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Pyramid Tatva
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Our Complete range of products are Clear Quartz Angel, Green Aventurine Angel 1, Opalite Angel, Tiger Eye Angel and Red Jasper Angel.

Clear Quartz Angel

250 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 2 inch
  • Color Transparent
  • Reward Points 5
  • Chakra All Chakras
  • Zodiac Sign All Zodiacs

Quartz belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet. Charged with Earth Power of the Transformer, they form crystals which are great aid in seeking new avenues towards transformation of life. It is believed that quartz has high Energy sourcing from earth. Earth energy is traditionally associated with the Northeast and Southwest areas of a house or room, representing the Skills and Knowledge and the area of Love and Relationship. Earth energy represents the energy of stability, balance, and resourcefulness in abundance around us and felt in the energies of mountains, the plains, the shore, and the valleys. A clear quartz angel helps in stabilizing the emotions and anchoring one to the earth energy besides filtering all the negative tatvas in ones life.

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Green Aventurine Angel 1

350 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Size 2 inch
  • Color Green
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Chakra Heart Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Taurus

Green Aventurine belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet.

Charged with Earth Power of the Transformer, they are great aid in seeking new avenues towards transformation of life and relationships. Green Aventurine is widely used to remove negativity and to connect with the energies of the earth. It is also considered to be a tool integrated with the energy to provide long term financial security and stability.

Green Aventurine represents Wood Energy which is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a house or room. It is corresponding with the Family and Health area along with Prosperity and Abundance in ones life.

This stone could be used in the East area of a room or house which will help in Qui, the Universal Life Force flowing properly there. Also Green Aventurine will enhance energy flow aiding and guiding your efforts towards making contributions in enhancement of family and community.

Green Aventurine is used for meditation ritual wherein it is used initially for grounding and stabilizing prior to using other crystal forms. Green Aventurine also helps in harmonizing ones energy in attunement with the cosmos thus giving a feeling of oneness with higher self. It is also known to be a stone of hope and joy.

Mentioned Price is for 1 inch of angel.

Useful for Positive Energy Genrator, Healing, Meditation, Peace of Mind, Balancing & Concentration

This beautiful set is an excellent gift for Anniversaries, Brides, Wedding Party, Holiday, Graduations, Birthdays, or just as a surprise to remind that special someone how much you care. It brings an elegant and graceful look to any special occasion.

Wonderful stone for Seven Chakras Healing.

This item can be used as healing tool, healing of Seven Chakra, gift for her, gift for him, gift for mother, gift for father, best gifts

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Opalite Angel

499 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 2 inch
  • Color White
  • Reward Points 20
  • Chakra All Chakras
  • Zodiac Sign Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces

Opalite is a stone of motivation which improves creative energy and inventiveness. It can breath life into motivation to ventures and Spirit. Its own soul is on occasion like that of a kid suddenly playing, dashing shading any place it satisfies. Conveying this inventive suddenness into the domain of you life can bring solid imagination.

Opalitehas a bigger extent of water in it than most stones and is viewed as a water stone. This can facilitate the exertion of taking care of progress in life. Like water moves over and past rocks and establishes in its direction, the vitality ofOpalitecan proceed on your way paying little heed to hindrances. Amid times of change, this is a significant vitality to work with and hold near your heart.
Rationally, Opaliteis said to upgrade memory. It is additionally used to diminishing disarray.

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Tiger Eye Angel

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 3 Inch
  • Color Brown, Golden
  • Chakra Solar Plexus Chakra, Sacral Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Capricorn

Tiger eye with a mix of yellow and golden brown aura has ability to magnify and focus energy of intention. Clubbed with the power of pyramid this is a very effective tool for manifestation of desires specially when stated clearly

Tiger eye is also known to be a combination of earth and sun energy wherein it helps in drawing spiritual energy to earth and transmuting them to the lower chakras. It helps in balancing and harmonizing along with being stable and focused. It is also known to be a protection stone for travelers and also attracts energy to aid in rise of kundalini Shakti.

Being associated with Solar Plexus (Manipur) Chakra it is known to be helpful in giving courage at the time of need. It is astrologically connected with people born under the zodiac signs of CAPRICORRN and LEO.

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Red Jasper Angel

250 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Size 2 inch
  • Color Red
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Chakra Sacral Chakra, Root Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Aries, Gemini, Scorpio
  • Reward Points 5X

Red Jasper belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet. Energy of pure red and joy of orange combined by Scarlet represents the color of strength and rejuvenation both physically and spiritually. This Jasper Angel is significantly beneficial for all those for whom physical strength is vital. A very grounding crystal, this Jasper Angel is associated with the Root (Mooladhar) chakra and is used for realignment and healing of Root (Mooladhar) chakra. Red as a color is natural birthstone for those born during 22 Oct 20 Nov (SCORPIO). However being associated with planet mercury it is also astrologically connected with GEMINI (21 May 21 Jun). Representing Fire Energy this Jasper Angel is used in the south area of a house or room. Fire elemental energy which is Yang in nature denotes the energy of brightness, illumination and warmth.

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Amethyst Angel

450 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Size 3 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Color Purple
  • Chakra Crown Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Pisces

Amethyst, which contains manganese, is a popular purple-colored variety of quartz. The darkness of purple shade depends on the iron content in the stone. Amethyst helps in transmuting lower vibrations to higher frequencies thereby transforming negative energy to positive energy. It also connects the physical with the higher realm. This quartz corresponds to the Third (Aagya) Chakra and provides peaceful energy for meditation and developing varied psychic abilities. It also opens and activates the Crown (Sahastra) Chakra and allows connection to the higher self, leading to spiritual awareness and wisdom.Amethyst is also known to heal and balance ones aura. Amethyst is associated with people born under the zodiac signs of AQUARIUS, CAPRICORN, PISCES and VIRGO.

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Green Aventurine Angel

250 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Size 2 inch
  • Color Green
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Chakra Heart Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Taurus, Virgo
  • Reward Points 5

Green Aventurine belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet.
Charged with Earth Power of the Transformer, they are great aid in seeking new avenues towards transformation of life and relationships. Green Aventurine is widely used to remove negativity and to connect with the energies of the earth. It is also considered to be a tool integrated with the energy to provide long term financial security and stability.
Green Aventurine represents Wood Energy which is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a house or room. It is corresponding with the Family and Health area along with Prosperity and Abundance in ones life.
This stone could be used in the East area of a room or house which will help in Qui, the Universal Life Force flowing properly there. Also Green Aventurine will enhance energy flow aiding and guiding your efforts towards making contributions in enhancement of family and community.
Green Aventurine is used for meditation ritual wherein it is used initially for grounding and stabilizing prior to using other crystal forms. Green Aventurine also helps in harmonizing ones energy in attunement with the cosmos thus giving a feeling of oneness with higher self. It is also known to be a stone of hope and joy.

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Green Fluorite Angel

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Size 4 To 5 Inch
  • Color Green
  • Chakra Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Capricorn, Pisces
  • Reward Points 3

Green Fluorite adds growth and nature energies to the properties of Fluorite. It clears negative energy from any environment and brings cleansing, renewal, and a spring-like freshness to the chakras. It inspires new ideas, originality and quick thinking. Particularly healing to the Heart Chakra, this mineral permits information to rise from the subconscious, and helps the emotional body understand issues of the heart, both current and of the past. It enables release of emotional trauma and outworn conditioning, frees one from the slavery of addictions and things that are harmful, and allows one to serve purposes of a higher good. Harmonizing the mind with the heart, Green Fluorite helps make certain ones thoughts, words and actions are aligned with their true purpose.

Fluorite is composed of calcium fluoride and is a member of the Halide family. It is transparent to translucent with a vitreous luster, and crystallizes in well-formed isometric cubes, nodules, clusters, or in massive form. It is the only common mineral with perfect cleavage in four directions, a characteristic that may be visible to the naked eye in clear stones as subtle etchings permeating the entire crystal. This cleavage frequently produces perfect octahedrons, and more rarely dodecahedrons and other complex forms, including penetration twins as if one cube were growing into or out of another. Fluorite is the reference mineral for a hardness of four on the Mohs Hardness Scale, making it too soft for everyday wear as a gem, though it is carved into wonderful faceted stones and sold as collectors specimens or used in jewelry that is not subject to impact or abrasion.

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Hematite Angel

350 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Size 2 inch
  • Color Black
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Chakra Root Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Aries

This beautiful Product is an excellent gift for Anniversaries, Brides, Wedding Party, Holiday, Graduations, Birthdays, or just as a surprise to remind that special someone how much you care. It brings an elegant and graceful look to any special occasion.

Hematite Stone Bracelet Natural Gemstone Original Stone Beads

This listing is for only one bracelet

Free Set Of 3 Lapis Lazuli Pyramid

Useful for Positive Energy Genrator, Healing, Meditation, Peace of Mind, Balancing & Concentration

This beautiful set is an excellent gift for Anniversaries, Brides, Wedding Party, Holiday, Graduations, Birthdays, or just as a surprise to remind that special someone how much you care. It brings an elegant and graceful look to any special occasion.

Wonderful stone for Seven Chakras Healing.

This item can be used as healing tool, healing of Seven Chakra, gift for her, gift for him, gift for mother, gift for father, best gifts

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Multi Fluorite Angel

1,099 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Color Purple
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size - 4 To 5 Inch
  • Chakra Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Capricorn, Pisces
  • Reward Points 3

Purple (Violet) Fluorite is the most peace-giving of the Fluorites, dedicated to the devotional aspects of the mind that connect with Spirit. It purifies the mind and enhances mental acuity, stimulating the Third Eye Chakra in order to bring a logical and conscious awareness of the mental processes and how one thinks. It is an excellent crystal for focused meditation and boosts ones intuitive and psychic abilities. Purple Fluorite is a stone of protection, thought to become more protective the longer it is used, and is an ideal Dream Crystal, defending one from evil spirits and bad dreams. It radiates a marvelous energy throughout the light body relieving stress, spiritual discomfort, and physical blockages.

Fluorite is composed of calcium fluoride and is a member of the Halide family. It is transparent to translucent with a vitreous luster, and crystallizes in well-formed isometric cubes, nodules, clusters, or in massive form. It is the only common mineral with perfect cleavage in four directions, a characteristic that may be visible to the naked eye in clear stones as subtle etchings permeating the entire crystal. This cleavage frequently produces perfect octahedrons, and more rarely dodecahedrons and other complex forms, including penetration twins as if one cube were growing into or out of another. Fluorite is the reference mineral for a hardness of four on the Mohs Hardness Scale, making it too soft for everyday wear as a gem, though it is carved into wonderful faceted stones and sold as collectors specimens or used in jewelry that is not subject to impact or abrasion.

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Multi Fluorite Angel 1

999 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 3 To 4 Inch
  • Color Purple
  • Reward Points 3
  • Chakra Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Capricorn, Pisces

Purple (Violet) Fluorite is the most peace-giving of the Fluorites, dedicated to the devotional aspects of the mind that connect with Spirit. It purifies the mind and enhances mental acuity, stimulating the Third Eye Chakra in order to bring a logical and conscious awareness of the mental processes and how one thinks. It is an excellent crystal for focused meditation and boosts ones intuitive and psychic abilities. Purple Fluorite is a stone of protection, thought to become more protective the longer it is used, and is an ideal Dream Crystal, defending one from evil spirits and bad dreams. It radiates a marvelous energy throughout the light body relieving stress, spiritual discomfort, and physical blockages.

Fluorite is composed of calcium fluoride and is a member of the Halide family. It is transparent to translucent with a vitreous luster, and crystallizes in well-formed isometric cubes, nodules, clusters, or in massive form. It is the only common mineral with perfect cleavage in four directions, a characteristic that may be visible to the naked eye in clear stones as subtle etchings permeating the entire crystal. This cleavage frequently produces perfect octahedrons, and more rarely dodecahedrons and other complex forms, including penetration twins as if one cube were growing into or out of another. Fluorite is the reference mineral for a hardness of four on the Mohs Hardness Scale, making it too soft for everyday wear as a gem, though it is carved into wonderful faceted stones and sold as collectors specimens or used in jewelry that is not subject to impact or abrasion.

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Green Jade Tourtoise 47 Gm

235 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Weight 47 gm
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
The tortoise is an auspicious animal. It is a symbol of good luck.The tortoise symbolizes a long life, wisdom and peace.It is also linked to the lunar and Mother Earth symbolism.The difference between a Turtle and a TortoiseItis not uncommon to use the term turtle to include both land tortoises and sea turtles.The turtle is a creature of the sea. The tortoise is a creature living on land. Turtles have flat shells. The shell of a tortoise is shaped like a dome.Both the turtle and the tortoise are auspicious. The tortoise lives longer than a turtle. A tortoise many live 150 years compared to a turtle that may live 40 years. This makes the tortoise a symbol of longevity, not the turtle.Jade carries a sweet, light and nourishing energy that can feel very healing.It has a soothing purity about it, and it goes about purifying your energy field in a very accepting, loving, and wise kind of way. So, one obvious meaning of the jade stone is purity and purification. Another meaning of jade is gentleness and nourishment because jade is a stone that protects and supports loving heart energy.Jade may feel to you like an ancient sage that is so centered in his or her own being (and accepting of others) that just by being in their presence you feel elevated and nurtured.There is no strong rush of energy when it comes to jade. Its energy is very different from other popular feng shui stones such as pyriteor hematite.

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Golden Yellow Aventurine Angel

550 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Color Yellow
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 3 Inch
  • Chakra Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Aries, Leo
  • Product Code 3

Yellow Aventurine which is exuding the yellow aura is representation of Solar Plexus (Manipur) chakra. It is great tool to activate and balance the solar plexus (Manipur) Chakra and also help in balancing the Sacral (Swadhisthan) chakra helping a seeker to be more balanced in decision making and in relations.

The yellow color of Aventurine is natural birthstone for those born under zodiac sign of ARIES

The energy of Yellow Aventurine pyramid can be used to address issues related to power and control. It helps one to focus inwards and be aware of self, leading to calmness and compassion in ones attitude. This is also a great tool to absorb and reduce the electromagnetic and environmental negative energies.

As it is a balancing stone and balances the Ying-Yang energies it helps in being more creative and stable in approach towards life and others. It is also known to be a aid in easing migraine headaches and sinus issues.

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Blue Sodalite Angel 1

250 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Size 1 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Color Blue
  • Chakra Throat Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

Sodalite stone is known to have strong vibrations connecting to the qualities of idealism and truth and on larger perspective the truth of life and the patterns behind it. Its strong metaphysical properties help in enhancing and stimulating the creative abilities.

Blue Sodalite is associated with Third eye (Aagya) Chakra and the Throat (Vishudha) Chakra. This makes it an ideal stone for development of intuitive abilities and expressions. It also helps in understanding one true self and life. As a stone of idealism it enhances self discipline and idealism.

Sodalite is also known as an aid to access ones subconscious and harmonizes one with the higher self. Use a Sodalite stone pyramid during meditation to attain access to true self and true nature.

This listing is for 1 Blue Sodalite Angel

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Golden Pyrite Angel

350 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Size 2 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 10

Pyrite is often called Fools Gold. Within its beauty is a stone of hidden fire, one that can be sparked to life by striking it against metal or stone. An Earth element, it also resonates with Fire energy, symbolizing the warmth and lasting presence of the sun and the ability to generate wealth by ones own power. It is masculine in nature, a stone of action, vitality and will, and taps into ones abilities and potential, stimulating the flow of ideas. It brings confidence and the persistence to carry things through to completion.

As a talisman, Pyrite is a unique protector, drawing energy from the Earth through the physical body and into the aura creating a defensive shield against negative energies, environmental pollutants, emotional attack and physical harm. It also supports one with a spirit of boldness and assertive action when protecting others, the planet, or in standing up for important issues of community. It stimulates the Second and Third Chakras, enhancing will power and the ability to see behind facades to what is real.

A piece of Pyrite in the home or workplace energizes the area around it and imparts an immediate increase in vitality. It overcomes intellectual fatigue due to overwork and tiredness of the nervous system by stimulating blood flow to the brain, increasing mental clarity, focus and recall.

Pyrite is particularly stimulating to the Third, or Solar Plexus Chakra, the energy distribution center and the chakra of relationships. This chakra is located between the ribcage and navel, and controls the immune and digestive systems.

Golden Pyrite also identifies with the Sacral (Swadhisthan) Chakra, or Second Chakra, located below the naval and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body. Pyrite is an excellent tool for manifestation, allowing one to draw high-frequency energy into the physical body and utilizing it to take action in creating abundance for ones life.

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Amazonite Gemstone Angel

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Size 4 to 5 Inch
  • Color Green
  • Brand  Pyramid tatva
  • Product Code  pta- 8
  • Reward Points  3
  • Chakra Throat Chakra , Heart Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Virgo

Amazonite helps in searching the self and discover ones own truths and identity, enabling one to live in harmony with others. It provides the courage and freedom to expressions, and to set strong and clear definitions of personal space.

Amazonite soothes the energy chakras and is particularly rejuvenating to the Heart (Anahat) and Throat (Vishudha) Chakras. It balances ones Purush (Male) and Naari (Female) energies along with other aspects of the personality. Amazonite as a stone of protection can help you focus and amplify your energy to keep the undesirable tatvas out of your life thus making it one of the most protective pyramid you can own.

Being associated with Anahat Chakra, amazonite pyramids are used in emotional healing especially when someone needs to recover from emotional trauma and to be able to improve ones ability to express love.

The color turquoise is the color of the natural birthstones of those born as spring begins thus making it one of the natural birthstones of people born during 20 March - 19 April (ARIES). Amazonite represents water elemental energy which is traditionally associated with the North area of a house or room. Representing life path, water elemental energy could be used to have consistency and forward momentum in life.

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Rose Quartz Angel

250 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Size 2 inch
  • Color Pink
  • Brand Pyramid tatva
  • Chakra Heart Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Scorpio
  • Reward Points 5

Rose Quartz belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet. Rose Quartz which corresponds to the feminine (Naari) energy has the red aspect of passion and power toned down, making it the stone of love and romance and is a very powerful crystal in the seeker crystal family. Rose quartz crystals are the natural birthstones of those born during October 22November 20 (SCORPIO) A very grounding crystal, this rose quartz Angel is associated with the Root (Mooladhar) chakra and is used for realignment and healing of Root (Mooladhar) chakra. Rose quartz represents fire energy and denotes energy of warmth, brightness, illumination. It should be used as an accent and accessory. Rose quartz should be used in rooms where energy is focused on activity. The best areas for rose quartz angel are North, Northeast, South and Southwest.

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