nm 0.06nm
Small 375nm x 375nm 1.5nm x 1.5nm 0.006nm
Z-Resolution Analog Mode: 8-10pm, Digital Mode: 15pm (Using 16-bit DAC)
Scan Orientation Horizontal and Vertical
Max Z Range ±350 to ±500nm (Full Stretch and Full-Retract)
Imaging Modes
  • Constant Current (CC) mode
  • Constant Height (CH) mode
  • Dynamical Conductance or Local density of states (LDOS) imaging
  • Local Barrier Height Imaging (LBH Imaging)


Scan Signals 4-channel 16-bit DACs
Measurement Channels 4-channels 16-bit ADC
Sample Bias
  • -10V to +10V in steps of 0.3mV
  • -100V to +100V in steps of 3mV
I-V Spectroscopy

0.3mV bias resolution for 1750 data points,

  • Numerical dI/dV & Normalized dI/dV plots
  • dI/dV with Lock-in-Amplifier
  • Export to ASCII option available
I-Z Spectroscopy
  • Tunneling Current vs tip-sample distance plots
  • Conductance vs Distance plots (Normal & Semilog)
  • Export to ASCII option available
Slope Correction Digitally-controlled X/Y slope correction
Coarse Approach Micro-controller based Walker Control with LCD display
Tunnel Current ±10nA in steps of 5pA (100nA option available)


Software: SiM (STM iMproved)
Image Display Dual Mode (Scan and Retrace) Image Display with live scan CRO.
Display Modes Both 2D and 3D displays, customizable look-up tables for  pseudo image coloring.
Analysis Line Profile Extraction, X/Y Slope Correction, Fourier Transforms and Filters, Selective Zooming, Calibration etc.
Data Export Exports to ASCII, jpg, png, postcript formats.
Processing Spatial and Fourier Low-Pass Filtering, Background Subtraction, Histogram Equalization, Zooming, Contrast, Slope Correction etc.
Lithography Applying controlled voltage pulses to the sample.
OS Installers available for the latest Ubuntu LTS Distributions.


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Chromatography Data Acquisition Systems

  • Weight 3.7 kg
  • Power Input 220Vac/50Hz (±1%)
  • Temperature 50ºC (Max.)
  • Dimensions L=32cm, W=21.5cm, H=9cm

Chromatography Data Acquisition Systems or DAta STAtions seriesDASTA 710/720is a stand-alone, high accuracy, micro-controller-based digital micro- voltmeter, which can be interfaced through the PCs RS232 (serial) port.

It comes with its own chromatograph plotting and analysis softwareWinQCDS.

DASTAis a Chromatography Data Acquisition System, which can be coupled to any GC/HPLC a computer via a serial RS232 link.

Special features ofDASTA Series:

  • Data Acquisition Parameters
  • Single and dual channel configurations.
  • Programmable sampling rate : 50Hz, 10Hz and 2Hz.
  • Programmable input voltage ranges : 10V, 5V, 2.5V & 1.5V.

Precision Performance Hardware

  • High precision 24-bit ADCs.
  • Configurable on-board digital filters for each channel.

Chromatography Data Analysis Software

  • Versatile peak-editing tools.
  • Precise measurement of areas.
  • Automatic detection of both positive & negative peaks.

Advanced Features

  • Auto-ranging facility available on each channel.
  • Relative reading facility for each channel with offset nulling.
  • Save Configurations & Recall Configurations options.

No. of channels Single & dual channel  configurations
A/D Convertor 24-bit
Input ranges 1.25, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0V
Sampling frequency 2, 10, 50Hz
Typical System Noise <5µV @ 2.5V FS / 10Hz


Software (WinQCDS 8.0)
Run Time Limited only by HDD Capacity
Number of Peaks Limited only by HDD Capacity
Number of Standards Six
Baseline Correction Interactive
Reference Peaks Unlimited
Internal Standards One


Standard Accessories
Serial Cable One (2m)
Signal Cable One (1m) standard
User Manual One
Software Provided in CD


Minimum Computer Requirement
Computer Pentium IV® & above
Main Memory 128 MB
Hard Disk Drive 20 MB free space
Compact Disk Drive Standard
Coloured Monitor Min. 1024×768 resolution
Serial Port Two/Three
Parrallel Port One
Printer Inkjet/Laserjet


Installation Requirements
Power Input 220Vac/50Hz (±1%)
Temperature 50ºC (Max.)
Dimensions L=32cm, W=21.5cm, H=9cm
Weight 3.7 kg


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Bismuth Fabricated Telluride

  • Appearance  Silvery grey, layered
  • Chemical Name   Bi2Te3
  •  Purity   99.999% (min)
  •  Size 2-10mm small pieces/lumps
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Mounting Discs

Sample Mounting Discs :

  • Electroplated MS discs (10 mm diameter)
  • Threaded Sample Discs
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STM/AFM Grade Mica Substrate

  • Grade V1 Muscovite Mica
  • Size 30mm x 20mm x 1mm
  •  Appearance Shiny White Transparent
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NanoREV Vacuum STM Pump

nanoREVTMVacuum STMoperates in vacuum ranging from ambient down to 10-3mbars. Vibration free pumping during the scans is done using sorption pump dipped in liquid nitrogen.

Take a look at the critical specifications ofnanoREVTMVacuum STM.

  • Small chamber footprint just25cm!
  • Viewing window for tip-sample junction.
  • Two additional blanked-outKF-25ports.
  • Fitted with vacuum-release (vent) valve.
  • All vibration isolation inside the chamber.
  • SiM Advanced data acquisition analysis software.
  • 3D-renderingof STM images.
  • Line Profileextraction.
  • Data exported to standard formats likeASCII, jpg, png etc.
  • Elegant installation No additional vibration isolation required at all.
  • Swift and easytip and sample changes.
  • Tunneling Current and Feedback voltage signal output for CRO monitoring.

Visit the fascinatingnanoREVTMSTM Image Galleryto have a glimpse of the nanoscale realm revealed by it. Also check out theHowTo Videosto seenanoREVTMSTM in action.

STM Measurements
Sizes Minimum Area Maximum Area X/Y Resolution
eXtra Large 20 x 20nm2 2.0 x 2.0μm2 500pm
Large 10 x 10nm2 200 x 200nm2 50pm
Small 20 x 20Å2 40 x 40nm2 10pm
Z-Resolution Analog Mode: 0.008-0.01nm, Digital Mode: 0.025-0.05nm (Using 12-bit DAC)
Scan Orientation Horizontal and Vertical
Max Z Range ±350 to ±500nm (Full Stretch and Full-Retract)
Imaging Modes Constant Current (CC), Constant Height (CH) modes and Dynamical Conductance Imaging


Vacuum Specifications
Vacuum range Ambient to 10-3mbar
Vacuum Holding Time 2-3 hours with sorption pump
Rotary pump For vacuum range 10-2 to 10-3 mbar
Liquid Nitrogen 8 to 10 liters per experiment
Viewing Window For tip-sample junction
Spare ports Two blanked-out KF-25 ports
Vibration Isolation No further isolation required for the chamber
Chamber Dimensions 25cm (dia) x ~17cm (height)
Fitted with vacuum release (vent) valve.


Scan Signals 4-Channel 12-bit DACs
Measurement Ch. Single Channel 16-bit ADC
Sample Bias -10,000mV to +10,000mV in steps of 5mV
I-V Spectroscopy 750 points, min. bias resolution 5mV
Slope Correction Front Panel X/Y slope correction
Coarse Approach Micro-controller based Walker Control with LCD
Tunnel Current -5nA to +5nA in steps of 0.1nA (Option 1),  -25nA to +25nA in steps of 0.5nA (Option 2)


Software-SiM (STMiMproved)
Image Display Dual Mode (Scan and Retrace) Image Display
Display Options Both 2D and 3D displays, customizable look-up tables for  pseudo image coloring
Analysis Functions Line Profile Extraction, X/Y Slope Correction, Fourier Transforms and Filters, Selective Zooming
Data Export Exports to ASCII, jpg, png, postcript formats
Image Processing In-built image improvement toolbox with specialized spatial and fourier filters like Histogram Equalization, Gaussian LPF, Slope recitification in X and Y etc.
Nano-Lithography Applying controlled voltage pulses to the sample (-10V to +10V )
Operating System UbiKewti Linux LiveDVD (with installation option)


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Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite

  • Size 10mm x 10mm x 1 mm
  •   Appearance
  • Silver grey, layered Grade

We supply and fabricate various samples used frequently while using the STMs. Kindly Contact usfor getting any of the items listed below.

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Tip Fabrication Unit

nanoETCHTMTip Fabrication Unit :The quality of images obtained, using an STM, is critically dependent on thenature of the probing tip. The nanoETCH unit is used for preparation of tungsten tips by electro-chemical etching process.

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Liquid Chromatographs System

GC772x series of Gas/Liquid Chromatographs precisely separates the constituents present in an injected gas/liquid sample. Along withWinQCDS Quazar Chromatography Data Acquisition-Analysis Software, it becomes really a very versatile, user-friendly and a powerful chemical analysis tool.

Take a look at the critical specifications ofGC772xseries of Gas/Liquid Chromatographs.

  • Oven temperature range 2oC above ambient to 450oC.
  • Temperature stability 0.03oC.
  • Minimum detectable limit less than 5 pg of carbon as ethylene using N2carrier.
  • Linear dynamic range 107.

  • WinQCDS 9.0an advanced instrument Control and Data Analysis Software.
  • Versatile peak detection & editing tools.
  • Bunching, Savitsky-Golay & Adaptive Filtering for noise reduction.
  • Precise area calculations algorithms.

  • Choice of split-less and/or split injectors.
  • Rapid auto cooling of oven without door opening.
  • Auto flame out protection.
  • State of the art electro-pneumatic flow control.
  • EPCpressure stability 0.005 psi.
  • EPCflow stability 0.005 ml/min.

Operating Temperature Range 4°C above ambient to 450ºC
Temperature Control PID type
Temperature Programming 7 ramps from keypad & as many as desired from PC
Skin temp. (at temp. 450ºC) Less than 20ºC above ambient
Cooling rate (450ºC to 70ºC) <9 minutes
Volume of the inner oven 15 L (23.5 cm x 24.5 cm x 26.0 cm)
Max. Temp. gradient +/-0.5ºC (over the column)
Temperature Stability 0.03ºC
Temp Set-point Resolution 1ºC
Ramp Resolution 0.1ºC/min


Ramp Rates(Oven)
Temp. range( ºC ) Ramp rates(ºC/Min )
50-70 >70
70-115 >50
115-175 >45
175-300 >40
300-400 >25
400-450 >15


Flame Ionisation Detector (FID)
Max. Operating Temperature 450ºC
Temp Set-point Resolution 1ºC
Minimum Detectable Limit <5 pg of carbon/s as ethylene
using N2 carrier
Sensitivity 0.008 Coulombs/gC
Linear Dynamic range 107
No. of settings for enhanced/attenuated sensitivity 2 (0.1 & 0.01µAFS)
Sampling rate 10/50Hz
Noise @ 10Hz & 10,000pA F.S. <5µV(50fA)
Auto flame out protection Yes


Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)
Interchangeable analyzer & reference columns.
Two & 4-filament designs.
Built-in filament burn-out protection.
Flow regulation by electro-pneumatic controls.
Very low baseline noise.


Inlets available Split / Splitless with purge
Max. Operating temperature 450ºC
Temperature Control PID type
Temp Set-point Resolution 1ºC


Installation Requirements
Dimensions 79cm x 50cm x 51cm (BxDxH)
Power Requirement 220Vac/50Hz (stabilized) 3KVA max.
Operating Temperature 0ºC to 50ºC
Weight 48kg


Electro-Pneumatic Flow
Modes of operation
Packed Pressure Controlled
Packed Flow Controlled
Capillary Pressure Controlled
Capillary Flow Controlled Without Split
Capillary Flow Controlled With Split
Pressure stability < 0.005 psi
Flow stability < 0.005 ml/min.
Max. Pressure Control Point 100 psi
Max. Flow Control Point 100 ml/min.
Flow/Pressure Programming
Number of ramps & holds As per user requirement
Number of lines Controlled 5 (packed) & 7 (capillary)


Computer Controlled Operation
Number of login levels 3
Monitoring Resolution :
Flow 10-6 ml/min.
Pressures 10-6 psi
Temperatures 0.01oC


System Noise, Wander, Drift
Background Current < 8 pA @ 50oC
Wander < 0.5 pA
Iso-thermal drift < 0.1 pA in 1 hour
Drift under temperature programming from 50oC to 200oC @ 10oC/min <2  pA
(The drift due to coloumn bleed is much larger.)

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Conducting Silver Ink

  • Quick Drying (< 1 min)
  • No adhesive properties.
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