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Pyramid Tatva
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Gymnastics, Sports Equipment & Goods

We offer a complete product range of Carnelian Sphere Ball, Bloodstone Sphere Ball, Lapis Lazuli Sphere Ball, Rose Quartz Sphere Ball and Selenite Sphere Ball

Carnelian Sphere Ball

  • Size 1.5 - 2 Inches
  • Material Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Color Natural
  • Weight As per size
  • Feature Perfect Shape
  • Stone Name Carnelian
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Bloodstone Sphere Ball

  • Material Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Color Natural
  • Stone Name Bloodstone
  • Size 2 - 2.5 Inches
  • Weight As per size
  • Feature Perfect Shape

Ball Sphere - Blood Stone size - 2 - 2.5 inches Natural Healing Crystal Stone

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Lapis Lazuli Sphere Ball

  • Size 1.5 - 2 Inches
  • Material Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Color Blue
  • Weight As per size
  • Feature Perfect Shape
  • Stone Name Lapis Lazuli
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Rose Quartz Sphere Ball

  • Size 2 - 2.5 inches
  • Material Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Color Natural
  • Weight As per size
  • Stone Name Rose Quartz
  • Feature Perfect Shape
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Selenite Sphere Ball

  • Size 2 - 2.5 Inches
  • Material Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Color Natural
  • Weight As per size
  • Feature Perfect Shape
  • Stone Name Selenite
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Natural Lapis Lazuli Orgone Ball

1,499 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 2 inch
  • Reward Points 20

Lapis is known to be crystal with Enhancer quality. With cubic symmetry and internal harmony, they can focus and amplify our energy on lifes improvement facets which are desired to be accomplished. This Lapis Lazuli pyramid with its inherent earth power filters negative emotions and tatvas away from the seeker. It helps bring out the most positive attitude towards life and other earthlings. Lapis with dark blue texture helps in enhancing mutual trust and respect for self and others, it helps in bringing out the tenderness within one and a feeling to help and serve others. Blue is the true birthstones color of those born during February 20March 19 (PISCES). Also being associated with planets Neptune and Venus it is astrologically associated with SAGITTARIUS (20 Nov - 19 Dec). Lapis Lazuli corresponds with the Throat (Vishudha) Chakra, the very source of expression of energy from other chakras.Lapis represents water energy and is symbolized with blue color. Lapis Lazuli pyramids can be used to bring the flowing water tatva into your house and life to focus on exploring your true potential. Waters elemental energy is traditionally associated with the North area of a house or room and represents life path. Waters elemental energy could be used to have consistency and forward momentum in life. Lapis is also believed to be a great enhancer in mental clarity, creative self expression and spirituality.

Crown Chakra  
Third Eye Chakra  
Throat Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Amethyst Ball

1,499 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Weight 250 gram , 500 gram and 1000 gram
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 5

The Above Mentioned Cost will be for 500 gram and it will comprise spheres of different weight accumulating to around 500 grams.
Can upgrade the quantity to 1 kg.
Amethyst ball, which contains manganese, is a popular purple-colored variety of quartz. The darkness of purple shade depends on the iron content in the stone.
Amethyst Ball helps in transmuting lower vibrations to higher frequencies thereby transforming negative energy to positive energy. It also connects the physical with the higher realm. This quartz corresponds to the Third (Aagya) Chakra and provides peaceful energy for meditation and developing varied psychic abilities. It also opens and activates the Crown (Sahastra) Chakra and allows connection to the higher self, leading to spiritual awareness and wisdom.
Amethyst is also known to heal and balance ones aura. Amethyst is associated with people born under the zodiac signs of AQUARIUS, CAPRICORN, PISCES and VIRGO.

Crown Chakra  
Third Eye Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Black Agate Ball

799 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 150 - 200 gm
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva

About Crystal -Black Agate brings the Great Spirit into ones life. Attracts good fortune. Increases concentration and clarity. Promotes good will. Aids in overcoming flaws, fears, and loneliness. Removes jinxes, helps eliminate bad luck. Has a calming effect during times of stress. Gives a sense of strength and courage. Encourages fertility. Powerful healer. Especially beneficial for bone marrow and allergies.Black Agate is used for Protection, Courage, Success. It is worn for courage and success in competitions. Agate is believed to improve mental functions and can help where issues of clarity and stability are concerned. Agate is also helpful in overcoming negative emotions by bringing love into the chakras. Although they work very slowly and deliberately, this gentle nature of Agate helps it to have a lasting impact.

Root Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Black Tourmaline Ball

999 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Weight 250 gram , 500 gram and 1000 gram
  • Reward Points 8

The Above Mentioned Cost will be for 500 gram and it will comprise spheres of different weight accumulating to around 500 grams.

Can upgrade the quantity to 1 kg.

Black Tourmaline is a very effective grounding stone with multiple uses. It helps in giving calming effect and draws negative energy from a person. It is also known to transform dense energy into lighter vibration thus providing vitality and stability.

Being a grounding stone it is effective to attain meditative state and helps the user to have insight into ones life. It also helps one to connect to the higher self and realize the true meaning of life and purpose.

Black Tourmaline is associated with Root (Mooladhar) Chakra and its regular use helps in balancing and harmonizing the energy of this chakra which is also a centre for kundalini Shakti. This ball could be used during meditation with focus and intention of harmony and stability. It will provide calmness and stability along with smooth transition to the meditative state. The astrological sign for Black tourmaline is CAPRICORN.

This ball could also be used to draw away the negative energies emitting from the electromagnetic equipments and also environmental pollution.

Sacral Chakra  
Root Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Bloodstone Ball

1,299 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Weight 250 gram , 500 gram and 1000 gram
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva

The mentioned Cost will be for 500 gram and it will comprise spheres of different weight accumulating to around 500 grams.

Blood Stone belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet.Charged with Earth Power of the Transformer, they are great aid in seeking new avenues towards transformation of life and relationships. Blood Stone is widely used to remove negativity and to connect with the energies of the earth. It is also considered to be a stone integrated with the energy to provide long term financial security and stability.Blood Stone represents Wood Energy which is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a house or room. It is corresponding with the Family and Health area along with Prosperity and Abundance in ones life.This stone could be used in the East area of a room or house which will help in Qui, the Universal Life Force flowing properly there. Also Blood Stone will enhance energy flow aiding and guiding your efforts towards making contributions in enhancement of family and community.Blood Stone is used for meditation ritual wherein it is used initially for grounding and stabilizing prior to using other crystal forms. It helps in easy transition to the meditative state. It is called Bloodstone because it is often found as dark green in color with red inclusions which look like drops of blood.

Sacral Chakra  
Root Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Green Green Aventurine BallBall

1,199 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Weight 250 gram , 500 gram and 1000 gram
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 12

The Above Mentioned Cost will be for 500 gram and it will comprise spheres of different weight accumulating to around 500 grams.

Can upgrade the quantity to 1 kg.

Green Aventurine belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet.

Charged with Earth Power of the Transformer, they are great aid in seeking new avenues towards transformation of life and relationships. Green Aventurine is widely used to remove negativity and to connect with the energies of the earth. It is also considered to be a tool integrated with the energy to provide long term financial security and stability. Green Aventurine represents Wood Energy which is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a house or room. It is corresponding with the Family and Health area along with Prosperity and Abundance in ones life. This ball could be used in the East area of a room or house which will help in Qui, the Universal Life Force flowing properly there. Also Green Aventurine will enhance energy flow aiding and guiding your efforts towards making contributions in enhancement of family and community. Green Aventurine is used for meditation ritual wherein it is used initially for grounding and stabilizing prior to using other crystal forms. Green Aventurine also helps in harmonizing ones energy in attunement with the cosmos thus giving a feeling of oneness with higher self. It is also known to be a stone of hope and joy.

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Golden Pyrite Ball

999 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Weight 250 gram , 500 gram and 1000 gram.
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 10

Pyrite is often called Fools Gold. Within its beauty is a stone of hidden fire, one that can be sparked to life by striking it against metal or stone. An Earth element, it also resonates with Fire energy, symbolizing the warmth and lasting presence of the sun and the ability to generate wealth by ones own power. It is masculine in nature, a stone of action, vitality and will, and taps into ones abilities and potential, stimulating the flow of ideas. It brings confidence and the persistence to carry things through to completion.

As a talisman, Pyrite is a unique protector, drawing energy from the Earth through the physical body and into the aura creating a defensive shield against negative energies, environmental pollutants, emotional attack and physical harm. It also supports one with a spirit of boldness and assertive action when protecting others, the planet, or in standing up for important issues of community. It stimulates the Second and Third Chakras, enhancing will power and the ability to see behind facades to what is real.

A piece of Pyrite in the home or workplace energizes the area around it and imparts an immediate increase in vitality. It overcomes intellectual fatigue due to overwork and tiredness of the nervous system by stimulating blood flow to the brain, increasing mental clarity, focus and recall.

Pyrite is particularly stimulating to the Third, or Solar Plexus Chakra, the energy distribution center and the chakra of relationships. This chakra is located between the ribcage and navel, and controls the immune and digestive systems.

Golden Pyrite also identifies with the Sacral (Swadhisthan) Chakra, or Second Chakra, located below the naval and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body. Pyrite is an excellent tool for manifestation, allowing one to draw high-frequency energy into the physical body and utilizing it to take action in creating abundance for ones life.

Solar Plexus Chakra  
Sacral Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Garnet Ball

1,400 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Weight 250 gram , 500 gram and 1000 gram
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 12

The Above Mentioned Cost will be for 500 gram and it will comprise spheres of different weight accumulating to around 500 grams.

Can upgrade the quantity to 1 kg.

Garnet is found almost everywhere in world in a variety of chemical composition and colour. A stone of creativity, it grounds the spirit forces within the body and helps in the ability to work on physical plane. It is a stone of intense feelings Garnet is a Stone of Health, extracting negative energy from the chakras, and transmuting the energy to a beneficial state. It has been used to reduce body toxins, purify vital organs and blood, and assists in assimilation of vitamins and minerals. Emotionally it provides a protective and calming influence during use and is thought to heal melancholy and depression, strengthening the survival instinct, and bringing courage and hope into critical situations. It is also used to deal with nightmare and depression Garnet is useful in a crisis, in situations where there seems to be no way out or where life has fragmented. It fortifies, activates, and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope into those situations. Garnet also acts as a strong help to balance the energy system, stimulate desires and uplift your attitude. It can prevent fears of insecurity and even money losses. Garnet stimulates from both the Base (Mooladhar) and Crown (Sahastra) chakras to provide for free flow of movement via the spinal column and the inner pathway of light, distributing the appropriate amount of energy to each portion of the body. Garnet sharpens your perceptions of yourself and other people. It dissolves ingrained behavior patterns that are no longer serving you, and helps you let go of obsolete ideas. Garnet Ball removes inhibitions and taboos, opening up the heart and bestowing self-confidence.

Crown Chakra  
Root Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Conglomerate Ball

1,255 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva

The mentioned price is for 400 - 500 grams of ball.

All Chakras  
Mix Color
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Clear Quartz Ball Standard

1,199 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Weight 250 gram , 500 gram and 1000 gram
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 18

The Above Mentioned Cost will be for 500 gram and it will comprise spheres of different weight accumulating to around 500 grams.

Can upgrade the quantity to 1 kg.
Quartz belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet. Charged with Earth Power of the Transformer, they form crystals which are great aid in seeking new avenues towards transformation of life. It is believed that quartz has high Energy sourcing from earth. Earth energy is traditionally associated with the Northeast and Southwest areas of a house or room, representing the Skills and Knowledge and the area of Love and Relationship. Earth energy represents the energy of stability, balance, and resourcefulness in abundance around us and felt in the energies of mountains, the plains, the shore, and the valleys. A clear quartz ball helps in stabilizing the emotions and anchoring one to the earth energy besides filtering all the negative tatvas in ones life.

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Clear Quartz Ball High Quality

2,200 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Weight 250 gram , 500 gram and 1000 gram
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva

The Above Mentioned Cost will be for 500 gram and it will comprise spheres of different weight accumulating to around 500 grams.

Can upgrade the quantity to 1 kg.

Quartz belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet.Charged with Earth Power of the Transformer, they form crystals which are great aid in seeking new avenues towards transformation of life.It is believed that quartz has high Energy sourcing from earth. Earth energy is traditionally associated with the Northeast and Southwest areas of a house or room, representing the Skills and Knowledge and the area of Love and Relationship. Earth energy represents the energy of stability, balance, and resourcefulness in abundance around us and felt in the energies of mountains, the plains, the shore, and the valleys.A clear quartz stone helps in stabilizing the emotions and anchoring one to the earth energy besides filtering all the negative tatvas in ones life.

All Chakras  
Zodiac Sign
All Zodiacs
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Citrine Ball

1,499 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Weight 250 gram , 500 gram and 1000 gram
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 8

The mentioned Cost will be for 500 gram and it will comprise spheres of different weight accumulating to around 500 grams.

Citrine is a premier stone of manifestation, imagination, and personal will. Carrying the power of the sun, it is warm and comforting, energizing and life giving. It stimulates the chakras like the sunlight of spring, clearing the mind and stirring the soul to action. Its frequency awakens creativity and imagination, and sustains the process of transforming dreams and wishes into tangible form. With its pure yellow energy, Citrine encourages fullness of life, fresh beginnings and new pursuits.Natural Citrine does not hold or accumulate negative energy, but rather transmutes, dissipates, and grounds it, making it extremely protective for the environment. It works out problems on both the physical and subtle levels, transforming negative thoughts and feelings into positive ones. It is one of only two crystals on Earth that never needs to be cleared or cleansed. The other is Kyanite.Citrine not only assists in acquiring wealth, but also helps in maintaining it. It is a stone of abundance and manifestation, attracting wealth and prosperity, success and all things good. It is an excellent crystal for interpersonal relationships both for development and easing strained relations.

Solar Plexus Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Calcite Ball

2,499 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Weight 250 gram , 500 gram and 1000 gram
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 38

The Above Mentioned Cost will be for 500 gram and it will comprise spheres of different weight accumulating to around 500 grams.

Can upgrade the quantity to 1 kg.

Calcite increments and opens up vitality. This makes it a phenomenal stone for separation mending, and also different sorts of recuperating. One of the energies it opens up is learning capacities, and subsequently is an incredible stone for understudies.Calcite is a securing, establishing and focusing stone, and can bring internal peace. Since calcite likewise advances inventiveness and creative ability, this internal peace it can bring is a dynamic one.

Calcite has been said to build success. It can likewise be useful in astral travel and in directing, and in addition expanding instinct. Calcite is likewise a stone of most profound sense of being and intelligence.All calcite is useful in diminishing of apprehension and decreasing anxiety. Calcite is most likely the head chemical of put away negative energies in the human framework, and takes a shot at all levels from the physical to the etheric. This makes it an extremely decontaminating stone. It can likewise be utilized to clear cynicism in the earth, for example, a room that it's in. Optical calcite (Iceland Spar) is especially useful for bringing would like to dreadful or distressing circumstances.

Solar Plexus Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Iolite Ball

1,200 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Weight 250 gram , 500 gram and 1000 gram
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva

The Above Mentioned Cost will be for 500 gram and it will comprise spheres of different weight accumulating to around 500 grams.

Can upgrade the size to 1 kg.

Iolite is considered to be associated with the Third Eye (Aagya) Chakra and also corresponds to the Crown (Sahastra) Chakra. It is ideal stone for people having spiritual orientation and is believed to develop intuitive powers with vivid visions and dreams. Iolite is also believed to enhance the seeker ability of the person enabling one to connect to spiritual self and higher self.Also known as messenger stone, Iolite helps in enhancing ones ability to listen to ones inner voice and stay outside of its ego self to know the spiritual messages incarnated within a person.It is also known to be an excellent aid in addressing the relationship issues. When ones false ego image is identified a seeker tends to be more empathetic and understanding to others, thereby bringing more clarity and transparency in relationships.Iolite can be used as a talisman or as a meditative tool to connect with one self. It is considered to be astrologically connected with zodiac sign of TAURUS and LIBRA.

Crown Chakra  
Third Eye Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Blue Sodalite Ball

799 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Weight 150 - 200 gm
  • Bran d Pyramid tatva

About Crystal -Sodalite stone has a strong vibration that is particularly helpful to aid the development of psychic abilities and with developing intuition.It may help you to understand the patterns behind such things as astrology and the tarot.This stone may help you if you are doing public speaking and is excellent to aid communication generally.It has strong metaphysical properties that may stimulate latent creative abilities and it aids teachers, writers and students to understand the deeper philosophical principles.It will bring your attention to the qualities of idealism and truth and its energy may stimulate you to live up to your own ideals and ideas, about the nature of truth.

Throat Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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