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Pyramid Tatva
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Marble, Granite & Sandstone

Our Complete range of products are Tiger Eye Bird Natural Stone, Natural Amethyst Heart, Natural Selenite Orgonite, Natural Green Aventurine Merkaba and Natural Tiger Eye Orgonite.

Tiger Eye Bird Natural Stone

1,180 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Size 2.5 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Weight 118 gm

Beautiful Carved Tiger Eye Bird.Tiger eye with a mix of yellow and golden brown aura has ability to magnify and focus energy of intention. Clubbed with the power of pyramid this is a very effective tool for manifestation of desires specially when stated clearly Tiger eye is also known to be a combination of earth and sun energy wherein it helps in drawing spiritual energy to earth and transmuting them to the lower chakras. It helps in balancing and harmonizing along with being stable and focused. It is also known to be a protection stone for travelers and also attracts energy to aid in rise of kundalini Shakti. Being associated with Solar Plexus (Manipur) Chakra it is known to be helpful in giving courage at the time of need. It is astrologically connected with people born under the zodiac signs of CAPRICORRN and LEO.

Solar Plexus Chakra  
Sacral Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Natural Amethyst Heart

150 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 1 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 2
Amethyst Heart

This listing is for 1 Amethyst Heart.

About Crystal -

Amethyst, which contains manganese, is a popular purple-colored variety of quartz. The darkness of purple shade depends on the iron content in the stone.

Amethyst helps in transmuting lower vibrations to higher frequencies thereby transforming negative energy to positive energy. It also connects the physical with the higher realm. This quartz corresponds to the Third (Aagya) Chakra and provides peaceful energy for meditation and developing varied psychic abilities. It also opens and activates the Crown (Sahastra) Chakra and allows connection to the higher self, leading to spiritual awareness and wisdom.

Amethyst is also known to heal and balance ones aura. Amethyst is associated with people born under the zodiac signs of AQUARIUS, CAPRICORN, PISCES and VIRGO.

Crown Chakra  
Third Eye Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Natural Selenite Orgonite

899 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 2 to 2.5 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 30

This listing is for 1 Selenite Orgonite.

Size- 2 to 2.5 inch
Can upgrade the size to 3-4 inches.

About Crystal -

Selenite crystals work to help you to bring light down from the higher realms into the physical body, to create personal transformation. They crystals have a strong vibration that may open the crown chakra and the soul star chakra and will assist to connect to the divine mind and the higher realms.These are high vibration crystals that also deliver clarity of mind, by cleansing the aura of negative energy build up, both within the physical and the etheric body. When used at heart (Anahat) Chakra or the Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra it helps in movement of energy through the Crown (Sahastra) Chakra.As a meditative tool it helps in easy transition to deeper meditative levels and helps in linking to inner self along with balancing the flow of energy. This crystal dissolves in water hence care should be taken while cleaning them

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Natural Green Aventurine Merkaba

299 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 1 inch

Green Aventurine belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet.Charged with Earth Power of the Transformer, they are great aid in seeking new avenues towards transformation of life and relationships. Green Aventurine is widely used to remove negativity and to connect with the energies of the earth. It is also considered to be a tool integrated with the energy to provide long term financial security and stability. Green Aventurine represents Wood Energy which is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a house or room. It is corresponding with the Family and Health area along with Prosperity and Abundance in ones life. This merkaba could be used in the East area of a room or house which will help in Qui, the Universal Life Force flowing properly there. Also Green Aventurine will enhance energy flow aiding and guiding your efforts towards making contributions in enhancement of family and community. Green Aventurine is used for meditation ritual wherein it is used initially for grounding and stabilizing prior to using other crystal forms. Green Aventurine also helps in harmonizing ones energy in attunement with the cosmos thus giving a feeling of oneness with higher self. It is also known to be a stone of hope and joy.

Heart Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Natural Tiger Eye Orgonite

974 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 2 to 2.5 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 8

Tiger eye with a mix of yellow and golden brown aura has ability to magnify and focus energy of intention. Clubbed with the power of pendent this is a very effective tool for manifestation of desires specially when stated clearly

Tiger eye is also known to be a combination of earth and sun energy wherein it helps in drawing spiritual energy to earth and transmuting them to the lower chakras. It helps in balancing and harmonizing along with being stable and focused. It is also known to be a protection stone for travelers and also attracts energy to aid in rise of kundalini Shakti.

Being associated with Solar Plexus (Manipur) Chakra it is known to be helpful in giving courage at the time of need. It is astrologically connected with people born under the zodiac signs of CAPRICORRN and LEO.

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Natural Sunstone Orgonite

899 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 2 to 2.5 inch
  • Brand Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 30

Sunstone due to its quality is also known as a barrier and filter crystal. Where barrier protects a seeker against unwanted and negative energies, filter helps in providing clarity and stabilizing ones thought process and awakening the sense of oneness with the cosmos. The Orange color of sunstone produces the natural birthstone color of those born under zodiac of LEO, VIRGO. Considered to be associated with Sacral (Swadhisthan) Chakra, sunstone represents the energy of this chakra and is used for healing stomach and abdomen related ailments. Sunstone represents fire energy and denotes energy of warmth, brightness, illumination. It should be used as an accent and accessory. Sunstone should be used in rooms where energy is focused on activity. The best areas for sunstone Orgonites are North, Northeast, South and Southwest. Some call Sunstone as "Stone of Magic" and is believed to enhance ones power to connect with higher self and awaken clairvoyance, telepathy and prophecy.

Size -2 to 2.5 inch

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Natural Moonstone Orgonites

999 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 2 to 2.5 inch.
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 30

Moonstone also called as stone for travelers is known for its quality of protection especially at night. It is said to be most powerful protection amulet on water when moon is shining. It is also considered to be an effective aid for enhancing the personality. Moonstone with its powerful barrier quality embedded in its crystalline structure it is effective in keeping undesired tatvas out of ones life. With its earth power of a filter it keeps the positive energy flow and filters out negative energy. As a grounding stone it also helps in providing mental stability and harmonizing the seeker. Moonstone has a long lasting soothing quality which brings calmness on the emotional aspect and peace on the physical level. It has an energy which balances the emotions piled up in subconscious and thus contain outburst of emotions. When placed at the centre of chin (Moon Center) it stimulates confidence and composure.

Moonstone is the stone for those born under the zodiac sign of CANCER. Moonstone has metal elemental energy which represents energy of healing, creativity and intelligence. It represents bonding and harmonization at both physical and spiritual level. This Orgonites should be used in the west area of house or room.

Crown Chakra  
Third Eye Chakra  
Sacral Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Natural Amethyst Merkaba

299 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 1 inch
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 4

Amethyst, which contains manganese, is a popular purple-colored variety of quartz. The darkness of purple shade depends on the iron content in the stone.

Amethyst helps in transmuting lower vibrations to higher frequencies thereby transforming negative energy to positive energy. It also connects the physical with the higher realm. This quartz corresponds to the Third (Aagya) Chakra and provides peaceful energy for meditation and developing varied psychic abilities. It also opens and activates the Crown (Sahastra) Chakra and allows connection to the higher self, leading to spiritual awareness and wisdom.

Amethyst is also known to heal and balance ones aura. Amethyst is associated with people born under the zodiac signs of AQUARIUS, CAPRICORN, PISCES and VIRGO.

Crown Chakra  
Third Eye Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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