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Pyramid Tatva
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Vastu Pyramids

Our offered Product range includes Green Aventurine Stone Pyramid, Amethyst Orgone Pyramid, Kyanite Orgone Pyramid, Rose Quartz Orgone Pyramid and Black Tourmaline Stone Pyramid.

Green Aventurine Stone Pyramid

  • Stone Name Green Aventurine
  • Color Green
  • Shape Pyramid
  • Size 2 - 2.5 inches
  • Type Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Quality High Quality
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Amethyst Orgone Pyramid

  • Size 2- 2.5 inches
  • Material Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Color Purple
  • Stone Name Amethyst Orgone
  • Amethyst One of the most effective Stone for healing. Amethyst is an excellent stone for diplomats.
  • Benefits Amethyst Helps Clear Out Blocks to the New Higher Energies, and Will Help You Make Connection.
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Kyanite Orgone Pyramid

  • Size 2- 2.5 inches
  • Material Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Stone Name Kyanite
  • Benefits Kyanite is an excellent stone for meditation and attunement. It will not retain negative vibrations
  • Weight As per size
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Rose Quartz Orgone Pyramid

  • Size 2- 2.5 inches
  • Material Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Color Pink
  • Stone Name Rose Quartz
  • Weight As per size
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Black Tourmaline Stone Pyramid

  • Color Black
  • Shape Pyramid
  • Feature Black Tourmaline With Mica
  • Size 2 - 2.5 inches
  • Type Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Stone Name Black Tourmaline
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Sodalite Stone Pyramid

  • Stone Name Sodalite Stone
  • Color Natural
  • Shape Pyramid
  • Size 2 - 2.5 inches
  • Type Natural Healing Crystal Stone
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Green Aventurine Orgone Pyramid

  • Size 2- 2.5 inches
  • Material Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Color Green
  • Stone Name Green Aventurine
  • Weight As per size
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Carnelian Orgone Pyramid

  • Size 2- 2.5 inches
  • Material Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Color Brown
  • Stone Name Carnelian
  • Weight As per size
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Tiger Eye Stone Pyramid

  • Shape Pyramid
  • Color Natural
  • Size 2 - 2.5 Inches
  • Type Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Stone Name Tiger Eye Stone
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Mahogany Obsidian Stone Pyramid

  • Color Natural
  • Shape Pyramid
  • Size 2 - 2.5 Inches
  • Type Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Stone Name Mahogany Obsidian
  • Quality High Quality
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Quartz Pyramids

Our company is a premium Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Quartz Pyramids from Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. Our Quartz Pyramids are widely preferred by clients for eliminating negative energy from their lives and bring peace to their soul. We offer greatly beneficial Quartz pyramid and raw stones to our clients at highly affordable rates.

Details :Quartz belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet. Charged with Earth Power of the Transformer, they are great aid in seeking new avenues towards transformation of life and relationships. This quartz is widely used to remove negativity and to connect with the energies of the earth. Smoky quartz is associated with upper chakras of the body and helps the chakras to connect with lower chakras thus balancing the energies in all chakras. It is a very good filter of negative energy from the environment and brings peacefulness in life of the user. Smoky Quartz represents Wood Energy which is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a house or room. It is corresponding with the Family and Health area along with Prosperity and Abundance in ones life. This pyramid could be used in the East area of a room or house which will help in Qui, the Universal Life Force flowing properly there. Also Smoky quartz will enhance energy flow aiding and guiding your efforts towards making contributions in enhancement of family and community. Due to its property smoky quartz is considered to be a very effective grounding crystal, often called as stone of the soul.

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Rose Quartz Pyramid

80 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 1 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Product Code 6

The mentioned price is for 1 inch Rose Quartz Pyramid

Can upgrade the size to 2 and 3 inches.

Rose Quartz belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet. Rose Quartz which corresponds to the feminine (Naari) energy has the red aspect of passion and power toned down, making it the stone of love and romance and is a very powerful crystal in the seeker crystal family. Rose quartz crystals are the natural birthstones of those born during October 22November 20 (SCORPIO) A very grounding crystal, this rose quartz pyramid is associated with the Root (Mooladhar) chakra and is used for realignment and healing of Root (Mooladhar) chakra. Rose quartz represents fire energy and denotes energy of warmth, brightness, illumination. It should be used as an accent and accessory. Rose quartz should be used in rooms where energy is focused on activity. The best areas for rose quartz pyramids are North, Northeast, South and Southwest.

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Red Jasper Pyramid

199 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 1 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 6

The mentioned price is for 1 inch Red Jasper Pyramid

Can upgrade the size to 2 and 3 inches.

Red Jasper belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet. Energy of pure red and joy of orange combined by Scarlet represents the color of strength and rejuvenation both physically and spiritually. This Jasper pyramid is significantly beneficial for all those for whom physical strength is vital. A very grounding crystal, this Jasper pyramid is associated with the Root (Mooladhar) chakra and is used for realignment and healing of Root (Mooladhar) chakra. Red as a color is natural birthstone for those born during 22 Oct 20 Nov (SCORPIO). However being associated with planet mercury it is also astrologically connected with GEMINI (21 May 21 Jun). Representing Fire Energy this Jasper pyramid is used in the south area of a house or room. Fire elemental energy which is Yang in nature denotes the energy of brightness, illumination and warmth.

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Red Aventurine Pyramid

199 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 1 inch Red Aventurine Pyramid
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva

This listing is for only 1 Red Aventurine Pyramid

Size - 1 inch Red Aventurine Pyramid

Can you upgrade 2 or 3 inch

Traditionally Red Aventurine is used to enhance creativity, prosperity and balancing of Male (Purush) and Female (Naari) energies. It is considered to be a balancing stone with the ability to ground excess energy from the chakras, thus making them harmonize and balanced with each other.

The Red color of Aventurine is natural birthstone for those born under zodiac sign of ARIES

Red Aventurine corresponds to the thymus chakra and nervous system therefore it helps in balancing the blood pressure and skin related problems. This pyramid could be used to address energy balance issues not only on physical but also on spiritual level. This is also a great tool to absorb and reduce the electromagnetic and environmental negative energies; hence a grid of red aventurine could be used to balance energies in home, office or sacred places.

Useful for Positive Energy Generator, Healing, Meditation, Peace of Mind, Balancing & Concentration

This beautiful set is an excellent gift for Anniversaries, Brides, Wedding Party, Holiday, Graduations, Birthdays, or just as a surprise to remind that special someone how much you care. It brings an elegant and graceful look to any special occasion.

Wonderful stone for Seven Chakras Healing.

This item can be used as healing tool, healing of Seven Chakra, gift for her, gift for him, gift for mother, gift for father, best gifts

Root Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Orange Selenite Pyramid

1,399 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 2 or 2.5 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva

Selenite crystals work to help you to bring light down from the higher realms into the physical body, to create personal transformation.The white or transparent crystals have a strong vibration that may open the crown chakra and the soul star chakra. This will assist you to contact the Divine Mind and to access the Angelic realm.These are high vibration crystals, that also deliver clarity of mind, by cleansing the aura of negative energy build up, both within the physical and the etheric body.Using White Selenite can be powerful for activating dormant abilities from past lives. It has the capacity to take you to the higher realms, which often happens quickly.Selenite crystals are high vibration stones that will move your spiritual growth forward quickly. They are a stone of the third eye chakra, the crown chakra and the soul star chakra.By opening the crown chakra, this stone allows you to access the transpersonal chakras, from the eighth chakra through to the fourteenth chakra.Use this stone at the heart chakra or third eye first, and you may find that you will feel the energy moving through the crown chakra.Once it clears any negativity or distortions from the crown chakra, the energy is then free to flow via the stellar gateway to the soul star chakra.Many of you that have incarnated at this time have been spiritually active in past lives, and developed gifts and talents that your higher self still remembers.Using Selenite may help you to learn how to be psychic, as it has a strong vibration. This stone may act as a conduit to other dimensions, as you remember your past lives in different places.

Sacral Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Orange Moonstone Pyramid

199 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 6

The mentioned price is for 1 inch Orange Moonstone Pyramid

Can upgrade the size to 2 and 3 inches.

Moonstone also called as stone for travelers is known for its quality of protection especially at night. It is said to be most powerful protection amulet on water when moon is shining. It is also considered to be an effective aid for enhancing the personality. Moonstone with its powerful barrier quality embedded in its crystalline structure it is effective in keeping undesired tatvas out of ones life. With its earth power of a filter it keeps the positive energy flow and filters out negative energy. As a grounding stone it also helps in providing mental stability and harmonizing the seeker. Moonstone has a long lasting soothing quality which brings calmness on the emotional aspect and peace on the physical level. It has an energy which balances the emotions piled up in subconscious and thus contain outburst of emotions. When placed at the centre of chin (Moon Center) it stimulates confidence and composure.

Crown Chakra  
Third Eye Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Yellow Aventurine Pyramid

199 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 1 inch
  • Reward Points 6

The mentioned price is for 1 inch Yellow Aventurine Pyramid,

Yellow Aventurine which is exuding the yellow aura is representation of Solar Plexus (Manipur) chakra. It is great tool to activate and balance the solar plexus (Manipur) Chakra and also help in balancing the Sacral (Swadhisthan) chakra helping a seeker to be more balanced in decision making and in relations.

The yellow color of Aventurine is natural birthstone for those born under zodiac sign of ARIES

The energy of Yellow Aventurine pyramid can be used to address issues related to power and control. It helps one to focus inwards and be aware of self, leading to calmness and compassion in ones attitude. This is also a great tool to absorb and reduce the electromagnetic and environmental negative energies.

As it is a balancing stone and balances the Ying-Yang energies it helps in being more creative and stable in approach towards life and others. It is also known to be a aid in easing migraine headaches and sinus issues.

Solar Plexus Chakra  
Sacral Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Green Aventurine Pyramid

199 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 1 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 6

The mentioned price is for 1 inch Green Aventurine Pyramid,

Can be upgrade the size to 2 and 3 inches.

Green Aventurine belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet.

Charged with Earth Power of the Transformer, they are great aid in seeking new avenues towards transformation of life and relationships. Green Aventurine is widely used to remove negativity and to connect with the energies of the earth. It is also considered to be a tool integrated with the energy to provide long term financial security and stability. Green Aventurine represents Wood Energy which is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a house or room. It is corresponding with the Family and Health area along with Prosperity and Abundance in ones life. This pyramid could be used in the East area of a room or house which will help in Qui, the Universal Life Force flowing properly there. Also Green Aventurine will enhance energy flow aiding and guiding your efforts towards making contributions in enhancement of family and community. Green Aventurine is used for meditation ritual wherein it is used initially for grounding and stabilizing prior to using other crystal forms. Green Aventurine also helps in harmonizing ones energy in attunement with the cosmos thus giving a feeling of oneness with higher self. It is also known to be a stone of hope and joy.

Heart Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Lapis Lazuli Orgonite Pyramid

999 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 2 to 2.5 Inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva

Lapis is known to be crystal with Enhancer quality. With cubic symmetry and internal harmony, they can focus and amplify our energy on lifes improvement facets which are desired to be accomplished. This Lapis Lazuli with its inherent earth power filters negative emotions and tatvas away from the seeker. It helps bring out the most positive attitude towards life and other earthlings. Lapis with dark blue texture helps in enhancing mutual trust and respect for self and others, it helps in bringing out the tenderness within one and a feeling to help and serve others. Blue is the true birthstones color of those born during February 20March 19 (PISCES). Also being associated with planets Neptune and Venus it is astrologically associated with SAGITTARIUS (20 Nov 19 Dec). Lapis Lazuli corresponds with the Throat (Vishudha) Chakra, the very source of expression of energy from other chakras.
Lapis represents water energy and is symbolized with blue color.Lapis Lazuli Angel can be used to bring the flowing water tatva into your house and life to focus on exploring your true potential. Waters elemental energy is traditionally associated with the North area of a house or room and represents life path. Waters elemental energy could be used to have consistency and forward momentum in life. Lapis is also believed to be a great enhancer in mental clarity, creative self expression and spirituality.

Third Eye Chakra  
Throat Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Moonstone Pyramid

199 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 1 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 6

The mentioned price is for 1 inch Moonstone Pyramid,

Can be upgraded the size to 2 and 3 inches

Moonstone also called as stone for travelers is known for its quality of protection especially at night. It is said to be most powerful protection amulet on water when moon is shining. It is also considered to be an effective aid for enhancing the personality. Moonstone with its powerful barrier quality embedded in its crystalline structure it is effective in keeping undesired tatvas out of ones life. With its earth power of a filter it keeps the positive energy flow and filters out negative energy. As a grounding stone it also helps in providing mental stability and harmonizing the seeker. Moonstone has a long lasting soothing quality which brings calmness on the emotional aspect and peace on the physical level. It has an energy which balances the emotions piled up in subconscious and thus contain outburst of emotions. When placed at the centre of chin (Moon Center) it stimulates confidence and composure.

Moonstone is the stone for those born under the zodiac sign of CANCER. Moonstone has metal elemental energy which represents energy of healing, creativity and intelligence. It represents bonding and harmonization at both physical and spiritual level. This pyramid should be used in the west area of house or room.

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Labradorite Pyramid

199 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 1 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 6

The mentioned price is for 1 inch Labradorite Pyramid

Can upgraded the size to 2 and 3 inches.

Labradorite is known to be a very rare and powerful Crystal, very effective as a barrier with its inner form of a trapezium giving crystal strength in all directions. This crystal pyramid is very effective for all round protection. As a tool of protection it can be used for shielding ones aura against all negative energies and misadventure and hence these crystals are known as true protection crystals. The blue color of Labradorite represents birthstone color of those born during February 20March 19 (PISCES).

Labradorite is associated with the Throat (Vishudha) Chakra, the very source of expression of energy from other chakras. Labradorite represents water energy and is symbolized with blue color. Labradorite pyramids can be used to bring the flowing water tatva into your house and life to focus on exploring your true potential. Waters elemental energy is traditionally associated with the North area of a house or room and represents life path. Waters elemental energy could be used to have consistency and forward momentum in life. Some call Labradorite as "Stone of Magic" and is believed to enhance ones power to connect with higher self and awaken clairvoyance, telepathy and prophecy.

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Tiger Eye Pyramid

225 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 1 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 6

The mentioned price is for 1 inch Tiger Eye Pyramid,

Can upgrade the size to 2 and 3 inches.

Tiger eye with a mix of yellow and golden brown aura has ability to magnify and focus energy of intention. Clubbed with the power of pyramid this is a very effective tool for manifestation of desires specially when stated clearly

Tiger eye is also known to be a combination of earth and sun energy wherein it helps in drawing spiritual energy to earth and transmuting them to the lower chakras. It helps in balancing and harmonizing along with being stable and focused. It is also known to be a protection stone for travelers and also attracts energy to aid in rise of kundalini Shakti.

Being associated with Solar Plexus (Manipur) Chakra it is known to be helpful in giving courage at the time of need. It is astrologically connected with people born under the zodiac signs of CAPRICORRN and LEO.

Solar Plexus Chakra  
Sacral Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Clear Quartz Pyramid

199 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 1 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 6

The mentioned price is for 1 inch Clear Quartz Crystal pyramid,

Can upgrade the size to 2 and 3 inches.

Quartz belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet. Charged with Earth Power of the Transformer, they form crystals which are great aid in seeking new avenues towards transformation of life. It is believed that quartz has high Energy sourcing from earth. Earth energy is traditionally associated with the Northeast and Southwest areas of a house or room, representing the Skills and Knowledge and the area of Love and Relationship. Earth energy represents the energy of stability, balance, and resourcefulness in abundance around us and felt in the energies of mountains, the plains, the shore, and the valleys. A clear quartz pyramid helps in stabilizing the emotions and anchoring one to the earth energy besides filtering all the negative tatvas in ones life.

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